/** @file
  This file contains definitions for SPD DDR3.

  Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

  @par Revision Reference:
    - Serial Presence Detect (SPD) for DDR3 SDRAM Modules Document Release 6

#ifndef _SDRAM_SPD_DDR3_H_
#define _SDRAM_SPD_DDR3_H_

#pragma pack (push, 1)

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    BytesUsed   :  4;                       ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    BytesTotal  :  3;                       ///< Bits 6:4
    UINT8    CrcCoverage :  1;                       ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Minor :  4;                             ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    Major :  4;                             ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Type :  8;                              ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    ModuleType :  4;                        ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    Reserved   :  4;                        ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Density     :  4;                       ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    BankAddress :  3;                       ///< Bits 6:4
    UINT8    Reserved    :  1;                       ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    ColumnAddress :  3;                     ///< Bits 2:0
    UINT8    RowAddress    :  3;                     ///< Bits 5:3
    UINT8    Reserved      :  2;                     ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    OperationAt1_50 :  1;                   ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT8    OperationAt1_35 :  1;                   ///< Bits 1:1
    UINT8    OperationAt1_25 :  1;                   ///< Bits 2:2
    UINT8    Reserved        :  5;                   ///< Bits 7:3
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    SdramDeviceWidth :  3;                  ///< Bits 2:0
    UINT8    RankCount        :  3;                  ///< Bits 5:3
    UINT8    Reserved         :  2;                  ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    PrimaryBusWidth   :  3;                 ///< Bits 2:0
    UINT8    BusWidthExtension :  2;                 ///< Bits 4:3
    UINT8    Reserved          :  3;                 ///< Bits 7:5
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Divisor  :  4;                          ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    Dividend :  4;                          ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Dividend :  8;                          ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Divisor :  8;                           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef struct {
  SPD3_MEDIUM_TIMEBASE_DIVIDEND_STRUCT    Dividend; ///< Medium Timebase (MTB) Dividend
  SPD3_MEDIUM_TIMEBASE_DIVISOR_STRUCT     Divisor;  ///< Medium Timebase (MTB) Divisor

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tCKmin :  8;                            ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT16    Cl4      :  1;                         ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT16    Cl5      :  1;                         ///< Bits 1:1
    UINT16    Cl6      :  1;                         ///< Bits 2:2
    UINT16    Cl7      :  1;                         ///< Bits 3:3
    UINT16    Cl8      :  1;                         ///< Bits 4:4
    UINT16    Cl9      :  1;                         ///< Bits 5:5
    UINT16    Cl10     :  1;                         ///< Bits 6:6
    UINT16    Cl11     :  1;                         ///< Bits 7:7
    UINT16    Cl12     :  1;                         ///< Bits 8:8
    UINT16    Cl13     :  1;                         ///< Bits 9:9
    UINT16    Cl14     :  1;                         ///< Bits 10:10
    UINT16    Cl15     :  1;                         ///< Bits 11:11
    UINT16    Cl16     :  1;                         ///< Bits 12:12
    UINT16    Cl17     :  1;                         ///< Bits 13:13
    UINT16    Cl18     :  1;                         ///< Bits 14:14
    UINT16    Reserved :  1;                         ///< Bits 15:15
  } Bits;
  UINT16    Data;
  UINT8     Data8[2];

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tAAmin :  8;                            ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tWRmin :  8;                            ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tRCDmin :  8;                           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tRRDmin :  8;                           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tRPmin :  8;                            ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tRASminUpper :  4;                      ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    tRCminUpper  :  4;                      ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tRASmin :  8;                           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tRCmin :  8;                            ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT16    tRFCmin :  16;                          ///< Bits 15:0
  } Bits;
  UINT16    Data;
  UINT8     Data8[2];

