/** @file BOT Transportation implementation. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "UsbBotPeim.h" #include "BotPeim.h" #include "PeiUsbLib.h" /** Reset the given usb device. @param PeiServices The pointer of EFI_PEI_SERVICES. @param PeiBotDev The instance to PEI_BOT_DEVICE. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Can not get usb io ppi. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Failed to reset the given usb device. **/ EFI_STATUS BotRecoveryReset ( IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN PEI_BOT_DEVICE *PeiBotDev ) { EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST DevReq; UINT32 Timeout; PEI_USB_IO_PPI *UsbIoPpi; UINT8 EndpointAddr; EFI_STATUS Status; UsbIoPpi = PeiBotDev->UsbIoPpi; if (UsbIoPpi == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ZeroMem (&DevReq, sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST)); DevReq.RequestType = 0x21; DevReq.Request = 0xFF; DevReq.Value = 0; DevReq.Index = 0; DevReq.Length = 0; Timeout = 3000; Status = UsbIoPpi->UsbControlTransfer ( PeiServices, UsbIoPpi, &DevReq, EfiUsbNoData, Timeout, NULL, 0 ); // // clear bulk in endpoint stall feature // EndpointAddr = (PeiBotDev->BulkInEndpoint)->EndpointAddress; PeiUsbClearEndpointHalt (PeiServices, UsbIoPpi, EndpointAddr); // // clear bulk out endpoint stall feature // EndpointAddr = (PeiBotDev->BulkOutEndpoint)->EndpointAddress; PeiUsbClearEndpointHalt (PeiServices, UsbIoPpi, EndpointAddr); return Status; } /** Send the command to the device using Bulk-Out endpoint. This function sends the command to the device using Bulk-Out endpoint. BOT transfer is composed of three phases: Command, Data, and Status. This is the Command phase. @param PeiServices The pointer of EFI_PEI_SERVICES. @param PeiBotDev The instance to PEI_BOT_DEVICE. @param Command The command to transfer to device. @param CommandSize The length of the command. @param DataTransferLength The expected length of the data. @param Direction The direction of the data. @param Timeout Indicates the maximum time, in millisecond, which the transfer is allowed to complete. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Successful to send the command to device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Failed to send the command to device. **/ EFI_STATUS BotCommandPhase ( IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN PEI_BOT_DEVICE *PeiBotDev, IN VOID *Command, IN UINT8 CommandSize, IN UINT32 DataTransferLength, IN EFI_USB_DATA_DIRECTION Direction, IN UINT16 Timeout ) { CBW Cbw; EFI_STATUS Status; PEI_USB_IO_PPI *UsbIoPpi; UINTN DataSize; UsbIoPpi = PeiBotDev->UsbIoPpi; ZeroMem (&Cbw, sizeof (CBW)); // // Fill the command block, detailed see BOT spec // Cbw.Signature = CBWSIG; Cbw.Tag = 0x01; Cbw.DataTransferLength = DataTransferLength; Cbw.Flags = (UINT8) ((Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) ? 0x80 : 0); Cbw.Lun = 0; Cbw.CmdLen = CommandSize; CopyMem (Cbw.CmdBlock, Command, CommandSize); DataSize = sizeof (CBW); Status = UsbIoPpi->UsbBulkTransfer ( PeiServices, UsbIoPpi, (PeiBotDev->BulkOutEndpoint)->EndpointAddress, (UINT8 *) &Cbw, &DataSize, Timeout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Command phase fail, we need to recovery reset this device // BotRecoveryReset (PeiServices, PeiBotDev); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Transfer the data between the device and host. This function transfers the data between the device and host. BOT transfer is composed of three phases: Command, Data, and Status. This is the Data phase. @param PeiServices The pointer of EFI_PEI_SERVICES. @param PeiBotDev The instance to PEI_BOT_DEVICE. @param DataSize The length of the data. @param DataBuffer The pointer to the data. @param Direction The direction of the data. @param Timeout Indicates the maximum time, in millisecond, which the transfer is allowed to complete. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Successful to send the data to device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Failed to send the data to device. **/ EFI_STATUS BotDataPhase ( IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN PEI_BOT_DEVICE *PeiBotDev, IN UINT32 *DataSize, IN OUT VOID *DataBuffer, IN EFI_USB_DATA_DIRECTION Direction, IN UINT16 Timeout ) { EFI_STATUS Status; PEI_USB_IO_PPI *UsbIoPpi; UINT8 EndpointAddr; UINTN Remain; UINTN Increment; UINT32 MaxPacketLen; UINT8 *BufferPtr; UINTN TransferredSize; UsbIoPpi = PeiBotDev->UsbIoPpi; Remain = *DataSize; BufferPtr = (UINT8 *) DataBuffer; TransferredSize = 0; // // retrieve the the max packet length of the given endpoint // if (Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) { MaxPacketLen = (PeiBotDev->BulkInEndpoint)->MaxPacketSize; EndpointAddr = (PeiBotDev->BulkInEndpoint)->EndpointAddress; } else { MaxPacketLen = (PeiBotDev->BulkOutEndpoint)->MaxPacketSize; EndpointAddr = (PeiBotDev->BulkOutEndpoint)->EndpointAddress; } while (Remain > 0) { // // Using 15 packets to avoid Bitstuff error // if (Remain > 16 * MaxPacketLen) { Increment = 16 * MaxPacketLen; } else { Increment = Remain; } Status = UsbIoPpi->UsbBulkTransfer ( PeiServices, UsbIoPpi, EndpointAddr, BufferPtr, &Increment, Timeout ); TransferredSize += Increment; if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { PeiUsbClearEndpointHalt (PeiServices, UsbIoPpi, EndpointAddr); return Status; } BufferPtr += Increment; Remain -= Increment; } *DataSize = (UINT32) TransferredSize; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Get the command execution status from device. This function gets the command execution status from device. BOT transfer is composed of three phases: Command, Data, and Status. This is the Status phase. @param PeiServices The pointer of EFI_PEI_SERVICES. @param PeiBotDev The instance to PEI_BOT_DEVICE. @param TransferStatus The status of the transaction. @param Timeout Indicates the maximum time, in millisecond, which the transfer is allowed to complete. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Successful to get the status of device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Failed to get the status of device. **/ EFI_STATUS BotStatusPhase ( IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN PEI_BOT_DEVICE *PeiBotDev, OUT UINT8 *TransferStatus, IN UINT16 Timeout ) { CSW Csw; EFI_STATUS Status; PEI_USB_IO_PPI *UsbIoPpi; UINT8 EndpointAddr; UINTN DataSize; UsbIoPpi = PeiBotDev->UsbIoPpi; ZeroMem (&Csw, sizeof (CSW)); EndpointAddr = (PeiBotDev->BulkInEndpoint)->EndpointAddress; DataSize = sizeof (CSW); // // Get the status field from bulk transfer // Status = UsbIoPpi->UsbBulkTransfer ( PeiServices, UsbIoPpi, EndpointAddr, &Csw, &DataSize, Timeout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Csw.Signature == CSWSIG) { *TransferStatus = Csw.Status; } else { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Send ATAPI command using BOT protocol. @param PeiServices The pointer of EFI_PEI_SERVICES. @param PeiBotDev The instance to PEI_BOT_DEVICE. @param Command The command to be sent to ATAPI device. @param CommandSize The length of the data to be sent. @param DataBuffer The pointer to the data. @param BufferLength The length of the data. @param Direction The direction of the data. @param TimeOutInMilliSeconds Indicates the maximum time, in millisecond, which the transfer is allowed to complete. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Successful to get the status of device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Failed to get the status of device. **/ EFI_STATUS PeiAtapiCommand ( IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices, IN PEI_BOT_DEVICE *PeiBotDev, IN VOID *Command, IN UINT8 CommandSize, IN VOID *DataBuffer, IN UINT32 BufferLength, IN EFI_USB_DATA_DIRECTION Direction, IN UINT16 TimeOutInMilliSeconds ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_STATUS BotDataStatus; UINT8 TransferStatus; UINT32 BufferSize; BotDataStatus = EFI_SUCCESS; // // First send ATAPI command through Bot // Status = BotCommandPhase ( PeiServices, PeiBotDev, Command, CommandSize, BufferLength, Direction, TimeOutInMilliSeconds ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Send/Get Data if there is a Data Stage // switch (Direction) { case EfiUsbDataIn: case EfiUsbDataOut: BufferSize = BufferLength; BotDataStatus = BotDataPhase ( PeiServices, PeiBotDev, &BufferSize, DataBuffer, Direction, TimeOutInMilliSeconds ); break; case EfiUsbNoData: break; } // // Status Phase // Status = BotStatusPhase ( PeiServices, PeiBotDev, &TransferStatus, TimeOutInMilliSeconds ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { BotRecoveryReset (PeiServices, PeiBotDev); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } if (TransferStatus == 0x01) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } return BotDataStatus; }