/** @file A shell application that triggers capsule update process. Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CAPSULE_HEADER_SIZE 0x20 #define NESTED_CAPSULE_HEADER_SIZE SIZE_4KB #define SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_FLAG 0x50000 #define DEVICE_FIRMWARE_FLAG 0x78010 #define MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define MINOR_VERSION 0 #define MAX_CAPSULE_NUM 10 extern UINTN Argc; extern CHAR16 **Argv; // // Define how many block descriptors we want to test with. // UINTN NumberOfDescriptors = 1; UINTN CapsuleFirstIndex; UINTN CapsuleLastIndex; /** Dump capsule information @param[in] CapsuleName The name of the capsule image. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule information is dumped. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Input parameter is not valid. **/ EFI_STATUS DumpCapsule ( IN CHAR16 *CapsuleName ); /** Dump capsule status variable. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule status variable is dumped. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Input parameter is not valid. **/ EFI_STATUS DmpCapsuleStatusVariable ( VOID ); /** Dump FMP protocol info. **/ VOID DumpFmpData ( VOID ); /** Dump FMP image data. @param[in] ImageTypeId The ImageTypeId of the FMP image. It is used to identify the FMP protocol. @param[in] ImageIndex The ImageIndex of the FMP image. It is the input parameter for FMP->GetImage(). @param[in] ImageName The file name to hold the output FMP image. **/ VOID DumpFmpImage ( IN EFI_GUID *ImageTypeId, IN UINTN ImageIndex, IN CHAR16 *ImageName ); /** Dump ESRT info. **/ VOID DumpEsrtData ( VOID ); /** Read a file. @param[in] FileName The file to be read. @param[out] BufferSize The file buffer size @param[out] Buffer The file buffer @retval EFI_SUCCESS Read file successfully @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Shell protocol or file not found @retval others Read file failed **/ EFI_STATUS ReadFileToBuffer ( IN CHAR16 *FileName, OUT UINTN *BufferSize, OUT VOID **Buffer ); /** Write a file. @param[in] FileName The file to be written. @param[in] BufferSize The file buffer size @param[in] Buffer The file buffer @retval EFI_SUCCESS Write file successfully @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Shell protocol not found @retval others Write file failed **/ EFI_STATUS WriteFileFromBuffer ( IN CHAR16 *FileName, IN UINTN BufferSize, IN VOID *Buffer ); /** This function parse application ARG. @return Status **/ EFI_STATUS GetArg ( VOID ); /** Create UX capsule. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule header is appended. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Input parameter is not valid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource to create UX capsule. **/ EFI_STATUS CreateBmpFmp ( VOID ) { CHAR16 *OutputCapsuleName; VOID *BmpBuffer; UINTN FileSize; CHAR16 *BmpName; UINT8 *FullCapsuleBuffer; UINTN FullCapsuleBufferSize; EFI_DISPLAY_CAPSULE *DisplayCapsule; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Gop; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION *Info; EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_BLT_PIXEL *GopBlt; UINTN GopBltSize; UINTN Height; UINTN Width; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&Gop); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: NO GOP is found.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Info = Gop->Mode->Info; Print(L"Current GOP: Mode - %d, ", Gop->Mode->Mode); Print(L"HorizontalResolution - %d, ", Info->HorizontalResolution); Print(L"VerticalResolution - %d\n", Info->VerticalResolution); // HorizontalResolution >= BMP_IMAGE_HEADER.PixelWidth // VerticalResolution >= BMP_IMAGE_HEADER.PixelHeight if (Argc != 5) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Incorrect parameter count.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (StrCmp(Argv[3], L"-O") != 0) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: NO output capsule name.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } OutputCapsuleName = Argv[4]; BmpBuffer = NULL; FileSize = 0; FullCapsuleBuffer = NULL; BmpName = Argv[2]; Status = ReadFileToBuffer(BmpName, &FileSize, &BmpBuffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: BMP image (%s) is not found.\n", BmpName); goto Done; } GopBlt = NULL; Status = TranslateBmpToGopBlt ( BmpBuffer, FileSize, &GopBlt, &GopBltSize, &Height, &Width ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: BMP image (%s) is not valid.