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tWTRmin :  8;                           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tRTPmin :  8;                           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tFAWminUpper :  4;                      ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    Reserved     :  4;                      ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    tFAWmin :  8;                           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Rzq6     :  1;                          ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT8    Rzq7     :  1;                          ///< Bits 1:1
    UINT8    Reserved :  5;                          ///< Bits 6:2
    UINT8    DllOff   :  1;                          ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    ExtendedTemperatureRange       :  1;    ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT8    ExtendedTemperatureRefreshRate :  1;    ///< Bits 1:1
    UINT8    AutoSelfRefresh                :  1;    ///< Bits 2:2
    UINT8    OnDieThermalSensor             :  1;    ///< Bits 3:3
    UINT8    Reserved                       :  3;    ///< Bits 6:4
    UINT8    PartialArraySelfRefresh        :  1;    ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    ThermalSensorAccuracy :  7;             ///< Bits 6:0
    UINT8    ThermalSensorPresence :  1;             ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    SignalLoading   :  2;                   ///< Bits 1:0
    UINT8    Reserved        :  2;                   ///< Bits 3:2
    UINT8    DieCount        :  3;                   ///< Bits 6:4
    UINT8    SdramDeviceType :  1;                   ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    INT8    tCKminFine :  8;                         ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  INT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    INT8    tAAminFine :  8;                         ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  INT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    INT8    tRCDminFine :  8;                        ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  INT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    INT8    tRPminFine :  8;                         ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  INT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    INT8    tRCminFine :  8;                         ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  INT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    MaximumActivateCount  :  4;             ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    MaximumActivateWindow :  2;             ///< Bits 5:4
    UINT8    VendorSpecific        :  2;             ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Height           :  5;                  ///< Bits 4:0
    UINT8    RawCardExtension :  3;                  ///< Bits 7:5
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    FrontThickness :  4;                    ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    BackThickness  :  4;                    ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Card      :  5;                         ///< Bits 4:0
    UINT8    Revision  :  2;                         ///< Bits 6:5
    UINT8    Extension :  1;                         ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    MappingRank1 :  1;                      ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT8    Reserved     :  7;                      ///< Bits 7:1
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Height   :  5;                          ///< Bits 4:0
    UINT8    Reserved :  3;                          ///< Bits 7:5
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    FrontThickness :  4;                    ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    BackThickness  :  4;                    ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Card      :  5;                         ///< Bits 4:0
    UINT8    Revision  :  2;                         ///< Bits 6:5
    UINT8    Extension :  1;                         ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    RegisterCount :  2;                     ///< Bits 1:0
    UINT8    DramRowCount  :  2;                     ///< Bits 3:2
    UINT8    RegisterType  :  4;                     ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    HeatSpreaderThermalCharacteristics :  7; ///< Bits 6:0
    UINT8    HeatSpreaderSolution               :  1; ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT16    ContinuationCount  :  7;               ///< Bits 6:0
    UINT16    ContinuationParity :  1;               ///< Bits 7:7
    UINT16    LastNonZeroByte    :  8;               ///< Bits 15:8
  } Bits;
  UINT16    Data;
  UINT8     Data8[2];

