/** @file
  Main header file for EFI FAT file system driver.

Copyright (c) 2005 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#ifndef _FAT_H_
#define _FAT_H_

#include <Uefi.h>

#include <Guid/FileInfo.h>
#include <Guid/FileSystemInfo.h>
#include <Guid/FileSystemVolumeLabelInfo.h>
#include <Protocol/BlockIo.h>
#include <Protocol/DiskIo.h>
#include <Protocol/DiskIo2.h>
#include <Protocol/SimpleFileSystem.h>
#include <Protocol/UnicodeCollation.h>

#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h>
#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>

#include "FatFileSystem.h"

// The FAT signature
#define FAT_VOLUME_SIGNATURE         SIGNATURE_32 ('f', 'a', 't', 'v')
#define FAT_IFILE_SIGNATURE          SIGNATURE_32 ('f', 'a', 't', 'i')
#define FAT_ODIR_SIGNATURE           SIGNATURE_32 ('f', 'a', 't', 'd')
#define FAT_DIRENT_SIGNATURE         SIGNATURE_32 ('f', 'a', 't', 'e')
#define FAT_OFILE_SIGNATURE          SIGNATURE_32 ('f', 'a', 't', 'o')
#define FAT_TASK_SIGNATURE           SIGNATURE_32 ('f', 'a', 't', 'T')
#define FAT_SUBTASK_SIGNATURE        SIGNATURE_32 ('f', 'a', 't', 'S')









// Minimum sector size is 512B, Maximum sector size is 4096B
// Max sectors per cluster is 128
#define MAX_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT               12
#define MIN_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT               9

// Efi Time Definition
#define IS_LEAP_YEAR(a)                   (((a) % 4 == 0) && (((a) % 100 != 0) || ((a) % 400 == 0)))

// Minimum fat page size is 8K, maximum fat page alignment is 32K
// Minimum data page size is 8K, maximum fat page alignment is 64K
#define FAT_DATACACHE_GROUP_COUNT         64

// Used in 8.3 generation algorithm
#define MAX_SPEC_RETRY          4
#define SPEC_BASE_TAG_LEN       6
#define HASH_BASE_TAG_LEN       2

// Path name separator is back slash
#define PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR     L'\\'

#define FAT_MAX_ALLOCATE_SIZE   0xA00000
#define LC_ISO_639_2_ENTRY_SIZE 3
#define MAX_LANG_CODE_SIZE      100

typedef CHAR8                   LC_ISO_639_2;

// The fat types we support
typedef enum {

typedef enum {

// Used in FatDiskIo
typedef enum {
  ReadDisk     = 0,  // raw disk read
  WriteDisk    = 1,  // raw disk write
  ReadFat      = 2,  // read fat cache
  WriteFat     = 3,  // write fat cache
  ReadData     = 6,  // read data cache
  WriteData    = 7   // write data cache

#define CACHE_ENABLED(a)  ((a) >= 2)
#define RAW_ACCESS(a)     ((IO_MODE)((a) & 0x1))
#define CACHE_TYPE(a)     ((CACHE_DATA_TYPE)((a) >> 2))

// Disk cache tag
typedef struct {
  UINTN   PageNo;
  UINTN   RealSize;
  BOOLEAN Dirty;

typedef struct {
  UINT64    BaseAddress;
  UINT64    LimitAddress;
  UINT8     *CacheBase;
  BOOLEAN   Dirty;
  UINT8     PageAlignment;
  UINTN     GroupMask;

// Hash table size
#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE  0x400

// The directory entry for opened directory

typedef struct _FAT_DIRENT FAT_DIRENT;
typedef struct _FAT_ODIR FAT_ODIR;
typedef struct _FAT_OFILE FAT_OFILE;
typedef struct _FAT_VOLUME FAT_VOLUME;

struct _FAT_DIRENT {
  UINTN               Signature;
  UINT16              EntryPos;               // The position of this directory entry in the parent directory file
  UINT8               EntryCount;             // The count of the directory entry in the parent directory file
  BOOLEAN             Invalid;                // Indicate whether this directory entry is valid
  CHAR16              *FileString;            // The unicode long file name for this directory entry
  FAT_OFILE           *OFile;                 // The OFile of the corresponding directory entry
  FAT_DIRENT          *ShortNameForwardLink;  // Hash successor link for short filename
  FAT_DIRENT          *LongNameForwardLink;   // Hash successor link for long filename
  LIST_ENTRY          Link;                   // Connection of every directory entry
  FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY Entry;                  // The physical directory entry stored in disk

struct _FAT_ODIR {
  UINTN               Signature;
  UINT32              CurrentEndPos;          // Current end position of the directory
  UINT32              CurrentPos;             // Current position of the directory
  LIST_ENTRY          *CurrentCursor;         // Current directory entry pointer
  LIST_ENTRY          ChildList;              // List of all directory entries
  BOOLEAN             EndOfDir;               // Indicate whether we have reached the end of the directory
  LIST_ENTRY          DirCacheLink;           // Linked in Volume->DirCacheList when discarded
  UINTN               DirCacheTag;            // The identification of the directory when in directory cache
  FAT_DIRENT          *LongNameHashTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];
  FAT_DIRENT          *ShortNameHashTable[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];

