/** @file Copyright (c) 1999 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent Module Name: MiscOnboardDeviceFunction.c Abstract: Create the device path for the Onboard device. The Onboard device information is Misc. subclass type 8 and SMBIOS type 10. **/ #include "CommonHeader.h" #include "MiscSubclassDriver.h" /** This is a macro defined function, in fact, the function is MiscOnboardDeviceFunction (RecordType, RecordLen, RecordData, LogRecordData) This function makes boot time changes to the contents of the MiscOnboardDevice structure. @param MiscOnboardDevice The string which is used to create the function The Arguments in fact: @param RecordType Type of record to be processed from the Data Table. mMiscSubclassDataTable[].RecordType @param RecordLen Size of static RecordData from the Data Table. mMiscSubclassDataTable[].RecordLen @param RecordData Pointer to RecordData, which will be written to the Data Hub @param LogRecordData TRUE to log RecordData to Data Hub. FALSE when there is no more data to log. @retval EFI_SUCCESS *RecordData and *LogRecordData have been set. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Unexpected RecordType value. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the following parameter conditions was true: RecordLen was zero. RecordData was NULL. LogRecordData was NULL. **/ MISC_SMBIOS_TABLE_FUNCTION ( MiscOnboardDevice ) { CHAR8 *OptionalStrStart; UINT8 StatusAndType; UINTN DescriptionStrLen; EFI_STRING DeviceDescription; STRING_REF TokenToGet; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SMBIOS_HANDLE SmbiosHandle; SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE10 *SmbiosRecord; EFI_MISC_ONBOARD_DEVICE *ForType10InputData; ForType10InputData = (EFI_MISC_ONBOARD_DEVICE *)RecordData; // // First check for invalid parameters. // if (RecordData == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } TokenToGet = 0; switch (ForType10InputData->OnBoardDeviceDescription) { case STR_MISC_ONBOARD_DEVICE_VIDEO: TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_ONBOARD_DEVICE_VIDEO); break; case STR_MISC_ONBOARD_DEVICE_AUDIO: TokenToGet = STRING_TOKEN (STR_MISC_ONBOARD_DEVICE_AUDIO); break; default: break; } DeviceDescription = SmbiosMiscGetString (TokenToGet); DescriptionStrLen = StrLen(DeviceDescription); if (DescriptionStrLen > SMBIOS_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Two zeros following the last string. // SmbiosRecord = AllocatePool(sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE10) + DescriptionStrLen + 1 + 1); ZeroMem(SmbiosRecord, sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE10) + DescriptionStrLen + 1 + 1); SmbiosRecord->Hdr.Type = EFI_SMBIOS_TYPE_ONBOARD_DEVICE_INFORMATION; SmbiosRecord->Hdr.Length = sizeof (SMBIOS_TABLE_TYPE10); // // Make handle chosen by smbios protocol.add automatically. // SmbiosRecord->Hdr.Handle = 0; // // Status & Type: Bit 7 Devicen Status, Bits 6:0 Type of Device // StatusAndType = (UINT8) ForType10InputData->OnBoardDeviceStatus.DeviceType; if (ForType10InputData->OnBoardDeviceStatus.DeviceEnabled != 0) { StatusAndType |= 0x80; } else { StatusAndType &= 0x7F; } SmbiosRecord->Device[0].DeviceType = StatusAndType; SmbiosRecord->Device[0].DescriptionString = 1; OptionalStrStart = (CHAR8 *)(SmbiosRecord + 1); UnicodeStrToAsciiStr(DeviceDescription, OptionalStrStart); // // Now we have got the full smbios record, call smbios protocol to add this record. // SmbiosHandle = SMBIOS_HANDLE_PI_RESERVED; Status = Smbios-> Add( Smbios, NULL, &SmbiosHandle, (EFI_SMBIOS_TABLE_HEADER *) SmbiosRecord ); FreePool(SmbiosRecord); return Status; }