;/** @file ; ; This code provides low level routines that support the Virtual Machine ; for option ROMs. ; ; Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
; This program and the accompanying materials ; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License ; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at ; http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php ; ; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ; ;**/ page ,132 title VM ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE ROUTINES ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Equate files needed. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .XLIST .LIST ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Assembler options ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- .686p .model flat .code CopyMem PROTO C Destination:PTR DWORD, Source:PTR DWORD, Count:DWORD ;**************************************************************************** ; EbcLLCALLEXNative ; ; This function is called to execute an EBC CALLEX instruction ; to native code. ; This instruction requires that we thunk out to external native ; code. For IA32, we simply switch stacks and jump to the ; specified function. On return, we restore the stack pointer ; to its original location. ; ; Destroys no working registers. ;**************************************************************************** ; INT64 EbcLLCALLEXNative(UINTN FuncAddr, UINTN NewStackPointer, VOID *FramePtr) _EbcLLCALLEXNative PROC PUBLIC push ebp push ebx mov ebp, esp ; standard function prolog ; Get function address in a register ; mov ecx, FuncAddr => mov ecx, dword ptr [FuncAddr] mov ecx, dword ptr [esp]+0Ch ; Set stack pointer to new value ; mov eax, NewStackPointer => mov eax, dword ptr [NewSp] mov eax, dword ptr [esp] + 14h mov edx, dword ptr [esp] + 10h sub eax, edx sub esp, eax mov ebx, esp push ecx push eax push edx push ebx call CopyMem pop eax pop eax pop eax pop ecx ; Now call the external routine call ecx ; ebp is preserved by the callee. In this function it ; equals the original esp, so set them equal mov esp, ebp ; Standard function epilog mov esp, ebp pop ebx pop ebp ret _EbcLLCALLEXNative ENDP ; UINTN EbcLLGetEbcEntryPoint(VOID); ; Routine Description: ; The VM thunk code stuffs an EBC entry point into a processor ; register. Since we can't use inline assembly to get it from ; the interpreter C code, stuff it into the return value ; register and return. ; ; Arguments: ; None. ; ; Returns: ; The contents of the register in which the entry point is passed. ; _EbcLLGetEbcEntryPoint PROC PUBLIC ; The EbcEntryPoint is saved to EAX, so just return here. ret _EbcLLGetEbcEntryPoint ENDP END