\n", BmpName); goto Done; } if (GopBlt != NULL) { FreePool (GopBlt); } Print(L"BMP image (%s), Width - %d, Height - %d\n", BmpName, Width, Height); if (Height > Info->VerticalResolution) { Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; Print(L"CapsuleApp: BMP image (%s) height is larger than current resolution.\n", BmpName); goto Done; } if (Width > Info->HorizontalResolution) { Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; Print(L"CapsuleApp: BMP image (%s) width is larger than current resolution.\n", BmpName); goto Done; } FullCapsuleBufferSize = sizeof(EFI_DISPLAY_CAPSULE) + FileSize; FullCapsuleBuffer = AllocatePool(FullCapsuleBufferSize); if (FullCapsuleBuffer == NULL) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Capsule Buffer size (0x%x) too big.\n", FullCapsuleBufferSize); Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Done; } DisplayCapsule = (EFI_DISPLAY_CAPSULE *)FullCapsuleBuffer; CopyGuid(&DisplayCapsule->CapsuleHeader.CapsuleGuid, &gWindowsUxCapsuleGuid); DisplayCapsule->CapsuleHeader.HeaderSize = sizeof(DisplayCapsule->CapsuleHeader); DisplayCapsule->CapsuleHeader.Flags = CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET; DisplayCapsule->CapsuleHeader.CapsuleImageSize = (UINT32)FullCapsuleBufferSize; DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.Version = 1; DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.Checksum = 0; DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.ImageType = 0; // BMP DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.Reserved = 0; DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.Mode = Gop->Mode->Mode; // // Center the bitmap horizontally // DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.OffsetX = (UINT32)((Info->HorizontalResolution - Width) / 2); // // Put bitmap 3/4 down the display. If bitmap is too tall, then align bottom // of bitmap at bottom of display. // DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.OffsetY = MIN ( (UINT32)(Info->VerticalResolution - Height), (UINT32)(((3 * Info->VerticalResolution) - (2 * Height)) / 4) ); Print(L"BMP image (%s), OffsetX - %d, OffsetY - %d\n", BmpName, DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.OffsetX, DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.OffsetY ); CopyMem((DisplayCapsule + 1), BmpBuffer, FileSize); DisplayCapsule->ImagePayload.Checksum = CalculateCheckSum8(FullCapsuleBuffer, FullCapsuleBufferSize); Status = WriteFileFromBuffer(OutputCapsuleName, FullCapsuleBufferSize, FullCapsuleBuffer); Print(L"CapsuleApp: Write %s %r\n", OutputCapsuleName, Status); Done: if (BmpBuffer != NULL) { FreePool(BmpBuffer); } if (FullCapsuleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool(FullCapsuleBuffer); } return Status; } /** Get ImageTypeId in the FMP capsule header. @param[in] CapsuleHeader The FMP capsule image header. @return ImageTypeId **/ EFI_GUID * GetCapsuleImageTypeId ( IN EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *CapsuleHeader ) { EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_CAPSULE_HEADER *FmpCapsuleHeader; UINT64 *ItemOffsetList; EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_CAPSULE_IMAGE_HEADER *ImageHeader; FmpCapsuleHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_CAPSULE_HEADER *)((UINT8 *)CapsuleHeader + CapsuleHeader->HeaderSize); ItemOffsetList = (UINT64 *)(FmpCapsuleHeader + 1); if (FmpCapsuleHeader->PayloadItemCount == 0) { return NULL; } ImageHeader = (EFI_FIRMWARE_MANAGEMENT_CAPSULE_IMAGE_HEADER *)((UINT8 *)FmpCapsuleHeader + ItemOffsetList[FmpCapsuleHeader->EmbeddedDriverCount]); return &ImageHeader->UpdateImageTypeId; } /** Get ESRT FwType according to ImageTypeId @param[in] ImageTypeId ImageTypeId of an FMP capsule. @return ESRT FwType **/ UINT32 GetEsrtFwType ( IN EFI_GUID *ImageTypeId ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SYSTEM_RESOURCE_TABLE *Esrt; EFI_SYSTEM_RESOURCE_ENTRY *EsrtEntry; UINTN Index; // // Check ESRT // Status = EfiGetSystemConfigurationTable(&gEfiSystemResourceTableGuid, (VOID **)&Esrt); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { ASSERT(Esrt != NULL); EsrtEntry = (VOID *)(Esrt + 1); for (Index = 0; Index < Esrt->FwResourceCount; Index++, EsrtEntry++) { if (CompareGuid(&EsrtEntry->FwClass, ImageTypeId)) { return EsrtEntry->FwType; } } } return ESRT_FW_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } /** Append a capsule header on top of current image. This function follows Windows UEFI Firmware Update Platform document. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule header is appended. