/** @file ACPI Table Protocol Implementation Copyright (c) 2006 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2016, Linaro Ltd. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ // // Includes // #include "AcpiTable.h" // // The maximum number of tables that pre-allocated. // UINTN mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables = EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES; // // Allocation strategy to use for AllocatePages (). // Runtime value depends on PcdExposedAcpiTableVersions. // STATIC EFI_ALLOCATE_TYPE mAcpiTableAllocType; /** This function adds an ACPI table to the table list. It will detect FACS and allocate the correct type of memory and properly align the table. @param AcpiTableInstance Instance of the protocol. @param Table Table to add. @param Checksum Does the table require checksumming. @param Version The version of the list to add the table to. @param IsFromHob True, if add Apci Table from Hob List. @param Handle Pointer for returning the handle. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could not allocate a required resource. @return EFI_ABORTED The table is a duplicate of a table that is required to be unique. **/ EFI_STATUS AddTableToList ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance, IN VOID *Table, IN BOOLEAN Checksum, IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version, IN BOOLEAN IsFromHob, OUT UINTN *Handle ); /** This function finds and removes the table specified by the handle. @param AcpiTableInstance Instance of the protocol. @param Version Bitmask of which versions to remove. @param Handle Table to remove. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_ABORTED An error occurred. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND Handle not found in table list. **/ EFI_STATUS RemoveTableFromList ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance, IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version, IN UINTN Handle ); /** This function calculates and updates an UINT8 checksum. @param Buffer Pointer to buffer to checksum @param Size Number of bytes to checksum @param ChecksumOffset Offset to place the checksum result in @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AcpiPlatformChecksum ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN UINTN ChecksumOffset ); /** Checksum all versions of the common tables, RSDP, RSDT, XSDT. @param AcpiTableInstance Protocol instance private data. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS ChecksumCommonTables ( IN OUT EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance ); // // Protocol function implementations. // /** This function publishes the specified versions of the ACPI tables by installing EFI configuration table entries for them. Any combination of table versions can be published. @param AcpiTableInstance Instance of the protocol. @param Version Version(s) to publish. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_ABORTED The function could not complete successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PublishTables ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance, IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 *CurrentRsdtEntry; VOID *CurrentXsdtEntry; UINT64 Buffer64; // // Reorder tables as some operating systems don't seem to find the // FADT correctly if it is not in the first few entries // // // Add FADT as the first entry // if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1 + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)); *CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1; CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3 + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)); *CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3; } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { CurrentXsdtEntry = (VOID *)((UINT8 *)AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)); // // Add entry to XSDT, XSDT expects 64 bit pointers, but // the table pointers in XSDT are not aligned on 8 byte boundary. // Buffer64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3; CopyMem ( CurrentXsdtEntry, &Buffer64, sizeof (UINT64) ); } // // Do checksum again because Dsdt/Xsdt is updated. // ChecksumCommonTables (AcpiTableInstance); // // Add the RSD_PTR to the system table and store that we have installed the // tables. // if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { Status = gBS->InstallConfigurationTable (&gEfiAcpi10TableGuid, AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_ABORTED; } } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { Status = gBS->InstallConfigurationTable (&gEfiAcpiTableGuid, AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_ABORTED; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Installs an ACPI table into the RSDT/XSDT. Note that the ACPI table should be checksumed before installing it. Otherwise it will assert. @param This Protocol instance pointer. @param AcpiTableBuffer A pointer to a buffer containing the ACPI table to be installed. @param AcpiTableBufferSize Specifies the size, in bytes, of the AcpiTableBuffer buffer. @param TableKey Reurns a key to refer to the ACPI table. @return EFI_SUCCESS The table was successfully inserted. @return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Either AcpiTableBuffer is NULL, TableKey is NULL, or AcpiTableBufferSize and the size field embedded in the ACPI table pointed to by AcpiTableBuffer are not in sync. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Insufficient resources exist to complete the request. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The table signature matches a table already present in the system and platform policy does not allow duplicate tables of this type. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InstallAcpiTable ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_PROTOCOL *This, IN VOID *AcpiTableBuffer, IN UINTN AcpiTableBufferSize, OUT UINTN *TableKey ) { EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance; EFI_STATUS Status; VOID *AcpiTableBufferConst; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version; // // Check for invalid input parameters // if ( (AcpiTableBuffer == NULL) || (TableKey == NULL) || (((EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)AcpiTableBuffer)->Length != AcpiTableBufferSize)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Version = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions); // // Get the instance of the ACPI table protocol // AcpiTableInstance = EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE_FROM_THIS (This); // // Install the ACPI table // AcpiTableBufferConst = AllocateCopyPool (AcpiTableBufferSize, AcpiTableBuffer); *TableKey = 0; Status = AddTableToList ( AcpiTableInstance, AcpiTableBufferConst, TRUE, Version, FALSE, TableKey ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = PublishTables ( AcpiTableInstance, Version ); } FreePool (AcpiTableBufferConst); // // Add a new table successfully, notify registed callback // if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol)) { if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SdtNotifyAcpiList ( AcpiTableInstance, Version, *TableKey ); } } return Status; } /** Removes an ACPI table from the RSDT/XSDT. @param This Protocol instance pointer. @param TableKey Specifies the table to uninstall. The key was returned from InstallAcpiTable(). @return EFI_SUCCESS The table was successfully uninstalled. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND TableKey does not refer to a valid key for a table entry. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UninstallAcpiTable ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN TableKey ) { EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version; // // Get the instance of the ACPI table protocol // AcpiTableInstance = EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE_FROM_THIS (This); Version = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions); // // Uninstall the ACPI table // Status = RemoveTableFromList ( AcpiTableInstance, Version, TableKey ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = PublishTables ( AcpiTableInstance, Version ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } else { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } /** If the number of APCI tables exceeds the preallocated max table number, enlarge the table buffer. @param AcpiTableInstance ACPI table protocol instance data structure. @return EFI_SUCCESS reallocate the table beffer successfully. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to allocate required resources. **/ EFI_STATUS ReallocateAcpiTableBuffer ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance ) { UINTN NewMaxTableNumber; UINTN TotalSize; UINT8 *Pointer; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PageAddress; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE TempPrivateData; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 CurrentData; EFI_MEMORY_TYPE AcpiAllocateMemoryType; CopyMem (&TempPrivateData, AcpiTableInstance, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE)); // // Enlarge the max table number from mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables to mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES // NewMaxTableNumber = mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES; // // Create RSDT, XSDT structures and allocate buffers. // TotalSize = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 2.0/3.0 XSDT NewMaxTableNumber * sizeof (UINT64); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { TotalSize += sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 1.0 RSDT NewMaxTableNumber * sizeof (UINT32) + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 2.0/3.0 RSDT NewMaxTableNumber * sizeof (UINT32); } if (PcdGetBool (PcdNoACPIReclaimMemory)) { AcpiAllocateMemoryType = EfiACPIMemoryNVS; } else { AcpiAllocateMemoryType = EfiACPIReclaimMemory; } if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { // // Allocate memory in the lower 32 bit of address range for // compatibility with ACPI 1.0 OS. // // This is done because ACPI 1.0 pointers are 32 bit values. // ACPI 2.0 OS and all 64 bit OS must use the 64 bit ACPI table addresses. // There is no architectural reason these should be below 4GB, it is purely // for convenience of implementation that we force memory below 4GB. // PageAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF; Status = gBS->AllocatePages ( mAcpiTableAllocType, AcpiAllocateMemoryType, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TotalSize), &PageAddress ); } else { Status = gBS->AllocatePool ( AcpiAllocateMemoryType, TotalSize, (VOID **)&Pointer ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { Pointer = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)PageAddress; } ZeroMem (Pointer, TotalSize); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1 = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Pointer; if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { Pointer += (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + NewMaxTableNumber * sizeof (UINT32)); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3 = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Pointer; Pointer += (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + NewMaxTableNumber * sizeof (UINT32)); } AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Pointer; // // Update RSDP to point to the new Rsdt and Xsdt address. // if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1->RsdtAddress = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1; AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->RsdtAddress = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3; } CurrentData = (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt; CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->XsdtAddress, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); // // copy the original Rsdt1, Rsdt3 and Xsdt structure to new buffer // if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1, TempPrivateData.Rsdt1, (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT32))); CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3, TempPrivateData.Rsdt3, (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT32))); } CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt, TempPrivateData.Xsdt, (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT64))); if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { // // Calculate orignal ACPI table buffer size // TotalSize = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 2.0/3.0 XSDT mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT64); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { TotalSize += sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 1.0 RSDT mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT32) + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 2.0/3.0 RSDT mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT32); } gBS->FreePages ( (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)TempPrivateData.Rsdt1, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TotalSize) ); } else { gBS->FreePool (TempPrivateData.Rsdt1); } // // Update the Max ACPI table number // mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables = NewMaxTableNumber; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Free the memory associated with the provided EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST instance. @param TableEntry EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST instance pointer **/ STATIC VOID FreeTableMemory ( EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST *TableEntry ) { if (TableEntry->PoolAllocation) { gBS->FreePool (TableEntry->Table); } else { gBS->FreePages ( (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)TableEntry->Table, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TableEntry->TableSize) ); } } /** This function adds an ACPI table to the table list. It will detect FACS and allocate the correct type of memory and properly align the table. @param AcpiTableInstance Instance of the protocol. @param Table Table to add. @param Checksum Does the table require checksumming. @param Version The version of the list to add the table to. @param IsFromHob True, if add Apci Table from Hob List. @param Handle Pointer for returning the handle. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could not allocate a required resource. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The table signature matches a table already present in the system and platform policy does not allow duplicate tables of this type. **/ EFI_STATUS AddTableToList ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance, IN VOID *Table, IN BOOLEAN Checksum, IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version, IN BOOLEAN IsFromHob, OUT UINTN *Handle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST *CurrentTableList; UINT32 CurrentTableSignature; UINT32 CurrentTableSize; UINT32 *CurrentRsdtEntry; VOID *CurrentXsdtEntry; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS AllocPhysAddress; UINT64 Buffer64; BOOLEAN AddToRsdt; EFI_MEMORY_TYPE AcpiAllocateMemoryType; // // Check for invalid input parameters // ASSERT (AcpiTableInstance); ASSERT (Table); ASSERT (Handle); // // Init locals // AddToRsdt = TRUE; // // Create a new list entry // CurrentTableList = AllocatePool (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST)); ASSERT (CurrentTableList); // // Determine table type and size // CurrentTableSignature = ((EFI_ACPI_COMMON_HEADER *)Table)->Signature; CurrentTableSize = ((EFI_ACPI_COMMON_HEADER *)Table)->Length; // // Allocate a buffer for the table. All tables are allocated in the lower 32 bits of address space // for backwards compatibility with ACPI 1.0 OS. // // This is done because ACPI 1.0 pointers are 32 bit values. // ACPI 2.0 OS and all 64 bit OS must use the 64 bit ACPI table addresses. // There is no architectural reason these should be below 4GB, it is purely // for convenience of implementation that we force memory below 4GB. // AllocPhysAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF; CurrentTableList->TableSize = CurrentTableSize; CurrentTableList->PoolAllocation = FALSE; if (PcdGetBool (PcdNoACPIReclaimMemory)) { AcpiAllocateMemoryType = EfiACPIMemoryNVS; } else { AcpiAllocateMemoryType = EfiACPIReclaimMemory; } // // Allocation memory type depends on the type of the table // if ((CurrentTableSignature == EFI_ACPI_2_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE_SIGNATURE) || (CurrentTableSignature == EFI_ACPI_4_0_UEFI_ACPI_DATA_TABLE_SIGNATURE)) { // // Allocate memory for the FACS. This structure must be aligned // on a 64 byte boundary and must be ACPI NVS memory. // Using AllocatePages should ensure that it is always aligned. // Do not change signature for new ACPI version because they are same. // // UEFI table also need to be in ACPI NVS memory, because some data field // could be updated by OS present agent. For example, BufferPtrAddress in // SMM communication ACPI table. // ASSERT ((EFI_PAGE_SIZE % 64) == 0); if (IsFromHob) { AllocPhysAddress = (UINTN)Table; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { Status = gBS->AllocatePages ( AllocateMaxAddress, EfiACPIMemoryNVS, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (CurrentTableList->TableSize), &AllocPhysAddress ); } } else if (mAcpiTableAllocType == AllocateAnyPages) { // // If there is no allocation limit, there is also no need to use page // based allocations for ACPI tables, which may be wasteful on platforms // such as AArch64 that allocate multiples of 64 KB // Status = gBS->AllocatePool ( AcpiAllocateMemoryType, CurrentTableList->TableSize, (VOID **)&CurrentTableList->Table ); CurrentTableList->PoolAllocation = TRUE; } else { // // All other tables are ACPI reclaim memory, no alignment requirements. // Status = gBS->AllocatePages ( mAcpiTableAllocType, AcpiAllocateMemoryType, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (CurrentTableList->TableSize), &AllocPhysAddress ); CurrentTableList->Table = (EFI_ACPI_COMMON_HEADER *)(UINTN)AllocPhysAddress; } // // Check return value from memory alloc. // if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { gBS->FreePool (CurrentTableList); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (!CurrentTableList->PoolAllocation) { CurrentTableList->Table = (EFI_ACPI_COMMON_HEADER *)(UINTN)AllocPhysAddress; } // // Initialize the table contents // CurrentTableList->Signature = EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST_SIGNATURE; CopyMem (CurrentTableList->Table, Table, CurrentTableSize); CurrentTableList->Handle = AcpiTableInstance->CurrentHandle++; *Handle = CurrentTableList->Handle; CurrentTableList->Version = Version; // // Update internal pointers if this is a required table. If it is a required // table and a table of that type already exists, return an error. // // Calculate the checksum if the table is not FACS. // switch (CurrentTableSignature) { case EFI_ACPI_1_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE: // // We don't add the FADT in the standard way because some // OS expect the FADT to be early in the table list. // So we always add it as the first element in the list. // AddToRsdt = FALSE; // // Check that the table has not been previously added. // if ((((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) && (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1 != NULL)) || (((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) && (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3 != NULL)) ) { FreeTableMemory (CurrentTableList); gBS->FreePool (CurrentTableList); return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } // // Add the table to the appropriate table version // if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { // // Save a pointer to the table // AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1 = (EFI_ACPI_1_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)CurrentTableList->Table; // // Update pointers in FADT. If tables don't exist this will put NULL pointers there. // AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->FirmwareCtrl = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs1; AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Dsdt = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt1; // // RSDP OEM information is updated to match the FADT OEM information // CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1->OemId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.OemId, 6 ); // // RSDT OEM information is updated to match the FADT OEM information. // CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->OemId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.OemId, 6 ); CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->OemTableId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.OemTableId, sizeof (UINT64) ); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->OemRevision = AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.OemRevision; } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { // // Save a pointer to the table // AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3 = (EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)CurrentTableList->Table; // // Update pointers in FADT. If tables don't exist this will put NULL pointers there. // Note: If the FIRMWARE_CTRL is non-zero, then X_FIRMWARE_CTRL must be zero, and // vice-versa. // if ((UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs3 < BASE_4GB) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->FirmwareCtrl = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs3; ZeroMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XFirmwareCtrl, sizeof (UINT64)); } else { Buffer64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs3; CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XFirmwareCtrl, &Buffer64, sizeof (UINT64) ); AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->FirmwareCtrl = 0; } if ((UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3 < BASE_4GB) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Dsdt = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3; // // Comment block "the caller installs the tables in "DSDT, FADT" order" // The below comments are also in "the caller installs the tables in "FADT, DSDT" order" comment block. // // The ACPI specification, up to and including revision 5.1 Errata A, // allows the DSDT and X_DSDT fields to be both set in the FADT. // (Obviously, this only makes sense if the DSDT address is representable in 4 bytes.) // Starting with 5.1 Errata B, specifically for Mantis 1393 , // the spec requires at most one of DSDT and X_DSDT fields to be set to a nonzero value, // but strangely an exception is 6.0 that has no this requirement. // // Here we do not make the DSDT and X_DSDT fields mutual exclusion conditionally // by checking FADT revision, but always set both DSDT and X_DSDT fields in the FADT // to have better compatibility as some OS may have assumption to only consume X_DSDT // field even the DSDT address is < 4G. // Buffer64 = AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Dsdt; } else { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Dsdt = 0; Buffer64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3; } CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XDsdt, &Buffer64, sizeof (UINT64)); // // RSDP OEM information is updated to match the FADT OEM information // CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->OemId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.OemId, 6 ); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { // // RSDT OEM information is updated to match FADT OEM information. // CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->OemId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.OemId, 6 ); CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->OemTableId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.OemTableId, sizeof (UINT64) ); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->OemRevision = AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.OemRevision; } // // XSDT OEM information is updated to match FADT OEM information. // CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->OemId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.OemId, 6 ); CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->OemTableId, &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.OemTableId, sizeof (UINT64) ); AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->OemRevision = AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.OemRevision; } // // Checksum the table // if (Checksum) { AcpiPlatformChecksum ( CurrentTableList->Table, CurrentTableList->Table->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } break; case EFI_ACPI_1_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE_SIGNATURE: // // Check that the table has not been previously added. // if ((((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) && (AcpiTableInstance->Facs1 != NULL)) || (((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) && (AcpiTableInstance->Facs3 != NULL)) ) { FreeTableMemory (CurrentTableList); gBS->FreePool (CurrentTableList); return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } // // FACS is referenced by FADT and is not part of RSDT // AddToRsdt = FALSE; // // Add the table to the appropriate table version // if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { // // Save a pointer to the table // AcpiTableInstance->Facs1 = (EFI_ACPI_1_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *)CurrentTableList->Table; // // If FADT already exists, update table