/** @file Implementation of loading microcode on processors. Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "MpLib.h" /** Get microcode update signature of currently loaded microcode update. @return Microcode signature. **/ UINT32 GetCurrentMicrocodeSignature ( VOID ) { MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID_REGISTER BiosSignIdMsr; AsmWriteMsr64 (MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID, 0); AsmCpuid (CPUID_VERSION_INFO, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); BiosSignIdMsr.Uint64 = AsmReadMsr64 (MSR_IA32_BIOS_SIGN_ID); return BiosSignIdMsr.Bits.MicrocodeUpdateSignature; } /** Detect whether specified processor can find matching microcode patch and load it. Microcode Payload as the following format: +----------------------------------------+------------------+ | CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER | | +----------------------------------------+ CheckSum Part1 | | Microcode Binary | | +----------------------------------------+------------------+ | CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER | | +----------------------------------------+ CheckSum Part2 | | CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE | | | ... | | +----------------------------------------+------------------+ There may by multiple CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE in this format. The count of CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE is indicated by ExtendedSignatureCount of CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER structure. When we are trying to verify the CheckSum32 with extended table. We should use the fields of exnteded table to replace the corresponding fields in CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER structure, and recalculate the CheckSum32 with CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER + Microcode Binary. We named it as CheckSum Part3. The CheckSum Part2 is used to verify the CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER and CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE parts. We should make sure CheckSum Part2 is correct before we are going to verify each CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE. Only ProcessorSignature, ProcessorFlag and CheckSum are different between CheckSum Part1 and CheckSum Part3. To avoid multiple computing CheckSum Part3. Save an in-complete CheckSum32 from CheckSum Part1 for common parts. When we are going to calculate CheckSum32, just should use the corresponding part of the ProcessorSignature, ProcessorFlag and CheckSum with in-complete CheckSum32. Notes: CheckSum32 is not a strong verification. It does not guarantee that the data has not been modified. CPU has its own mechanism to verify Microcode Binary part. @param[in] CpuMpData The pointer to CPU MP Data structure. @param[in] IsBspCallIn Indicate whether the caller is BSP or not. **/ VOID MicrocodeDetect ( IN CPU_MP_DATA *CpuMpData, IN BOOLEAN IsBspCallIn ) { UINT32 ExtendedTableLength; UINT32 ExtendedTableCount; CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE *ExtendedTable; CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER *ExtendedTableHeader; CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *MicrocodeEntryPoint; UINTN MicrocodeEnd; UINTN Index; UINT8 PlatformId; CPUID_VERSION_INFO_EAX Eax; UINT32 CurrentRevision; UINT32 LatestRevision; UINTN TotalSize; UINT32 CheckSum32; UINT32 InCompleteCheckSum32; BOOLEAN CorrectMicrocode; VOID *MicrocodeData; MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID_REGISTER PlatformIdMsr; UINT32 ProcessorFlags; UINT32 ThreadId; // // set ProcessorFlags to suppress incorrect compiler/analyzer warnings // ProcessorFlags = 0; if (CpuMpData->MicrocodePatchRegionSize == 0) { // // There is no microcode patches // return; } CurrentRevision = GetCurrentMicrocodeSignature (); if (CurrentRevision != 0 && !IsBspCallIn) { // // Skip loading microcode if it has been loaded successfully // return; } GetProcessorLocationByApicId (GetInitialApicId (), NULL, NULL, &ThreadId); if (ThreadId != 0) { // // Skip loading microcode if it is not the first thread in one core. // return; } ExtendedTableLength = 0; // // Here data of CPUID leafs have not been collected into context buffer, so // GetProcessorCpuid() cannot be used here to retrieve CPUID data. // AsmCpuid (CPUID_VERSION_INFO, &Eax.Uint32, NULL, NULL, NULL); // // The index of platform information resides in bits 50:52 of MSR IA32_PLATFORM_ID // PlatformIdMsr.Uint64 = AsmReadMsr64 (MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID); PlatformId = (UINT8) PlatformIdMsr.Bits.PlatformId; // // Check whether AP has same processor with BSP. // If yes, direct use microcode info saved by BSP. // if (!IsBspCallIn) { if ((CpuMpData->ProcessorSignature == Eax.Uint32) && (CpuMpData->ProcessorFlags & (1 << PlatformId)) != 0) { MicrocodeData = (VOID *)(UINTN) CpuMpData->MicrocodeDataAddress; LatestRevision = CpuMpData->MicrocodeRevision; goto Done; } } LatestRevision = 0; MicrocodeData = NULL; MicrocodeEnd = (UINTN) (CpuMpData->MicrocodePatchAddress + CpuMpData->MicrocodePatchRegionSize); MicrocodeEntryPoint = (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *) (UINTN) CpuMpData->MicrocodePatchAddress; do { // // Check if the microcode is for the Cpu and the version is newer // and the update can be processed on the platform // CorrectMicrocode = FALSE; if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize == 0) { TotalSize = sizeof (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER) + 2000; } else { TotalSize = sizeof (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER) + MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize; } /// /// Check overflow and whether