/** @file FAT format data structures Copyright (c) 2006 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _FAT_FMT_H_ #define _FAT_FMT_H_ // // Definitions // #define FAT_ATTR_READ_ONLY 0x01 #define FAT_ATTR_HIDDEN 0x02 #define FAT_ATTR_SYSTEM 0x04 #define FAT_ATTR_VOLUME_ID 0x08 #define FAT_ATTR_DIRECTORY 0x10 #define FAT_ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20 #define FAT_ATTR_LFN (FAT_ATTR_READ_ONLY | FAT_ATTR_HIDDEN | FAT_ATTR_SYSTEM | FAT_ATTR_VOLUME_ID) #define FAT_CLUSTER_SPECIAL ((MAX_UINT32 &~0xF) | 0x7) #define FAT_CLUSTER_FREE 0 #define FAT_CLUSTER_RESERVED (FAT_CLUSTER_SPECIAL) #define FAT_CLUSTER_BAD (FAT_CLUSTER_SPECIAL) #define FAT_CLUSTER_LAST (-1) #define DELETE_ENTRY_MARK 0xE5 #define EMPTY_ENTRY_MARK 0x00 #define FAT_CLUSTER_FUNCTIONAL(Cluster) (((Cluster) == 0) || ((Cluster) >= FAT_CLUSTER_SPECIAL)) #define FAT_CLUSTER_END_OF_CHAIN(Cluster) ((Cluster) > (FAT_CLUSTER_SPECIAL)) // // Directory Entry // #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { UINT16 Day : 5; UINT16 Month : 4; UINT16 Year : 7; // From 1980 } FAT_DATE; typedef struct { UINT16 DoubleSecond : 5; UINT16 Minute : 6; UINT16 Hour : 5; } FAT_TIME; typedef struct { FAT_TIME Time; FAT_DATE Date; } FAT_DATE_TIME; typedef struct { CHAR8 FileName[11]; // 8.3 filename UINT8 Attributes; UINT8 CaseFlag; UINT8 CreateMillisecond; // (creation milliseconds - ignored) FAT_DATE_TIME FileCreateTime; FAT_DATE FileLastAccess; UINT16 FileClusterHigh; // >= FAT32 FAT_DATE_TIME FileModificationTime; UINT16 FileCluster; UINT32 FileSize; } FAT_DIRECTORY_ENTRY; #pragma pack() // // Boot Sector // #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { UINT8 Ia32Jump[3]; CHAR8 OemId[8]; UINT16 SectorSize; UINT8 SectorsPerCluster; UINT16 ReservedSectors; UINT8 NoFats; UINT16 RootEntries; // < FAT32, root dir is fixed size UINT16 Sectors; UINT8 Media; // (ignored) UINT16 SectorsPerFat; // < FAT32 UINT16 SectorsPerTrack; // (ignored) UINT16 Heads; // (ignored) UINT32 HiddenSectors; // (ignored) UINT32 LargeSectors; // => FAT32 UINT8 PhysicalDriveNumber; // (ignored) UINT8 CurrentHead; // holds boot_sector_dirty bit UINT8 Signature; // (ignored) CHAR8 Id[4]; CHAR8 FatLabel[11]; CHAR8 SystemId[8]; } PEI_FAT_BOOT_SECTOR; typedef struct { UINT8 Ia32Jump[3]; CHAR8 OemId[8]; UINT16 SectorSize; UINT8 SectorsPerCluster; UINT16 ReservedSectors; UINT8 NoFats; UINT16 RootEntries; // < FAT32, root dir is fixed size UINT16 Sectors; UINT8 Media; // (ignored) UINT16 SectorsPerFat; // < FAT32 UINT16 SectorsPerTrack; // (ignored) UINT16 Heads; // (ignored) UINT32 HiddenSectors; // (ignored) UINT32 LargeSectors; // Used if Sectors==0 UINT32 LargeSectorsPerFat; // FAT32 UINT16 ExtendedFlags; // FAT32 (ignored) UINT16 FsVersion; // FAT32 (ignored) UINT32 RootDirFirstCluster; // FAT32 UINT16 FsInfoSector; // FAT32 UINT16 BackupBootSector; // FAT32 UINT8 Reserved[12]; // FAT32 (ignored) UINT8 PhysicalDriveNumber; // (ignored) UINT8 CurrentHead; // holds boot_sector_dirty bit UINT8 Signature; // (ignored) CHAR8 Id[4]; CHAR8 FatLabel[11]; CHAR8 SystemId[8]; } PEI_FAT_BOOT_SECTOR_EX; #pragma pack() #endif