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    RegisterRevisionNumber;           ///< Bits 7:0
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Bit0     :  1;                         ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT8    Bit1     :  1;                         ///< Bits 1:1
    UINT8    Bit2     :  1;                         ///< Bits 2:2
    UINT8    Reserved :  5;                         ///< Bits 7:3
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Reserved               :  4;           ///< Bits 0:3
    UINT8    CommandAddressAOutputs :  2;           ///< Bits 5:4
    UINT8    CommandAddressBOutputs :  2;           ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    ControlSignalsAOutputs :  2;           ///< Bits 0:1
    UINT8    ControlSignalsBOutputs :  2;           ///< Bits 3:2
    UINT8    Y1Y3ClockOutputs       :  2;           ///< Bits 5:4
    UINT8    Y0Y2ClockOutputs       :  2;           ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Reserved0 :  4;                        ///< Bits 0:3
    UINT8    Reserved1 :  4;                        ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Height   :  5;                         ///< Bits 4:0
    UINT8    Reserved :  3;                         ///< Bits 7:5
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    FrontThickness :  4;                   ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    BackThickness  :  4;                   ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Card      :  5;                        ///< Bits 4:0
    UINT8    Revision  :  2;                        ///< Bits 6:5
    UINT8    Extension :  1;                        ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    RegisterCount :  2;                    ///< Bits 1:0
    UINT8    DramRowCount  :  2;                    ///< Bits 3:2
    UINT8    RegisterType  :  4;                    ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    AddressCommandPrelaunch :  1;          ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT8    Rank1Rank5Swap          :  1;          ///< Bits 1:1
    UINT8    Reserved0               :  1;          ///< Bits 2:2
    UINT8    Reserved1               :  1;          ///< Bits 3:3
    UINT8    AddressCommandOutputs   :  2;          ///< Bits 5:4
    UINT8    QxCS_nOutputs           :  2;          ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    QxOdtOutputs     :  2;                 ///< Bits 1:0
    UINT8    QxCkeOutputs     :  2;                 ///< Bits 3:2
    UINT8    Y1Y3ClockOutputs :  2;                 ///< Bits 5:4
    UINT8    Y0Y2ClockOutputs :  2;                 ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    YExtendedDelay :  2;                   ///< Bits 1:0
    UINT8    QxCS_n         :  2;                   ///< Bits 3:2
    UINT8    QxOdt          :  2;                   ///< Bits 5:4
    UINT8    QxCke          :  2;                   ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    DelayY   :  3;                         ///< Bits 2:0
    UINT8    Reserved :  1;                         ///< Bits 3:3
    UINT8    QxCS_n   :  4;                         ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    QxCS_n :  4;                           ///< Bits 3:0
    UINT8    QxOdt  :  4;                           ///< Bits 7:4
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    RC8MdqOdtStrength :  3;                ///< Bits 2:0
    UINT8    RC8Reserved       :  1;                ///< Bits 3:3
    UINT8    RC9MdqOdtStrength :  3;                ///< Bits 6:4
    UINT8    RC9Reserved       :  1;                ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    RC10DA3ValueR0 :  1;                   ///< Bits 0:0
    UINT8    RC10DA4ValueR0 :  1;                   ///< Bits 1:1
    UINT8    RC10DA3ValueR1 :  1;                   ///< Bits 2:2
    UINT8    RC10DA4ValueR1 :  1;                   ///< Bits 3:3
    UINT8    RC11DA3ValueR0 :  1;                   ///< Bits 4:4
    UINT8    RC11DA4ValueR0 :  1;                   ///< Bits 5:5
    UINT8    RC11DA3ValueR1 :  1;                   ///< Bits 6:6
    UINT8    RC11DA4ValueR1 :  1;                   ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    Driver_Impedance :  2;                 ///< Bits 1:0
    UINT8    Rtt_Nom          :  3;                 ///< Bits 4:2
    UINT8    Reserved         :  1;                 ///< Bits 5:5
    UINT8    Rtt_WR           :  2;                 ///< Bits 7:6
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef union {
  struct {
    UINT8    MinimumDelayTime :  7;                 ///< Bits 0:6
    UINT8    Reserved         :  1;                 ///< Bits 7:7
  } Bits;
  UINT8    Data;

typedef struct {
  UINT8    Year;                               ///< Year represented in BCD (00h = 2000)
  UINT8    Week;                               ///< Year represented in BCD (47h = week 47)

typedef union {
  UINT32    Data;
  UINT16    SerialNumber16[2];
  UINT8     SerialNumber8[4];

typedef struct {
  UINT8    Location;                           ///< Module Manufacturing Location

typedef struct {
  SPD3_MANUFACTURER_ID_CODE          IdCode;                     ///< Module Manufacturer ID Code
  SPD3_MANUFACTURING_LOCATION        Location;                   ///< Module Manufacturing Location
  SPD3_MANUFACTURING_DATE            Date;                       ///< Module Manufacturing Year, in BCD (range: 2000-2255)
  SPD3_MANUFACTURER_SERIAL_NUMBER    SerialNumber;               ///< Module Serial Number

typedef union {
  UINT16    Crc[1];
  UINT8     Data8[2];

