
1338 lines
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/** @file
Definitions for the Socket layer driver.
Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
#ifndef _SOCKET_H_
#define _SOCKET_H_
#include <Efi/EfiSocketLib.h>
// Constants
#define DEBUG_SOCKET 0x20000000 ///< Display Socket related messages
#define DEBUG_BIND 0x10000000 ///< Display bind related messages
#define DEBUG_LISTEN 0x08000000 ///< Display listen related messages
#define DEBUG_CONNECTION 0x04000000 ///< Display connection list related messages
#define DEBUG_POLL 0x02000000 ///< Display poll messages
#define DEBUG_ACCEPT 0x01000000 ///< Display accept related messages
#define DEBUG_RX 0x00800000 ///< Display receive messages
#define DEBUG_TX 0x00400000 ///< Display transmit messages
#define DEBUG_CLOSE 0x00200000 ///< Display close messages
#define DEBUG_CONNECT 0x00100000 ///< Display connect messages
#define MAX_PENDING_CONNECTIONS 1 ///< Maximum connection FIFO depth
#define MAX_RX_DATA 65536 ///< Maximum receive data size
#define MAX_TX_DATA ( MAX_RX_DATA * 2 )
#define RX_PACKET_DATA 16384 ///< Maximum number of bytes in a RX packet
#define LAYER_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('S','k','t','L') ///< DT_LAYER memory signature
#define SERVICE_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('S','k','t','S') ///< DT_SERVICE memory signature
#define SOCKET_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('S','c','k','t') ///< DT_SOCKET memory signature
#define PORT_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('P','o','r','t') ///< DT_PORT memory signature
typedef enum
typedef enum
SOCKET_STATE_NOT_CONFIGURED = 0, ///< socket call was successful
SOCKET_STATE_BOUND, ///< bind call was successful
SOCKET_STATE_LISTENING, ///< listen call was successful
SOCKET_STATE_NO_PORTS, ///< No ports available
SOCKET_STATE_CONNECTING, ///< Connecting to a remote system
SOCKET_STATE_CONNECTED, ///< Accept or connect call was successful
// Close state must be the last in the list
SOCKET_STATE_CLOSED ///< Close call was successful
typedef enum
PORT_STATE_ALLOCATED = 0, ///< Port allocated
PORT_STATE_OPEN, ///< Port opened
PORT_STATE_RX_ERROR, ///< Receive error detected
// Close state must be last in the list
PORT_STATE_CLOSE_STARTED, ///< Close started on port
PORT_STATE_CLOSE_TX_DONE, ///< Transmits shutdown
PORT_STATE_CLOSE_RX_DONE, ///< Receives shutdown
PORT_STATE_CLOSE_DONE ///< Port close operation complete
// Data Types
typedef struct _DT_PACKET DT_PACKET; ///< Forward declaration
typedef struct _DT_PORT DT_PORT; ///< Forward declaration
typedef struct _DT_SOCKET DT_SOCKET; ///< Forward declaration
typedef struct
EFI_TCP4_RECEIVE_DATA RxData; ///< Receive operation description
size_t ValidBytes; ///< Length of valid data in bytes
UINT8 * pBuffer; ///< Current data pointer
UINT8 Buffer [ RX_PACKET_DATA ]; ///< Data buffer
typedef struct
EFI_TCP4_TRANSMIT_DATA TxData; ///< Transmit operation description
UINT8 Buffer [ 1 ]; ///< Data buffer
typedef struct
EFI_UDP4_SESSION_DATA Session; ///< * Remote network address
EFI_UDP4_RECEIVE_DATA * pRxData; ///< * Receive operation description
typedef struct
EFI_UDP4_SESSION_DATA Session; ///< Remote network address
EFI_UDP4_TRANSMIT_DATA TxData; ///< Transmit operation description
UINT8 Buffer [ 1 ]; ///< Data buffer
typedef struct _DT_PACKET {
DT_PACKET * pNext; ///< Next packet in the receive list
size_t PacketSize; ///< Size of this data structure
union {
DT_TCP4_RX_DATA Tcp4Rx; ///< Receive operation description
DT_TCP4_TX_DATA Tcp4Tx; ///< Transmit operation description
DT_UDP4_RX_DATA Udp4Rx; ///< Receive operation description
DT_UDP4_TX_DATA Udp4Tx; ///< Transmit operation description
} Op;
Service control structure
The driver uses this structure to manage the network devices.
