// /** @file // This Package provides UEFI compatible CPU modules and libraries. // // This Package provides UEFI compatible CPU modules and libraries. // // Copyright (c) 2007 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// // This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under // the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. // The full text of the license may be found at // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php // // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. // // **/ #string STR_PACKAGE_ABSTRACT #language en-US "Provides UEFI compatible CPU modules and libraries" #string STR_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION #language en-US "This Package provides UEFI compatible CPU modules and libraries." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuLocalApicBaseAddress_PROMPT #language en-US "Configure base address of CPU Local APIC" #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuLocalApicBaseAddress_HELP #language en-US "This value is the CPU Local APIC base address, which aligns the address on a 4-KByte boundary." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_ERR_80000001 #language en-US "Invalid value provided." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuInitIpiDelayInMicroSeconds_PROMPT #language en-US "Configure delay value after send an INIT IPI" #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuInitIpiDelayInMicroSeconds_HELP #language en-US "Specifies delay value in microseconds after sending out an INIT IPI." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber_PROMPT #language en-US "Configure max supported number of Logical Processorss" #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber_HELP #language en-US "Specifies max supported number of Logical Processors." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuApStackSize_PROMPT #language en-US "Configure stack size for Application Processor (AP)" #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuApStackSize_HELP #language en-US "This value specifies the Application Processor (AP) stack size, used for Mp Service, which must\n" "aligns the address on a 4-KByte boundary." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuApInitTimeOutInMicroSeconds_PROMPT #language en-US "Timeout for the BSP to detect all APs for the first time." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuApInitTimeOutInMicroSeconds_HELP #language en-US "Specifies timeout value in microseconds for the BSP to detect all APs for the first time." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuMicrocodePatchAddress_PROMPT #language en-US "Microcode Region base address." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuMicrocodePatchAddress_HELP #language en-US "Specifies the base address of the first microcode Patch in the microcode Region." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuMicrocodePatchRegionSize_PROMPT #language en-US "Microcode Region size." #string STR_gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid_PcdCpuMicrocodePatchRegionSize_HELP #language en-US "Specifies the size of the microcode Region."