## @file
# Generate a capsule.
# This tool generates a UEFI Capsule around an FMP Capsule. The capsule payload
# be signed using signtool or OpenSSL and if it is signed the signed content
# includes an FMP Payload Header.
# This tool is intended to be used to generate UEFI Capsules to update the
# system firmware or device firmware for integrated devices. In order to
# keep the tool as simple as possible, it has the following limitations:
# * Do not support multiple payloads in a capsule.
# * Do not support optional drivers in a capsule.
# * Do not support vendor code bytes in a capsule.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
import sys
import argparse
import uuid
import struct
import subprocess
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
import platform
from Common.Uefi.Capsule.UefiCapsuleHeader import UefiCapsuleHeaderClass
from Common.Uefi.Capsule.FmpCapsuleHeader import FmpCapsuleHeaderClass
from Common.Uefi.Capsule.FmpAuthHeader import FmpAuthHeaderClass
from Common.Edk2.Capsule.FmpPayloadHeader import FmpPayloadHeaderClass
# Globals for help information
__prog__ = 'GenerateCapsule'
__version__ = '0.9'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.'
__description__ = 'Generate a capsule.\n'
def SignPayloadSignTool (Payload, ToolPath, PfxFile):
# Create a temporary directory
TempDirectoryName = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Generate temp file name for the payload contents
TempFileName = os.path.join (TempDirectoryName, 'Payload.bin')
# Create temporary payload file for signing
File = open (TempFileName, mode='wb')
File.write (Payload)
File.close ()
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not write temporary payload file.')
# Build signtool command
if ToolPath is None:
ToolPath = ''
Command = ''
Command = Command + '"{Path}" '.format (Path = os.path.join (ToolPath, 'signtool.exe'))
Command = Command + 'sign /fd sha256 /p7ce DetachedSignedData /p7co 1.2.840.113549.1.7.2 '
Command = Command + '/p7 {TempDir} '.format (TempDir = TempDirectoryName)
Command = Command + '/f {PfxFile} '.format (PfxFile = PfxFile)
Command = Command + TempFileName
# Sign the input file using the specified private key
Process = subprocess.Popen (Command, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
Result = Process.communicate('')
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not run signtool.')
if Process.returncode != 0:
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
print (Result[1].decode())
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: signtool failed.')
# Read the signature from the generated output file
File = open (TempFileName + '.p7', mode='rb')
Signature = File.read ()
File.close ()
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not read signature file.')
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
return Signature
def VerifyPayloadSignTool (Payload, CertData, ToolPath, PfxFile):
print ('signtool verify is not supported.')
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: signtool verify is not supported.')
def SignPayloadOpenSsl (Payload, ToolPath, SignerPrivateCertFile, OtherPublicCertFile, TrustedPublicCertFile):
# Build openssl command
if ToolPath is None:
ToolPath = ''
Command = ''
Command = Command + '"{Path}" '.format (Path = os.path.join (ToolPath, 'openssl'))
Command = Command + 'smime -sign -binary -outform DER -md sha256 '
Command = Command + '-signer "{Private}" -certfile "{Public}"'.format (Private = SignerPrivateCertFile, Public = OtherPublicCertFile)
# Sign the input file using the specified private key and capture signature from STDOUT
Process = subprocess.Popen (Command, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
Result = Process.communicate(input = Payload)
Signature = Result[0]
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not run openssl.')
if Process.returncode != 0:
print (Result[1].decode())
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: openssl failed.')
return Signature
def VerifyPayloadOpenSsl (Payload, CertData, ToolPath, SignerPrivateCertFile, OtherPublicCertFile, TrustedPublicCertFile):
# Create a temporary directory
TempDirectoryName = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Generate temp file name for the payload contents
TempFileName = os.path.join (TempDirectoryName, 'Payload.bin')
# Create temporary payload file for verification
File = open (TempFileName, mode='wb')
File.write (Payload)
File.close ()
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not write temporary payload file.')
