/** @file Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: pxe_bc_ip.c Abstract: **/ #include "Bc.h" /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /** Check if two IP addresses are on the same subnet. @param IpLength Length of IP address in bytes. @param Ip1 IP address to check. @param Ip2 IP address to check. @param SubnetMask Subnet mask to check with. @retval TRUE IP addresses are on the same subnet. @retval FALSE IP addresses are on different subnets. **/ BOOLEAN OnSameSubnet ( IN UINTN IpLength, IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS *Ip1, IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS *Ip2, IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS *SubnetMask ) { if (IpLength == 0 || Ip1 == NULL || Ip2 == NULL || SubnetMask == NULL) { return FALSE; } while (IpLength-- != 0) { if ((Ip1->v6.Addr[IpLength] ^ Ip2->v6.Addr[IpLength]) & SubnetMask->v6.Addr[IpLength]) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /** Add router to router table. @param Private Pointer PxeBc instance data. @param RouterIpPtr Pointer to router IP address. @return Nothing **/ VOID IpAddRouter ( IN PXE_BASECODE_DEVICE *Private, IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS *RouterIpPtr ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *PxeBcMode; UINTN Index; if (Private == NULL || RouterIpPtr == NULL) { return ; } PxeBcMode = Private->EfiBc.Mode; // // if we are filled up or this is not on the same subnet, forget it // if ((PxeBcMode->RouteTableEntries == PXE_ROUTER_TABLE_SIZE) || !OnSameSubnet(Private->IpLength, &PxeBcMode->StationIp, RouterIpPtr, &PxeBcMode->SubnetMask)) { return ; } // // make sure we don't already have it // for (Index = 0; Index < PxeBcMode->RouteTableEntries; ++Index) { if (!CompareMem ( &PxeBcMode->RouteTable[Index].GwAddr, RouterIpPtr, Private->IpLength )) { return ; } } // // keep it // ZeroMem ( &PxeBcMode->RouteTable[PxeBcMode->RouteTableEntries], sizeof (EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_ROUTE_ENTRY) ); CopyMem ( &PxeBcMode->RouteTable[PxeBcMode->RouteTableEntries++].GwAddr, RouterIpPtr, Private->IpLength ); } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ // // return router ip to use for DestIp (0 if none) // STATIC EFI_IP_ADDRESS * GetRouterIp ( PXE_BASECODE_DEVICE *Private, EFI_IP_ADDRESS *DestIpPtr ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *PxeBcMode; UINTN Index; if (Private == NULL || DestIpPtr == NULL) { return NULL; } PxeBcMode = Private->EfiBc.Mode; for (Index = 0; Index < PxeBcMode->RouteTableEntries; ++Index) { if (OnSameSubnet ( Private->IpLength, &PxeBcMode->RouteTable[Index].IpAddr, DestIpPtr, &PxeBcMode->RouteTable[Index].SubnetMask )) { return &PxeBcMode->RouteTable[Index].GwAddr; } } return NULL; } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ // // routine to send ipv4 packet // ipv4 header of length HdrLth in TransmitBufferPtr // routine fills in ipv4hdr Ver_Hdl, TotalLength, and Checksum, moves in Data // and gets dest MAC address // #define IP_TX_BUFFER ((IPV4_BUFFER *) Private->TransmitBufferPtr) #define IP_TX_HEADER IP_TX_BUFFER->IpHeader EFI_STATUS Ipv4Xmt ( PXE_BASECODE_DEVICE *Private, UINT32 GatewayIp, UINTN IpHeaderLength, UINTN TotalHeaderLength, VOID *Data, UINTN DataLength, EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_FUNCTION Function ) { EFI_MAC_ADDRESS DestMac; EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL *Snp; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *PxeBcMode; EFI_STATUS StatCode; UINTN PacketLength; Snp = Private->SimpleNetwork; PxeBcMode = Private->EfiBc.Mode; StatCode = EFI_SUCCESS; PacketLength = TotalHeaderLength + DataLength; // // get dest MAC address // multicast - convert to hw equiv // unicast on same net, use arp // on different net, arp for router // if (IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr.L == BROADCAST_IPv4) { CopyMem (&DestMac, &Snp->Mode->BroadcastAddress, sizeof (DestMac)); } else if (IS_MULTICAST (&IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr)) { StatCode = (*Snp->MCastIpToMac) (Snp, PxeBcMode->UsingIpv6, (EFI_IP_ADDRESS *) &IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr, &DestMac); } else { UINT32 Ip; if (OnSameSubnet ( Private->IpLength, &PxeBcMode->StationIp, (EFI_IP_ADDRESS *) &IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr, &PxeBcMode->SubnetMask )) { Ip = IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr.L; } else if (GatewayIp != 0) { Ip = GatewayIp; } else { EFI_IP_ADDRESS *TmpIp; TmpIp = GetRouterIp (Private, (EFI_IP_ADDRESS *) &IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr); if (TmpIp == NULL) { DEBUG ( (DEBUG_WARN, "\nIpv4Xmit() Exit #1 %xh (%r)", EFI_NO_RESPONSE, EFI_NO_RESPONSE) ); return EFI_NO_RESPONSE; // // no router // } Ip = TmpIp->Addr[0]; } if (!GetHwAddr ( Private, (EFI_IP_ADDRESS *) &Ip, (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS *) &DestMac )) { if (!PxeBcMode->AutoArp) { DEBUG ( (DEBUG_WARN, "\nIpv4Xmit() Exit #2 %xh (%r)", EFI_DEVICE_ERROR, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR) ); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } else { StatCode = DoArp ( Private, (EFI_IP_ADDRESS *) &Ip, (EFI_MAC_ADDRESS *) &DestMac ); } } } if (EFI_ERROR (StatCode)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "\nIpv4Xmit() Exit #3 %xh (%r)", StatCode, StatCode)); return StatCode; } // // fill in packet info // SET_IPV4_VER_HDL (&IP_TX_HEADER, IpHeaderLength); IP_TX_HEADER.TotalLength = HTONS (PacketLength); IP_TX_HEADER.HeaderChecksum = IpChecksum ((UINT16 *) &IP_TX_HEADER, IpHeaderLength); CopyMem (((UINT8 *) &IP_TX_HEADER) + TotalHeaderLength, Data, DataLength); // // send it // return SendPacket ( Private, (UINT8 *) &IP_TX_HEADER - Snp->Mode->MediaHeaderSize, &IP_TX_HEADER, PacketLength, &DestMac, PXE_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET_IP, Function ); } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ // // send ipv4 packet with option // EFI_STATUS Ipv4SendWOp ( PXE_BASECODE_DEVICE *Private, UINT32 GatewayIp, UINT8 *Msg, UINTN MessageLength, UINT8 Prot, UINT8 *Option, UINTN OptionLength, UINT32 DestIp, EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_FUNCTION Function ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *PxeBcMode; UINTN HdrLth; PxeBcMode = Private->EfiBc.Mode; HdrLth = sizeof (IPV4_HEADER) + OptionLength; ZeroMem ((VOID *) &IP_TX_HEADER, sizeof (IPV4_HEADER)); IP_TX_HEADER.TimeToLive = PxeBcMode->TTL; IP_TX_HEADER.TypeOfService = PxeBcMode->ToS; IP_TX_HEADER.Protocol = Prot; IP_TX_HEADER.SrcAddr.L = *(UINT32 *) &PxeBcMode->StationIp; IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr.L = DestIp; IP_TX_HEADER.Id = Random (Private); CopyMem (IP_TX_BUFFER->u.Data, Option, OptionLength); return Ipv4Xmt ( Private, GatewayIp, HdrLth, HdrLth, Msg, MessageLength, Function ); } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ // // send MessageLength message at MessagePtr - higher level protocol header already in TransmitBufferPtr, length HdrSize // EFI_STATUS Ip4Send ( PXE_BASECODE_DEVICE *Private, // pointer to instance data UINTN MayFrag, // UINT8 Prot, // protocol UINT32 SrcIp, // Source IP address UINT32 DestIp, // Destination IP address UINT32 GatewayIp, // used if not NULL and needed UINTN HdrSize, // protocol