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Input parameter is not valid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource to append capsule header. **/ EFI_STATUS CreateNestedFmp ( VOID ) { CHAR16 *OutputCapsuleName; VOID *CapsuleBuffer; UINTN FileSize; CHAR16 *CapsuleName; UINT8 *FullCapsuleBuffer; UINTN FullCapsuleBufferSize; EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *NestedCapsuleHeader; EFI_GUID *ImageTypeId; UINT32 FwType; EFI_STATUS Status; if (Argc != 5) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Incorrect parameter count.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (StrCmp(Argv[3], L"-O") != 0) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: NO output capsule name.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } OutputCapsuleName = Argv[4]; CapsuleBuffer = NULL; FileSize = 0; FullCapsuleBuffer = NULL; CapsuleName = Argv[2]; Status = ReadFileToBuffer(CapsuleName, &FileSize, &CapsuleBuffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Capsule image (%s) is not found.\n", CapsuleName); goto Done; } ImageTypeId = GetCapsuleImageTypeId(CapsuleBuffer); if (ImageTypeId == NULL) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Capsule ImageTypeId is not found.\n"); goto Done; } FwType = GetEsrtFwType(ImageTypeId); if ((FwType != ESRT_FW_TYPE_SYSTEMFIRMWARE) && (FwType != ESRT_FW_TYPE_DEVICEFIRMWARE)) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Capsule FwType is invalid.\n"); goto Done; } FullCapsuleBufferSize = NESTED_CAPSULE_HEADER_SIZE + FileSize; FullCapsuleBuffer = AllocatePool(FullCapsuleBufferSize); if (FullCapsuleBuffer == NULL) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Capsule Buffer size (0x%x) too big.\n", FullCapsuleBufferSize); Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Done; } NestedCapsuleHeader = (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *)FullCapsuleBuffer; ZeroMem(NestedCapsuleHeader, NESTED_CAPSULE_HEADER_SIZE); CopyGuid(&NestedCapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid, ImageTypeId); NestedCapsuleHeader->HeaderSize = NESTED_CAPSULE_HEADER_SIZE; NestedCapsuleHeader->Flags = (FwType == ESRT_FW_TYPE_SYSTEMFIRMWARE) ? SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_FLAG : DEVICE_FIRMWARE_FLAG; NestedCapsuleHeader->CapsuleImageSize = (UINT32)FullCapsuleBufferSize; CopyMem((UINT8 *)NestedCapsuleHeader + NestedCapsuleHeader->HeaderSize, CapsuleBuffer, FileSize); Status = WriteFileFromBuffer(OutputCapsuleName, FullCapsuleBufferSize, FullCapsuleBuffer); Print(L"CapsuleApp: Write %s %r\n", OutputCapsuleName, Status); Done: if (CapsuleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool(CapsuleBuffer); } if (FullCapsuleBuffer != NULL) { FreePool(FullCapsuleBuffer); } return Status; } /** Clear capsule status variable. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capsule status variable is cleared. **/ EFI_STATUS ClearCapsuleStatusVariable ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 Index; CHAR16 CapsuleVarName[20]; CHAR16 *TempVarName; StrCpyS (CapsuleVarName, sizeof(CapsuleVarName)/sizeof(CapsuleVarName[0]), L"Capsule"); TempVarName = CapsuleVarName + StrLen (CapsuleVarName); Index = 0; while (TRUE) { UnicodeSPrint (TempVarName, 5 * sizeof(CHAR16), L"%04x", Index); Status = gRT->SetVariable ( CapsuleVarName, &gEfiCapsuleReportGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, 0, (VOID *)NULL ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // // There is no capsule variables, quit // break; } Index++; if (Index > 0xFFFF) { break; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Build Gather list for a list of capsule images. @param[in] CapsuleBuffer An array of pointer to capsule images @param[in] FileSize An array of UINTN to capsule images size @param[in] CapsuleNum The count of capsule images @param[out] BlockDescriptors The block descriptors for the capsule images @retval EFI_SUCCESS The block descriptors for the capsule images are constructed. **/ EFI_STATUS BuildGatherList ( IN VOID **CapsuleBuffer, IN UINTN *FileSize, IN UINTN CapsuleNum, OUT EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR **BlockDescriptors ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *BlockDescriptors1; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *BlockDescriptors2; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *BlockDescriptorPre; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *BlockDescriptorsHeader; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *TempBlockPtr; UINT8 *TempDataPtr; UINTN SizeLeft; UINTN Size; INT32 Count; INT32 Number; UINTN Index; TempBlockPtr = NULL; BlockDescriptors1 = NULL; BlockDescriptors2 = NULL; BlockDescriptorPre = NULL; BlockDescriptorsHeader = NULL; for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { // // Allocate memory for the descriptors. // if (NumberOfDescriptors == 1) { Count = 2; } else { Count = (INT32)(NumberOfDescriptors + 2) / 2; } Size = Count * sizeof (EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR); BlockDescriptors1 = AllocateRuntimeZeroPool (Size); if (BlockDescriptors1 == NULL) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to allocate memory for descriptors\n"); Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ERREXIT; } else { Print (L"CapsuleApp: creating capsule descriptors at 0x%X\n", (UINTN) BlockDescriptors1); Print (L"CapsuleApp: capsule data starts at 0x%X with size 0x%X\n", (UINTN) CapsuleBuffer[Index], FileSize[Index]); } // // Record descirptor header // if (Index == 0) { BlockDescriptorsHeader = BlockDescriptors1; } if (BlockDescriptorPre != NULL) { BlockDescriptorPre->Union.ContinuationPointer = (UINTN) BlockDescriptors1; BlockDescriptorPre->Length = 0; } // // Fill them in // TempBlockPtr = BlockDescriptors1; TempDataPtr = CapsuleBuffer[Index]; SizeLeft = FileSize[Index]; for (Number = 0; (Number < Count - 1) && (SizeLeft != 0); Number++) { // // Divide remaining data in half // if (NumberOfDescriptors != 1) { if (SizeLeft == 1) { Size = 1; } else { Size = SizeLeft / 2; } } else { Size = SizeLeft; } TempBlockPtr->Union.DataBlock = (UINTN)TempDataPtr; TempBlockPtr->Length = Size; Print (L"CapsuleApp: capsule block/size 0x%X/0x%X\n", (UINTN) TempDataPtr, Size); SizeLeft -= Size; TempDataPtr += Size; TempBlockPtr++; } // // Allocate the second list, point the first block's last entry to point // to this one, and fill this one in. Worst case is that the previous // list only had one element that pointed here, so we need at least two // elements -- one to point to all the data, another to terminate the list. // if ((NumberOfDescriptors != 1) && (SizeLeft != 0)) { Count = (INT32)(NumberOfDescriptors + 2) - Count; if (Count == 1) { Count++; } Size = Count * sizeof (EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR); BlockDescriptors2 = AllocateRuntimeZeroPool (Size); if (BlockDescriptors2 == NULL) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to allocate memory for descriptors\n"); Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ERREXIT; } // // Point the first list's last element to point to this second list. // TempBlockPtr->Union.ContinuationPointer = (UINTN) BlockDescriptors2; TempBlockPtr->Length = 0; TempBlockPtr = BlockDescriptors2; for (Number = 0; Number < Count - 1; Number++) { // // If second-to-last one, then dump rest to this element // if (Number == (Count - 2)) { Size = SizeLeft; } else { // // Divide remaining data in half // if (SizeLeft == 1) { Size = 1; } else { Size = SizeLeft / 2; } } TempBlockPtr->Union.DataBlock = (UINTN)TempDataPtr; TempBlockPtr->Length = Size; Print (L"CapsuleApp: capsule block/size 0x%X/0x%X\n", (UINTN) TempDataPtr, Size); SizeLeft -= Size; TempDataPtr += Size; TempBlockPtr++; if (SizeLeft == 0) { break; } } } BlockDescriptorPre = TempBlockPtr; BlockDescriptors1 = NULL; } // // Null-terminate. // if (TempBlockPtr != NULL) { TempBlockPtr->Union.ContinuationPointer = (UINTN)NULL; TempBlockPtr->Length = 0; *BlockDescriptors = BlockDescriptorsHeader; } return EFI_SUCCESS; ERREXIT: if (BlockDescriptors1 != NULL) { FreePool(BlockDescriptors1); } if (BlockDescriptors2 != NULL) { FreePool(BlockDescriptors2); } return Status; } /** Clear the Gather list for a list of capsule images. @param[in] BlockDescriptors The block descriptors for the capsule images @param[in] CapsuleNum The count of capsule images **/ VOID CleanGatherList ( IN EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *BlockDescriptors, IN UINTN CapsuleNum ) { EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *TempBlockPtr; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *TempBlockPtr1; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *TempBlockPtr2; UINTN Index; if (BlockDescriptors != NULL) { TempBlockPtr1 = BlockDescriptors; while (1){ TempBlockPtr = TempBlockPtr1; for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { if (TempBlockPtr[Index].Length == 0) { break; } } if (TempBlockPtr[Index].Union.ContinuationPointer == (UINTN)NULL) { break; } TempBlockPtr2 = (VOID *) ((UINTN) TempBlockPtr[Index].Union.ContinuationPointer); FreePool(TempBlockPtr1); TempBlockPtr1 = TempBlockPtr2; } } } /** Validate if it is valid capsule header This function assumes the caller provided correct CapsuleHeader pointer and CapsuleSize. This function validates the fields in EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER. @param[in] CapsuleHeader Points to a capsule