/** @file Functions implementation related with DHCPv4 for UefiPxeBc Driver. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "PxeBcImpl.h" // // This is a map from the interested DHCP4 option tags' index to the tag value. // UINT8 mInterestedDhcp4Tags[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MAX] = { DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE_LEN, DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR, DHCP4_TAG_OVERLOAD, DHCP4_TAG_MSG_TYPE, DHCP4_TAG_SERVER_ID, DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR_CLASS_ID, DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE }; // // There are 4 times retries with the value of 4, 8, 16 and 32, refers to PXE2.1 spec. // UINT32 mPxeDhcpTimeout[4] = {4, 8, 16, 32}; /** Parse a certain dhcp4 option by OptTag in Buffer, and return with start pointer. @param[in] Buffer Pointer to the option buffer. @param[in] Length Length of the option buffer. @param[in] OptTag Tag of the required option. @retval NULL Failed to find the required option. @retval Others The position of the required option. **/ EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION * PxeBcParseDhcp4Options ( IN UINT8 *Buffer, IN UINT32 Length, IN UINT8 OptTag ) { EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *Option; UINT32 Offset; Option = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) Buffer; Offset = 0; while (Offset < Length && Option->OpCode != DHCP4_TAG_EOP) { if (Option->OpCode == OptTag) { // // Found the required option. // return Option; } // // Skip the current option to the next. // if (Option->OpCode == DHCP4_TAG_PAD) { Offset++; } else { Offset += Option->Length + 2; } Option = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) (Buffer + Offset); } return NULL; } /** Parse the PXE vender options and extract the information from them. @param[in] Dhcp4Option Pointer to vendor options in buffer. @param[in] VendorOption Pointer to structure to store information in vendor options. **/ VOID PxeBcParseVendorOptions ( IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *Dhcp4Option, IN PXEBC_VENDOR_OPTION *VendorOption ) { UINT32 *BitMap; UINT8 VendorOptionLen; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *PxeOption; UINT8 Offset; BitMap = VendorOption->BitMap; VendorOptionLen = Dhcp4Option->Length; PxeOption = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) &Dhcp4Option->Data[0]; Offset = 0; ASSERT (PxeOption != NULL); while ((Offset < VendorOptionLen) && (PxeOption->OpCode != DHCP4_TAG_EOP)) { // // Parse all the interesting PXE vendor options one by one. // switch (PxeOption->OpCode) { case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_IP: CopyMem (&VendorOption->MtftpIp, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_CPORT: CopyMem (&VendorOption->MtftpCPort, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (VendorOption->MtftpCPort)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_SPORT: CopyMem (&VendorOption->MtftpSPort, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (VendorOption->MtftpSPort)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_TIMEOUT: VendorOption->MtftpTimeout = *PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_DELAY: VendorOption->MtftpDelay = *PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_DISCOVER_CTRL: VendorOption->DiscoverCtrl = *PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_DISCOVER_MCAST: CopyMem (&VendorOption->DiscoverMcastIp, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_SERVERS: VendorOption->BootSvrLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->BootSvr = (PXEBC_BOOT_SVR_ENTRY *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_MENU: VendorOption->BootMenuLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->BootMenu = (PXEBC_BOOT_MENU_ENTRY *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MENU_PROMPT: VendorOption->MenuPromptLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->MenuPrompt = (PXEBC_MENU_PROMPT *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MCAST_ALLOC: CopyMem (&VendorOption->McastIpBase, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&VendorOption->McastIpBlock, PxeOption->Data + 4, sizeof (VendorOption->McastIpBlock)); CopyMem (&VendorOption->McastIpRange, PxeOption->Data + 6, sizeof (VendorOption->McastIpRange)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_CREDENTIAL_TYPES: VendorOption->CredTypeLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->CredType = (UINT32 *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_ITEM: CopyMem (&VendorOption->BootSrvType, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (VendorOption->BootSrvType)); CopyMem (&VendorOption->BootSrvLayer, PxeOption->Data + 2, sizeof (VendorOption->BootSrvLayer)); break; default: // // Not interesting PXE vendor options. // break; } // // Set the bit map for the special PXE options. // SET_VENDOR_OPTION_BIT_MAP (BitMap, PxeOption->OpCode); // // Continue to the next option. // if (PxeOption->OpCode == DHCP4_TAG_PAD) { Offset++; } else { Offset = (UINT8) (Offset + PxeOption->Length + 2); } PxeOption = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) (Dhcp4Option->Data + Offset); } } /** Build the options buffer for the DHCPv4 request packet. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @param[out] OptList Pointer to the option pointer array. @param[in] Buffer Pointer to the buffer to contain the option list. @param[in] NeedMsgType If TRUE, it is necessary to include the Msg type option. Otherwise, it is not necessary. @return Index The count of the built-in options. **/ UINT32 PxeBcBuildDhcp4Options ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, OUT EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **OptList, IN UINT8 *Buffer, IN BOOLEAN NeedMsgType ) { UINT32 Index; PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_ENTRY OptEnt; UINT16 Value; Index = 0; OptList[0] = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) Buffer; if (NeedMsgType) { // // Append message type. // OptList[Index]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_MSG_TYPE; OptList[Index]->Length = 1; OptEnt.Mesg = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MESG *) OptList[Index]->Data; OptEnt.Mesg->Type = PXEBC_DHCP4_MSG_TYPE_REQUEST; Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append max message size. // OptList[Index]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_MAXMSG; OptList[Index]->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_MESG_SIZE); OptEnt.MaxMesgSize = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_MESG_SIZE *) OptList[Index]->Data; Value = NTOHS (PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); CopyMem (&OptEnt.MaxMesgSize->Size, &Value, sizeof (UINT16)); Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); } // // Append parameter request list option. // OptList[Index]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_PARA_LIST; OptList[Index]->Length = 35; OptEnt.Para = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_PARA *) OptList[Index]->Data; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[0] = DHCP4_TAG_NETMASK; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[1] = DHCP4_TAG_TIME_OFFSET; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[2] = DHCP4_TAG_ROUTER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[3] = DHCP4_TAG_TIME_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[4] = DHCP4_TAG_NAME_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[5] = DHCP4_TAG_DNS_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[6] = DHCP4_TAG_HOSTNAME; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[7] = DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE_LEN; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[8] = DHCP4_TAG_DOMAINNAME; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[9] = DHCP4_TAG_ROOTPATH; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[10] = DHCP4_TAG_EXTEND_PATH; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[11] = DHCP4_TAG_EMTU; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[12] = DHCP4_TAG_TTL; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[13] = DHCP4_TAG_BROADCAST; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[14] = DHCP4_TAG_NIS_DOMAIN; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[15] = DHCP4_TAG_NIS_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[16] = DHCP4_TAG_NTP_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[17] = DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[18] = DHCP4_TAG_REQUEST_IP; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[19] = DHCP4_TAG_LEASE; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[20] = DHCP4_TAG_SERVER_ID; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[21] = DHCP4_TAG_T1; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[22] = DHCP4_TAG_T2; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[23] = DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR_CLASS_ID; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[24] = DHCP4_TAG_TFTP; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[25] = DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[26] = DHCP4_TAG_UUID; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[27] = 0x80; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[28] = 0x81; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[29] = 0x82; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[30] = 0x83; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[31] = 0x84; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[32] = 0x85; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[33] = 0x86; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[34] = 0x87; Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append UUID/Guid-based client identifier option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_UUID; OptList[Index]->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UUID); OptEnt.Uuid = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UUID *) OptList[Index]->Data; OptEnt.Uuid->Type = 0; Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); if (EFI_ERROR (NetLibGetSystemGuid ((EFI_GUID *) OptEnt.Uuid->Guid))) { // // Zero the Guid to indicate NOT programable if failed to get system Guid. // ZeroMem (OptEnt.Uuid->Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); } // // Append client network device interface option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_UNDI; OptList[Index]->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UNDI); OptEnt.Undi = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UNDI *) OptList[Index]->Data; if (Private->Nii != NULL) { OptEnt.Undi->Type = Private->Nii->Type; OptEnt.Undi->MajorVer = Private->Nii->MajorVer; OptEnt.Undi->MinorVer = Private->Nii->MinorVer; } else { OptEnt.Undi->Type = DEFAULT_UNDI_TYPE; OptEnt.Undi->MajorVer = DEFAULT_UNDI_MAJOR; OptEnt.Undi->MinorVer = DEFAULT_UNDI_MINOR; } Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append client system architecture option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_ARCH; OptList[Index]->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_ARCH); OptEnt.Arch = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_ARCH *) OptList[Index]->Data; Value = HTONS (EFI_PXE_CLIENT_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE); CopyMem (&OptEnt.Arch->Type, &Value, sizeof (UINT16)); Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append vendor class identify option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR_CLASS_ID; OptList[Index]->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_CLID); OptEnt.Clid = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_CLID *) OptList[Index]->Data; CopyMem ( OptEnt.Clid, DEFAULT_CLASS_ID_DATA, sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_CLID) ); PxeBcUintnToAscDecWithFormat ( EFI_PXE_CLIENT_SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE, OptEnt.Clid->ArchitectureType, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->ArchitectureType) ); if (Private->Nii != NULL) { CopyMem (OptEnt.Clid->InterfaceName, Private->Nii->StringId, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->InterfaceName)); PxeBcUintnToAscDecWithFormat (Private->Nii->MajorVer, OptEnt.Clid->UndiMajor, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->UndiMajor)); PxeBcUintnToAscDecWithFormat (Private->Nii->MinorVer, OptEnt.Clid->UndiMinor, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->UndiMinor)); } Index++; return Index; } /** Create a template DHCPv4 packet as a seed. @param[out] Seed Pointer to the seed packet. @param[in] Udp4 Pointer to EFI_UDP4_PROTOCOL. **/ VOID PxeBcSeedDhcp4Packet ( OUT EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Seed, IN EFI_UDP4_PROTOCOL *Udp4 ) { EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE Mode; EFI_DHCP4_HEADER *Header; // // Get IfType and HwAddressSize from SNP mode data. // Udp4->GetModeData (Udp4, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Mode); Seed->Size = sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET); Seed->Length = sizeof (Seed->Dhcp4); Header = &Seed->Dhcp4.Header; ZeroMem (Header, sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_HEADER)); Header->OpCode = PXEBC_DHCP4_OPCODE_REQUEST; Header->HwType = Mode.IfType; Header->HwAddrLen = (UINT8) Mode.HwAddressSize; CopyMem (Header->ClientHwAddr, &Mode.CurrentAddress, Header->HwAddrLen); Seed->Dhcp4.Magik = PXEBC_DHCP4_MAGIC; Seed->Dhcp4.Option[0] = DHCP4_TAG_EOP; } /** Cache the DHCPv4 packet. @param[in] Dst Pointer to the cache buffer for DHCPv4 packet. @param[in] Src Pointer to the DHCPv4 packet to be cached. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Packet is copied. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Cache buffer is not big enough to hold the packet. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcCacheDhcp4Packet ( IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Dst, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Src ) { if (Dst->Size < Src->Length) { return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } CopyMem (&Dst->Dhcp4, &Src->Dhcp4, Src->Length); Dst->Length = Src->Length; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Parse the cached DHCPv4 packet, including all the options. @param[in] Cache4 Pointer to cached DHCPv4 packet. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Parsed the DHCPv4 packet successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Failed to parse and invalid packet. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcParseDhcp4Packet ( IN PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_CACHE *Cache4 ) { EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **Options; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *Option; PXEBC_OFFER_TYPE OfferType; UINTN Index; BOOLEAN IsProxyOffer; BOOLEAN IsPxeOffer; UINT8 *Ptr8; BOOLEAN FileFieldOverloaded; IsProxyOffer = FALSE; IsPxeOffer = FALSE; FileFieldOverloaded = FALSE; ZeroMem (Cache4->OptList, sizeof (Cache4->OptList)); ZeroMem (&Cache4->VendorOpt, sizeof (Cache4->VendorOpt)); Offer = &Cache4->Packet.Offer; Options = Cache4->OptList; // // Parse DHCPv4 options in this offer, and store the pointers. // First, try to parse DHCPv4 options from the DHCP optional parameters field. // for (Index = 0; Index < PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MAX; Index++) { Options[Index] = PxeBcParseDhcp4Options ( Offer->Dhcp4.Option, GET_OPTION_BUFFER_LEN (Offer), mInterestedDhcp4Tags[Index] ); } // // Second, Check if bootfilename and serverhostname is overloaded to carry DHCP options refers to rfc-2132. // If yes, try to parse options from the BootFileName field, then ServerName field. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_OVERLOAD]; if (Option != NULL) { if ((Option->Data[0] & PXEBC_DHCP4_OVERLOAD_FILE) != 0) { FileFieldOverloaded = TRUE; for (Index = 0; Index < PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MAX; Index++) { if (Options[Index] == NULL) { Options[Index] = PxeBcParseDhcp4Options ( (UINT8 *) Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName, sizeof (Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName), mInterestedDhcp4Tags[Index] ); } } } if ((Option->Data[0] & PXEBC_DHCP4_OVERLOAD_SERVER_NAME) != 0) { for (Index = 0; Index < PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MAX; Index++) { if (Options[Index] == NULL) { Options[Index] = PxeBcParseDhcp4Options ( (UINT8 *) Offer->Dhcp4.Header.ServerName, sizeof (Offer->Dhcp4.Header.ServerName), mInterestedDhcp4Tags[Index] ); } } } } // // The offer with zero "yiaddr" is a proxy offer. // if (Offer->Dhcp4.Header.YourAddr.Addr[0] == 0) { IsProxyOffer = TRUE; } // // The offer with "PXEClient" is a PXE offer. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_CLASS_ID]; if ((Option != NULL) && (Option->Length >= 9) && (CompareMem (Option->Data, DEFAULT_CLASS_ID_DATA, 9) == 0)) { IsPxeOffer = TRUE; } // // Parse PXE vendor options in this offer, and store the contents/pointers. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_VENDOR]; if (IsPxeOffer && Option != NULL) { PxeBcParseVendorOptions (Option, &Cache4->VendorOpt); } // // Parse PXE boot file name: // According to PXE spec, boot file name should be read from DHCP option 67 (bootfile name) if present. // Otherwise, read from boot file field in DHCP header. // if (Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] != NULL) { // // RFC 2132, Section 9.5 does not strictly state Bootfile name (option 67) is null // terminated string. So force to append null terminated character at the end of string. // Ptr8 = (UINT8*)&Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE]->Data[0]; Ptr8 += Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE]->Length; if (*(Ptr8 - 1) != '\0') { *Ptr8 = '\0'; } } else if (!FileFieldOverloaded && Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName[0] != 0) { // // If the bootfile is not present and bootfilename is present in DHCPv4 packet, just parse it. // Do not count dhcp option header here, or else will destroy the serverhostname. // Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) (&Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName[0] - OFFSET_OF (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION, Data[0])); } // // Determine offer type of the DHCPv4 packet. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MSG_TYPE]; if (Option == NULL || Option->Data[0] == 0) { // // It's a Bootp offer. // OfferType = PxeOfferTypeBootp; Option = Cache4->OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE]; if (Option == NULL) { // // If the Bootp offer without bootfilename, discard it. // return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } else { if (IS_VALID_DISCOVER_VENDOR_OPTION (Cache4->VendorOpt.BitMap)) { // // It's a PXE10 offer with PXEClient and discover vendor option. // OfferType = IsProxyOffer ? PxeOfferTypeProxyPxe10 : PxeOfferTypeDhcpPxe10; } else if (IS_VALID_MTFTP_VENDOR_OPTION (Cache4->VendorOpt.BitMap)) { // // It's a WFM11a offer with PXEClient and mtftp vendor option. // But multi-cast download is not supported currently, so discard it. // return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } else if (IsPxeOffer) { // // It's a BINL offer only with PXEClient. // OfferType = IsProxyOffer ? PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl : PxeOfferTypeDhcpBinl; } else { // // It's a DHCPv4 only offer, which is a pure DHCPv4 offer packet. // OfferType = PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly; } } Cache4->OfferType = OfferType; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Cache the DHCPv4 ack packet, and parse it on demand. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @param[in] Ack Pointer to the DHCPv4 ack packet. @param[in] Verified If TRUE, parse the ACK packet and store info into mode data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Cache and parse the packet successfully. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Cache buffer is not big enough to hold the packet. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcCopyDhcp4Ack ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Ack, IN BOOLEAN Verified ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_STATUS Status; Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Status = PxeBcCacheDhcp4Packet (&Private->DhcpAck.Dhcp4.Packet.Ack, Ack); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Verified) { // // Parse the ack packet and store it into mode data if needed. // PxeBcParseDhcp4Packet (&Private->DhcpAck.Dhcp4); CopyMem (&Mode->DhcpAck.Dhcpv4, &Ack->Dhcp4, Ack->Length); Mode->DhcpAckReceived = TRUE; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Cache the DHCPv4 proxy offer packet according to the received order. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @param[in] OfferIndex The received order of offer packets. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Cache and parse the packet successfully. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Cache buffer is not big enough to hold the packet. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcCopyProxyOffer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT32 OfferIndex ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; EFI_STATUS Status; ASSERT (OfferIndex < Private->OfferNum); ASSERT (OfferIndex < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM); Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Offer = &Private->OfferBuffer[OfferIndex].Dhcp4.Packet.Offer; // // Cache the proxy offer packet and parse it. // Status = PxeBcCacheDhcp4Packet (&Private->ProxyOffer.Dhcp4.Packet.Offer, Offer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } PxeBcParseDhcp4Packet (&Private->ProxyOffer.Dhcp4); // // Store this packet into mode data. // CopyMem (&Mode->ProxyOffer.Dhcpv4, &Offer->Dhcp4, Offer->Length); Mode->ProxyOfferReceived = TRUE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Retry to request bootfile name by the BINL offer. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @param[in] Index The received order of offer packets. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully retried to request bootfile name. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Failed to retry bootfile name. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcRetryBinlOffer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT32 Index ) { EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; EFI_IP_ADDRESS ServerIp; EFI_STATUS Status; PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_CACHE *Cache4; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Reply; ASSERT (Index < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM); ASSERT (Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.OfferType == PxeOfferTypeDhcpBinl || Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.OfferType == PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl); Offer = &Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.Packet.Offer; // // Prefer to siaddr in header as next server address. If it's zero, then use option 54. // if (Offer->Dhcp4.Header.ServerAddr.Addr[0] == 0) { CopyMem ( &ServerIp.Addr[0], Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_SERVER_ID]->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS) ); } else { CopyMem ( &ServerIp.Addr[0], &Offer->Dhcp4.Header.ServerAddr, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS) ); } Private->IsDoDiscover = FALSE; Cache4 = &Private->ProxyOffer.Dhcp4; Reply = &Cache4->Packet.Offer; // // Send another request packet for bootfile name. // Status = PxeBcDhcp4Discover ( Private, 0, NULL, FALSE, &ServerIp, 0, NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Parse the reply for the last request packet. // Status = PxeBcParseDhcp4Packet (Cache4); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Cache4->OfferType != PxeOfferTypeProxyPxe10 && Cache4->OfferType != PxeOfferTypeProxyWfm11a && Cache4->OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] == NULL) { // // This BINL ack doesn't have discovery option set or multicast option set // or bootfile name specified. // return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Store the reply into mode data. // Private->PxeBc.Mode->ProxyOfferReceived = TRUE; CopyMem (&Private->PxeBc.Mode->ProxyOffer.Dhcpv4, &Reply->Dhcp4, Reply->Length); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Cache all the received DHCPv4 offers, and set OfferIndex and OfferCount. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @param[in] RcvdOffer Pointer to the received offer packet. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Cache and parse the packet successfully. @retval Others Operation failed. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcCacheDhcp4Offer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *RcvdOffer ) { PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_CACHE *Cache4; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; PXEBC_OFFER_TYPE OfferType; EFI_STATUS Status; ASSERT (Private->OfferNum < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM); Cache4 = &Private->OfferBuffer[Private->OfferNum].Dhcp4; Offer = &Cache4->Packet.Offer; // // Cache the content of DHCPv4 packet firstly. // Status = PxeBcCacheDhcp4Packet (Offer, RcvdOffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } // // Validate the DHCPv4 packet, and parse the options and offer type. // if (EFI_ERROR (PxeBcParseDhcp4Packet (Cache4))) { return EFI_ABORTED; } // // Determine whether cache the current offer by type, and record OfferIndex and OfferCount. // OfferType = Cache4->OfferType; ASSERT (OfferType < PxeOfferTypeMax); if (OfferType == PxeOfferTypeBootp) { // // It's a Bootp offer, only cache the first one, and discard the others. // if (Private->OfferCount[OfferType] == 0) { Private->OfferIndex[OfferType][0] = Private->OfferNum; Private->OfferCount[OfferType] = 1; } else { return EFI_ABORTED; } } else { ASSERT (Private->OfferCount[OfferType] < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM); if (IS_PROXY_DHCP_OFFER (Offer)) { // // It's a proxy offer without yiaddr, including PXE10, WFM11a or BINL offer. // Private->IsProxyRecved = TRUE; if (OfferType == PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl) { // // Cache all proxy BINL offers. // Private->OfferIndex[OfferType][Private->OfferCount[OfferType]] = Private->OfferNum; Private->OfferCount[OfferType]++; } else if ((OfferType == PxeOfferTypeProxyPxe10 || OfferType == PxeOfferTypeProxyWfm11a) && Private->OfferCount[OfferType] < 1) { // // Only cache the first PXE10/WFM11a offer, and discard the others. // Private->OfferIndex[OfferType][0] = Private->OfferNum; Private->OfferCount[OfferType] = 1; } else { return EFI_ABORTED; } } else { // // It's a DHCPv4 offer with yiaddr, and cache them all. // Private->OfferIndex[OfferType][Private->OfferCount[OfferType]] = Private->OfferNum; Private->OfferCount[OfferType]++; } } Private->OfferNum++; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Select an DHCPv4 offer, and record SelectIndex and SelectProxyType. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. **/ VOID PxeBcSelectDhcp4Offer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { UINT32 Index; UINT32 OfferIndex; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; Private->SelectIndex = 0; if (Private->IsOfferSorted) { // // Select offer by default policy. // if (Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeDhcpPxe10] > 0) { // // 1. DhcpPxe10 offer // Private->SelectIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeDhcpPxe10][0] + 1; } else if (Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeDhcpWfm11a] > 0) { // // 2. DhcpWfm11a offer // Private->SelectIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeDhcpWfm11a][0] + 1; } else if (Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly] > 0 && Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeProxyPxe10] > 0) { // // 3. DhcpOnly offer and ProxyPxe10 offer. // Private->SelectIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly][0] + 1; Private->SelectProxyType = PxeOfferTypeProxyPxe10; } else if (Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly] > 0 && Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeProxyWfm11a] > 0) { // // 4. DhcpOnly offer and ProxyWfm11a offer. // Private->SelectIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly][0] + 1; Private->SelectProxyType = PxeOfferTypeProxyWfm11a; } else if (Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeDhcpBinl] > 0) { // // 5. DhcpBinl offer. // Private->SelectIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeDhcpBinl][0] + 1; } else if (Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly] > 0 && Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl] > 0) { // // 6. DhcpOnly offer and ProxyBinl offer. // Private->SelectIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly][0] + 1; Private->SelectProxyType = PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl; } else { // // 7. DhcpOnly offer with bootfilename. // for (Index = 0; Index < Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly]; Index++) { OfferIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly][Index]; if (Private->OfferBuffer[OfferIndex].Dhcp4.OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] != NULL) { Private->SelectIndex = OfferIndex + 1; break; } } // // 8. Bootp offer with bootfilename. // OfferIndex = Private->OfferIndex[PxeOfferTypeBootp][0]; if (Private->SelectIndex == 0 && Private->OfferCount[PxeOfferTypeBootp] > 0 && Private->OfferBuffer[OfferIndex].Dhcp4.OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] != NULL) { Private->SelectIndex = OfferIndex + 1; } } } else { // // Select offer by received order. // for (Index = 0; Index < Private->OfferNum; Index++) { Offer = &Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.Packet.Offer; if (IS_PROXY_DHCP_OFFER (Offer)) { // // Skip proxy offers // continue; } if (!Private->IsProxyRecved && Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.OfferType == PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly && Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] == NULL) { // // Skip if DhcpOnly offer without any other proxy offers or bootfilename. // continue; } // // Record the index of the select offer. // Private->SelectIndex = Index + 1; break; } } } /** Handle the DHCPv4 offer packet. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Handled the DHCPv4 offer packet successfully. @retval EFI_NO_RESPONSE No response to the following request packet. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No boot filename received. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Can't cache the offer pacet. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcHandleDhcp4Offer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_CACHE *Cache4; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **Options; UINT32 Index; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; PXEBC_OFFER_TYPE OfferType; UINT32 ProxyIndex; UINT32 SelectIndex; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Ack; ASSERT (Private->SelectIndex > 0); SelectIndex = (UINT32) (Private->SelectIndex - 1); ASSERT (SelectIndex < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM); Cache4 = &Private->OfferBuffer[SelectIndex].Dhcp4; Options = Cache4->OptList; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (Cache4->OfferType == PxeOfferTypeDhcpBinl) { // // DhcpBinl offer is selected, so need try to request bootfilename by this offer. // if (EFI_ERROR (PxeBcRetryBinlOffer (Private, SelectIndex))) { Status = EFI_NO_RESPONSE; } } else if (Cache4->OfferType == PxeOfferTypeDhcpOnly) { if (Private->IsProxyRecved) { // // DhcpOnly offer is selected, so need try to request bootfile name. // ProxyIndex = 0; if (Private->IsOfferSorted) { // // The proxy offer should be determined if select by default policy. // IsOfferSorted means all offers are labeled by OfferIndex. // ASSERT (Private->SelectProxyType < PxeOfferTypeMax); ASSERT (Private->OfferCount[Private->SelectProxyType] > 0); if (Private->SelectProxyType == PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl) { // // Try all the cached ProxyBinl offer one by one to request bootfile name. // for (Index = 0; Index < Private->OfferCount[Private->SelectProxyType]; Index++) { ASSERT (Index < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM); ProxyIndex = Private->OfferIndex[Private->SelectProxyType][Index]; if (!EFI_ERROR (PxeBcRetryBinlOffer (Private, ProxyIndex))) { break; } } if (Index == Private->OfferCount[Private->SelectProxyType]) { Status = EFI_NO_RESPONSE; } } else { // // For other proxy offers, only one is buffered. // ProxyIndex = Private->OfferIndex[Private->SelectProxyType][0]; } } else { // // The proxy offer should not be determined if select by received order. // Status = EFI_NO_RESPONSE; for (Index = 0; Index < Private->OfferNum; Index++) { ASSERT (Index < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM); Offer = &Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.Packet.Offer; OfferType = Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.OfferType; if (!IS_PROXY_DHCP_OFFER (Offer)) { // // Skip non proxy DHCPv4 offers. // continue; } if (OfferType == PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl) { // // Try all the cached ProxyBinl offer one by one to request bootfile name. // if (EFI_ERROR (PxeBcRetryBinlOffer (Private, Index))) { continue; } } Private->SelectProxyType = OfferType; ProxyIndex = Index; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && Private->SelectProxyType != PxeOfferTypeProxyBinl) { // // Success to try to request by a ProxyPxe10 or ProxyWfm11a offer, copy and parse it. // Status = PxeBcCopyProxyOffer (Private, ProxyIndex); } } else { // // Othewise, the bootfile name must be included in DhcpOnly offer. // if (Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] == NULL) { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // All PXE boot information is ready by now. // Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Offer = &Cache4->Packet.Offer; Ack = &Private->DhcpAck.Dhcp4.Packet.Ack; if (Cache4->OfferType == PxeOfferTypeBootp) { // // Bootp is a special case that only 2 packets involved instead of 4. So the bootp's reply // should be taken as ack. // Ack = Offer; } Status = PxeBcCopyDhcp4Ack (Private, Ack, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Mode->DhcpDiscoverValid = TRUE; } return Status; } /** EFI_DHCP4_CALLBACK is provided by the consumer of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver to intercept events that occurred in the configuration process. @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol. @param[in] Context Pointer to the context set by EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL.Configure(). @param[in] CurrentState The current operational state of the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver. @param[in] Dhcp4Event The event that occurs in the current state, which usually means a state transition. @param[in] Packet The DHCPv4 packet that is going to be sent or already received. @param[out] NewPacket The packet that is used to replace the above Packet. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Tells the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver to continue the DHCP process. @retval EFI_NOT_READY Only used in the Dhcp4Selecting state. The EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver will continue to wait for more DHCPOFFER packets until the retry timeout expires. @retval EFI_ABORTED Tells the EFI DHCPv4 Protocol driver to abort the current process and return to the Dhcp4Init or Dhcp4InitReboot state. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI PxeBcDhcp4CallBack ( IN EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL *This, IN VOID *Context, IN EFI_DHCP4_STATE CurrentState, IN EFI_DHCP4_EVENT Dhcp4Event, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Packet OPTIONAL, OUT EFI_DHCP4_PACKET **NewPacket OPTIONAL ) { PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL *Callback; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *MaxMsgSize; UINT16 Value; EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN Received; if ((Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4RcvdOffer) && (Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4SelectOffer) && (Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4SendDiscover) && (Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4RcvdAck)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } Private = (PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *) Context; Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Callback = Private->PxeBcCallback; // // Override the Maximum DHCP Message Size. // MaxMsgSize = PxeBcParseDhcp4Options ( Packet->Dhcp4.Option, GET_OPTION_BUFFER_LEN (Packet), DHCP4_TAG_MAXMSG ); if (MaxMsgSize != NULL) { Value = HTONS (PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_MAX_SIZE); CopyMem (MaxMsgSize->Data, &Value, sizeof (Value)); } // // Callback to user if any packets sent or received. // if (Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4SelectOffer && Callback != NULL) { Received = (BOOLEAN) (Dhcp4Event == Dhcp4RcvdOffer || Dhcp4Event == Dhcp4RcvdAck); Status = Callback->Callback ( Callback, Private->Function, Received, Packet->Length, (EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_PACKET *) &Packet->Dhcp4 ); if (Status != EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_CALLBACK_STATUS_CONTINUE) { return EFI_ABORTED; } } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; switch (Dhcp4Event) { case Dhcp4SendDiscover: if (Packet->Length > PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_MAX_SIZE) { // // If the to be sent packet exceeds the maximum length, abort the DHCP process. // Status = EFI_ABORTED; break; } // // Cache the DHCPv4 discover packet to mode data directly. // It need to check SendGuid as well as Dhcp4SendRequest. // CopyMem (&Mode->DhcpDiscover.Dhcpv4, &Packet->Dhcp4, Packet->Length); case Dhcp4SendRequest: if (Packet->Length > PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_MAX_SIZE) { // // If the to be sent packet exceeds the maximum length, abort the DHCP process. // Status = EFI_ABORTED; break; } if (Mode->SendGUID) { // // Send the system Guid instead of the MAC address as the hardware address if required. // if (EFI_ERROR (NetLibGetSystemGuid ((EFI_GUID *) Packet->Dhcp4.Header.ClientHwAddr))) { // // Zero the Guid to indicate NOT programable if failed to get system Guid. // ZeroMem (Packet->Dhcp4.Header.ClientHwAddr, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); } Packet->Dhcp4.Header.HwAddrLen = (UINT8) sizeof (EFI_GUID); } break; case Dhcp4RcvdOffer: Status = EFI_NOT_READY; if (Packet->Length > PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_MAX_SIZE) { // // Ignore the incoming packets which exceed the maximum