header byte length UINT8 *MessagePtr, // pointer to data UINTN MessageLength // data byte length ) { EFI_STATUS StatCode; UINTN TotDataLength; TotDataLength = HdrSize + MessageLength; if (TotDataLength > MAX_IPV4_DATA_SIZE) { DEBUG ( (DEBUG_WARN, "\nIp4Send() Exit #1 %xh (%r)", EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE, EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE) ); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } ZeroMem ((VOID *) &IP_TX_HEADER, sizeof (IPV4_HEADER)); IP_TX_HEADER.TimeToLive = DEFAULT_TTL; IP_TX_HEADER.Protocol = Prot; IP_TX_HEADER.SrcAddr.L = SrcIp; IP_TX_HEADER.DestAddr.L = DestIp; IP_TX_HEADER.Id = Random (Private); if (!MayFrag) { *(UINT8 *) (&IP_TX_HEADER.FragmentFields) = IP_NO_FRAG >> 8; } // // check for need to fragment // if (TotDataLength > MAX_IPV4_FRAME_DATA_SIZE) { UINTN DataLengthSent; UINT16 FragmentOffset; FragmentOffset = IP_MORE_FRAG; // // frag offset field // if (!MayFrag) { DEBUG ( (DEBUG_WARN, "\nIp4Send() Exit #2 %xh (%r)", EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE, EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE) ); return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } // // send out in fragments - first includes upper level header // all are max and include more frag bit except last // * (UINT8 *) (&IP_TX_HEADER.FragmentFields) = IP_MORE_FRAG >> 8; #define IPV4_FRAG_SIZE (MAX_IPV4_FRAME_DATA_SIZE & 0xfff8) #define IPV4_FRAG_OFF_INC (IPV4_FRAG_SIZE >> 3) DataLengthSent = IPV4_FRAG_SIZE - HdrSize; StatCode = Ipv4Xmt ( Private, GatewayIp, sizeof (IPV4_HEADER), sizeof (IPV4_HEADER) + HdrSize, MessagePtr, DataLengthSent, Private->Function ); if (EFI_ERROR (StatCode)) { DEBUG ( (DEBUG_WARN, "\nIp4Send() Exit #3 %xh (%r)", StatCode, StatCode) ); return StatCode; } MessagePtr += DataLengthSent; MessageLength -= DataLengthSent; FragmentOffset += IPV4_FRAG_OFF_INC; IP_TX_HEADER.FragmentFields = HTONS (FragmentOffset); while (MessageLength > IPV4_FRAG_SIZE) { StatCode = Ipv4Xmt ( Private, GatewayIp, sizeof (IPV4_HEADER), sizeof (IPV4_HEADER), MessagePtr, IPV4_FRAG_SIZE, Private->Function ); if (EFI_ERROR (StatCode)) { DEBUG ( (DEBUG_WARN, "\nIp4Send() Exit #3 %xh (%r)", StatCode, StatCode) ); return StatCode; } MessagePtr += IPV4_FRAG_SIZE; MessageLength -= IPV4_FRAG_SIZE; FragmentOffset += IPV4_FRAG_OFF_INC; IP_TX_HEADER.FragmentFields = HTONS (FragmentOffset); } * (UINT8 *) (&IP_TX_HEADER.FragmentFields) &= ~(IP_MORE_FRAG >> 8); HdrSize = 0; } // // transmit // return Ipv4Xmt ( Private, GatewayIp, sizeof (IPV4_HEADER), sizeof (IPV4_HEADER) + HdrSize, MessagePtr, MessageLength, Private->Function ); } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ // // return true if dst IP in receive header matched with what's enabled // STATIC BOOLEAN IPgood ( PXE_BASECODE_DEVICE *Private, IPV4_HEADER *IpHeader ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *PxeBcMode; UINTN Index; PxeBcMode = Private->EfiBc.Mode; if (PxeBcMode->IpFilter.Filters & EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_IP_FILTER_PROMISCUOUS) { return TRUE; } if ((PxeBcMode->IpFilter.Filters & EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_IP_FILTER_PROMISCUOUS_MULTICAST) && IS_MULTICAST (&IpHeader->DestAddr) ) { return TRUE; } if ((PxeBcMode->IpFilter.Filters & EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_IP_FILTER_STATION_IP) && PxeBcMode->StationIp.Addr[0] == IpHeader->DestAddr.L ) { return TRUE; } if ((PxeBcMode->IpFilter.Filters & EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_IP_FILTER_BROADCAST) && IpHeader->DestAddr.L == BROADCAST_IPv4) { return TRUE; } for (Index = 