typedef struct _DT_SERVICE {
UINTN Signature; ///< Structure identification
// Links
DT_SERVICE * pNext; ///< Next service in the service list
// Service data
CONST DT_SOCKET_BINDING * pSocketBinding; ///< Name and shutdown routine
EFI_HANDLE Controller; ///< Controller for the service
VOID * pInterface; ///< Network layer service binding interface
// Network data
NETWORK_TYPE NetworkType; ///< Type of network service
DT_PORT * pPortList; ///< List of ports using this service
Start the close operation on a TCP4 port.
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@param [in] bAbort Set TRUE to abort active transfers
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
IN DT_PORT * pPort,
IN UINTN DebugFlags
TCP4 context structure
The driver uses this structure to manage the TCP4 connections.
typedef struct {
// TCP4 context
EFI_HANDLE Handle; ///< TCP4 port handle
EFI_TCP4_PROTOCOL * pProtocol; ///< TCP4 protocol pointer
EFI_TCP4_CONFIG_DATA ConfigData; ///< TCP4 configuration data
EFI_TCP4_OPTION Option; ///< TCP4 port options
BOOLEAN bConfigured; ///< TRUE if configuration was successful
// Tokens
EFI_TCP4_LISTEN_TOKEN ListenToken; ///< Listen control
EFI_TCP4_CONNECTION_TOKEN ConnectToken; ///< Connection control
EFI_TCP4_CLOSE_TOKEN CloseToken; ///< Close control
// Receive data management
EFI_TCP4_IO_TOKEN RxToken; ///< Receive token
DT_PACKET * pReceivePending; ///< Receive operation in progress
// Transmit data management
EFI_TCP4_IO_TOKEN TxOobToken; ///< Urgent data token
DT_PACKET * pTxOobPacket; ///< Urgent data in progress
EFI_TCP4_IO_TOKEN TxToken; ///< Normal data token
DT_PACKET * pTxPacket; ///< Normal transmit in progress
UDP4 context structure
The driver uses this structure to manage the UDP4 connections.
typedef struct {
// UDP4 context
EFI_HANDLE Handle; ///< UDP4 port handle
EFI_UDP4_PROTOCOL * pProtocol; ///< UDP4 protocol pointer
EFI_UDP4_CONFIG_DATA ConfigData; ///< UDP4 configuration data
BOOLEAN bConfigured; ///< TRUE if configuration was successful
// Receive data management
EFI_UDP4_COMPLETION_TOKEN RxToken;///< Receive token
DT_PACKET * pReceivePending; ///< Receive operation in progress
// Transmit data management
EFI_UDP4_COMPLETION_TOKEN TxToken;///< Transmit token
DT_PACKET * pTxPacket; ///< Transmit in progress
Port control structure
The driver uses this structure to manager the socket's connection
with the network driver.
typedef struct _DT_PORT {
UINTN Signature; ///< Structure identification
// List links
DT_PORT * pLinkService; ///< Link in service port list
DT_PORT * pLinkSocket; ///< Link in socket port list
// Structures
DT_SERVICE * pService; ///< Service for this port
DT_SOCKET * pSocket; ///< Socket for this port
// PFN_CLOSE_PORT pfnClosePort; ///< Routine to immediately close the port
PFN_PORT_CLOSE_START * pfnCloseStart; ///< Routine to start closing the port
// Protocol specific management data
PORT_STATE State; ///< State of the port
UINTN DebugFlags; ///< Debug flags used to close the port
BOOLEAN bCloseNow; ///< TRUE = Close the port immediately
union {
DT_TCP4_CONTEXT Tcp4; ///< TCPv4 management data
DT_UDP4_CONTEXT Udp4; ///< UDPv4 management data
} Context;
Socket control structure
The driver uses this structure to manage the socket.