typedef struct {
  SPD3_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_STRUCT         Description;              ///< 0   Number of Serial PD Bytes Written / SPD Device Size / CRC Coverage 1, 2
  SPD3_REVISION_STRUCT                   Revision;                 ///< 1   SPD Revision
  SPD3_DRAM_DEVICE_TYPE_STRUCT           DramDeviceType;           ///< 2   DRAM Device Type
  SPD3_MODULE_TYPE_STRUCT                ModuleType;               ///< 3   Module Type
  SPD3_SDRAM_DENSITY_BANKS_STRUCT        SdramDensityAndBanks;     ///< 4   SDRAM Density and Banks
  SPD3_SDRAM_ADDRESSING_STRUCT           SdramAddressing;          ///< 5   SDRAM Addressing
  SPD3_MODULE_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE_STRUCT     ModuleNominalVoltage;     ///< 6   Module Nominal Voltage, VDD
  SPD3_MODULE_ORGANIZATION_STRUCT        ModuleOrganization;       ///< 7   Module Organization
  SPD3_MODULE_MEMORY_BUS_WIDTH_STRUCT    ModuleMemoryBusWidth;     ///< 8   Module Memory Bus Width
  SPD3_FINE_TIMEBASE_STRUCT              FineTimebase;             ///< 9   Fine Timebase (FTB) Dividend / Divisor
  SPD3_MEDIUM_TIMEBASE                   MediumTimebase;           ///< 10-11 Medium Timebase (MTB) Dividend
  SPD3_TCK_MIN_MTB_STRUCT                tCKmin;                   ///< 12  SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKmin)
  UINT8                                  Reserved0;                ///< 13  Reserved
  SPD3_CAS_LATENCIES_SUPPORTED_STRUCT    CasLatencies;             ///< 14-15 CAS Latencies Supported
  SPD3_TAA_MIN_MTB_STRUCT                tAAmin;                   ///< 16  Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin)
  SPD3_TWR_MIN_MTB_STRUCT                tWRmin;                   ///< 17  Minimum Write Recovery Time (tWRmin)
  SPD3_TRCD_MIN_MTB_STRUCT               tRCDmin;                  ///< 18  Minimum RAS# to CAS# Delay Time (tRCDmin)
  SPD3_TRRD_MIN_MTB_STRUCT               tRRDmin;                  ///< 19  Minimum Row Active to Row Active Delay Time (tRRDmin)
  SPD3_TRP_MIN_MTB_STRUCT                tRPmin;                   ///< 20  Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin)
  SPD3_TRAS_TRC_MIN_MTB_STRUCT           tRASMintRCMinUpper;       ///< 21  Upper Nibbles for tRAS and tRC
  SPD3_TRAS_MIN_MTB_STRUCT               tRASmin;                  ///< 22  Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRASmin), Least Significant Byte
  SPD3_TRC_MIN_MTB_STRUCT                tRCmin;                   ///< 23  Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin), Least Significant Byte
  SPD3_TRFC_MIN_MTB_STRUCT               tRFCmin;                  ///< 24-25  Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCmin)
  SPD3_TWTR_MIN_MTB_STRUCT               tWTRmin;                  ///< 26  Minimum Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time (tWTRmin)
  SPD3_TRTP_MIN_MTB_STRUCT               tRTPmin;                  ///< 27  Minimum Internal Read to Precharge Command Delay Time (tRTPmin)
  SPD3_TFAW_MIN_MTB_UPPER_STRUCT         tFAWMinUpper;             ///< 28  Upper Nibble for tFAW
  SPD3_TFAW_MIN_MTB_STRUCT               tFAWmin;                  ///< 29  Minimum Four Activate Window Delay Time (tFAWmin)
  SPD3_SDRAM_OPTIONAL_FEATURES_STRUCT    SdramOptionalFeatures;    ///< 30  SDRAM Optional Features
  SPD3_SDRAM_THERMAL_REFRESH_STRUCT      ThermalAndRefreshOptions; ///< 31  SDRAM Thermal And Refresh Options
  SPD3_MODULE_THERMAL_SENSOR_STRUCT      ModuleThermalSensor;      ///< 32  Module Thermal Sensor
  SPD3_SDRAM_DEVICE_TYPE_STRUCT          SdramDeviceType;          ///< 33  SDRAM Device Type
  SPD3_TCK_MIN_FTB_STRUCT                tCKminFine;               ///< 34  Fine Offset for SDRAM Minimum Cycle Time (tCKmin)
  SPD3_TAA_MIN_FTB_STRUCT                tAAminFine;               ///< 35  Fine Offset for Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin)
  SPD3_TRCD_MIN_FTB_STRUCT               tRCDminFine;              ///< 36  Fine Offset for Minimum RAS# to CAS# Delay Time (tRCDmin)
  SPD3_TRP_MIN_FTB_STRUCT                tRPminFine;               ///< 37  Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin)
  SPD3_TRC_MIN_FTB_STRUCT                tRCminFine;               ///< 38  Fine Offset for Minimum Active to Active/Refresh Delay Time (tRCmin)
  UINT8                                  Reserved1[40 - 39 + 1];   ///< 39 - 40 Reserved
  SPD3_MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_COUNT_STRUCT       MacValue;                 ///< 41  SDRAM Maximum Active Count (MAC) Value
  UINT8                                  Reserved2[59 - 42 + 1];   ///< 42 - 59 Reserved