typedef struct {
  UINTN               Signature;
  UINT64              Position;
  BOOLEAN             ReadOnly;
  FAT_OFILE          *OFile;
  LIST_ENTRY          Tasks;                  // List of all FAT_TASKs
  LIST_ENTRY          Link;                   // Link to other IFiles

typedef struct {
  UINTN               Signature;
  EFI_FILE_IO_TOKEN   *FileIoToken;
  FAT_IFILE           *IFile;
  LIST_ENTRY          Subtasks;               // List of all FAT_SUBTASKs
  LIST_ENTRY          Link;                   // Link to other FAT_TASKs

typedef struct {
  UINTN               Signature;
  EFI_DISK_IO2_TOKEN  DiskIo2Token;
  FAT_TASK            *Task;
  BOOLEAN             Write;
  UINT64              Offset;
  VOID                *Buffer;
  UINTN               BufferSize;
  LIST_ENTRY          Link;

// FAT_OFILE - Each opened file
struct _FAT_OFILE {
  UINTN               Signature;
  FAT_VOLUME          *Volume;
  // A permanent error code to return to all accesses to
  // this opened file
  EFI_STATUS          Error;
  // A list of the IFILE instances for this OFile
  LIST_ENTRY          Opens;

  // The dynamic information
  UINTN               FileSize;
  UINTN               FileCluster;
  UINTN               FileCurrentCluster;
  UINTN               FileLastCluster;

  // Dirty is set if there have been any updates to the
  // file
  // Archive is set if the archive attribute in the file's
  // directory entry needs to be set when performing flush
  // PreserveLastMod is set if the last modification of the
  // file is specified by SetInfo API
  BOOLEAN             Dirty;
  BOOLEAN             IsFixedRootDir;
  BOOLEAN             PreserveLastModification;
  BOOLEAN             Archive;
  // Set by an OFile SetPosition
  UINTN               Position; // within file
  UINT64              PosDisk;  // on the disk
  UINTN               PosRem;   // remaining in this disk run
  // The opened parent, full path length and currently opened child files
  FAT_OFILE           *Parent;
  UINTN               FullPathLen;
  LIST_ENTRY          ChildHead;
  LIST_ENTRY          ChildLink;

  // The opened directory structure for a directory; if this
  // OFile represents a file, then ODir = NULL
  FAT_ODIR            *ODir;
  // The directory entry for the Ofile
  FAT_DIRENT          *DirEnt;

  // Link in Volume's reference list
  LIST_ENTRY          CheckLink;

struct _FAT_VOLUME {
  UINTN                           Signature;

  EFI_HANDLE                      Handle;
  BOOLEAN                         Valid;
  BOOLEAN                         DiskError;


  // If opened, the parent handle and BlockIo interface
  EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL           *BlockIo;
  EFI_DISK_IO_PROTOCOL            *DiskIo;
  EFI_DISK_IO2_PROTOCOL           *DiskIo2;
  UINT32                          MediaId;
  BOOLEAN                         ReadOnly;

  // Computed values from fat bpb info
  UINT64                          VolumeSize;
  UINT64                          FatPos;           // Disk pos of fat tables
  UINT64                          RootPos;          // Disk pos of root directory
  UINT64                          FirstClusterPos;  // Disk pos of first cluster
  UINTN                           FatSize;          // Number of bytes in each fat
  UINTN                           MaxCluster;       // Max cluster number
  UINTN                           ClusterSize;      // Cluster size of fat partition
  UINT8                           ClusterAlignment; // Equal to log_2 (clustersize);
  FAT_VOLUME_TYPE                 FatType;

  // Current part of fat table that's present
  UINT64                          FatEntryPos;    // Location of buffer
  UINTN                           FatEntrySize;   // Size of buffer
  UINT32                          FatEntryBuffer; // The buffer
  FAT_INFO_SECTOR                 FatInfoSector;  // Free cluster info
  UINTN                           FreeInfoPos;    // Pos with the free cluster info
  BOOLEAN                         FreeInfoValid;  // If free cluster info is valid
  // Unpacked Fat BPB info
  UINTN                           NumFats;
  UINTN                           RootEntries;    // < FAT32, root dir is fixed size
  UINTN                           RootCluster;    // >= FAT32, root cluster chain head
  // info for marking the volume dirty or not
  BOOLEAN                         FatDirty;       // If fat-entries have been updated
  UINT32                          DirtyValue;
  UINT32                          NotDirtyValue;

  // The root directory entry and opened root file
  FAT_DIRENT                      RootDirEnt;
  // File Name of root OFile, it is empty string
  CHAR16                          RootFileString[1];
  FAT_OFILE                       *Root;

  // New OFiles are added to this list so they
  // can be cleaned up if they aren't referenced.
  LIST_ENTRY                      CheckRef;

  // Directory cache List
  LIST_ENTRY                      DirCacheList;
  UINTN                           DirCacheCount;

  // Disk Cache for this volume
  VOID                            *CacheBuffer;
  DISK_CACHE                      DiskCache[CacheMaxType];

// Function Prototypes


  Implements Open() of Simple File System Protocol.