header. @param[in] CapsuleSize Size of the whole capsule image. **/ BOOLEAN IsValidCapsuleHeader ( IN EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *CapsuleHeader, IN UINT64 CapsuleSize ) { if (CapsuleSize < sizeof (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER)) { return FALSE; } if (CapsuleHeader->CapsuleImageSize != CapsuleSize) { return FALSE; } if (CapsuleHeader->HeaderSize > CapsuleHeader->CapsuleImageSize) { return FALSE; } if (CapsuleHeader->HeaderSize < sizeof (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** Print APP usage. **/ VOID PrintUsage ( VOID ) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: usage\n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp [-NR]\n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -S\n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -C\n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -P\n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -E\n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -G -O \n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -N -O \n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -D \n"); Print(L" CapsuleApp -P GET -O \n"); Print(L"Parameter:\n"); Print(L" -NR: No reset will be triggered for the capsule\n"); Print(L" with CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET and without CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET.\n"); Print(L" -S: Dump capsule report variable (EFI_CAPSULE_REPORT_GUID),\n"); Print(L" which is defined in UEFI specification.\n"); Print(L" -C: Clear capsule report variable (EFI_CAPSULE_REPORT_GUID),\n"); Print(L" which is defined in UEFI specification.\n"); Print(L" -P: Dump UEFI FMP protocol info, or get image with specified\n"); Print(L" ImageTypeId and index to a file if 'GET' option is used.\n"); Print(L" -E: Dump UEFI ESRT table info.\n"); Print(L" -G: Convert a BMP file to be an UX capsule,\n"); Print(L" according to Windows Firmware Update document\n"); Print(L" -N: Append a Capsule Header to an existing capsule image,\n"); Print(L" according to Windows Firmware Update document\n"); Print(L" -O: Output new Capsule file name\n"); Print(L" -D: Dump Capsule image header information, image payload information if it is an UX capsule\n"); Print(L" and FMP header information if it is a FMP capsule.\n"); } /** Update Capsule image. @param[in] ImageHandle The image handle. @param[in] SystemTable The system table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Command usage unsupported. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Command usage invalid. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The input file can't be found. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UefiMain ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; RETURN_STATUS RStatus; UINTN FileSize[MAX_CAPSULE_NUM]; VOID *CapsuleBuffer[MAX_CAPSULE_NUM]; EFI_CAPSULE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTOR *BlockDescriptors; EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *CapsuleHeaderArray[MAX_CAPSULE_NUM + 1]; UINT64 MaxCapsuleSize; EFI_RESET_TYPE ResetType; BOOLEAN NeedReset; BOOLEAN NoReset; CHAR16 *CapsuleName; UINTN CapsuleNum; UINTN Index; Status = GetArg(); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"Please use UEFI SHELL to run this application!\n", Status); return Status; } if (Argc < 2) { PrintUsage(); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-D") == 0) { if (Argc != 3) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Incorrect parameter count.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Status = DumpCapsule(Argv[2]); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-G") == 0) { Status = CreateBmpFmp(); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-N") == 0) { Status = CreateNestedFmp(); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-S") == 0) { Status = DmpCapsuleStatusVariable(); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-C") == 0) { Status = ClearCapsuleStatusVariable(); return Status; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-P") == 0) { if (Argc == 2) { DumpFmpData(); } if (Argc >= 3) { if (StrCmp(Argv[2], L"GET") != 0) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Unrecognized option(%s).\n", Argv[2]); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } else { if (Argc != 7) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Incorrect parameter count.