typedef struct _DT_SOCKET {
UINTN Signature; ///< Structure identification
// Protocol binding
EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL SocketProtocol; ///< Socket protocol declaration
// Socket management
DT_SOCKET * pNext; ///< Next socket in the list of sockets
int errno; ///< Error information for this socket
EFI_STATUS Status; ///< Asyncronous error information for this socket
SOCKET_STATE State; ///< Socket state
// Socket data
int Domain; ///< Specifies family of protocols
int Type; ///< Specifies how to make network connection
int Protocol; ///< Specifies lower layer protocol to use
BOOLEAN bConfigured; ///< Set after the socket is configured
BOOLEAN bRxDisable; ///< Receive disabled via shutdown
size_t RxBytes; ///< Total Rx bytes
size_t RxOobBytes; ///< Urgent Rx bytes
EFI_STATUS RxError; ///< Error during receive
BOOLEAN bTxDisable; ///< Transmit disabled via shutdown
size_t TxBytes; ///< Normal Tx bytes
size_t TxOobBytes; ///< Urgent Tx bytes
EFI_STATUS TxError; ///< Error during transmit
// Pending connection data
BOOLEAN bConnected; ///< Set when connected, cleared by poll
EFI_STATUS ConnectStatus; ///< Connection status
UINTN MaxFifoDepth; ///< Maximum FIFO depth
UINTN FifoDepth; ///< Number of sockets in the FIFO
DT_SOCKET * pFifoHead; ///< Head of the FIFO
DT_SOCKET * pFifoTail; ///< Tail of the FIFO
DT_SOCKET * pNextConnection; ///< Link in the FIFO
// Network use
DT_PORT * pPortList; ///< List of ports managed by this socket
EFI_EVENT WaitAccept; ///< Wait for accept completion
// Receive data management
UINT32 MaxRxBuf; ///< Maximum size of the receive buffer
struct timeval RxTimeout; ///< Receive timeout
DT_PACKET * pRxFree; ///< Free packet list
DT_PACKET * pRxOobPacketListHead; ///< Urgent data list head
DT_PACKET * pRxOobPacketListTail; ///< Urgent data list tail
DT_PACKET * pRxPacketListHead; ///< Normal data list head
DT_PACKET * pRxPacketListTail; ///< Normal data list tail
// Transmit data management
UINT32 MaxTxBuf; ///< Maximum size of the transmit buffer
DT_PACKET * pTxOobPacketListHead; ///< Urgent data list head
DT_PACKET * pTxOobPacketListTail; ///< Urgent data list tail
DT_PACKET * pTxPacketListHead; ///< Normal data list head
DT_PACKET * pTxPacketListTail; ///< Normal data list tail
#define SOCKET_FROM_PROTOCOL(a) CR(a, DT_SOCKET, SocketProtocol, SOCKET_SIGNATURE) ///< Locate DT_SOCKET from protocol
Socket layer control structure
The driver uses this structure to manage the driver.
typedef struct {
UINTN Signature; ///< Structure identification
// Service binding interface
EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL ServiceBinding;///< Driver's binding
// Image data
EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle; ///< Image handle
// Network services
DT_SERVICE * pTcp4List; ///< List of Tcp4 services
DT_SERVICE * pUdp4List; ///< List of Udp4 services
// Socket management
DT_SOCKET * pSocketList; ///< List of sockets
// TCP4 service
UINTN TcpCloseMax4; ///< Number of entries in the ring buffer
UINTN TcpCloseIn4; ///< Offset into TcpClose4 ring buffer - Close request
UINTN TcpCloseOut4; ///< Offset into TcpClose4 ring buffer - Close operation
EFI_TCP4_PROTOCOL ** ppTcpClose4; ///< Ring buffer to close TCP4 ports
#define LAYER_FROM_SERVICE(a) CR(a, DT_LAYER, ServiceBinding, LAYER_SIGNATURE) ///< Locate DT_LAYER from service binding
// Data
extern DT_LAYER mEslLayer;
// Socket Support Routines
Allocate and initialize a DT_SOCKET structure.