  @param  FHand                 - File handle of the file serves as a starting reference point.
  @param  NewHandle             - Handle of the file that is newly opened.
  @param  FileName              - File name relative to FHand.
  @param  OpenMode              - Open mode.
  @param  Attributes            - Attributes to set if the file is created.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - The FileName is NULL or the file string is empty.
                          The OpenMode is not supported.
                          The Attributes is not the valid attributes.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Can not allocate the memory for file string.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Open the file successfully.
  @return Others                - The status of open file.

FatOpen (
  IN  CHAR16            *FileName,
  IN  UINT64            OpenMode,
  IN  UINT64            Attributes


  Implements OpenEx() of Simple File System Protocol.

  @param  FHand                 - File handle of the file serves as a starting reference point.
  @param  NewHandle             - Handle of the file that is newly opened.
  @param  FileName              - File name relative to FHand.
  @param  OpenMode              - Open mode.
  @param  Attributes            - Attributes to set if the file is created.
  @param  Token                 - A pointer to the token associated with the transaction.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - The FileName is NULL or the file string is empty.
                          The OpenMode is not supported.
                          The Attributes is not the valid attributes.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Can not allocate the memory for file string.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Open the file successfully.
  @return Others                - The status of open file.

FatOpenEx (
  OUT EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL       **NewHandle,
  IN  CHAR16                  *FileName,
  IN  UINT64                  OpenMode,
  IN  UINT64                  Attributes,


  Get the file's position of the file

  @param  FHand                 - The handle of file.
  @param  Position              - The file's position of the file.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Get the info successfully.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - Can not find the OFile for the file.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The open file is not a file.

FatGetPosition (
  OUT UINT64            *Position


  Get the some types info of the file into Buffer

  @param  FHand                 - The handle of file.
  @param  Type                  - The type of the info.
  @param  BufferSize            - Size of Buffer.
  @param  Buffer                - Buffer containing volume info.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Get the info successfully.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - Can not find the OFile for the file.

FatGetInfo (
  IN     EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL      *FHand,
  IN     EFI_GUID               *Type,
  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
     OUT VOID                   *Buffer


  Set the some types info of the file into Buffer.

  @param  FHand                 - The handle of file.
  @param  Type                  - The type of the info.
  @param  BufferSize            - Size of Buffer.
  @param  Buffer                - Buffer containing volume info.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Set the info successfully.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - Can not find the OFile for the file.

FatSetInfo (
  IN EFI_GUID           *Type,
  IN UINTN              BufferSize,
  IN VOID               *Buffer


  Flushes all data associated with the file handle.

  @param  FHand                 - Handle to file to flush

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Flushed the file successfully
  @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED   - The volume is read only
  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     - The volume is not read only
                          but the file is read only
  @return Others                - Flushing of the file is failed

FatFlush (


  Flushes all data associated with the file handle.

  @param  FHand                 - Handle to file to flush.
  @param  Token                 - A pointer to the token associated with the transaction.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Flushed the file successfully.
  @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED   - The volume is read only.
  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     - The file is read only.
  @return Others                - Flushing of the file failed.

FatFlushEx (


  Flushes & Closes the file handle.

  @param  FHand                 - Handle to the file to delete.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Closed the file successfully.

FatClose (


  Deletes the file & Closes the file handle.

  @param  FHand                    - Handle to the file to delete.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS              - Delete the file successfully.
  @retval EFI_WARN_DELETE_FAILURE  - Fail to delete the file.

FatDelete (


  Set the file's position of the file.

  @param  FHand                 - The handle of file
  @param  Position              - The file's position of the file

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Set the info successfully
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - Can not find the OFile for the file
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - Set a directory with a not-zero position

FatSetPosition (
  IN UINT64             Position


  Get the file info.

  @param FHand                 - The handle of the file.
  @param BufferSize            - Size of Buffer.
  @param Buffer                - Buffer containing read data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Get the file info successfully.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - Can not find the OFile for the file.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - The file type of open file is error.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when operation the disk.

FatRead (
  IN OUT UINTN                *BufferSize,
     OUT VOID                 *Buffer


  Get the file info.

  @param FHand                 - The handle of the file.
  @param Token                 - A pointer to the token associated with the transaction.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Get the file info successfully.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - Can not find the OFile for the file.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - The file type of open file is error.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when operation the disk.

FatReadEx (


  Set the file info.

  @param  FHand                 - The handle of the file.
  @param  BufferSize            - Size of Buffer.
  @param Buffer                - Buffer containing write data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Set the file info successfully.
  @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED   - The disk is write protected.
  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     - The file is read-only.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - The OFile is not valid.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The open file is not a file.
                        - The writing file size is larger than 4GB.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when operation the disk.

