/*++ Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: DepexParser.c Abstract: Validate Dependency Expression syntax recursive descent Algorithm The original BNF grammar(taken from "Pre EFI Initialization Core Interface Specification draft review 0.9") is thus: ::= BEFORE END | AFTER END | SOR END | END ::= AND | OR | ::= NOT | ::= | TRUE | FALSE | GUID ::= '{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}' ::= ::= ::= ::= '0' 'x' | '0' 'X' ::= | ::= [0-9] | [a-f] | [A-F] After cleaning left recursive and parentheses supported, the BNF grammar used in this module is thus: ::= BEFORE | AFTER | SOR | ::= ::= AND | OR | '' ::= NOT | ::= '('')' | NOT | TRUE | FALSE | END | ::=AND | OR | '' ::= '{' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}' ::= ::= ::= ::= '0' 'x' | '0' 'X' ::= | ::= [0-9] | [a-f] | [A-F] Note: 1. There's no precedence in operators except parentheses; 2. For hex32, less and equal than 8 bits is valid, more than 8 bits is invalid. Same constraint for hex16 is 4, hex8 is 2. All hex should contains at least 1 bit. 3. " ::= '('')'" is added to support parentheses; 4. " ::= GUID" is changed to " ::= "; 5. "DEPENDENCY_END" is the terminal of the expression. But it has been filtered by caller. During parsing, "DEPENDENCY_END" will be treated as illegal factor; This code should build in any environment that supports a standard C-library w/ string operations and File I/O services. As an example of usage, consider the following: The input string could be something like: NOT ({ 0xce345171, 0xba0b, 0x11d2, 0x8e, 0x4f, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b } AND { 0x964e5b22, 0x6459, 0x11d2, 0x8e, 0x39, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b }) OR { 0x03c4e603, 0xac28, 0x11d3, 0x9a, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x90, 0x27, 0x3f, 0xc1, 0x4d } AND It's invalid for an extra "AND" in the end. Complies with Tiano C Coding Standards Document, version 0.33, 16 Aug 2001. --*/ #include "DepexParser.h" BOOLEAN ParseBool ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ); BOOLEAN ParseTerm ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ); BOOLEAN ParseRightBool ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ); BOOLEAN ParseFactor ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ); VOID LeftTrim ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Left trim the space, '\n' and '\r' character in string. The space at the end does not need trim. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: None --*/ { while ( ((*Pindex) < (Pbegin + length)) && ((strncmp (*Pindex, " ", 1) == 0) || (strncmp (*Pindex, "\n", 1) == 0) || (strncmp (*Pindex, "\r", 1) == 0)) ) { (*Pindex)++; } } BOOLEAN ParseHexdigit ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse Hex bit in dependency expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length Length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex bit, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { // // ::= [0-9] | [a-f] | [A-F] // if (((**Pindex) >= '0' && (**Pindex) <= '9') || ((**Pindex) >= 'a' && (**Pindex) <= 'f') || ((**Pindex) >= 'A' && (**Pindex) <= 'F') ) { (*Pindex)++; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN ParseHex32 ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse Hex32 in dependency expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length Length of the string Pindex The pointer of point to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex32, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { INT32 Index; INT8 *Pin; Index = 0; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if ((strncmp (*Pindex, "0x", 2) != 0) && (strncmp (*Pindex, "0X", 2) != 0)) { return FALSE; } (*Pindex) += 2; while (ParseHexdigit (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { Index++; } if (Index > 0 && Index <= 8) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN ParseHex16 ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse Hex16 in dependency expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length Length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex16, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { int Index; INT8 *Pin; Index = 0; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if ((strncmp (*Pindex, "0x", 2) != 0) && (strncmp (*Pindex, "0X", 2) != 0)) { return FALSE; } (*Pindex) += 2; while (ParseHexdigit (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { Index++; } if (Index > 0 && Index <= 4) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN ParseHex8 ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse Hex8 in dependency expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length Length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If parses a valid hex8, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { int Index; INT8 *Pin; Index = 0; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if ((strncmp (*Pindex, "0x", 2) != 0) && (strncmp (*Pindex, "0X", 2) != 0)) { return FALSE; } (*Pindex) += 2; while (ParseHexdigit (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { Index++; } if (Index > 0 && Index <= 2) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN ParseGuid ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse guid in dependency expression. There can be any number of spaces between '{' and hexword, ',' and hexword, hexword and ',', hexword and '}'. The hexword include hex32, hex16 and hex8. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If parses a valid guid, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { INT32 Index; INT8 *Pin; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (strncmp (*Pindex, "{", 1) != 0) { return FALSE; } (*Pindex)++; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (!ParseHex32 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (strncmp (*Pindex, ",", 1) != 0) { return FALSE; } else { (*Pindex)++; } for (Index = 0; Index < 2; Index++) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (!ParseHex16 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (strncmp (*Pindex, ",", 1) != 0) { return FALSE; } else { (*Pindex)++; } } for (Index = 0; Index < 7; Index++) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (!ParseHex8 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (strncmp (*Pindex, ",", 1) != 0) { return FALSE; } else { (*Pindex)++; } } LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (!ParseHex8 (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (strncmp (*Pindex, "}", 1) != 0) { return FALSE; } else { (*Pindex)++; } return TRUE; } BOOLEAN ParseRightFactor ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse rightfactor in bool expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If string is a valid rightfactor expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { INT8 *Pin; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); // // ::=AND // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_AND, strlen (OPERATOR_AND)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_AND); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } // // ::=OR // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_OR, strlen (OPERATOR_OR)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_OR); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } // // ::= '' // *Pindex = Pin; return TRUE; } BOOLEAN ParseRightBool ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse rightbool in bool expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If string is a valid rightbool expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { INT8 *Pin; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); // // ::= AND // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_AND, strlen (OPERATOR_AND)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_AND); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } // // ::= OR // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_OR, strlen (OPERATOR_OR)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_OR); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } // // ::= '' // *Pindex = Pin; return TRUE; } BOOLEAN ParseFactor ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse factor in bool expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If string is a valid factor, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { INT8 *Pin; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); // // ::= '('')' // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS, strlen (OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (!ParseBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { *Pindex = Pin; } else { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS, strlen (OPERATOR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } } } // // ::= NOT // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_NOT, strlen (OPERATOR_NOT)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_NOT); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } // // ::= TRUE // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_TRUE, strlen (OPERATOR_TRUE)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_TRUE); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } // // ::= FALSE // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_FALSE, strlen (OPERATOR_FALSE)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_FALSE); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; } } // // ::= // if (ParseGuid (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseRightFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN ParseTerm ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse term in bool expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If string is a valid term, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { INT8 *Pin; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); // // ::= NOT // if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_NOT, strlen (OPERATOR_NOT)) == 0) { *Pindex += strlen (OPERATOR_NOT); LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (!ParseFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { *Pindex = Pin; } else { return TRUE; } } // // ::= // if (ParseFactor (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { return TRUE; } else { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN ParseBool ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length, IN OUT INT8 **Pindex ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse bool expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Pindex The pointer of pointer to the next parse character in the string Returns: BOOLEAN If string is a valid bool expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { INT8 *Pin; Pin = *Pindex; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (ParseTerm (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (!ParseRightBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex)) { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else { *Pindex = Pin; return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN ParseDepex ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse whole dependency expression. Arguments: Pbegin The pointer to the string length length of the string Returns: BOOLEAN If string is a valid dependency expression, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE --*/ { BOOLEAN Result; INT8 **Pindex; INT8 *temp; Result = FALSE; temp = Pbegin; Pindex = &temp; LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_BEFORE, strlen (OPERATOR_BEFORE)) == 0) { (*Pindex) += strlen (OPERATOR_BEFORE); Result = ParseGuid (Pbegin, length, Pindex); } else if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_AFTER, strlen (OPERATOR_AFTER)) == 0) { (*Pindex) += strlen (OPERATOR_AFTER); Result = ParseGuid (Pbegin, length, Pindex); } else if (strncmp (*Pindex, OPERATOR_SOR, strlen (OPERATOR_SOR)) == 0) { (*Pindex) += strlen (OPERATOR_SOR); Result = ParseBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex); } else { Result = ParseBool (Pbegin, length, Pindex); } LeftTrim (Pbegin, length, Pindex); return (BOOLEAN) (Result && (*Pindex) >= (Pbegin + length)); }