The ::SocketAllocate() function allocates a DT_SOCKET structure
and installs a protocol on ChildHandle. If pChildHandle is a
pointer to NULL, then a new handle is created and returned in
pChildHandle. If pChildHandle is not a pointer to NULL, then
the protocol installs on the existing pChildHandle.
@param [in, out] pChildHandle Pointer to the handle of the child to create.
If it is NULL, then a new handle is created.
If it is a pointer to an existing UEFI handle,
then the protocol is added to the existing UEFI
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
@param [in, out] ppSocket The buffer to receive the DT_SOCKET structure address.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The protocol was added to ChildHandle.
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ChildHandle is NULL.
@retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources availabe to create
the child
@retval other The child handle was not created
EslSocketAllocate (
IN OUT EFI_HANDLE * pChildHandle,
IN UINTN DebugFlags,
IN OUT DT_SOCKET ** ppSocket
Allocate a packet for a receive or transmit operation
@param [in] ppPacket Address to receive the DT_PACKET structure
@param [in] LengthInBytes Length of the packet structure
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - The packet was allocated successfully
EslSocketPacketAllocate (
IN DT_PACKET ** ppPacket,
IN size_t LengthInBytes,
IN UINTN DebugFlags
Free a packet used for receive or transmit operation
@param [in] pPacket Address of the DT_PACKET structure
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - The packet was allocated successfully
EslSocketPacketFree (
IN DT_PACKET * pPacket,
IN UINTN DebugFlags
// Tcp4 Routines
Accept a network connection.
The SocketAccept routine waits for a network connection to the socket.
It is able to return the remote network address to the caller if
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [in] pSockAddr Address of a buffer to receive the remote
network address.
@param [in, out] pSockAddrLength Length in bytes of the address buffer.
On output specifies the length of the
remote network address.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Remote address is available
@retval Others Remote address not available
EslTcpAccept4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
IN OUT socklen_t * pSockAddrLength
Bind a name to a socket.
The ::TcpBind4 routine connects a name to A TCP4 stack on the local machine.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [in] pSockAddr Address of a sockaddr structure that contains the
connection point on the local machine. An IPv4 address
of INADDR_ANY specifies that the connection is made to
all of the network stacks on the platform. Specifying a
specific IPv4 address restricts the connection to the
network stack supporting that address. Specifying zero
for the port causes the network layer to assign a port
number from the dynamic range. Specifying a specific
port number causes the network layer to use that port.
@param [in] SockAddrLen Specifies the length in bytes of the sockaddr structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
EslTcpBind4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN const struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
IN socklen_t SockAddrLength
Poll for completion of the connection attempt.
The ::TcpConnectPoll4 routine determines when the connection
attempt transitions from being in process to being complete.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The connection was successfully established.
@retval EFI_NOT_READY The connection is in progress, call this routine again.
@retval Others The connection attempt failed.
EslTcpConnectPoll4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket
Connect to a remote system via the network.
The ::TcpConnectStart4= routine starts the connection processing
for a TCP4 port.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [in] pSockAddr Network address of the remote system.
@param [in] SockAddrLength Length in bytes of the network address.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The connection was successfully established.
@retval EFI_NOT_READY The connection is in progress, call this routine again.
@retval Others The connection attempt failed.
EslTcpConnectStart4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN const struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
IN socklen_t SockAddrLength
Initialize the TCP4 service.