FatWrite (
  IN     EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL      *FHand,
  IN OUT UINTN                  *BufferSize,
  IN     VOID                   *Buffer


  Get the file info.

  @param  FHand                 - The handle of the file.
  @param  Token                 - A pointer to the token associated with the transaction.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Get the file info successfully.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      - Can not find the OFile for the file.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - The file type of open file is error.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when operation the disk.

FatWriteEx (

// DiskCache.c

  Initialize the disk cache according to Volume's FatType.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The disk cache is successfully initialized.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Not enough memory to allocate disk cache.

FatInitializeDiskCache (
  IN FAT_VOLUME              *Volume


  Read BufferSize bytes from the position of Offset into Buffer,
  or write BufferSize bytes from Buffer into the position of Offset.

  Base on the parameter of CACHE_DATA_TYPE, the data access will be divided into
  the access of FAT cache (CACHE_FAT) and the access of Data cache (CACHE_DATA):

  1. Access of FAT cache (CACHE_FAT): Access the data in the FAT cache, if there is cache
     page hit, just return the cache page; else update the related cache page and return
     the right cache page.
  2. Access of Data cache (CACHE_DATA):
     The access data will be divided into UnderRun data, Aligned data and OverRun data;
     The UnderRun data and OverRun data will be accessed by the Data cache,
     but the Aligned data will be accessed with disk directly.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.
  @param  CacheDataType         - The type of cache: CACHE_DATA or CACHE_FAT.
  @param  IoMode                - Indicate the type of disk access.
  @param  Offset                - The starting byte offset to read from.
  @param  BufferSize            - Size of Buffer.
  @param  Buffer                - Buffer containing cache data.
  @param  Task                    point to task instance.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The data was accessed correctly.
  @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED     - The MediaId does not match the current device.
  @return Others                - An error occurred when accessing cache.

FatAccessCache (
  IN     FAT_VOLUME          *Volume,
  IN     CACHE_DATA_TYPE     CacheDataType,
  IN     IO_MODE             IoMode,
  IN     UINT64              Offset,
  IN     UINTN               BufferSize,
  IN OUT UINT8               *Buffer,
  IN     FAT_TASK            *Task


  Flush all the dirty cache back, include the FAT cache and the Data cache.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.
  @param  Task                    point to task instance.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Flush all the dirty cache back successfully
  @return other                 - An error occurred when writing the data into the disk

FatVolumeFlushCache (
  IN FAT_VOLUME              *Volume,
  IN FAT_TASK                *Task

// Flush.c

  Flush the data associated with an open file.
  In this implementation, only last Mod/Access time is updated.

  @param  OFile                 - The open file.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The OFile is flushed successfully.
  @return Others                - An error occurred when flushing this OFile.

FatOFileFlush (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile


  Check the references of the OFile.
  If the OFile (that is checked) is no longer
  referenced, then it is freed.

  @param  OFile                 - The OFile to be checked.

  @retval TRUE                  - The OFile is not referenced and freed.
  @retval FALSE                 - The OFile is kept.

FatCheckOFileRef (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile


  Set the OFile and its child OFile with the error Status

  @param  OFile                 - The OFile whose permanent error code is to be set.
  @param  Status                - Error code to be set.

FatSetVolumeError (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN EFI_STATUS         Status


  Close the open file instance.

  @param  IFile                 - Open file instance.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Closed the file successfully.

FatIFileClose (
  FAT_IFILE             *IFile


  Set error status for a specific OFile, reference checking the volume.
  If volume is already marked as invalid, and all resources are freed
  after reference checking, the file system protocol is uninstalled and
  the volume structure is freed.

  @param  Volume                - the Volume that is to be reference checked and unlocked.
  @param  OFile                 - the OFile whose permanent error code is to be set.
  @param  EfiStatus             - error code to be set.
  @param  Task                    point to task instance.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Clean up the volume successfully.
  @return Others                - Cleaning up of the volume is failed.

FatCleanupVolume (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN EFI_STATUS         EfiStatus,
  IN FAT_TASK           *Task

// FileSpace.c

  Shrink the end of the open file base on the file size.

  @param  OFile                 - The open file.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Shrinked successfully.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - There are errors in the file's clusters.

FatShrinkEof (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile


  Grow the end of the open file base on the NewSizeInBytes.

  @param  OFile                 - The open file.
  @param  NewSizeInBytes        - The new size in bytes of the open file.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The file is grown successfully.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The file size is larger than 4GB.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - There are errors in the files' clusters.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL       - The volume is full and can not grow the file.

FatGrowEof (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN UINT64             NewSizeInBytes


  Get the size of directory of the open file.

  @param  Volume                - The File System Volume.
  @param  Cluster               - The Starting cluster.

  @return The physical size of the file starting at the input cluster, if there is error in the
  cluster chain, the return value is 0.

FatPhysicalDirSize (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN UINTN              Cluster


  Get the physical size of a file on the disk.

  @param  Volume                - The file system volume.
  @param  RealSize              - The real size of a file.

  @return The physical size of a file on the disk.