typedef struct {
  SPD3_UNBUF_MODULE_NOMINAL_HEIGHT       ModuleNominalHeight;    ///< 60  Module Nominal Height
  SPD3_UNBUF_MODULE_NOMINAL_THICKNESS    ModuleMaximumThickness; ///< 61  Module Maximum Thickness
  SPD3_UNBUF_REFERENCE_RAW_CARD          ReferenceRawCardUsed;   ///< 62  Reference Raw Card Used
  SPD3_UNBUF_ADDRESS_MAPPING             AddressMappingEdgeConn; ///< 63  Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM
  UINT8                                  Reserved[116 - 64 + 1]; ///< 64-116 Reserved

typedef struct {
  SPD3_RDIMM_MODULE_NOMINAL_HEIGHT               ModuleNominalHeight;         ///< 60  Module Nominal Height
  SPD3_RDIMM_MODULE_NOMINAL_THICKNESS            ModuleMaximumThickness;      ///< 61  Module Maximum Thickness
  SPD3_RDIMM_REFERENCE_RAW_CARD                  ReferenceRawCardUsed;        ///< 62  Reference Raw Card Used
  SPD3_RDIMM_MODULE_ATTRIBUTES                   DimmModuleAttributes;        ///< 63  DIMM Module Attributes
  SPD3_RDIMM_THERMAL_HEAT_SPREADER_SOLUTION      ThermalHeatSpreaderSolution; ///< 64     RDIMM Thermal Heat Spreader Solution
  SPD3_MANUFACTURER_ID_CODE                      RegisterManufacturerIdCode;  ///< 65-66  Register Manufacturer ID Code
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_REVISION_NUMBER            RegisterRevisionNumber;      ///< 67     Register Revision Number
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_TYPE                       RegisterType;                ///< 68  Register Type
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_RESERVED           Rc1Rc0;                      ///< 69  RC1 (MS Nibble) / RC0 (LS Nibble) - Reserved
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_COMMAND_ADDRESS    Rc3Rc2;                      ///< 70  RC3 (MS Nibble) / RC2 (LS Nibble) - Drive Strength, Command/Address
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_CONTROL_CLOCK      Rc5Rc4;                      ///< 71  RC5 (MS Nibble) / RC4 (LS Nibble) - Drive Strength, Control and Clock
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_RESERVED           Rc7Rc6;                      ///< 72  RC7 (MS Nibble) / RC6 (LS Nibble) - Reserved for Register Vendor
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_RESERVED           Rc9Rc8;                      ///< 73  RC9 (MS Nibble) / RC8 (LS Nibble) - Reserved
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_RESERVED           Rc11Rc10;                    ///< 74  RC11 (MS Nibble) / RC10 (LS Nibble) - Reserved
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_RESERVED           Rc13Rc12;                    ///< 75  RC12 (MS Nibble) / RC12 (LS Nibble) - Reserved
  SPD3_RDIMM_REGISTER_CONTROL_RESERVED           Rc15Rc14;                    ///< 76  RC15 (MS Nibble) / RC14 (LS Nibble) - Reserved
  UINT8                                          Reserved[116 - 77 + 1];      ///< 77-116 Reserved