This routine initializes the TCP4 service after its service binding
protocol was located on a controller.
@param [in] pService DT_SERVICE structure address
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The service was properly initialized
@retval other A failure occurred during the service initialization
EslTcpInitialize4 (
IN DT_SERVICE * pService
Get the local socket address
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the local system address
@param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the local network address structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Address available
@retval Other - Failed to get the address
EslTcpGetLocalAddress4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength
Get the remote socket address
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the remote system address
@param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Address available
@retval Other - Failed to get the address
EslTcpGetRemoteAddress4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength
Establish the known port to listen for network connections.
The ::Tcp4Listen routine places the port into a state that enables connection
attempts. Connections are placed into FIFO order in a queue to be serviced
by the application. The application calls the ::Tcp4Accept routine to remove
the next connection from the queue and get the associated socket. The
<a href="">POSIX</a>
documentation for the listen routine is available online for reference.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
@retval Other - Failed to enable the socket for listen
EslTcpListen4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket
Process the connection attempt
A system has initiated a connection attempt with a socket in the
listen state. Attempt to complete the connection.
@param Event The listeen completion event
@param pPort The DT_PORT structure address
EslTcpListenComplete4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Allocate and initialize a DT_PORT structure.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [in] pService Address of the DT_SERVICE structure.
@param [in] ChildHandle TCP4 child handle
@param [in] pIpAddress Buffer containing IP4 network address of the local host
@param [in] PortNumber Tcp4 port number
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
@param [out] ppPort Buffer to receive new DT_PORT structure address
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
EslTcpPortAllocate4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN DT_SERVICE * pService,
IN EFI_HANDLE ChildHandle,
IN CONST UINT8 *pIpAddress,
IN UINT16 PortNumber,
IN UINTN DebugFlags,
OUT DT_PORT ** ppPort
Close a TCP4 port.
This routine releases the resources allocated by
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The port is closed
@retval other Port close error
EslTcpPortClose4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Process the port close completion
@param Event The close completion event
@param pPort The DT_PORT structure address
EslTcpPortCloseComplete4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Port close state 3
Continue the close operation after the receive is complete.
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The port is closed
@retval EFI_NOT_READY The port is still closing
@retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED Error, the port is in the wrong state,
most likely the routine was called already.
EslTcpPortCloseRxDone4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Start the close operation on a TCP4 port.
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@param [in] bAbort Set TRUE to abort active transfers
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
EslTcpPortCloseStart4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort,
IN UINTN DebugFlags
Port close state 2
Continue the close operation after the transmission is complete.
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@retval EFI_NOT_READY The port is still closing
@retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED Error, the port is in the wrong state,
most likely the routine was called already.
EslTcpPortCloseTxDone4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Receive data from a network connection.
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@param [in] Flags Message control flags
@param [in] BufferLength Length of the the buffer
@param [in] pBuffer Address of a buffer to receive the data.
@param [in] pDataLength Number of received data bytes in the buffer.
@param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the remote system address
@param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket data successfully received
EslTcpReceive4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN INT32 Flags,
IN size_t BufferLength,
IN UINT8 * pBuffer,
OUT size_t * pDataLength,
OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength
Cancel the receive operations
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - The cancel was successful
EslTcpRxCancel4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket
Process the receive completion
Buffer the data that was just received.
@param Event The receive completion event
@param pPort The DT_PORT structure address
EslTcpRxComplete4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Start a receive operation
@param [in] pPort Address of the DT_PORT structure.
EslTcpRxStart4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Shutdown the TCP4 service.
This routine undoes the work performed by ::TcpInitialize4.
@param [in] pService DT_SERVICE structure address
EslTcpShutdown4 (
IN DT_SERVICE * pService
Determine if the socket is configured.
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - The port is connected
@retval EFI_NOT_STARTED - The port is not connected
EslTcpSocketIsConfigured4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket
Buffer data for transmission over a network connection.