FatPhysicalFileSize (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN UINTN              RealSize


  Seek OFile to requested position, and calculate the number of
  consecutive clusters from the position in the file

  @param  OFile                 - The open file.
  @param  Position              - The file's position which will be accessed.
  @param  PosLimit              - The maximum length current reading/writing may access

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Set the info successfully.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - Cluster chain corrupt.

FatOFilePosition (
  IN FAT_OFILE            *OFile,
  IN UINTN                Position,
  IN UINTN                PosLimit


  Update the free cluster info of FatInfoSector of the volume.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.

FatComputeFreeInfo (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume

// Init.c

  Allocates volume structure, detects FAT file system, installs protocol,
  and initialize cache.

  @param  Handle                - The handle of parent device.
  @param  DiskIo                - The DiskIo of parent device.
  @param  DiskIo2               - The DiskIo2 of parent device.
  @param  BlockIo               - The BlockIo of parent device.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Allocate a new volume successfully.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Can not allocate the memory.
  @return Others                - Allocating a new volume failed.

FatAllocateVolume (
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                     Handle,
  IN  EFI_DISK_IO_PROTOCOL           *DiskIo,
  IN  EFI_DISK_IO2_PROTOCOL          *DiskIo2,
  IN  EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL          *BlockIo


  Detects FAT file system on Disk and set relevant fields of Volume.

  @param Volume                - The volume structure.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The Fat File System is detected successfully
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The volume is not FAT file system.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - The volume is corrupted.

FatOpenDevice (
  IN OUT FAT_VOLUME     *Volume


  Called by FatDriverBindingStop(), Abandon the volume.

  @param  Volume                - The volume to be abandoned.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Abandoned the volume successfully.
  @return Others                - Can not uninstall the protocol interfaces.

FatAbandonVolume (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume

// Misc.c

  Create the task

  @param  IFile                 - The instance of the open file.
  @param  Token                 - A pointer to the token associated with the transaction.

  @return FAT_TASK *            - Return the task instance.

FatCreateTask (
  FAT_IFILE           *IFile,


  Destroy the task.

  @param  Task                  - The task to be destroyed.

FatDestroyTask (
  FAT_TASK            *Task


  Wait all non-blocking requests complete.

  @param  IFile                 - The instance of the open file.

FatWaitNonblockingTask (
  FAT_IFILE           *IFile


  Remove the subtask from subtask list.

  @param  Subtask               - The subtask to be removed.

  @return LIST_ENTRY *          - The next node in the list.

FatDestroySubtask (
  FAT_SUBTASK         *Subtask


  Execute the task.

  @param  IFile                 - The instance of the open file.
  @param  Task                  - The task to be executed.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The task was executed successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when executing the task.

FatQueueTask (
  IN FAT_IFILE        *IFile,
  IN FAT_TASK         *Task


  Set the volume as dirty or not.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.
  @param  IoMode                - The access mode.
  @param  DirtyValue            - Set the volume as dirty or not.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Set the new FAT entry value successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when operation the FAT entries.

FatAccessVolumeDirty (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN IO_MODE            IoMode,
  IN VOID               *DirtyValue


  General disk access function.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.
  @param  IoMode                - The access mode (disk read/write or cache access).
  @param  Offset                - The starting byte offset to read from.
  @param  BufferSize            - Size of Buffer.
  @param  Buffer                - Buffer containing read data.
  @param  Task                    point to task instance.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The operation is performed successfully.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - The access is
  @return Others                - The status of read/write the disk

FatDiskIo (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN IO_MODE            IoMode,
  IN UINT64             Offset,
  IN UINTN              BufferSize,
  IN OUT VOID           *Buffer,
  IN FAT_TASK           *Task


  Lock the volume.

FatAcquireLock (


  Unlock the volume.

FatReleaseLock (


  Lock the volume.
  If the lock is already in the acquired state, then EFI_ACCESS_DENIED is returned.
  Otherwise, EFI_SUCCESS is returned.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The volume is locked.
  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     - The volume could not be locked because it is already locked.

FatAcquireLockOrFail (


  Free directory entry.

  @param  DirEnt                - The directory entry to be freed.

FatFreeDirEnt (
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Free volume structure (including the contents of directory cache and disk cache).

  @param  Volume                - The volume structure to be freed.

FatFreeVolume (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume


  Translate EFI time to FAT time.

  @param  ETime                 - The time of EFI_TIME.
  @param  FTime                 - The time of FAT_DATE_TIME.

FatEfiTimeToFatTime (
  IN EFI_TIME           *ETime,


  Translate Fat time to EFI time.

  @param  FTime                 - The time of FAT_DATE_TIME.
  @param  ETime                 - The time of EFI_TIME..

FatFatTimeToEfiTime (
  IN FAT_DATE_TIME      *FTime,
  OUT EFI_TIME          *ETime


  Get Current FAT time.

  @param  FatTime               - Current FAT time.

FatGetCurrentFatTime (
  OUT FAT_DATE_TIME     *FatTime


  Check whether a time is valid.

  @param  Time                  - The time of EFI_TIME.