typedef struct {
  SPD3_UNBUF_MODULE_NOMINAL_HEIGHT       ModuleNominalHeight;    ///< 60  Module Nominal Height
  SPD3_UNBUF_MODULE_NOMINAL_THICKNESS    ModuleMaximumThickness; ///< 61  Module Maximum Thickness
  SPD3_UNBUF_REFERENCE_RAW_CARD          ReferenceRawCardUsed;   ///< 62  Reference Raw Card Used
  UINT8                                  Reserved[116 - 63 + 1]; ///< 63-116 Reserved

typedef struct {
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_NOMINAL_HEIGHT             ModuleNominalHeight;                     ///< 60  Module Nominal Height
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_NOMINAL_THICKNESS          ModuleMaximumThickness;                  ///< 61  Module Maximum Thickness
  SPD3_LRDIMM_REFERENCE_RAW_CARD                ReferenceRawCardUsed;                    ///< 62  Reference Raw Card Used
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_ATTRIBUTES                 DimmModuleAttributes;                    ///< 63  Module Attributes
  UINT8                                         MemoryBufferRevisionNumber;              ///< 64    Memory Buffer Revision Number
  SPD3_MANUFACTURER_ID_CODE                     ManufacturerIdCode;                      ///< 65-66 Memory Buffer Manufacturer ID Code
  SPD3_LRDIMM_TIMING_CONTROL_DRIVE_STRENGTH     TimingControlDriveStrengthCaCs;          ///< 67    F0RC3 / F0RC2 - Timing Control & Drive Strength, CA & CS
  SPD3_LRDIMM_TIMING_DRIVE_STRENGTH             DriveStrength;                           ///< 68    F0RC5 / F0RC4 - Drive Strength, ODT & CKE and Y
  SPD3_LRDIMM_EXTENDED_DELAY                    ExtendedDelay;                           ///< 69    F1RC11 / F1RC8 - Extended Delay for Y, CS and ODT & CKE
  SPD3_LRDIMM_ADDITIVE_DELAY_FOR_QXCS_N_QXCA    AdditiveDelayForCsCa;                    ///< 70    F1RC13 / F1RC12 - Additive Delay for CS and CA
  SPD3_LRDIMM_ADDITIVE_DELAY_FOR_QXODT_QXCKE    AdditiveDelayForOdtCke;                  ///< 71    F1RC15 / F1RC14 - Additive Delay for ODT & CKE
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MDQ_TERMINATION_DRIVE_STRENGTH    MdqTerminationDriveStrengthFor800_1066;  ///< 72    F1RC15 / F1RC14 - Additive Delay for ODT & CKE
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_0_1QxOdtControlFor800_1066;         ///< 73    F[3,4]RC11 / F[3,4]RC10 - Rank 0 & 1 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_2_3QxOdtControlFor800_1066;         ///< 74    F[5,6]RC11 / F[5,6]RC10 - Rank 2 & 3 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_4_5QxOdtControlFor800_1066;         ///< 75    F[7,8]RC11 / F[7,8]RC10 - Rank 4 & 5 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_6_7QxOdtControlFor800_1066;         ///< 76    F[9,10]RC11 / F[9,10]RC10 - Rank 6 & 7 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MR_1_2                            MR_1_2RegistersFor800_1066;              ///< 77    MR1,2 Registers for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MDQ_TERMINATION_DRIVE_STRENGTH    MdqTerminationDriveStrengthFor1333_1600; ///< 78    F1RC15 / F1RC14 - Additive Delay for ODT & CKE
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_0_1QxOdtControlFor1333_1600;        ///< 79    F[3,4]RC11 / F[3,4]RC10 - Rank 0 & 1 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_2_3QxOdtControlFor1333_1600;        ///< 80    F[5,6]RC11 / F[5,6]RC10 - Rank 2 & 3 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_4_5QxOdtControlFor1333_1600;        ///< 81    F[7,8]RC11 / F[7,8]RC10 - Rank 4 & 5 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_6_7QxOdtControlFor1333_1600;        ///< 82    F[9,10]RC11 / F[9,10]RC10 - Rank 6 & 7 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MR_1_2                            MR_1_2RegistersFor1333_1600;             ///< 83    MR1,2 Registers for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MDQ_TERMINATION_DRIVE_STRENGTH    MdqTerminationDriveStrengthFor1866_2133; ///< 84    F1RC15 / F1RC14 - Additive Delay for ODT & CKE
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_0_1QxOdtControlFor1866_2133;        ///< 85    F[3,4]RC11 / F[3,4]RC10 - Rank 0 & 1 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_2_3QxOdtControlFor1866_2133;        ///< 86    F[5,6]RC11 / F[5,6]RC10 - Rank 2 & 3 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_4_5QxOdtControlFor1866_2133;        ///< 87    F[7,8]RC11 / F[7,8]RC10 - Rank 4 & 5 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_RANK_READ_WRITE_QXODT_CONTROL     Rank_6_7QxOdtControlFor1866_2133;        ///< 88    F[9,10]RC11 / F[9,10]RC10 - Rank 6 & 7 RD & WR QxODT Control for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MR_1_2                            MR_1_2RegistersFor1866_2133;             ///< 89    MR1,2 Registers for 800 & 1066
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_DELAY_TIME                 MinimumModuleDelayTimeFor1_5V;           ///< 90    Minimum Module Delay Time for 1.5 V
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_DELAY_TIME                 MaximumModuleDelayTimeFor1_5V;           ///< 91    Maximum Module Delay Time for 1.5 V
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_DELAY_TIME                 MinimumModuleDelayTimeFor1_35V;          ///< 92    Minimum Module Delay Time for 1.35 V
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_DELAY_TIME                 MaximumModuleDelayTimeFor1_35V;          ///< 93    Maximum Module Delay Time for 1.35 V
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_DELAY_TIME                 MinimumModuleDelayTimeFor1_25V;          ///< 94    Minimum Module Delay Time for 1.25 V
  SPD3_LRDIMM_MODULE_DELAY_TIME                 MaximumModuleDelayTimeFor1_25V;          ///< 95    Maximum Module Delay Time for 1.25 V
  UINT8                                         Reserved[101 - 96 + 1];                  ///< 96-101  Reserved
  UINT8                                         PersonalityByte[116 - 102 + 1];          ///< 102-116 Memory Buffer Personality Bytes

