{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe2052\deftab360{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Verdana;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f3\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green127\blue127;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}{\s2 heading 2;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\b\f0\fs28 Name\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb200\cf2\b0\fs18 GenCrc32.exe \par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\b\fs28 Synopsis\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb200\cf2\fs18 GenCrc32 -e|-d [options] \par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\fs28 Description\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb200\cf2\b0\fs18 GenCrc32 tool is used to generate CRC32 value when encode the input file, then put the calculated CRC32 value into the output file header, and put the input file into the output file tail. When decode the input file, GenCrc32 is used to verify the CRC32 value. If CRC32 value is valid, the input file except for CRC32 value will be written to the output file. If CRC32 value is not valid, the error message will output, and the output file will not be created.\par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\b\fs28 Options\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb200\cf2\fs18 -e \b0 Calculate CRC32 value for the input file.\par \b -d\b0 Verify CRC32 value for the input file.\par \b -o, --output Filename\b0\f1\par \f0 File will be created to store the ouput content.\par \b --version\par \b0\f1 \f0 Print version and copyright of this program and exit\par \b -v, --verbose\par \b0 Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed. This is a count value, so specifying \endash v can be used to increase the verbosity level.\par \b -q, --quiet\b0\f1\par \tab \f0 Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS\par \b --debug [0-9]\par \b0\f1\tab \f0 Enable debug messages. Only 0-9 Level is supported.\par \b -h, --help\par \b0\f1\tab \f0 Print copyright, version and usage of this program and exit\par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\b\fs28 Example\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb200\cf2\b0\fs18 1. Calculate CRC32 value for the input file \ldblquote file.sec\rdblquote and write the CRC32 value and input file into the output file "file.crc32".\par \b GenCrc32 \endash e \endash o file.crc32 file.sec\par \b0 2. Verify CRC32 value of the input file "file.crc32" and write the input file (not including CRC32 value) to the output file "file.orig"\par \b GenCrc32 \endash d \endash o file.orig file.crc32\par \b0 3. Verify CRC32 value of the input file "file.crc32" in the quiet mode and write the input file (not including CRC32 value) to the output file "file.orig"\par \b GenCrc32 \endash d -q \endash o file.orig file.crc32\par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\fs28 Bugs\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb200\cf2\b0\fs18 No known bugs.\par Report bugs to issues@buildtools.tianocore.org\par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\b\fs28 Files\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb200\cf2\b0\fs18 None\par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\b\fs28 See also\par \pard\nowidctlpar\cf0\b0\f2\fs20 None\par \pard\keep\keepn\nowidctlpar\s2\fi-1300\li-1440\sb400\sa60\sl-340\slmult0\tx0\tx1440\cf1\b\f0\fs28 License\par \pard\nowidctlpar\cf2\b0\fs18 Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009, Intel Corporation
\par All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials\par are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License\par which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at\par http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php\par \par THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS,\par WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.\par \cf0\f3\fs20\par \par }