length. // break; } if (Private->OfferNum < PXEBC_OFFER_MAX_NUM) { // // Cache the DHCPv4 offers to OfferBuffer[] for select later, and record // the OfferIndex and OfferCount. // If error happens, just ignore this packet and continue to wait more offer. // PxeBcCacheDhcp4Offer (Private, Packet); } break; case Dhcp4SelectOffer: // // Select offer by the default policy or by order, and record the SelectIndex // and SelectProxyType. // PxeBcSelectDhcp4Offer (Private); if (Private->SelectIndex == 0) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; } else { *NewPacket = &Private->OfferBuffer[Private->SelectIndex - 1].Dhcp4.Packet.Offer; } break; case Dhcp4RcvdAck: // // Cache the DHCPv4 ack to Private->Dhcp4Ack, but it's not the final ack in mode data // without verification. // ASSERT (Private->SelectIndex != 0); Status = PxeBcCopyDhcp4Ack (Private, Packet, FALSE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; } break; default: break; } return Status; } /** Build and send out the request packet for the bootfile, and parse the reply. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @param[in] Type PxeBc option boot item type. @param[in] Layer Pointer to option boot item layer. @param[in] UseBis Use BIS or not. @param[in] DestIp Pointer to the server address. @param[in] IpCount The total count of the server address. @param[in] SrvList Pointer to EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_SRVLIST. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully discovered boot file. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resource. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Can't get the PXE reply packet. @retval Others Failed to discover boot file. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcDhcp4Discover ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT16 Type, IN UINT16 *Layer, IN BOOLEAN UseBis, IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS *DestIp, IN UINT16 IpCount, IN EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_SRVLIST *SrvList ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_PORT Sport; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL *Dhcp4; EFI_DHCP4_TRANSMIT_RECEIVE_TOKEN Token; BOOLEAN IsBCast; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 RepIndex; UINT16 SrvIndex; UINT16 TryIndex; EFI_DHCP4_LISTEN_POINT ListenPoint; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Response; UINT8 Buffer[PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_SIZE]; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_NUM]; UINT32 OptCount; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *PxeOpt; PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM *PxeBootItem; UINT8 VendorOptLen; UINT32 Xid; Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Dhcp4 = Private->Dhcp4; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; ZeroMem (&Token, sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_TRANSMIT_RECEIVE_TOKEN)); // // Use broadcast if destination address not specified. // if (DestIp == NULL) { Sport = PXEBC_DHCP4_S_PORT; IsBCast = TRUE; } else { Sport = PXEBC_BS_DISCOVER_PORT; IsBCast = FALSE; } if (!UseBis && Layer != NULL) { *Layer &= EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_BOOT_LAYER_MASK; } // // Build all the options for the request packet. // OptCount = PxeBcBuildDhcp4Options (Private, OptList, Buffer, TRUE); if (Private->IsDoDiscover) { // // Add vendor option of PXE_BOOT_ITEM // VendorOptLen = (UINT8) ((sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION) - 1) * 2 + sizeof (PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM) + 1); OptList[OptCount] = AllocateZeroPool (VendorOptLen); if (OptList[OptCount] == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } OptList[OptCount]->OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR; OptList[OptCount]->Length = (UINT8) (VendorOptLen - 2); PxeOpt = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) OptList[OptCount]->Data; PxeOpt->OpCode = PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_ITEM; PxeOpt->Length = (UINT8) sizeof (PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM); PxeBootItem = (PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM *) PxeOpt->Data; PxeBootItem->Type = HTONS (Type); PxeOpt->Data[PxeOpt->Length] = DHCP4_TAG_EOP; if (Layer != NULL) { PxeBootItem->Layer = HTONS (*Layer); } OptCount++; } // // Build the request packet with seed packet and option list. // Status = Dhcp4->Build ( Dhcp4, &Private->SeedPacket, 0, NULL, OptCount, OptList, &Token.Packet ); // // Free the vendor option of PXE_BOOT_ITEM. // if (Private->IsDoDiscover) { FreePool (OptList[OptCount - 1]); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Mode->SendGUID) { if (EFI_ERROR (NetLibGetSystemGuid ((EFI_GUID *) Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.ClientHwAddr))) { // // Zero the Guid to indicate NOT programable if failed to get system Guid. // ZeroMem (Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.ClientHwAddr, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); } Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.HwAddrLen = (UINT8) sizeof (EFI_GUID); } // // Set fields of the token for the request packet. // Xid = NET_RANDOM (NetRandomInitSeed ()); Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.Xid = HTONL (Xid); Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.Reserved = HTONS ((UINT16) ((IsBCast) ? 0x8000 : 0x0)); CopyMem (&Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.ClientAddr, &Private->StationIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); Token.RemotePort = Sport; if (IsBCast) { SetMem (&Token.RemoteAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS), 0xff); } else { CopyMem (&Token.RemoteAddress, DestIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); } CopyMem (&Token.GatewayAddress, &Private->GatewayIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); if (!IsBCast) { Token.ListenPointCount = 1; Token.ListenPoints = &ListenPoint; Token.ListenPoints[0].ListenPort = PXEBC_BS_DISCOVER_PORT; CopyMem (&Token.ListenPoints[0].ListenAddress, &Private->StationIp, sizeof(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&Token.ListenPoints[0].SubnetMask, &Private->SubnetMask, sizeof(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); } // // Send out the request packet to discover the bootfile. // for (TryIndex = 1; TryIndex <= PXEBC_BOOT_REQUEST_RETRIES; TryIndex++) { Token.TimeoutValue = (UINT16) (PXEBC_BOOT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * TryIndex); Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.Seconds = (UINT16) (PXEBC_BOOT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * (TryIndex - 1)); Status = Dhcp4->TransmitReceive (Dhcp4, &Token); if (Token.Status != EFI_TIMEOUT) { break; } } if (TryIndex > PXEBC_BOOT_REQUEST_RETRIES) { // // No server response our PXE request // Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { RepIndex = 0; SrvIndex = 0; Response = Token.ResponseList; // // Find the right PXE Reply according to server address. // while (RepIndex < Token.ResponseCount) { if (Response->Length > PXEBC_DHCP4_PACKET_MAX_SIZE) { SrvIndex = 0; RepIndex++; Response = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *) ((UINT8 *) Response + Response->Size); continue; } while (SrvIndex < IpCount) { if (SrvList[SrvIndex].AcceptAnyResponse) { break; } if ((SrvList[SrvIndex].Type == Type) && EFI_IP4_EQUAL (&Response->Dhcp4.Header.ServerAddr, &SrvList[SrvIndex].IpAddr)) { break; } SrvIndex++; } if ((IpCount != SrvIndex) || (IpCount == 0)) { break; } SrvIndex = 0; RepIndex++; Response = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *) ((UINT8 *) Response + Response->Size); } if (RepIndex < Token.ResponseCount) { // // Cache the right PXE reply packet here, set valid flag later. // Especially for PXE discover packet, store it into mode data here. // if (Private->IsDoDiscover) { Status = PxeBcCacheDhcp4Packet (&Private->PxeReply.Dhcp4.Packet.Ack, Response); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } CopyMem (&Mode->PxeDiscover, &Token.Packet->Dhcp4, Token.Packet->Length); } else { Status = PxeBcCacheDhcp4Packet (&Private->ProxyOffer.Dhcp4.Packet.Offer, Response); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } } } else { // // Not found the right PXE reply packet. // Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } ON_EXIT: if (Token.ResponseList != NULL) { FreePool (Token.ResponseList); } if (Token.Packet != NULL) { FreePool (Token.Packet); } return Status; } /** Switch the Ip4 policy to static. @param[in] Private The pointer to PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The policy is already configured to static. @retval Others Other error as indicated.. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcSetIp4Policy ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL *Ip4Config2; EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY Policy; UINTN DataSize; Ip4Config2 = Private->Ip4Config2; DataSize = sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY); Status = Ip4Config2->GetData ( Ip4Config2, Ip4Config2DataTypePolicy, &DataSize, &Policy ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Policy != Ip4Config2PolicyStatic) { Policy = Ip4Config2PolicyStatic; Status= Ip4Config2->SetData ( Ip4Config2, Ip4Config2DataTypePolicy, sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY), &Policy ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Start the D.O.R.A DHCPv4 process to acquire the IPv4 address and other PXE boot information. @param[in] Private Pointer to PxeBc private data. @param[in] Dhcp4 Pointer to the EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL @retval EFI_SUCCESS The D.O.R.A process successfully finished. @retval Others Failed to finish the D.O.R.A process. **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcDhcp4Dora ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL *Dhcp4 ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *PxeMode; EFI_DHCP4_CONFIG_DATA Config; EFI_DHCP4_MODE_DATA Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_NUM]; UINT8 Buffer[PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_SIZE]; UINT32 OptCount; EFI_STATUS Status; ASSERT (Dhcp4 != NULL); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; PxeMode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; // // Build option list for the request packet. // OptCount = PxeBcBuildDhcp4Options (Private, OptList, Buffer, FALSE); ASSERT (OptCount> 0); ZeroMem (&Mode, sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_MODE_DATA)); ZeroMem (&Config, sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_CONFIG_DATA)); Config.OptionCount = OptCount; Config.OptionList = OptList; Config.Dhcp4Callback = PxeBcDhcp4CallBack; Config.CallbackContext = Private; Config.DiscoverTryCount = PXEBC_DHCP_RETRIES; Config.DiscoverTimeout = mPxeDhcpTimeout; // // Configure the DHCPv4 instance for PXE boot. // Status = Dhcp4->Configure (Dhcp4, &Config); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Initialize the record fields for DHCPv4 offer in private data. // Private->IsProxyRecved = FALSE; Private->OfferNum = 0; ZeroMem (Private->OfferCount, sizeof (Private->OfferCount)); ZeroMem (Private->OfferIndex, sizeof (Private->OfferIndex)); // // Start DHCPv4 D.O.R.A. process to acquire IPv4 address. This may // have already been done, thus do not leave in error if the return // code is EFI_ALREADY_STARTED. // Status = Dhcp4->Start (Dhcp4, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && Status != EFI_ALREADY_STARTED) { if (Status == EFI_ICMP_ERROR) { PxeMode->IcmpErrorReceived = TRUE; } if (Status == EFI_TIMEOUT && Private->OfferNum > 0) { Status = EFI_NO_RESPONSE; } goto ON_EXIT; } // // Get the acquired IPv4 address and store them. // Status = Dhcp4->GetModeData (Dhcp4, &Mode); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } ASSERT (Mode.State == Dhcp4Bound); CopyMem (&Private->StationIp, &Mode.ClientAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&Private->SubnetMask, &Mode.SubnetMask, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&Private->GatewayIp, &Mode.RouterAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&PxeMode->StationIp, &Private->StationIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&PxeMode->SubnetMask, &Private->SubnetMask, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); Status = PxeBcFlushStationIp (Private, &Private->StationIp, &Private->SubnetMask); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Check the selected offer whether BINL retry is needed. // Status = PxeBcHandleDhcp4Offer (Private); AsciiPrint ("\n Station IP address is "); PxeBcShowIp4Addr (&Private->StationIp.v4); AsciiPrint ("\n"); ON_EXIT: if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Dhcp4->Stop (Dhcp4); Dhcp4->Configure (Dhcp4, NULL); } else { ZeroMem (&Config, sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_CONFIG_DATA)); Dhcp4->Configure (Dhcp4, &Config); Private->IsAddressOk = TRUE; } return Status; }