typedef union {
  SPD3_MODULE_UNBUFFERED     Unbuffered;                        ///< 128-255 Unbuffered Memory Module Types
  SPD3_MODULE_REGISTERED     Registered;                        ///< 128-255 Registered Memory Module Types
  SPD3_MODULE_CLOCKED        Clocked;                           ///< 128-255 Registered Memory Module Types
  SPD3_MODULE_LOADREDUCED    LoadReduced;                       ///< 128-255 Load Reduced Memory Module Types

typedef struct {
  UINT8    ModulePartNumber[145 - 128 + 1];                              ///< 128-145 Module Part Number

typedef struct {
  UINT8    ModuleRevisionCode[147 - 146 + 1];                            ///< 146-147 Module Revision Code

typedef struct {
  UINT8    ManufacturerSpecificData[175 - 150 + 1];                      ///< 150-175 Manufacturer's Specific Data

/// DDR3 Serial Presence Detect structure
typedef struct {
  SPD3_BASE_SECTION              General;                             ///< 0-59    General Section
  SPD3_MODULE_SPECIFIC           Module;                              ///< 60-116  Module-Specific Section
  SPD3_UNIQUE_MODULE_ID          ModuleId;                            ///< 117-125 Unique Module ID
  SPD3_CYCLIC_REDUNDANCY_CODE    Crc;                                 ///< 126-127 Cyclical Redundancy Code (CRC)
  SPD3_MODULE_PART_NUMBER        ModulePartNumber;                    ///< 128-145 Module Part Number
  SPD3_MODULE_REVISION_CODE      ModuleRevisionCode;                  ///< 146-147 Module Revision Code
  SPD3_MANUFACTURER_ID_CODE      DramIdCode;                          ///< 148-149 Dram Manufacturer ID Code
  SPD3_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC     ManufacturerSpecificData;            ///< 150-175 Manufacturer's Specific Data
  UINT8                          Reserved[255 - 176 + 1];             ///< 176-255 Open for Customer Use

#pragma pack (pop)