/** @file TPM1.2/dTPM2.0 auto detection. Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Tcg2ConfigNvData.h" #include "Tcg2Internal.h" /** This routine check both SetupVariable and real TPM device, and return final TpmDevice configuration. @param SetupTpmDevice TpmDevice configuration in setup driver @return TpmDevice configuration **/ UINT8 DetectTpmDevice ( IN UINT8 SetupTpmDevice ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_BOOT_MODE BootMode; TCG2_DEVICE_DETECTION Tcg2DeviceDetection; EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI *VariablePpi; UINTN Size; Status = PeiServicesGetBootMode (&BootMode); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // In S3, we rely on normal boot Detection, because we save to ReadOnly Variable in normal boot. // if (BootMode == BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "DetectTpmDevice: S3 mode\n")); Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (&gEfiPeiReadOnlyVariable2PpiGuid, 0, NULL, (VOID **) &VariablePpi); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Size = sizeof(TCG2_DEVICE_DETECTION); ZeroMem (&Tcg2DeviceDetection, sizeof(Tcg2DeviceDetection)); Status = VariablePpi->GetVariable ( VariablePpi, TCG2_DEVICE_DETECTION_NAME, &gTcg2ConfigFormSetGuid, NULL, &Size, &Tcg2DeviceDetection ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Tcg2DeviceDetection.TpmDeviceDetected >= TPM_DEVICE_MIN) && (Tcg2DeviceDetection.TpmDeviceDetected <= TPM_DEVICE_MAX)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "TpmDevice from DeviceDetection: %x\n", Tcg2DeviceDetection.TpmDeviceDetected)); return Tcg2DeviceDetection.TpmDeviceDetected; } } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "DetectTpmDevice:\n")); // dTPM available and not disabled by setup // We need check if it is TPM1.2 or TPM2.0 // So try TPM1.2 command at first Status = Tpm12RequestUseTpm (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // dTPM not available // return TPM_DEVICE_NULL; } if (BootMode == BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME) { Status = Tpm12Startup (TPM_ST_STATE); } else { Status = Tpm12Startup (TPM_ST_CLEAR); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return TPM_DEVICE_2_0_DTPM; } // NO initialization needed again. Status = PcdSet8S (PcdTpmInitializationPolicy, 0); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); return TPM_DEVICE_1_2; }