TotalSize is aligned with 4 bytes. /// if ( ((UINTN)MicrocodeEntryPoint + TotalSize) > MicrocodeEnd || (TotalSize & 0x3) != 0 ) { MicrocodeEntryPoint = (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *) (((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint) + SIZE_1KB); continue; } // // Save an in-complete CheckSum32 from CheckSum Part1 for common parts. // InCompleteCheckSum32 = CalculateSum32 ( (UINT32 *) MicrocodeEntryPoint, TotalSize ); InCompleteCheckSum32 -= MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorSignature.Uint32; InCompleteCheckSum32 -= MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorFlags; InCompleteCheckSum32 -= MicrocodeEntryPoint->Checksum; if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->HeaderVersion == 0x1) { // // It is the microcode header. It is not the padding data between microcode patches // because the padding data should not include 0x00000001 and it should be the repeated // byte format (like 0xXYXYXYXY....). // if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorSignature.Uint32 == Eax.Uint32 && MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision > LatestRevision && (MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorFlags & (1 << PlatformId)) ) { // // Calculate CheckSum Part1. // CheckSum32 = InCompleteCheckSum32; CheckSum32 += MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorSignature.Uint32; CheckSum32 += MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorFlags; CheckSum32 += MicrocodeEntryPoint->Checksum; if (CheckSum32 == 0) { CorrectMicrocode = TRUE; ProcessorFlags = MicrocodeEntryPoint->ProcessorFlags; } } else if ((MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize != 0) && (MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision > LatestRevision)) { ExtendedTableLength = MicrocodeEntryPoint->TotalSize - (MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize + sizeof (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)); if (ExtendedTableLength != 0) { // // Extended Table exist, check if the CPU in support list // ExtendedTableHeader = (CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE_HEADER *) ((UINT8 *) (MicrocodeEntryPoint) + MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize + sizeof (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)); // // Calculate Extended Checksum // if ((ExtendedTableLength % 4) == 0) { // // Calculate CheckSum Part2. // CheckSum32 = CalculateSum32 ((UINT32 *) ExtendedTableHeader, ExtendedTableLength); if (CheckSum32 == 0) { // // Checksum correct // ExtendedTableCount = ExtendedTableHeader->ExtendedSignatureCount; ExtendedTable = (CPU_MICROCODE_EXTENDED_TABLE *) (ExtendedTableHeader + 1); for (Index = 0; Index < ExtendedTableCount; Index ++) { // // Calculate CheckSum Part3. // CheckSum32 = InCompleteCheckSum32; CheckSum32 += ExtendedTable->ProcessorSignature.Uint32; CheckSum32 += ExtendedTable->ProcessorFlag; CheckSum32 += ExtendedTable->Checksum; if (CheckSum32 == 0) { // // Verify Header // if ((ExtendedTable->ProcessorSignature.Uint32 == Eax.Uint32) && (ExtendedTable->ProcessorFlag & (1 << PlatformId)) ) { // // Find one // CorrectMicrocode = TRUE; ProcessorFlags = ExtendedTable->ProcessorFlag; break; } } ExtendedTable ++; } } } } } } else { // // It is the padding data between the microcode patches for microcode patches alignment. // Because the microcode patch is the multiple of 1-KByte, the padding data should not // exist if the microcode patch alignment value is not larger than 1-KByte. So, the microcode // alignment value should be larger than 1-KByte. We could skip SIZE_1KB padding data to // find the next possible microcode patch header. // MicrocodeEntryPoint = (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *) (((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint) + SIZE_1KB); continue; } // // Get the next patch. // if (MicrocodeEntryPoint->DataSize == 0) { TotalSize = 2048; } else { TotalSize = MicrocodeEntryPoint->TotalSize; } if (CorrectMicrocode) { LatestRevision = MicrocodeEntryPoint->UpdateRevision; MicrocodeData = (VOID *) ((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint + sizeof (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER)); } MicrocodeEntryPoint = (CPU_MICROCODE_HEADER *) (((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint) + TotalSize); } while (((UINTN) MicrocodeEntryPoint < MicrocodeEnd)); Done: if (LatestRevision > CurrentRevision) { // // BIOS only authenticate updates that contain a numerically larger revision // than the currently loaded revision, where Current Signature < New Update // Revision. A processor with no loaded update is considered to have a // revision equal to zero. // ASSERT (MicrocodeData != NULL); AsmWriteMsr64 ( MSR_IA32_BIOS_UPDT_TRIG, (UINT64) (UINTN) MicrocodeData ); // // Get and check new microcode signature // CurrentRevision = GetCurrentMicrocodeSignature (); if (CurrentRevision != LatestRevision) { AcquireSpinLock(&CpuMpData->MpLock); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Updated microcode signature [0x%08x] does not match \ loaded microcode signature [0x%08x]\n", CurrentRevision, LatestRevision)); ReleaseSpinLock(&CpuMpData->MpLock); } } if (IsBspCallIn && (LatestRevision != 0)) { // // Save BSP processor info and microcode info for later AP use. // CpuMpData->ProcessorSignature = Eax.Uint32; CpuMpData->ProcessorFlags = ProcessorFlags; CpuMpData->MicrocodeDataAddress = (UINTN) MicrocodeData; CpuMpData->MicrocodeRevision = LatestRevision; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "BSP Microcode:: signature [0x%08x], ProcessorFlags [0x%08x], \ MicroData [0x%08x], Revision [0x%08x]\n", Eax.Uint32, ProcessorFlags, (UINTN) MicrocodeData, LatestRevision)); } }