/** @file Method declarations and structures for accessing the XenStore Copyright (C) 2005 Rusty Russell, IBM Corporation Copyright (C) 2005 XenSource Ltd. Copyright (C) 2009,2010 Spectra Logic Corporation Copyright (C) 2014, Citrix Ltd. This file may be distributed separately from the Linux kernel, or incorporated into other software packages, subject to the following license: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this source file (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **/ #ifndef _XEN_XENSTORE_XENSTOREVAR_H #define _XEN_XENSTORE_XENSTOREVAR_H #include "XenBusDxe.h" #include <IndustryStandard/Xen/io/xs_wire.h> typedef struct _XENSTORE_WATCH XENSTORE_WATCH; /** Fetch the contents of a directory in the XenStore. @param Transaction The XenStore transaction covering this request. @param DirectoryPath The dirname of the path to read. @param Node The basename of the path to read. @param DirectoryCountPtr The returned number of directory entries. @param DirectoryListPtr An array of directory entry strings. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of failure. @note The results buffer is alloced and should be free'd by the caller. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreListDirectory ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, OUT UINT32 *DirectoryCountPtr, OUT CONST CHAR8 ***DirectoryListPtr ); /** Determine if a path exists in the XenStore. @param Transaction The XenStore transaction covering this request. @param Directory The dirname of the path to read. @param Node The basename of the path to read. @retval TRUE The path exists. @retval FALSE The path does not exist or an error occurred attempting to make that determination. **/ BOOLEAN XenStorePathExists ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *Directory, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node ); /** Get the contents of a single "file". Returns the contents in *Result which should be freed after use. The length of the value in bytes is returned in *LenPtr. @param Transaction The XenStore transaction covering this request. @param DirectoryPath The dirname of the file to read. @param Node The basename of the file to read. @param LenPtr The amount of data read. @param Result The returned contents from this file. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of failure. @note The results buffer is malloced and should be free'd by the caller. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreRead ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, OUT UINT32 *LenPtr OPTIONAL, OUT VOID **Result ); /** Write to a single file. @param Transaction The XenStore transaction covering this request. @param DirectoryPath The dirname of the file to write. @param Node The basename of the file to write. @param Str The NUL terminated string of data to write. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of failure. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreWrite ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, IN CONST CHAR8 *Str ); /** Remove a file or directory (directories must be empty). @param Transaction The XenStore transaction covering this request. @param DirectoryPath The dirname of the directory to remove. @param Node The basename of the directory to remove. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of failure. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreRemove ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node ); /** Start a transaction. Changes by others will not be seen during the lifetime of this transaction, and changes will not be visible to others until it is committed (XenStoreTransactionEnd). @param Transaction The returned transaction. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of failure. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreTransactionStart ( OUT XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction ); /** End a transaction. @param Transaction The transaction to end/commit. @param Abort If TRUE, the transaction is discarded instead of committed. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of failure. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreTransactionEnd ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN BOOLEAN Abort ); /** Printf formatted write to a XenStore file. @param Transaction The XenStore transaction covering this request. @param DirectoryPath The dirname of the path to read. @param Node The basename of the path to read. @param FormatString AsciiSPrint format string followed by a variable number of arguments. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of write failure. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenStoreSPrint ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, IN CONST CHAR8 *FormatString, ... ); /** VA_LIST version of XenStoreSPrint(). @param Transaction The XenStore transaction covering this request. @param DirectoryPath The dirname of the path to read. @param Node The basename of the path to read. @param FormatString Printf format string. @param Marker VA_LIST of printf arguments. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of write failure. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreVSPrint ( IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, IN CONST CHAR8 *FormatString, IN VA_LIST Marker ); /** Register a XenStore watch. XenStore watches allow a client to be notified via a callback (embedded within the watch object) of changes to an object in the XenStore. @param DirectoryPath The dirname of the path to watch. @param Node The basename of the path to watch. @param WatchPtr A returned XENSTORE_WATCH pointer. @return On success, XENSTORE_STATUS_SUCCESS. Otherwise an errno value indicating the type of write failure. EEXIST errors from the XenStore are supressed, allowing multiple, physically different, xenbus_watch objects, to watch the same path in the XenStore. **/ XENSTORE_STATUS XenStoreRegisterWatch ( IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, OUT XENSTORE_WATCH **WatchPtr ); /** Unregister a XenStore watch. @param Watch An XENSTORE_WATCH object previously returned by a successful call to XenStoreRegisterWatch (). **/ VOID XenStoreUnregisterWatch ( IN XENSTORE_WATCH *Watch ); /** Allocate and return the XenStore path string <DirectoryPath>/<Node>. If name is the NUL string, the returned value contains the path string <DirectoryPath>. @param DirectoryPath The NUL terminated directory prefix for new path. @param Node The NUL terminated basename for the new path. @return A buffer containing the joined path. */ CHAR8 * XenStoreJoin ( IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node ); /** Initialize the XenStore states and rings. @param Dev A pointer to a XENBUS_DEVICE instance. @return EFI_SUCCESS if everything went smoothly. **/ EFI_STATUS XenStoreInit ( XENBUS_DEVICE *Dev ); /** Deinitialize the XenStore states and rings. @param Dev A pointer to a XENBUS_DEVICE instance. **/ VOID XenStoreDeinit ( IN XENBUS_DEVICE *Dev ); // // XENBUS protocol // XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusWaitForWatch ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN VOID *Token ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusXenStoreRead ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, OUT VOID **Value ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusXenStoreBackendRead ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, OUT VOID **Value ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusXenStoreRemove ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusXenStoreTransactionStart ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, OUT XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusXenStoreTransactionEnd ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN BOOLEAN Abort ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusXenStoreSPrint ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST XENSTORE_TRANSACTION *Transaction, IN CONST CHAR8 *DirectoryPath, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, IN CONST CHAR8 *FormatString, ... ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusRegisterWatch ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, OUT VOID **Token ); XENSTORE_STATUS EFIAPI XenBusRegisterWatchBackend ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN CONST CHAR8 *Node, OUT VOID **Token ); VOID EFIAPI XenBusUnregisterWatch ( IN XENBUS_PROTOCOL *This, IN VOID *Token ); #endif /* _XEN_XENSTORE_XENSTOREVAR_H */