/** @file SMM Memory pool management functions. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "StandaloneMmCore.h" LIST_ENTRY mMmPoolLists[MAX_POOL_INDEX]; // // To cache the MMRAM base since when Loading modules At fixed address feature is enabled, // all module is assigned an offset relative the MMRAM base in build time. // GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS gLoadModuleAtFixAddressMmramBase = 0; /** Called to initialize the memory service. @param MmramRangeCount Number of MMRAM Regions @param MmramRanges Pointer to MMRAM Descriptors **/ VOID MmInitializeMemoryServices ( IN UINTN MmramRangeCount, IN EFI_MMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *MmramRanges ) { UINTN Index; // // Initialize Pool list // for (Index = sizeof (mMmPoolLists) / sizeof (*mMmPoolLists); Index > 0;) { InitializeListHead (&mMmPoolLists[--Index]); } // // Initialize free MMRAM regions // for (Index = 0; Index < MmramRangeCount; Index++) { // // BUGBUG: Add legacy MMRAM region is buggy. // if (MmramRanges[Index].CpuStart < BASE_1MB) { continue; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "MmAddMemoryRegion %d : 0x%016lx - 0x%016lx\n", Index, MmramRanges[Index].CpuStart, MmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize)); MmAddMemoryRegion ( MmramRanges[Index].CpuStart, MmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize, EfiConventionalMemory, MmramRanges[Index].RegionState ); } } /** Internal Function. Allocate a pool by specified PoolIndex. @param PoolIndex Index which indicate the Pool size. @param FreePoolHdr The returned Free pool. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Allocation failed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Pool successfully allocated. **/ EFI_STATUS InternalAllocPoolByIndex ( IN UINTN PoolIndex, OUT FREE_POOL_HEADER **FreePoolHdr ) { EFI_STATUS Status; FREE_POOL_HEADER *Hdr; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address; ASSERT (PoolIndex <= MAX_POOL_INDEX); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Hdr = NULL; if (PoolIndex == MAX_POOL_INDEX) { Status = MmInternalAllocatePages ( AllocateAnyPages, EfiRuntimeServicesData, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (MAX_POOL_SIZE << 1), &Address ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Hdr = (FREE_POOL_HEADER *) (UINTN) Address; } else if (!IsListEmpty (&mMmPoolLists[PoolIndex])) { Hdr = BASE_CR (GetFirstNode (&mMmPoolLists[PoolIndex]), FREE_POOL_HEADER, Link); RemoveEntryList (&Hdr->Link); } else { Status = InternalAllocPoolByIndex (PoolIndex + 1, &Hdr); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Hdr->Header.Size >>= 1; Hdr->Header.Available = TRUE; InsertHeadList (&mMmPoolLists[PoolIndex], &Hdr->Link); Hdr = (FREE_POOL_HEADER*)((UINT8*)Hdr + Hdr->Header.Size); } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Hdr->Header.Size = MIN_POOL_SIZE << PoolIndex; Hdr->Header.Available = FALSE; } *FreePoolHdr = Hdr; return Status; } /** Internal Function. Free a pool by specified PoolIndex. @param FreePoolHdr The pool to free. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Pool successfully freed. **/ EFI_STATUS InternalFreePoolByIndex ( IN FREE_POOL_HEADER *FreePoolHdr ) { UINTN PoolIndex; ASSERT ((FreePoolHdr->Header.Size & (FreePoolHdr->Header.Size - 1)) == 0); ASSERT (((UINTN)FreePoolHdr & (FreePoolHdr->Header.Size - 1)) == 0); ASSERT (FreePoolHdr->Header.Size >= MIN_POOL_SIZE); PoolIndex = (UINTN) (HighBitSet32 ((UINT32)FreePoolHdr->Header.Size) - MIN_POOL_SHIFT); FreePoolHdr->Header.Available = TRUE; ASSERT (PoolIndex < MAX_POOL_INDEX); InsertHeadList (&mMmPoolLists[PoolIndex], &FreePoolHdr->Link); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Allocate pool of a particular type. @param PoolType Type of pool to allocate. @param Size The amount of pool to allocate. @param Buffer The address to return a pointer to the allocated pool. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER PoolType not valid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Size exceeds max pool size or allocation failed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Pool successfully allocated. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MmInternalAllocatePool ( IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE PoolType, IN UINTN Size, OUT VOID **Buffer ) { POOL_HEADER *PoolHdr; FREE_POOL_HEADER *FreePoolHdr; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address; UINTN PoolIndex; if (PoolType != EfiRuntimeServicesCode && PoolType != EfiRuntimeServicesData) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Size += sizeof (*PoolHdr); if (Size > MAX_POOL_SIZE) { Size = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (Size); Status = MmInternalAllocatePages (AllocateAnyPages, PoolType, Size, &Address); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } PoolHdr = (POOL_HEADER*)(UINTN)Address; PoolHdr->Size = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (Size); PoolHdr->Available = FALSE; *Buffer = PoolHdr + 1; return Status; } Size = (Size + MIN_POOL_SIZE - 1) >> MIN_POOL_SHIFT; PoolIndex = (UINTN) HighBitSet32 ((UINT32)Size); if ((Size & (Size - 1)) != 0) { PoolIndex++; } Status = InternalAllocPoolByIndex (PoolIndex, &FreePoolHdr); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { *Buffer = &FreePoolHdr->Header + 1; } return Status; } /** Allocate pool of a particular type. @param PoolType Type of pool to allocate. @param Size The amount of pool to allocate. @param Buffer The address to return a pointer to the allocated pool. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER PoolType not valid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Size exceeds max pool size or allocation failed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Pool successfully allocated. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MmAllocatePool ( IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE PoolType, IN UINTN Size, OUT VOID **Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = MmInternalAllocatePool (PoolType, Size, Buffer); return Status; } /** Frees pool. @param Buffer The allocated pool entry to free. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is not a valid value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Pool successfully freed. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MmInternalFreePool ( IN VOID *Buffer ) { FREE_POOL_HEADER *FreePoolHdr; if (Buffer == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } FreePoolHdr = (FREE_POOL_HEADER*)((POOL_HEADER*)Buffer - 1); ASSERT (!FreePoolHdr->Header.Available); if (FreePoolHdr->Header.Size > MAX_POOL_SIZE) { ASSERT (((UINTN)FreePoolHdr & EFI_PAGE_MASK) == 0); ASSERT ((FreePoolHdr->Header.Size & EFI_PAGE_MASK) == 0); return MmInternalFreePages ( (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)FreePoolHdr, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (FreePoolHdr->Header.Size) ); } return InternalFreePoolByIndex (FreePoolHdr); } /** Frees pool. @param Buffer The allocated pool entry to free. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is not a valid value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Pool successfully freed. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI MmFreePool ( IN VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = MmInternalFreePool (Buffer); return Status; }