# Build openssl command
if ToolPath is None:
ToolPath = ''
Command = ''
Command = Command + '"{Path}" '.format (Path = os.path.join (ToolPath, 'openssl'))
Command = Command + 'smime -verify -inform DER '
Command = Command + '-content {Content} -CAfile "{Public}"'.format (Content = TempFileName, Public = TrustedPublicCertFile)
# Verify signature
Process = subprocess.Popen (Command, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)
Result = Process.communicate(input = CertData)
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not run openssl.')
if Process.returncode != 0:
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
print (Result[1].decode())
raise ValueError ('GenerateCapsule: error: openssl failed.')
shutil.rmtree (TempDirectoryName)
return Payload
if __name__ == '__main__':
def convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line):
for arg in arg_line.split():
if not arg.strip():
yield arg
def ValidateUnsignedInteger (Argument):
Value = int (Argument, 0)
Message = '{Argument} is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument = Argument)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (Message)
if Value < 0:
Message = '{Argument} is a negative value.'.format (Argument = Argument)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (Message)
return Value
def ValidateRegistryFormatGuid (Argument):
Value = uuid.UUID (Argument)
Message = '{Argument} is not a valid registry format GUID value.'.format (Argument = Argument)
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError (Message)
return Value
# Create command line argument parser object
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (
prog = __prog__,
description = __description__ + __copyright__,
conflict_handler = 'resolve',
fromfile_prefix_chars = '@'
parser.convert_arg_line_to_args = convert_arg_line_to_args
# Add input and output file arguments
parser.add_argument("InputFile", type = argparse.FileType('rb'),
help = "Input binary payload filename.")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest = 'OutputFile', type = argparse.FileType('wb'),
help = "Output filename.")
# Add group for -e and -d flags that are mutually exclusive and required
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group (required = True)
group.add_argument ("-e", "--encode", dest = 'Encode', action = "store_true",
help = "Encode file")
group.add_argument ("-d", "--decode", dest = 'Decode', action = "store_true",
help = "Decode file")
group.add_argument ("--dump-info", dest = 'DumpInfo', action = "store_true",
help = "Display FMP Payload Header information")
# Add optional arguments for this command
parser.add_argument ("--capflag", dest = 'CapsuleFlag', action='append', default = [],
choices=['PersistAcrossReset', 'InitiateReset'],
help = "Capsule flag can be PersistAcrossReset or InitiateReset or not set")
parser.add_argument ("--capoemflag", dest = 'CapsuleOemFlag', type = ValidateUnsignedInteger, default = 0x0000,
help = "Capsule OEM Flag is an integer between 0x0000 and 0xffff.")
parser.add_argument ("--guid", dest = 'Guid', type = ValidateRegistryFormatGuid,
help = "The FMP/ESRT GUID in registry format. Required for encode operations.")
parser.add_argument ("--hardware-instance", dest = 'HardwareInstance', type = ValidateUnsignedInteger, default = 0x0000000000000000,
help = "The 64-bit hardware instance. The default is 0x0000000000000000")
parser.add_argument ("--monotonic-count", dest = 'MonotonicCount', type = ValidateUnsignedInteger, default = 0x0000000000000000,
help = "64-bit monotonic count value in header. Default is 0x0000000000000000.")
parser.add_argument ("--fw-version", dest = 'FwVersion', type = ValidateUnsignedInteger,
help = "The 32-bit version of the binary payload (e.g. 0x11223344 or 5678). Required for encode operations that sign a payload.")
parser.add_argument ("--lsv", dest = 'LowestSupportedVersion', type = ValidateUnsignedInteger,
help = "The 32-bit lowest supported version of the binary payload (e.g. 0x11223344 or 5678). Required for encode operations that sign a payload.")
parser.add_argument ("--pfx-file", dest='SignToolPfxFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help="signtool PFX certificate filename.")
parser.add_argument ("--signer-private-cert", dest='OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help="OpenSSL signer private certificate filename.")
parser.add_argument ("--other-public-cert", dest='OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help="OpenSSL other public certificate filename.")
parser.add_argument ("--trusted-public-cert", dest='OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help="OpenSSL trusted public certificate filename.")
parser.add_argument ("--signing-tool-path", dest = 'SigningToolPath',
help = "Path to signtool or OpenSSL tool. Optional if path to tools are already in PATH.")