pointers. // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1 != NULL) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->FirmwareCtrl = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs1; // // Checksum FADT table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { // // Save a pointer to the table // AcpiTableInstance->Facs3 = (EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *)CurrentTableList->Table; // // If FADT already exists, update table pointers. // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3 != NULL) { // // Note: If the FIRMWARE_CTRL is non-zero, then X_FIRMWARE_CTRL must be zero, and // vice-versa. // if ((UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs3 < BASE_4GB) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->FirmwareCtrl = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs3; ZeroMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XFirmwareCtrl, sizeof (UINT64)); } else { Buffer64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Facs3; CopyMem ( &AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XFirmwareCtrl, &Buffer64, sizeof (UINT64) ); AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->FirmwareCtrl = 0; } // // Checksum FADT table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } break; case EFI_ACPI_1_0_DIFFERENTIATED_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE: // // Check that the table has not been previously added. // if ((((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) && (AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt1 != NULL)) || (((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) && (AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3 != NULL)) ) { FreeTableMemory (CurrentTableList); gBS->FreePool (CurrentTableList); return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } // // DSDT is referenced by FADT and is not part of RSDT // AddToRsdt = FALSE; // // Add the table to the appropriate table version // if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { // // Save a pointer to the table // AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt1 = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)CurrentTableList->Table; // // If FADT already exists, update table pointers. // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1 != NULL) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Dsdt = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt1; // // Checksum FADT table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { // // Save a pointer to the table // AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3 = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)CurrentTableList->Table; // // If FADT already exists, update table pointers. // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3 != NULL) { if ((UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3 < BASE_4GB) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Dsdt = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3; // // Comment block "the caller installs the tables in "FADT, DSDT" order" // The below comments are also in "the caller installs the tables in "DSDT, FADT" order" comment block. // // The ACPI specification, up to and including revision 5.1 Errata A, // allows the DSDT and X_DSDT fields to be both set in the FADT. // (Obviously, this only makes sense if the DSDT address is representable in 4 bytes.) // Starting with 5.1 Errata B, specifically for Mantis 1393 , // the spec requires at most one of DSDT and X_DSDT fields to be set to a nonzero value, // but strangely an exception is 6.0 that has no this requirement. // // Here we do not make the DSDT and X_DSDT fields mutual exclusion conditionally // by checking FADT revision, but always set both DSDT and X_DSDT fields in the FADT // to have better compatibility as some OS may have assumption to only consume X_DSDT // field even the DSDT address is < 4G. // Buffer64 = AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Dsdt; } else { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Dsdt = 0; Buffer64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3; } CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XDsdt, &Buffer64, sizeof (UINT64)); // // Checksum FADT table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } // // Checksum the table // if (Checksum) { AcpiPlatformChecksum ( CurrentTableList->Table, CurrentTableList->Table->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } break; default: // // Checksum the table // if (Checksum) { AcpiPlatformChecksum ( CurrentTableList->Table, CurrentTableList->Table->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } break; } // // Add the table to the current list of tables // InsertTailList (&AcpiTableInstance->TableList, &CurrentTableList->Link); // // Add the table to RSDT and/or XSDT table entry lists. // // // Add to ACPI 1.0b table tree // if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { if (AddToRsdt) { // // If the table number exceed the gEfiAcpiMaxNumTables, enlarge the table buffer // if (AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1 >= mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables) { Status = ReallocateAcpiTableBuffer (AcpiTableInstance); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); } CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32 *) ( (UINT8 *)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1 + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1 * sizeof (UINT32) ); // // Add entry to the RSDT unless its the FACS or DSDT // *CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32)(UINTN)CurrentTableList->Table; // // Update RSDT length // AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Length = AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Length + sizeof (UINT32); AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1++; } } // // Add to ACPI 2.0/3.0 table tree // if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { if (AddToRsdt) { // // If the table number exceed the gEfiAcpiMaxNumTables, enlarge the table buffer // if (AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3 >= mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables) { Status = ReallocateAcpiTableBuffer (AcpiTableInstance); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); } if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { // // At this time, it is assumed that RSDT and XSDT maintain parallel lists of tables. // If it becomes necessary to maintain separate table lists, changes will be required. // CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32 *) ( (UINT8 *)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3 + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3 * sizeof (UINT32) ); // // Add entry to the RSDT // *CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32)(UINTN)CurrentTableList->Table; // // Update RSDT length // AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Length = AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Length + sizeof (UINT32); } // // This pointer must not be directly dereferenced as the XSDT entries may not // be 64 bit aligned resulting in a possible fault. Use CopyMem to update. // CurrentXsdtEntry = (VOID *) ( (UINT8 *)AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3 * sizeof (UINT64) ); // // Add entry to XSDT, XSDT expects 64 bit pointers, but // the table pointers in XSDT are not aligned on 8 byte boundary. // Buffer64 = (UINT64)(UINTN)CurrentTableList->Table; CopyMem ( CurrentXsdtEntry, &Buffer64, sizeof (UINT64) ); // // Update length // AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Length = AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Length + sizeof (UINT64); AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3++; } } ChecksumCommonTables (AcpiTableInstance); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function finds the table specified by the handle and returns a pointer to it. If the handle is not found, EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned and the contents of Table are undefined. @param Handle Table to find. @param TableList Table list to search @param Table Pointer to table found. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND No table found matching the handle specified. **/ EFI_STATUS FindTableByHandle ( IN UINTN Handle, IN LIST_ENTRY *TableList, OUT EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST **Table ) { LIST_ENTRY *CurrentLink; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST *CurrentTable; // // Check for invalid input parameters // ASSERT (Table); // // Find the table // CurrentLink = TableList->ForwardLink; while (CurrentLink != TableList) { CurrentTable = EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST_FROM_LINK (CurrentLink); if (CurrentTable->Handle == Handle) { // // Found handle, so return this table. // *Table = CurrentTable; return EFI_SUCCESS; } CurrentLink = CurrentLink->ForwardLink; } // // Table not found // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } /** This function removes a basic table from the RSDT and/or XSDT. For Acpi 1.0 tables, pass in the Rsdt. For Acpi 2.0 tables, pass in both Rsdt and Xsdt. @param Table Pointer to table found. @param NumberOfTableEntries Current number of table entries in the RSDT/XSDT @param Rsdt Pointer to the RSDT to remove from @param Xsdt Pointer to the Xsdt to remove from @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The table was not found in both Rsdt and Xsdt. **/ EFI_STATUS RemoveTableFromRsdt ( IN OUT EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST *Table, IN OUT UINTN *NumberOfTableEntries, IN OUT EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *Rsdt OPTIONAL, IN OUT EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *Xsdt OPTIONAL ) { UINT32 *CurrentRsdtEntry; VOID *CurrentXsdtEntry; UINT64 CurrentTablePointer64; UINTN Index; // // Check for invalid input parameters // ASSERT (Table); ASSERT (NumberOfTableEntries); ASSERT (Rsdt || Xsdt); // // Find the table entry in the RSDT and XSDT // for (Index = 0; Index < *NumberOfTableEntries; Index++) { // // At this time, it is assumed that RSDT and XSDT maintain parallel lists of tables. // If it becomes necessary to maintain separate table lists, changes will be required. // if (Rsdt != NULL) { CurrentRsdtEntry = (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)Rsdt + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + Index * sizeof (UINT32)); } else { CurrentRsdtEntry = NULL; } if (Xsdt != NULL) { // // This pointer must not be directly dereferenced as the XSDT entries may not // be 64 bit aligned resulting in a possible fault. Use CopyMem to update. // CurrentXsdtEntry = (VOID *)((UINT8 *)Xsdt + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + Index * sizeof (UINT64)); // // Read the entry value out of the XSDT // CopyMem (&CurrentTablePointer64, CurrentXsdtEntry, sizeof (UINT64)); } else { // // Initialize to NULL // CurrentXsdtEntry = 0; CurrentTablePointer64 = 0; } // // Check if we have found the corresponding entry in both RSDT and XSDT // if (((Rsdt == NULL) || (*CurrentRsdtEntry == (UINT32)(UINTN)Table->Table)) && ((Xsdt == NULL) || (CurrentTablePointer64 == (UINT64)(UINTN)Table->Table)) ) { // // Found entry, so copy all following entries and shrink table // if (Rsdt != NULL) { CopyMem (CurrentRsdtEntry, CurrentRsdtEntry + 1, (*NumberOfTableEntries - Index - 1) * sizeof (UINT32)); ZeroMem ((UINT8 *)Rsdt + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + ((*NumberOfTableEntries - 1) * sizeof (UINT32)), sizeof (UINT32)); Rsdt->Length = Rsdt->Length - sizeof (UINT32); } if (Xsdt != NULL) { CopyMem (CurrentXsdtEntry, ((UINT64 *)CurrentXsdtEntry) + 1, (*NumberOfTableEntries - Index - 1) * sizeof (UINT64)); ZeroMem ((UINT8 *)Xsdt + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + ((*NumberOfTableEntries - 1) * sizeof (UINT64)), sizeof (UINT64)); Xsdt->Length = Xsdt->Length - sizeof (UINT64); } break; } else if (Index + 1 == *NumberOfTableEntries) { // // At the last entry, and table not found // return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // Checksum the tables // if (Rsdt != NULL) { AcpiPlatformChecksum ( Rsdt, Rsdt->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } if (Xsdt != NULL) { AcpiPlatformChecksum ( Xsdt, Xsdt->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } // // Decrement the number of tables // (*NumberOfTableEntries)--; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function removes a table and frees any associated memory. @param AcpiTableInstance Instance of the protocol. @param Version Version(s) to delete. @param Table Pointer to table found. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS DeleteTable ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance, IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version, IN OUT EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST *Table ) { UINT32 CurrentTableSignature; BOOLEAN RemoveFromRsdt; // // Check for invalid input parameters // ASSERT (AcpiTableInstance); ASSERT (Table); // // Init locals // RemoveFromRsdt = TRUE; // // Check for Table->Table // ASSERT (Table->Table != NULL); CurrentTableSignature = ((EFI_ACPI_COMMON_HEADER *)Table->Table)->Signature; // // Basic tasks to accomplish delete are: // Determine removal requirements (in RSDT/XSDT or not) // Remove entry from RSDT/XSDT // Remove any table references to the table // If no one is using the table // Free the table (removing pointers from private data and tables) // Remove from list // Free list structure // // // Determine if this table is in the RSDT or XSDT // if ((CurrentTableSignature == EFI_ACPI_1_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE_SIGNATURE) || (CurrentTableSignature == EFI_ACPI_2_0_DIFFERENTIATED_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE) || (CurrentTableSignature == EFI_ACPI_3_0_DIFFERENTIATED_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE) ) { RemoveFromRsdt = FALSE; } // // We don't remove the FADT in the standard way because some // OS expect the FADT to be early in the table list. // So we always put it as the first element in the list. // if (CurrentTableSignature == EFI_ACPI_1_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE) { RemoveFromRsdt = FALSE; } // // Remove the table from RSDT and XSDT // if (Table->Table != NULL) { // // This is a basic table, remove it from any lists and the Rsdt and/or Xsdt // if (Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_NONE & Table->Version) { // // Remove this version from the table // Table->Version = Table->Version &~EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_NONE; } if (Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B & Table->Version) { // // Remove this version from the table // Table->Version = Table->Version &~EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B; // // Remove from Rsdt. We don't care about the return value because it is // acceptable for the table to not exist in Rsdt. // We didn't add some tables so we don't remove them. // if (RemoveFromRsdt) { RemoveTableFromRsdt ( Table, &AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1, AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1, NULL ); } } if (Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0 & Table->Version) { // // Remove this version from the table // Table->Version = Table->Version &~(Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0); // // Remove from Rsdt and Xsdt. We don't care about the return value // because it is acceptable for the table to not exist in Rsdt/Xsdt. // We didn't add some tables so we don't remove them. // if (RemoveFromRsdt) { RemoveTableFromRsdt ( Table, &AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3, AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3, AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt ); } } // // Free the table, clean up any dependent tables and our private data pointers. // switch (Table->Table->Signature) { case EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE: if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1 = NULL; } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3 = NULL; } break; case EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE_SIGNATURE: if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Facs1 = NULL; // // Update FADT table pointers // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1 != NULL) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->FirmwareCtrl = 0; // // Checksum table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Facs3 = NULL; // // Update FADT table pointers // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3 != NULL) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->FirmwareCtrl = 0; ZeroMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XFirmwareCtrl, sizeof (UINT64)); // // Checksum table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } break; case EFI_ACPI_3_0_DIFFERENTIATED_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE: if ((Version & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt1 = NULL; // // Update FADT table pointers // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1 != NULL) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Dsdt = 0; // // Checksum table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt1->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } if ((Version & ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_GTE_2_0) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Dsdt3 = NULL; // // Update FADT table pointers // if (AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3 != NULL) { AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Dsdt = 0; ZeroMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->XDsdt, sizeof (UINT64)); // // Checksum table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3, AcpiTableInstance->Fadt3->Header.Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } } break; default: // // Do nothing // break; } } // // If no version is using this table anymore, remove and free list entry. // if (Table->Version == 0) { // // Free the Table // FreeTableMemory (Table); RemoveEntryList (&(Table->Link)); gBS->FreePool (Table); } // // Done // return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function finds and removes the table specified by the handle. @param AcpiTableInstance Instance of the protocol. @param Version Bitmask of which versions to remove. @param Handle Table to remove. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_ABORTED An error occurred. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND Handle not found in table list. **/ EFI_STATUS RemoveTableFromList ( IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance, IN EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version, IN UINTN Handle ) { EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST *Table; EFI_STATUS Status; Table = (EFI_ACPI_TABLE_LIST *)NULL; // // Check for invalid input parameters // ASSERT (AcpiTableInstance); // // Find the table // Status = FindTableByHandle ( Handle, &AcpiTableInstance->TableList, &Table ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Remove the table // Status = DeleteTable (AcpiTableInstance, Version, Table); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_ABORTED; } // // Completed successfully // return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function calculates and updates an UINT8 checksum. @param Buffer Pointer to buffer to checksum @param Size Number of bytes to checksum @param ChecksumOffset Offset to place the checksum result in @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS AcpiPlatformChecksum ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Size, IN UINTN ChecksumOffset ) { UINT8 Sum; UINT8 *Ptr; Sum = 0; // // Initialize pointer // Ptr = Buffer; // // set checksum to 0 first // Ptr[ChecksumOffset] = 0; // // add all content of buffer // while ((Size--) != 0) { Sum = (UINT8)(Sum + (*Ptr++)); } // // set checksum // Ptr = Buffer; Ptr[ChecksumOffset] = (UINT8)(0xff - Sum + 1); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Checksum all versions of the common tables, RSDP, RSDT, XSDT. @param AcpiTableInstance Protocol instance private data. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS ChecksumCommonTables ( IN OUT EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance ) { // // RSDP ACPI 1.0 checksum for 1.0 table. This is only the first 20 bytes of the structure // if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER), OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER, Checksum ) ); } // // RSDP ACPI 1.0 checksum for 2.0/3.0 table. This is only the first 20 bytes of the structure // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER), OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER, Checksum ) ); // // RSDP ACPI 2.0/3.0 checksum, this is the entire table // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3, sizeof (EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER), OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER, ExtendedChecksum ) ); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { // // RSDT checksums // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1, AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3, AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); } // // XSDT checksum // AcpiPlatformChecksum ( AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt, AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Length, OFFSET_OF ( EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER, Checksum ) ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function will find gUniversalPayloadAcpiTableGuid Guid Hob, and install Acpi table from it. @param AcpiTableInstance Protocol instance private data. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND The function doesn't find the gEfiAcpiTableGuid Guid Hob. @return EFI_ABORTED The function could not complete successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS InstallAcpiTableFromHob ( EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance ) { EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION Version; EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER *Rsdp; EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *Rsdt; EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *ChildTable; UINT64 ChildTableAddress; UINTN Count; UINTN Index; UINTN TableKey; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN EntrySize; UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_ACPI_TABLE *AcpiTableAdress; VOID *TableToInstall; EFI_ACPI_SDT_HEADER *Table; UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_GENERIC_HEADER *GenericHeader; TableKey = 0; Version = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; // // HOB only contains the ACPI table in 2.0+ format. // GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gUniversalPayloadAcpiTableGuid); if (GuidHob == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } GenericHeader = (UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_GENERIC_HEADER *)GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); if ((sizeof (UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_GENERIC_HEADER) > GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob)) || (GenericHeader->Length > GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob))) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (GenericHeader->Revision == UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_ACPI_TABLE_REVISION) { // // UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_ACPI_TABLE structure is used when Revision equals to UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_ACPI_TABLE_REVISION // AcpiTableAdress = (UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_ACPI_TABLE *)GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); if (AcpiTableAdress->Header.Length < UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_SIZEOF_THROUGH_FIELD (UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_ACPI_TABLE, Rsdp)) { // // Retrun if can't find the ACPI Info Hob with enough length // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } Rsdp = (EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER *)(UINTN)(AcpiTableAdress->Rsdp); // // An ACPI-compatible OS must use the XSDT if present. // It shouldn't happen that XsdtAddress points beyond 4G range in 32-bit environment. // ASSERT ((UINTN)Rsdp->XsdtAddress == Rsdp->XsdtAddress); EntrySize = sizeof (UINT64); Rsdt = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)(UINTN)Rsdp->XsdtAddress; if (Rsdt == NULL) { // // XsdtAddress is zero, then we use Rsdt which has 32 bit entry // Rsdt = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)(UINTN)Rsdp->RsdtAddress; EntrySize = sizeof (UINT32); } if (Rsdt->Length <= sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)) { return EFI_ABORTED; } Count = (Rsdt->Length - sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)) / EntrySize; for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { ChildTableAddress = 0; CopyMem (&ChildTableAddress, (UINT8 *)(Rsdt + 1) + EntrySize * Index, EntrySize); // // If the address is of UINT64 while this module runs at 32 bits, // make sure the upper bits are all-zeros. // ASSERT (ChildTableAddress == (UINTN)ChildTableAddress); if (ChildTableAddress != (UINTN)ChildTableAddress) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; break; } ChildTable = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)(UINTN)ChildTableAddress; Status = AddTableToList (AcpiTableInstance, ChildTable, TRUE, Version, TRUE, &TableKey); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "InstallAcpiTableFromHob: Fail to add ACPI table at 