  @retval TRUE                  - The time is valid.
  @retval FALSE                 - The time is not valid.

FatIsValidTime (
  IN EFI_TIME           *Time

// UnicodeCollation.c
  Initialize Unicode Collation support.

  It tries to locate Unicode Collation 2 protocol and matches it with current
  platform language code. If for any reason the first attempt fails, it then tries to
  use Unicode Collation Protocol.

  @param  AgentHandle          The handle used to open Unicode Collation (2) protocol.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          The Unicode Collation (2) protocol has been successfully located.
  @retval Others               The Unicode Collation (2) protocol has not been located.

InitializeUnicodeCollationSupport (
  IN EFI_HANDLE    AgentHandle

  Convert FAT string to unicode string.

  @param  FatSize               The size of FAT string.
  @param  Fat                   The FAT string.
  @param  String                The unicode string.

  @return None.

FatFatToStr (
  IN UINTN              FatSize,
  IN CHAR8              *Fat,
  OUT CHAR16            *String

  Convert unicode string to Fat string.

  @param  String                The unicode string.
  @param  FatSize               The size of the FAT string.
  @param  Fat                   The FAT string.

  @retval TRUE                  Convert successfully.
  @retval FALSE                 Convert error.

FatStrToFat (
  IN  CHAR16            *String,
  IN  UINTN             FatSize,
  OUT CHAR8             *Fat

  Lowercase a string

  @param  Str                   The string which will be lower-cased.

FatStrLwr (
  IN CHAR16             *Str

  Uppercase a string.

  @param  Str                   The string which will be upper-cased.

FatStrUpr (
  IN CHAR16             *Str

  Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two Null-terminated Unicode strings.

  @param  Str1                   A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
  @param  Str2                   A pointer to a Null-terminated Unicode string.

  @retval 0                    S1 is equivalent to S2.
  @retval >0                   S1 is lexically greater than S2.
  @retval <0                   S1 is lexically less than S2.
FatStriCmp (
  IN CHAR16             *Str1,
  IN CHAR16             *Str2

// Open.c


  Open a file for a file name relative to an existing OFile.
  The IFile of the newly opened file is passed out.

  @param  OFile                 - The file that serves as a starting reference point.
  @param  NewIFile              - The newly generated IFile instance.
  @param  FileName              - The file name relative to the OFile.
  @param  OpenMode              - Open mode.
  @param  Attributes            - Attributes to set if the file is created.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Open the file successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - The open mode is conflict with the attributes
                          or the file name is not valid.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         - Conflicts between dir intention and attribute.
  @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED   - Can't open for write if the volume is read only.
  @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED     - If the file's attribute is read only, and the
                          open is for read-write fail it.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Can not allocate the memory.

FatOFileOpen (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  OUT FAT_IFILE         **NewIFile,
  IN CHAR16             *FileName,
  IN UINT64             OpenMode,
  IN UINT8              Attributes


  Create an Open instance for the existing OFile.
  The IFile of the newly opened file is passed out.

  @param  OFile                 - The file that serves as a starting reference point.
  @param  PtrIFile              - The newly generated IFile instance.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Can not allocate the memory for the IFile
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Create the new IFile for the OFile successfully

FatAllocateIFile (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  OUT FAT_IFILE         **PtrIFile

// OpenVolume.c

  Implements Simple File System Protocol interface function OpenVolume().

  @param  This                  - Calling context.
  @param  File                  - the Root Directory of the volume.

  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Can not allocate the memory.
  @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED  - The FAT type is error.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Open the volume successfully.

FatOpenVolume (
  OUT EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL               **File

// ReadWrite.c

  This function reads data from a file or writes data to a file.
  It uses OFile->PosRem to determine how much data can be accessed in one time.

  @param  OFile                 - The open file.
  @param  IoMode                - Indicate whether the access mode is reading or writing.
  @param  Position              - The position where data will be accessed.
  @param  DataBufferSize        - Size of Buffer.
  @param  UserBuffer            - Buffer containing data.
  @param  Task                    point to task instance.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Access the data successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when operating on the disk.

FatAccessOFile (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN IO_MODE            IoMode,
  IN UINTN              Position,
  IN UINTN              *DataBufferSize,
  IN UINT8              *UserBuffer,
  IN FAT_TASK           *Task


  Expand OFile by appending zero bytes at the end of OFile.

  @param  OFile                 - The open file.
  @param  ExpandedSize          - The number of zero bytes appended at the end of the file.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The file is expanded successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when expanding file.

FatExpandOFile (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN UINT64             ExpandedSize


  Write zero pool from the WritePos to the end of OFile.

  @param  OFile                 - The open file to write zero pool.
  @param  WritePos              - The number of zero bytes written.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Write the zero pool successfully.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Not enough memory to perform the operation.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when writing disk.

FatWriteZeroPool (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN UINTN              WritePos


  Truncate the OFile to smaller file size.

  @param  OFile                 - The open file.
  @param  TruncatedSize         - The new file size.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The file is truncated successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when truncating file.