# Add optional arguments common to all operations
parser.add_argument ('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
parser.add_argument ("-v", "--verbose", dest = 'Verbose', action = "store_true",
help = "Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, including capsule headers and warning messages.")
parser.add_argument ("-q", "--quiet", dest = 'Quiet', action = "store_true",
help = "Disable all messages except fatal errors.")
parser.add_argument ("--debug", dest = 'Debug', type = int, metavar = '[0-9]', choices = range (0, 10), default = 0,
help = "Set debug level")
# Parse command line arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Perform additional argument verification
if args.Encode:
if args.Guid is None:
parser.error ('the following option is required: --guid')
if 'PersistAcrossReset' not in args.CapsuleFlag:
if 'InitiateReset' in args.CapsuleFlag:
parser.error ('--capflag InitiateReset also requires --capflag PersistAcrossReset')
if args.CapsuleOemFlag > 0xFFFF:
parser.error ('--capoemflag must be an integer between 0x0000 and 0xffff')
if args.HardwareInstance > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
parser.error ('--hardware-instance must be an integer in range 0x0..0xffffffffffffffff')
if args.MonotonicCount > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
parser.error ('--monotonic-count must be an integer in range 0x0..0xffffffffffffffff')
UseSignTool = args.SignToolPfxFile is not None
UseOpenSsl = (args.OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile is not None and
args.OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile is not None and
args.OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile is not None)
AnyOpenSsl = (args.OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile is not None or
args.OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile is not None or
args.OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile is not None)
if args.Encode or args.Decode:
if args.OutputFile is None:
parser.error ('the following option is required for all encode and decode operations: --output')
if UseSignTool and AnyOpenSsl:
parser.error ('Providing both signtool and OpenSSL options is not supported')
if not UseSignTool and not UseOpenSsl and AnyOpenSsl:
parser.error ('all the following options are required for OpenSSL: --signer-private-cert, --other-public-cert, --trusted-public-cert')
if UseSignTool and platform.system() != 'Windows':
parser.error ('Use of signtool is not supported on this operating system.')
if args.Encode and (UseSignTool or UseOpenSsl):
if args.FwVersion is None or args.LowestSupportedVersion is None:
parser.error ('the following options are required: --fw-version, --lsv')
if args.FwVersion > 0xFFFFFFFF:
parser.error ('--fw-version must be an integer in range 0x0..0xffffffff')
if args.LowestSupportedVersion > 0xFFFFFFFF:
parser.error ('--lsv must be an integer in range 0x0..0xffffffff')
if UseSignTool:
args.SignToolPfxFile = args.SignToolPfxFile.name
if UseOpenSsl:
args.OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile = args.OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile.name
args.OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile = args.OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile.name
args.OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile = args.OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile.name
if args.DumpInfo:
if args.OutputFile is not None:
parser.error ('the following option is not supported for dumpinfo operations: --output')
# Read binary input file
if args.Verbose:
print ('Read binary input file {File}'.format (File = args.InputFile.name))
Buffer = args.InputFile.read ()
args.InputFile.close ()
print ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not read binary input file {File}'.format (File = args.InputFile.name))
sys.exit (1)
# Create objects
UefiCapsuleHeader = UefiCapsuleHeaderClass ()
FmpCapsuleHeader = FmpCapsuleHeaderClass ()
FmpAuthHeader = FmpAuthHeaderClass ()
FmpPayloadHeader = FmpPayloadHeaderClass ()
if args.Encode:
Result = Buffer
if UseSignTool or UseOpenSsl:
FmpPayloadHeader.FwVersion = args.FwVersion
FmpPayloadHeader.LowestSupportedVersion = args.LowestSupportedVersion
FmpPayloadHeader.Payload = Result
Result = FmpPayloadHeader.Encode ()
if args.Verbose:
FmpPayloadHeader.DumpInfo ()
print ('GenerateCapsule: error: can not encode FMP Payload Header')
sys.exit (1)
# Sign image with 64-bit MonotonicCount appended to end of image
if UseSignTool:
CertData = SignPayloadSignTool (
Result + struct.pack ('