/** @file Internal functions shared in DxeCore module. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. --*/ #ifndef _DXE_LIBRARY_H_ #define _DXE_LIBRARY_H_ VOID CoreReportProgressCode ( IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_VALUE Value ) /*++ Routine Description: Report status code of type EFI_PROGRESS_CODE by caller ID gEfiCallerIdGuid. Arguments: Value - Describes the class/subclass/operation of the hardware or software entity that the Status Code relates to. Returns: None --*/ ; VOID CoreReportProgressCodeSpecific ( IN EFI_STATUS_CODE_VALUE Value, IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: Report status code of type EFI_PROGRESS_CODE by caller ID gEfiCallerIdGuid, with a handle as additional information. Arguments: Value - Describes the class/subclass/operation of the hardware or software entity that the Status Code relates to. Handle - Additional information. Returns: None --*/ ; VOID CoreAcquireLock ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Raising to the task priority level of the mutual exclusion lock, and then acquires ownership of the lock. Arguments: Lock - The lock to acquire Returns: Lock owned --*/ ; EFI_STATUS CoreAcquireLockOrFail ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a basic mutual exclusion lock. Each lock provides mutual exclusion access at it's task priority level. Since there is no-premption (at any TPL) or multiprocessor support, acquiring the lock only consists of raising to the locks TPL. Arguments: Lock - The EFI_LOCK structure to initialize Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Lock Owned. EFI_ACCESS_DENIED - Reentrant Lock Acquisition, Lock not Owned. --*/ ; VOID CoreReleaseLock ( IN EFI_LOCK *Lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Releases ownership of the mutual exclusion lock, and restores the previous task priority level. Arguments: Lock - The lock to release Returns: Lock unowned --*/ ; // // Device Path functions // UINTN CoreDevicePathSize ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ) /*++ Routine Description: Calculate the size of a whole device path. Arguments: DevicePath - The pointer to the device path data. Returns: Size of device path data structure.. --*/ ; BOOLEAN CoreIsDevicePathMultiInstance ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ) /*++ Routine Description: Return TRUE is this is a multi instance device path. Arguments: DevicePath - A pointer to a device path data structure. Returns: TRUE - If DevicePath is multi instance. FALSE - If DevicePath is not multi instance. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * CoreDuplicateDevicePath ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ) /*++ Routine Description: Duplicate a new device path data structure from the old one. Arguments: DevicePath - A pointer to a device path data structure. Returns: A pointer to the new allocated device path data. Caller must free the memory used by DevicePath if it is no longer needed. --*/ ; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * CoreAppendDevicePath ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Src1, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *Node ) /*++ Routine Description: Function is used to append a Src1 and Src2 together. Arguments: Src1 - A pointer to a device path data structure. Node - A pointer to a device path data structure. Returns: A pointer to the new device path is returned. NULL is returned if space for the new device path could not be allocated from pool. It is up to the caller to free the memory used by Src1 and Src2 if they are no longer needed. --*/ ; VOID * CoreAllocateBootServicesPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate pool of type EfiBootServicesData, the size is specified with AllocationSize. Arguments: AllocationSize - Size to allocate. Returns: Pointer of the allocated pool. --*/ ; VOID * CoreAllocateZeroBootServicesPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate pool of type EfiBootServicesData and zero it, the size is specified with AllocationSize. Arguments: AllocationSize - Size to allocate. Returns: Pointer of the allocated pool. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS CoreGetConfigTable ( IN EFI_GUID *Guid, IN OUT VOID **Table ) /*++ Routine Description: Find a config table by name in system table's ConfigurationTable. Arguments: Guid - The table name to look for Table - Pointer of the config table Returns: EFI_NOT_FOUND - Could not find the table in system table's ConfigurationTable. EFI_SUCCESS - Table successfully found. --*/ ; VOID * CoreAllocateRuntimeCopyPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize, IN VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate pool of specified size with EfiRuntimeServicesData type, and copy specified buffer to this pool. Arguments: AllocationSize - Size to allocate. Buffer - Specified buffer that will be copy to the allocated pool Returns: Pointer of the allocated pool. --*/ ; VOID * CoreAllocateRuntimePool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate pool of type EfiRuntimeServicesData, the size is specified with AllocationSize. Arguments: AllocationSize - Size to allocate. Returns: Pointer of the allocated pool. --*/ ; VOID * CoreAllocateCopyPool ( IN UINTN AllocationSize, IN VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocate pool of specified size with EfiBootServicesData type, and copy specified buffer to this pool. Arguments: AllocationSize - Size to allocate. Buffer - Specified buffer that will be copy to the allocated pool Returns: Pointer of the allocated pool. --*/ ; EFI_EVENT CoreCreateProtocolNotifyEvent ( IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid, IN EFI_TPL NotifyTpl, IN EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY NotifyFunction, IN VOID *NotifyContext, OUT VOID **Registration, IN BOOLEAN SignalFlag ) /*++ Routine Description: Create a protocol notification event and return it. Arguments: ProtocolGuid - Protocol to register notification event on. NotifyTpl - Maximum TPL to signal the NotifyFunction. NotifyFuncition - EFI notification routine. NotifyContext - Context passed into Event when it is created. Registration - Registration key returned from RegisterProtocolNotify(). SignalFlag - Boolean value to decide whether kick the event after register or not. Returns: The EFI_EVENT that has been registered to be signaled when a ProtocolGuid is added to the system. --*/ ; #endif