FatTruncateOFile (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN UINTN              TruncatedSize

// DirectoryManage.c

  Set the OFile's current directory cursor to the list head.

  @param OFile                 - The directory OFile whose directory cursor is reset.

FatResetODirCursor (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile


  Set the directory's cursor to the next and get the next directory entry.

  @param  OFile                 - The parent OFile.
  @param PtrDirEnt             - The next directory entry.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - We get the next directory entry successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when get next directory entry.

FatGetNextDirEnt (
  IN  FAT_OFILE         *OFile,
  OUT FAT_DIRENT        **PtrDirEnt


  Remove this directory entry node from the list of directory entries and hash table.

  @param  OFile                - The parent OFile.
  @param  DirEnt               - The directory entry to be removed.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          - The directory entry is successfully removed.
  @return other                - An error occurred when removing the directory entry.

FatRemoveDirEnt (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Save the directory entry to disk.

  @param  OFile                 - The parent OFile which needs to update.
  @param  DirEnt                - The directory entry to be saved.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Store the directory entry successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when writing the directory entry.

FatStoreDirEnt (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Create a directory entry in the parent OFile.

  @param  OFile                 - The parent OFile.
  @param  FileName              - The filename of the newly-created directory entry.
  @param  Attributes            - The attribute of the newly-created directory entry.
  @param  PtrDirEnt             - The pointer to the newly-created directory entry.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The directory entry is successfully created.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - Not enough memory to create the directory entry.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when creating the directory entry.

FatCreateDirEnt (
  IN  FAT_OFILE         *OFile,
  IN  CHAR16            *FileName,
  IN  UINT8             Attributes,
  OUT FAT_DIRENT        **PtrDirEnt


  Determine whether the directory entry is "." or ".." entry.

  @param  DirEnt               - The corresponding directory entry.

  @retval TRUE                 - The directory entry is "." or ".." directory entry
  @retval FALSE                - The directory entry is not "." or ".." directory entry

FatIsDotDirEnt (
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Set the OFile's cluster and size info in its directory entry.

  @param  OFile                 - The corresponding OFile.

FatUpdateDirEntClusterSizeInfo (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile


  Copy all the information of DirEnt2 to DirEnt1 except for 8.3 name.

  @param  DirEnt1               - The destination directory entry.
  @param  DirEnt2               - The source directory entry.

FatCloneDirEnt (
  IN  FAT_DIRENT        *DirEnt1,
  IN  FAT_DIRENT        *DirEnt2


  Get the directory entry's info into Buffer.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.
  @param  DirEnt                - The corresponding directory entry.
  @param  BufferSize            - Size of Buffer.
  @param  Buffer                - Buffer containing file info.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Get the file info successfully.
  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  - The buffer is too small.

FatGetDirEntInfo (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt,
  IN OUT UINTN          *BufferSize,
  OUT VOID              *Buffer


  Open the directory entry to get the OFile.

  @param  Parent                - The parent OFile.
  @param  DirEnt                - The directory entry to be opened.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The directory entry is successfully opened.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  - not enough memory to allocate a new OFile.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when opening the directory entry.

FatOpenDirEnt (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile,
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Create "." and ".." directory entries in the newly-created parent OFile.

  @param  OFile                 - The parent OFile.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - The dot directory entries are successfully created.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when creating the directory entry.

FatCreateDotDirEnts (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *OFile


  Close the directory entry and free the OFile.

  @param  DirEnt               - The directory entry to be closed.

FatCloseDirEnt (
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Traverse filename and open all OFiles that can be opened.
  Update filename pointer to the component that can't be opened.
  If more than one name component remains, returns an error;
  otherwise, return the remaining name component so that the caller might choose to create it.

  @param  PtrOFile              - As input, the reference OFile; as output, the located OFile.
  @param  FileName              - The file name relevant to the OFile.
  @param  Attributes            - The attribute of the destination OFile.
  @param  NewFileName           - The remaining file name.

  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND         - The file name can't be opened and there is more than one
                          components within the name left (this means the name can
                          not be created either).
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - The parameter is not valid.
  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Open the file successfully.
  @return other                 - An error occurred when locating the OFile.

FatLocateOFile (
  IN OUT FAT_OFILE      **PtrOFile,
  IN     CHAR16         *FileName,
  IN     UINT8          Attributes,
     OUT CHAR16         *NewFileName


  Get the directory entry for the volume.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.
  @param  Name                  - The file name of the volume.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           - Update the volume with the directory entry successfully.
  @return others                - An error occurred when getting volume label.

FatGetVolumeEntry (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN CHAR16             *Name


  Set the relevant directory entry into disk for the volume.

  @param  Volume              - FAT file system volume.
  @param  Name                - The new file name of the volume.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         - Update the Volume successfully.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED     - The input label is not a valid volume label.
  @return other               - An error occurred when setting volume label.

FatSetVolumeEntry (
  IN FAT_VOLUME         *Volume,
  IN CHAR16             *Name

// Hash.c

  Search the long name hash table for the directory entry.

  @param  ODir                  - The directory to be searched.
  @param  LongNameString        - The long name string to search.

