// /** // // Copyright (c) 2005 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This program and the accompanying materials // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License // which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php // // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. // // Abstract: // // Additional string definitions for UEFI Shell 2.0 Debug1 profile Edit command // // // **/ /=# #langdef en-US "english" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_TITLEBAR #language en-US "%EMainEditor init failed on TitleBar init\r\n%N" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_MAINMENU #language en-US "%EMainEditor init was not successful on MainMenu init\r\n%N" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_STATUSBAR #language en-US "%EMainEditor init was not successful on StatusBar init\r\n%N" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_INPUTBAR #language en-US "%EMainEditor init was not successful on InputBar init\r\n%N" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_FILEBUFFER #language en-US "%EMainEditor init was not successful on FileBuffer init\r\n%N" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_TITLEBAR_CLEANUP #language en-US "TitleBar cleanup was not successful\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_MENUBAR_CLEANUP #language en-US "MenuBar cleanup was not successful\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_STATUSBAR_CLEANUP #language en-US "StatusBar cleanup was not successful\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_INPUTBAR_CLEANUP #language en-US "InputBar cleanup was not successful\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_FILEBUFFER_CLEANUP #language en-US "FileBuffer cleanup was not successful\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_LIBEDITOR_MAINEDITOR_INIT #language en-US "%EMainEditor init was not succesful on TitleBar init\r\n%N" #string STR_EDIT_LIBINPUTBAR_MAININPUTBAR #language en-US "%s" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_OPEN_FILE #language en-US "Open File" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_SAVE_FILE #language en-US "Save File" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_EXIT #language en-US "Exit" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_CUT_LINE #language en-US "Cut Line" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_PASTE_LINE #language en-US "Paste Line" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_GO_TO_LINE #language en-US "Go To Line" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_SEARCH #language en-US "Search" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_SEARCH_REPLACE #language en-US "Search/Replace" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_FILE_TYPE #language en-US "File Type" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F1 #language en-US "F1" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F2 #language en-US "F2" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F3 #language en-US "F3" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F4 #language en-US "F4" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F5 #language en-US "F5" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F6 #language en-US "F6" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F7 #language en-US "F7" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F8 #language en-US "F8" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F9 #language en-US "F9" #string STR_EDIT_LIBMENUBAR_F10 #language en-US "F10" #string STR_EDIT_MAIN_INVALID_FILE_NAME #language en-US "%Hedit%N: Invalid File Name\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_MAIN_INIT_FAILED #language en-US "%Hedit%N: Initialization was not successful\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_MAIN_BUFFER #language en-US "%Hedit%N: %s\r\n" #string STR_EDIT_MAIN_UNKNOWN_EDITOR_ERR #language en-US "%Hedit%N: Unknown Editor Error\r\n"