0x%p\n", ChildTable)); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); break; } if (ChildTable->Signature == EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE) { // // Add the FACS and DSDT tables if it is not NULL. // if (((EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)ChildTable)->FirmwareCtrl != 0) { TableToInstall = (VOID *)(UINTN)((EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)ChildTable)->FirmwareCtrl; Status = AddTableToList (AcpiTableInstance, TableToInstall, TRUE, Version, TRUE, &TableKey); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "InstallAcpiTableFromHob: Fail to add ACPI table FACS\n")); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); break; } } // // First check if xDSDT is available, as that is preferred as per // ACPI Spec 6.5+ Table 5-9 X_DSDT definition // if (((EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)ChildTable)->XDsdt != 0) { TableToInstall = (VOID *)(UINTN)((EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)ChildTable)->XDsdt; } else if (((EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)ChildTable)->Dsdt != 0) { TableToInstall = (VOID *)(UINTN)((EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)ChildTable)->Dsdt; } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "DSDT table not found\n")); continue; } Status = AddTableToList (AcpiTableInstance, TableToInstall, TRUE, Version, TRUE, &TableKey); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "InstallAcpiTableFromHob: Fail to add ACPI table DSDT\n")); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); break; } } } } else { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Error happens when trying to add ACPI table to the list. // Remove all of them from list because at this time, no other tables except from HOB are in the list // while (SdtGetAcpiTable (AcpiTableInstance, 0, &Table, &Version, &TableKey) == EFI_SUCCESS) { RemoveTableFromList (AcpiTableInstance, Version, TableKey); } } else { Status = PublishTables (AcpiTableInstance, Version); } ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); return Status; } /** This function is updating the instance with RSDP and RSDT, these are steps in the constructor that will be skipped if this HOB is available. @param AcpiTableInstance Protocol instance private data. @param GuidHob GUID HOB header. @return EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. @return EFI_NOT_FOUND The function doesn't find the Rsdp from AcpiSiliconHob. @return EFI_ABORTED The function could not complete successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS InstallAcpiTableFromAcpiSiliconHob ( EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance, EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob ) { ACPI_SILICON_HOB *AcpiSiliconHob; EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER *SiAcpiHobRsdp; EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *SiCommonAcpiTable; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 *TempBuffer; UINTN NumOfTblEntries; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "InstallAcpiTableFromAcpiSiliconHob\n")); // // Initial variable. // SiAcpiHobRsdp = NULL; SiCommonAcpiTable = NULL; AcpiSiliconHob = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; // // Got RSDP table from ACPI Silicon Hob. // SiAcpiHobRsdp = (EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER *)(UINTN)(AcpiSiliconHob->Rsdp); if (SiAcpiHobRsdp == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "InstallAcpiTableFromAcpiSiliconHob: Fail to locate RSDP Acpi table!!\n")); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Silicon ACPI RSDP address : 0x%lx\n", SiAcpiHobRsdp)); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3 = SiAcpiHobRsdp; if (SiAcpiHobRsdp->RsdtAddress != 0x00000000) { // // Initial RSDT. // TempBuffer = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)(SiAcpiHobRsdp->RsdtAddress); SiCommonAcpiTable = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)TempBuffer; AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3 = SiCommonAcpiTable; if (SiCommonAcpiTable->Length <= sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "RSDT length is incorrect\n")); return EFI_ABORTED; } // // Calcaue 32bit Acpi table number. // NumOfTblEntries = (SiCommonAcpiTable->Length - sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)) / sizeof (UINT32); AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1 = NumOfTblEntries; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "32bit NumOfTblEntries : 0x%x\n", NumOfTblEntries)); // // Enlarge the max table number from mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables to current ACPI tables + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES // if (AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1 >= EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES) { mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables = AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1 + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES; DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables : 0x%x\n", mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables)); } } else { // // Initial XSDT. // TempBuffer = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)(SiAcpiHobRsdp->XsdtAddress); SiCommonAcpiTable = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)TempBuffer; AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt = SiCommonAcpiTable; if (SiCommonAcpiTable->Length <= sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "XSDT length is incorrect\n")); return EFI_ABORTED; } // // Calcaue 64bit Acpi table number. // NumOfTblEntries = (SiCommonAcpiTable->Length - sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER)) / sizeof (UINT64); AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3 = NumOfTblEntries; DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "64bit NumOfTblEntries : 0x%x\n", NumOfTblEntries)); // // Enlarge the max table number from mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables to current ACPI tables + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES // if (AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3 >= EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES) { mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables = AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3 + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES; DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables : 0x%x\n", mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables)); } } return Status; } /** Constructor for the ACPI table protocol. Initializes instance data. @param AcpiTableInstance Instance to construct @return EFI_SUCCESS Instance initialized. @return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to allocate required resources. **/ EFI_STATUS AcpiTableAcpiTableConstructor ( EFI_ACPI_TABLE_INSTANCE *AcpiTableInstance ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 CurrentData; UINTN TotalSize; UINTN RsdpTableSize; UINT8 *Pointer; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PageAddress; EFI_MEMORY_TYPE AcpiAllocateMemoryType; EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; // // Check for invalid input parameters // ASSERT (AcpiTableInstance); // // If ACPI v1.0b is among the ACPI versions we aim to support, we have to // ensure that all memory allocations are below 4 GB. // if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { mAcpiTableAllocType = AllocateMaxAddress; } else { mAcpiTableAllocType = AllocateAnyPages; } InitializeListHead (&AcpiTableInstance->TableList); AcpiTableInstance->CurrentHandle = 1; AcpiTableInstance->AcpiTableProtocol.InstallAcpiTable = InstallAcpiTable; AcpiTableInstance->AcpiTableProtocol.UninstallAcpiTable = UninstallAcpiTable; if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol)) { SdtAcpiTableAcpiSdtConstructor (AcpiTableInstance); } // // Check Silicon ACPI Hob. // GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gAcpiTableHobGuid); if (GuidHob != NULL) { Status = InstallAcpiTableFromAcpiSiliconHob (AcpiTableInstance, GuidHob); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Installed ACPI Table from AcpiSiliconHob.\n")); return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Fail to Installed ACPI Table from AcpiSiliconHob!!\n")); ASSERT (Status != EFI_SUCCESS); } } else { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Fail to locate AcpiSiliconHob!!