This routine is called by the socket layer API to buffer
data for transmission. When necessary, this routine will
start the transmit engine that performs the data transmission
on the network connection.
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@param [in] Flags Message control flags
@param [in] BufferLength Length of the the buffer
@param [in] pBuffer Address of a buffer to receive the data.
@param [in] pDataLength Number of received data bytes in the buffer.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket data successfully buffered
EslTcpTxBuffer4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN int Flags,
IN size_t BufferLength,
IN CONST UINT8 * pBuffer,
OUT size_t * pDataLength
Process the normal data transmit completion
@param Event The normal transmit completion event
@param pPort The DT_PORT structure address
EslTcpTxComplete4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Process the urgent data transmit completion
@param Event The urgent transmit completion event
@param pPort The DT_PORT structure address
EslTcpTxOobComplete4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Transmit data using a network connection.
@param [in] pPort Address of a DT_PORT structure
@param [in] pToken Address of either the OOB or normal transmit token
@param [in] ppQueueHead Transmit queue head address
@param [in] ppQueueTail Transmit queue tail address
@param [in] ppPacket Active transmit packet address
EslTcpTxStart4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort,
IN DT_PACKET ** ppQueueHead,
IN DT_PACKET ** ppQueueTail,
IN DT_PACKET ** ppPacket
// Udp4 Routines
Bind a name to a socket.
The ::UdpBind4 routine connects a name to a UDP4 stack on the local machine.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [in] pSockAddr Address of a sockaddr structure that contains the
connection point on the local machine. An IPv4 address
of INADDR_ANY specifies that the connection is made to
all of the network stacks on the platform. Specifying a
specific IPv4 address restricts the connection to the
network stack supporting that address. Specifying zero
for the port causes the network layer to assign a port
number from the dynamic range. Specifying a specific
port number causes the network layer to use that port.
@param [in] SockAddrLen Specifies the length in bytes of the sockaddr structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
EslUdpBind4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN const struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
IN socklen_t SockAddrLength
Initialize the UDP4 service.
This routine initializes the UDP4 service after its service binding
protocol was located on a controller.
@param [in] pService DT_SERVICE structure address
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The service was properly initialized
@retval other A failure occurred during the service initialization
EslUdpInitialize4 (
IN DT_SERVICE * pService
Allocate and initialize a DT_PORT structure.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [in] pService Address of the DT_SERVICE structure.
@param [in] ChildHandle Udp4 child handle
@param [in] pIpAddress Buffer containing IP4 network address of the local host
@param [in] PortNumber Udp4 port number
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
@param [out] ppPort Buffer to receive new DT_PORT structure address
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket successfully created
EslUdpPortAllocate4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN DT_SERVICE * pService,
IN EFI_HANDLE ChildHandle,
IN CONST UINT8 * pIpAddress,
IN UINT16 PortNumber,
IN UINTN DebugFlags,
OUT DT_PORT ** ppPort
Close a UDP4 port.
This routine releases the resources allocated by
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The port is closed
@retval other Port close error
EslUdpPortClose4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Start the close operation on a UDP4 port, state 1.
Closing a port goes through the following states:
1. Port close starting - Mark the port as closing and wait for transmission to complete
2. Port TX close done - Transmissions complete, close the port and abort the receives
3. Port RX close done - Receive operations complete, close the port
4. Port closed - Release the port resources
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@param [in] bCloseNow Set TRUE to abort active transfers
@param [in] DebugFlags Flags for debug messages
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The port is closed, not normally returned
@retval EFI_NOT_READY The port has started the closing process
@retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED Error, the port is in the wrong state,
most likely the routine was called already.
EslUdpPortCloseStart4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort,
IN UINTN DebugFlags
Port close state 2
Continue the close operation after the transmission is complete.
@param [in] pPort Address of the port structure.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The port is closed, not normally returned
@retval EFI_NOT_READY The port is still closing
@retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED Error, the port is in the wrong state,
most likely the routine was called already.