0; Index < PxeBcMode->IpFilter.IpCnt; ++Index) { if (IpHeader->DestAddr.L == PxeBcMode->IpFilter.IpList[Index].Addr[0]) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ // // receive up to MessageLength message into MessagePtr for protocol Prot // return message length, src/dest ips if select any, and pointer to protocol // header routine will filter based on source and/or dest ip if OpFlags set. // EFI_STATUS IpReceive ( PXE_BASECODE_DEVICE *Private, PXE_OPFLAGS OpFlags, EFI_IP_ADDRESS *SrcIpPtr, EFI_IP_ADDRESS *DestIpPtr, UINT8 Prot, VOID *HeaderPtr, UINTN HdrSize, UINT8 *MessagePtr, UINTN *MessageLengthPtr, EFI_EVENT TimeoutEvent ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *PxeBcMode; EFI_STATUS StatCode; UINTN ByteCount; UINTN FragmentCount; UINTN ExpectedPacketLength; UINTN Id; BOOLEAN GotFirstFragment; BOOLEAN GotLastFragment; DEBUG ( (DEBUG_NET, "\nIpReceive() Hdr=%Xh HdrSz=%d Data=%Xh DataSz=%d", HeaderPtr, HdrSize, MessagePtr, *MessageLengthPtr) ); PxeBcMode = Private->EfiBc.Mode; PxeBcMode->IcmpErrorReceived = FALSE; ExpectedPacketLength = 0; GotFirstFragment = FALSE; GotLastFragment = FALSE; FragmentCount = 0; ByteCount = 0; Id = 0; for (;;) { IPV4_HEADER IpHdr; UINTN FFlds; UINTN TotalLength; UINTN FragmentOffset; UINTN HeaderSize; UINTN BufferSize; UINTN IpHeaderLength; UINTN DataLength; UINT16 Protocol; UINT8 *NextHdrPtr; UINT8 *PacketPtr; StatCode = WaitForReceive ( Private, Private->Function, TimeoutEvent, &HeaderSize, &BufferSize, &Protocol ); if (EFI_ERROR (StatCode)) { return StatCode; } PacketPtr = Private->ReceiveBufferPtr + HeaderSize; if (Protocol == PXE_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET_ARP) { HandleArpReceive ( Private, (ARP_PACKET *) PacketPtr, Private->ReceiveBufferPtr ); continue; } if (Protocol != PXE_PROTOCOL_ETHERNET_IP) { continue; } #define IpRxHeader ((IPV4_HEADER *) PacketPtr) // // filter for version & check sum // IpHeaderLength = IPV4_HEADER_LENGTH (IpRxHeader); if ((IpRxHeader->VersionIhl >> 4) != IPVER4) { continue; } if (IpChecksum ((UINT16 *) IpRxHeader, IpHeaderLength)) { continue; } CopyMem (&IpHdr, IpRxHeader, sizeof (IpHdr)); TotalLength = NTOHS (IpHdr.TotalLength); if (IpHdr.Protocol == PROT_TCP) { // // The NextHdrPtr is used to seed the header buffer we are passing back. // That being the case, we want to see everything in pPkt which contains // everything but the ethernet (or whatever) frame. IP + TCP in this case. // DataLength = TotalLength; NextHdrPtr = PacketPtr; } else { DataLength = TotalLength - IpHeaderLength; NextHdrPtr = PacketPtr + IpHeaderLength; } // // If this is an ICMP, it might not be for us. // Double check the state of the IP stack and the // packet fields before assuming it is an ICMP // error. ICMP requests are not supported by the // PxeBc IP stack and should be ignored. // if (IpHdr.Protocol == PROT_ICMP) { ICMPV4_HEADER *Icmpv4; Icmpv4 = (ICMPV4_HEADER *) NextHdrPtr; // // For now only obvious ICMP error replies will be accepted by // this stack. This still makes us vulnerable to DoS attacks. // But at least we will not be killed by DHCP daemons. // switch (Icmpv4->Type) { case ICMP_REDIRECT: case ICMP_ECHO: case ICMP_ROUTER_ADV: case ICMP_ROUTER_SOLICIT: case ICMP_TIMESTAMP: case ICMP_TIMESTAMP_REPLY: case ICMP_INFO_REQ: case ICMP_INFO_REQ_REPLY: case ICMP_SUBNET_MASK_REQ: case ICMP_SUBNET_MASK_REPLY: default: continue; // // %%TBD - This should be implemented. // case ICMP_ECHO_REPLY: continue; case ICMP_DEST_UNREACHABLE: case ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED: case ICMP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM: case ICMP_SOURCE_QUENCH: PxeBcMode->IcmpErrorReceived = TRUE; CopyMem ( &PxeBcMode->IcmpError, NextHdrPtr, sizeof (EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_ICMP_ERROR) ); DEBUG ( (DEBUG_NET, "\nIpReceive() Exit #1 %Xh (%r)", EFI_ICMP_ERROR, EFI_ICMP_ERROR) ); } return EFI_ICMP_ERROR; } if (IpHdr.Protocol == PROT_IGMP) { HandleIgmp (Private, (IGMPV2_MESSAGE *) NextHdrPtr, DataLength); DEBUG ((DEBUG_NET, "\n IGMP")); continue; } // // check for protocol // if (IpHdr.Protocol != Prot) { continue; } // // do filtering // if (!