/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved This software and associated documentation (if any) is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this software or documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. Module Name: CreateMtFile.c Abstract: Simple utility to create a pad file containing fixed data. --*/ #include #include #include #include "UefiBaseTypes.h" #include "Base.h" #define PROGRAM_NAME "CreateMtFile" typedef struct { INT8 *OutFileName; INT8 ByteValue; UINT32 FileSize; } OPTIONS; static EFI_STATUS ProcessArgs ( IN INT32 Argc, IN INT8 *Argv[], IN OUT OPTIONS *Options ); static void Usage ( VOID ); int main ( IN INT32 Argc, IN INT8 *Argv[] ) /*++ Routine Description: Main entry point for this utility. Arguments: Standard C entry point args Argc and Argv Returns: EFI_SUCCESS if good to go --*/ // GC_TODO: ] - add argument and description to function comment // GC_TODO: EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - add return value to function comment // GC_TODO: EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - add return value to function comment // GC_TODO: EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - add return value to function comment { FILE *OutFptr; OPTIONS Options; // // Process the command-line arguments. // if (ProcessArgs (Argc, Argv, &Options) != EFI_SUCCESS) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Open the output file // if ((OutFptr = fopen (Options.OutFileName, "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf ( stdout, PROGRAM_NAME " ERROR: Could not open output file '%s' for writing\n", Options.OutFileName ); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Write the pad bytes. Do it the slow way (one at a time) for now. // while (Options.FileSize > 0) { if (fwrite (&Options.ByteValue, 1, 1, OutFptr) != 1) { fclose (OutFptr); fprintf (stdout, PROGRAM_NAME " ERROR: Failed to write to output file\n"); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Options.FileSize--; } // // Close the file // fclose (OutFptr); return EFI_SUCCESS; } static EFI_STATUS ProcessArgs ( IN INT32 Argc, IN INT8 *Argv[], IN OUT OPTIONS *Options ) /*++ Routine Description: Process the command line arguments. Arguments: Argc - argument count as passed in to the entry point function Argv - array of arguments as passed in to the entry point function Options - stucture of where to put the values of the parsed arguments Returns: EFI_SUCCESS if everything looks good EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER otherwise --*/ // GC_TODO: ] - add argument and description to function comment { UINT32 Multiplier; // // Clear the options // memset ((char *) Options, 0, sizeof (OPTIONS)); // // Skip program name // Argv++; Argc--; if (Argc < 2) { Usage (); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // If first arg is dash-option, then print usage. // if (Argv[0][0] == '-') { Usage (); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // First arg is file name // Options->OutFileName = Argv[0]; Argc--; Argv++; // // Second arg is file size. Allow 0x1000, 0x100K, 1024, 1K // Multiplier = 1; if ((Argv[0][strlen (Argv[0]) - 1] == 'k') || (Argv[0][strlen (Argv[0]) - 1] == 'K')) { Multiplier = 1024; } // // Look for 0x prefix on file size // if ((Argv[0][0] == '0') && ((Argv[0][1] == 'x') || (Argv[0][1] == 'X'))) { if (sscanf (Argv[0], "%x", &Options->FileSize) != 1) { fprintf (stdout, PROGRAM_NAME " ERROR: Invalid file size '%s'\n", Argv[0]); Usage (); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Otherwise must be a decimal number // } else { if (sscanf (Argv[0], "%d", &Options->FileSize) != 1) { fprintf (stdout, PROGRAM_NAME " ERROR: Invalid file size '%s'\n", Argv[0]); Usage (); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } Options->FileSize *= Multiplier; // // Assume byte value of 0xff // Options->ByteValue = (INT8) (UINT8) 0xFF; return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Print utility usage info // static void Usage ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: GC_TODO: Add function description Arguments: None Returns: GC_TODO: add return values --*/ { UINT32 Index; static const INT8 *Text[] = { " ", "Usage: "PROGRAM_NAME " OutFileName FileSize", " where:", " OutFileName is the name of the output file to generate", " FileSize is the size of the file to create", " Examples:", " "PROGRAM_NAME " OutFile.bin 32K", " "PROGRAM_NAME " OutFile.bin 0x1000", " ", NULL }; for (Index = 0; Text[Index] != NULL; Index++) { fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", Text[Index]); } }