\n")); } // // Create RSDP table // RsdpTableSize = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { RsdpTableSize += sizeof (EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER); } if (PcdGetBool (PcdNoACPIReclaimMemory)) { AcpiAllocateMemoryType = EfiACPIMemoryNVS; } else { AcpiAllocateMemoryType = EfiACPIReclaimMemory; } if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { PageAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF; Status = gBS->AllocatePages ( mAcpiTableAllocType, AcpiAllocateMemoryType, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (RsdpTableSize), &PageAddress ); } else { Status = gBS->AllocatePool ( AcpiAllocateMemoryType, RsdpTableSize, (VOID **)&Pointer ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { Pointer = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)PageAddress; } ZeroMem (Pointer, RsdpTableSize); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1 = (EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER *)Pointer; if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { Pointer += sizeof (EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER); } AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3 = (EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER *)Pointer; // // Create RSDT, XSDT structures // TotalSize = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 2.0/3.0 XSDT mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT64); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { TotalSize += sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 1.0 RSDT mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT32) + sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + // for ACPI 2.0/3.0 RSDT mEfiAcpiMaxNumTables * sizeof (UINT32); } if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { // // Allocate memory in the lower 32 bit of address range for // compatibility with ACPI 1.0 OS. // // This is done because ACPI 1.0 pointers are 32 bit values. // ACPI 2.0 OS and all 64 bit OS must use the 64 bit ACPI table addresses. // There is no architectural reason these should be below 4GB, it is purely // for convenience of implementation that we force memory below 4GB. // PageAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF; Status = gBS->AllocatePages ( mAcpiTableAllocType, AcpiAllocateMemoryType, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TotalSize), &PageAddress ); } else { Status = gBS->AllocatePool ( AcpiAllocateMemoryType, TotalSize, (VOID **)&Pointer ); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { gBS->FreePages ( (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (RsdpTableSize) ); } else { gBS->FreePool (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1); } return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } if (mAcpiTableAllocType != AllocateAnyPages) { Pointer = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)PageAddress; } ZeroMem (Pointer, TotalSize); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1 = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Pointer; if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { Pointer += (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES * sizeof (UINT32)); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3 = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Pointer; Pointer += (sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER) + EFI_ACPI_MAX_NUM_TABLES * sizeof (UINT32)); } AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt = (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER *)Pointer; // // Initialize RSDP // if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { CurrentData = EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER_SIGNATURE; CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1->Signature, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1->OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1->OemId)); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1->Reserved = EFI_ACPI_RESERVED_BYTE; AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp1->RsdtAddress = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1; } CurrentData = EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER_SIGNATURE; CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->Signature, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->OemId)); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->Revision = EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER_REVISION; AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_POINTER); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->RsdtAddress = (UINT32)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3; } CurrentData = (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt; CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->XsdtAddress, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); SetMem (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdp3->Reserved, 3, EFI_ACPI_RESERVED_BYTE); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiExposedTableVersions) & EFI_ACPI_TABLE_VERSION_1_0B) != 0) { // // Initialize Rsdt // // Note that we "reserve" one entry for the FADT so it can always be // at the beginning of the list of tables. Some OS don't seem // to find it correctly if it is too far down the list. // AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Signature = EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE; AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Revision = EFI_ACPI_1_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_REVISION; CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->OemId)); CurrentData = PcdGet64 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId); CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->OemTableId, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->OemRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->CreatorId = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->CreatorRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision); // // We always reserve first one for FADT // AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries1 = 1; AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Length = AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt1->Length + sizeof (UINT32); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Signature = EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE; AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Revision = EFI_ACPI_3_0_ROOT_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_REVISION; CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->OemId)); CurrentData = PcdGet64 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId); CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->OemTableId, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->OemRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->CreatorId = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId); AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->CreatorRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision); // // We always reserve first one for FADT // AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Length = AcpiTableInstance->Rsdt3->Length + sizeof (UINT32); } AcpiTableInstance->NumberOfTableEntries3 = 1; // // Initialize Xsdt // AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Signature = EFI_ACPI_3_0_EXTENDED_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_SIGNATURE; AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Length = sizeof (EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER); AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Revision = EFI_ACPI_3_0_EXTENDED_SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION_TABLE_REVISION; CopyMem (AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->OemId, PcdGetPtr (PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->OemId)); CurrentData = PcdGet64 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId); CopyMem (&AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->OemTableId, &CurrentData, sizeof (UINT64)); AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->OemRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision); AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->CreatorId = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId); AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->CreatorRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision); // // We always reserve first one for FADT // AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Length = AcpiTableInstance->Xsdt->Length + sizeof (UINT64); ChecksumCommonTables (AcpiTableInstance); InstallAcpiTableFromHob (AcpiTableInstance); // // Completed successfully // return EFI_SUCCESS; }