  @return The previous long name hash node of the directory entry.

FatLongNameHashSearch (
  IN FAT_ODIR           *ODir,
  IN CHAR16             *LongNameString


  Search the short name hash table for the directory entry.

  @param  ODir                  - The directory to be searched.
  @param  ShortNameString       - The short name string to search.

  @return The previous short name hash node of the directory entry.

FatShortNameHashSearch (
  IN FAT_ODIR           *ODir,
  IN CHAR8              *ShortNameString


  Insert directory entry to hash table.

  @param  ODir                  - The parent directory.
  @param  DirEnt                - The directory entry node.

FatInsertToHashTable (
  IN FAT_ODIR           *ODir,
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Delete directory entry from hash table.

  @param  ODir                  - The parent directory.
  @param  DirEnt                - The directory entry node.

FatDeleteFromHashTable (
  IN FAT_ODIR           *ODir,
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt

// FileName.c

  This function checks whether the input FileName is a valid 8.3 short name.
  If the input FileName is a valid 8.3, the output is the 8.3 short name;
  otherwise, the output is the base tag of 8.3 short name.

  @param  FileName              - The input unicode filename.
  @param  File8Dot3Name         - The output ascii 8.3 short name or base tag of 8.3 short name.

  @retval TRUE                  - The input unicode filename is a valid 8.3 short name.
  @retval FALSE                 - The input unicode filename is not a valid 8.3 short name.

FatCheckIs8Dot3Name (
  IN CHAR16             *FileName,
  OUT CHAR8             *File8Dot3Name


  This function generates 8Dot3 name from user specified name for a newly created file.

  @param  Parent                - The parent directory.
  @param  DirEnt                - The directory entry whose 8Dot3Name needs to be generated.

FatCreate8Dot3Name (
  IN FAT_OFILE          *Parent,
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Convert the ascii fat name to the unicode string and strip trailing spaces,
  and if necessary, convert the unicode string to lower case.

  @param  FatName               - The Char8 string needs to be converted.
  @param  Len                   - The length of the fat name.
  @param  LowerCase             - Indicate whether to convert the string to lower case.
  @param  Str                   - The result of the conversion.

FatNameToStr (
  IN CHAR8              *FatName,
  IN UINTN              Len,
  IN UINTN              LowerCase,
  IN CHAR16             *Str


  Set the caseflag value for the directory entry.

  @param DirEnt                - The logical directory entry whose caseflag value is to be set.

FatSetCaseFlag (
  IN FAT_DIRENT         *DirEnt


  Convert the 8.3 ASCII fat name to cased Unicode string according to case flag.

  @param  DirEnt                - The corresponding directory entry.
  @param  FileString            - The output Unicode file name.
  @param  FileStringMax           The max length of FileString.

FatGetFileNameViaCaseFlag (
  IN     FAT_DIRENT     *DirEnt,
  IN OUT CHAR16         *FileString,
  IN     UINTN          FileStringMax


  Get the Check sum for a short name.

  @param  ShortNameString       - The short name for a file.

  @retval Sum                   - UINT8 checksum.

FatCheckSum (
  IN CHAR8              *ShortNameString


  Takes Path as input, returns the next name component
  in Name, and returns the position after Name (e.g., the
  start of the next name component)

  @param  Path                  - The path of one file.
  @param  Name                  - The next name component in Path.

  The position after Name in the Path

FatGetNextNameComponent (
  IN  CHAR16            *Path,
  OUT CHAR16            *Name


  Check whether the IFileName is valid long file name. If the IFileName is a valid
  long file name, then we trim the possible leading blanks and leading/trailing dots.
  the trimmed filename is stored in OutputFileName

  @param  InputFileName         - The input file name.
  @param  OutputFileName        - The output file name.

  @retval TRUE                  - The InputFileName is a valid long file name.
  @retval FALSE                 - The InputFileName is not a valid long file name.

FatFileNameIsValid (
  IN  CHAR16  *InputFileName,
  OUT CHAR16  *OutputFileName

// DirectoryCache.c

  Discard the directory structure when an OFile will be freed.
  Volume will cache this directory if the OFile does not represent a deleted file.

  @param  OFile                 - The OFile whose directory structure is to be discarded.

FatDiscardODir (
  IN FAT_OFILE    *OFile


  Request the directory structure when an OFile is newly generated.
  If the directory structure is cached by volume, then just return this directory;
  Otherwise, allocate a new one for OFile.

  @param  OFile                 - The OFile which requests directory structure.

FatRequestODir (
  IN FAT_OFILE    *OFile


  Clean up all the cached directory structures when the volume is going to be abandoned.

  @param  Volume                - FAT file system volume.

FatCleanupODirCache (
  IN FAT_VOLUME   *Volume

// Global Variables
extern EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL     gFatDriverBinding;
extern EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL     gFatComponentName;
extern EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL    gFatComponentName2;
extern EFI_LOCK                        FatFsLock;
extern EFI_LOCK                        FatTaskLock;
extern EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL               FatFileInterface;