(OpFlags & EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_OPFLAGS_ANY_SRC_IP) && SrcIpPtr && SrcIpPtr->Addr[0] != IpHdr.SrcAddr.L) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_NET, "\n Not expected source IP address.")); continue; } if (OpFlags & EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_OPFLAGS_USE_FILTER) { if (!IPgood (Private, &IpHdr)) { continue; } } else if (!(OpFlags & EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_OPFLAGS_ANY_DEST_IP)) { if (DestIpPtr == NULL) { if (PxeBcMode->StationIp.Addr[0] != IpHdr.DestAddr.L) { continue; } } else if (DestIpPtr->Addr[0] != IpHdr.DestAddr.L) { continue; } } // // get some data we need // FFlds = NTOHS (IpHdr.FragmentFields); FragmentOffset = ((FFlds & IP_FRAG_OFF_MSK) << 3); /* Keep count of fragments that belong to this session. * If we get packets with a different IP ID number, * ignore them. Ignored packets should be handled * by the upper level protocol. */ if (FragmentCount == 0) { Id = IpHdr.Id; if (DestIpPtr != NULL) { DestIpPtr->Addr[0] = IpHdr.DestAddr.L; } if (SrcIpPtr != NULL) { SrcIpPtr->Addr[0] = IpHdr.SrcAddr.L; } } else { if (IpHdr.Id != Id) { continue; } } ++FragmentCount; /* Fragment management. */ if (FragmentOffset == 0) { /* This is the first fragment (may also be the * only fragment). */ GotFirstFragment = TRUE; /* If there is a separate protocol header buffer, * copy the header, adjust the data pointer and * the data length. */ if (HdrSize != 0) { CopyMem (HeaderPtr, NextHdrPtr, HdrSize); NextHdrPtr += HdrSize; DataLength -= HdrSize; } } else { /* If there is a separate protocol header buffer, * adjust the fragment offset. */ FragmentOffset -= HdrSize; } /* See if this is the last fragment. */ if (!(FFlds & IP_MORE_FRAG)) { // // This is the last fragment (may also be the only fragment). // GotLastFragment = TRUE; /* Compute the expected length of the assembled * packet. This will be used to decide if we * have gotten all of the fragments. */ ExpectedPacketLength = FragmentOffset + DataLength; } DEBUG ( (DEBUG_NET, "\n ID = %Xh Off = %d Len = %d", Id, FragmentOffset, DataLength) ); /* Check for receive buffer overflow. */ if (FragmentOffset + DataLength > *MessageLengthPtr) { /* There is not enough space in the receive * buffer for the fragment. */ DEBUG ( (DEBUG_NET, "\nIpReceive() Exit #3 %Xh (%r)", EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) ); return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } /* Copy data into receive buffer. */ if (DataLength != 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_NET, " To = %Xh", MessagePtr + FragmentOffset)); CopyMem (MessagePtr + FragmentOffset, NextHdrPtr, DataLength); ByteCount += DataLength; } /* If we have seen the first and last fragments and * the receive byte count is at least as large as the * expected byte count, return SUCCESS. * * We could be tricked by receiving a fragment twice * but the upper level protocol should figure this * out. */ if (GotFirstFragment && GotLastFragment && ByteCount >= ExpectedPacketLength) { *MessageLengthPtr = ExpectedPacketLength; return EFI_SUCCESS; } } } /* eof - pxe_bc_ip.c */