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } EFI_GUID ImageTypeId; UINTN ImageIndex; // // FMP->GetImage() // RStatus = StrToGuid (Argv[3], &ImageTypeId); if (RETURN_ERROR (RStatus) || (Argv[3][GUID_STRING_LENGTH] != L'\0')) { Print (L"Invalid ImageTypeId - %s\n", Argv[3]); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ImageIndex = StrDecimalToUintn(Argv[4]); if (StrCmp(Argv[5], L"-O") != 0) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: NO output file name.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } DumpFmpImage(&ImageTypeId, ImageIndex, Argv[6]); } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (StrCmp(Argv[1], L"-E") == 0) { DumpEsrtData(); return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (Argv[1][0] == L'-') { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Unrecognized option(%s).\n", Argv[1]); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } CapsuleFirstIndex = 1; NoReset = FALSE; if ((Argc > 1) && (StrCmp(Argv[Argc - 1], L"-NR") == 0)) { NoReset = TRUE; CapsuleLastIndex = Argc - 2; } else { CapsuleLastIndex = Argc - 1; } CapsuleNum = CapsuleLastIndex - CapsuleFirstIndex + 1; if (CapsuleFirstIndex > CapsuleLastIndex) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: NO capsule image.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (CapsuleNum > MAX_CAPSULE_NUM) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Too many capsule images.\n"); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } ZeroMem(&CapsuleBuffer, sizeof(CapsuleBuffer)); ZeroMem(&FileSize, sizeof(FileSize)); BlockDescriptors = NULL; for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { CapsuleName = Argv[CapsuleFirstIndex + Index]; Status = ReadFileToBuffer(CapsuleName, &FileSize[Index], &CapsuleBuffer[Index]); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: capsule image (%s) is not found.\n", CapsuleName); goto Done; } if (!IsValidCapsuleHeader (CapsuleBuffer[Index], FileSize[Index])) { Print(L"CapsuleApp: Capsule image (%s) is not a valid capsule.\n", CapsuleName); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // Every capsule use 2 descriptor 1 for data 1 for end // Status = BuildGatherList(CapsuleBuffer, FileSize, CapsuleNum, &BlockDescriptors); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { goto Done; } // // Call the runtime service capsule. // NeedReset = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { CapsuleHeaderArray[Index] = (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER *) CapsuleBuffer[Index]; if ((CapsuleHeaderArray[Index]->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET) != 0) { NeedReset = TRUE; } } CapsuleHeaderArray[CapsuleNum] = NULL; // // Inquire platform capability of UpdateCapsule. // Status = gRT->QueryCapsuleCapabilities (CapsuleHeaderArray, CapsuleNum, &MaxCapsuleSize, &ResetType); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to query capsule capability - %r\n", Status); goto Done; } for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { if (FileSize[Index] > MaxCapsuleSize) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: capsule is too large to update, %ld is allowed\n", MaxCapsuleSize); Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; goto Done; } } // // Check whether the input capsule image has the flag of persist across system reset. // if (NeedReset) { Status = gRT->UpdateCapsule(CapsuleHeaderArray,CapsuleNum,(UINTN) BlockDescriptors); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to update capsule - %r\n", Status); goto Done; } // // For capsule with CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET + CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET, // a system reset should have been triggered by gRT->UpdateCapsule() calling above. // // For capsule with CAPSULE_FLAGS_PERSIST_ACROSS_RESET and without CAPSULE_FLAGS_INITIATE_RESET, // check if -NR (no-reset) has been specified or not. // if (!NoReset) { // // For capsule who has reset flag and no -NR (no-reset) has been specified, after calling UpdateCapsule service, // trigger a system reset to process capsule persist across a system reset. // gRT->ResetSystem (ResetType, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } else { // // For capsule who has no reset flag, only call UpdateCapsule Service without a // system reset. The service will process the capsule immediately. // Status = gRT->UpdateCapsule (CapsuleHeaderArray,CapsuleNum,(UINTN) BlockDescriptors); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { Print (L"CapsuleApp: failed to update capsule - %r\n", Status); } } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Done: for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleNum; Index++) { if (CapsuleBuffer[Index] != NULL) { FreePool (CapsuleBuffer[Index]); } } CleanGatherList(BlockDescriptors, CapsuleNum); return Status; }