EslUdpPortCloseTxDone4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Connect to a remote system via the network.
The ::UdpConnectStart4= routine sets the remote address for the connection.
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [in] pSockAddr Network address of the remote system.
@param [in] SockAddrLength Length in bytes of the network address.
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The connection was successfully established.
@retval EFI_NOT_READY The connection is in progress, call this routine again.
@retval Others The connection attempt failed.
EslUdpConnect4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN const struct sockaddr * pSockAddr,
IN socklen_t SockAddrLength
Get the local socket address
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the local system address
@param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the local network address structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Address available
@retval Other - Failed to get the address
EslUdpGetLocalAddress4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength
Get the remote socket address
@param [in] pSocket Address of the socket structure.
@param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the remote system address
@param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Address available
@retval Other - Failed to get the address
EslUdpGetRemoteAddress4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength
Receive data from a network connection.
To minimize the number of buffer copies, the ::UdpRxComplete4
routine queues the UDP4 driver's buffer to a list of datagrams
waiting to be received. The socket driver holds on to the
buffers from the UDP4 driver until the application layer requests
the data or the socket is closed.
The application calls this routine in the socket layer to
receive datagrams from one or more remote systems. This routine
removes the next available datagram from the list of datagrams
and copies the data from the UDP4 driver's buffer into the
application's buffer. The UDP4 driver's buffer is then returned.
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@param [in] Flags Message control flags
@param [in] BufferLength Length of the the buffer
@param [in] pBuffer Address of a buffer to receive the data.
@param [in] pDataLength Number of received data bytes in the buffer.
@param [out] pAddress Network address to receive the remote system address
@param [in,out] pAddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket data successfully received
EslUdpReceive4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN INT32 Flags,
IN size_t BufferLength,
IN UINT8 * pBuffer,
OUT size_t * pDataLength,
OUT struct sockaddr * pAddress,
IN OUT socklen_t * pAddressLength
Cancel the receive operations
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - The cancel was successful
EslUdpRxCancel4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket
Process the receive completion
Keep the UDP4 driver's buffer and append it to the list of
datagrams for the application to receive. The UDP4 driver's
buffer will be returned by either ::UdpReceive4 or
@param Event The receive completion event
@param pPort The DT_PORT structure address
EslUdpRxComplete4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Start a receive operation
@param [in] pPort Address of the DT_PORT structure.
EslUdpRxStart4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Determine if the socket is configured.
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - The port is connected
@retval EFI_NOT_STARTED - The port is not connected
EslUdpSocketIsConfigured4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket
Process the transmit completion
@param Event The normal transmit completion event
@param pPort The DT_PORT structure address
EslUdpTxComplete4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
Shutdown the UDP4 service.
This routine undoes the work performed by ::UdpInitialize4.
@param [in] pService DT_SERVICE structure address
EslUdpShutdown4 (
IN DT_SERVICE * pService
Buffer data for transmission over a network connection.
This routine is called by the socket layer API to buffer
data for transmission. The data is copied into a local buffer
freeing the application buffer for reuse upon return. When
necessary, this routine will start the transmit engine that
performs the data transmission on the network connection. The
transmit engine transmits the data a packet at a time over the
network connection.
Transmission errors are returned during the next transmission or
during the close operation. Only buffering errors are returned
during the current transmission attempt.
@param [in] pSocket Address of a DT_SOCKET structure
@param [in] Flags Message control flags
@param [in] BufferLength Length of the the buffer
@param [in] pBuffer Address of a buffer to receive the data.
@param [in] pDataLength Number of received data bytes in the buffer.
@param [in] pAddress Network address of the remote system address
@param [in] AddressLength Length of the remote network address structure
@retval EFI_SUCCESS - Socket data successfully buffered
EslUdpTxBuffer4 (
IN DT_SOCKET * pSocket,
IN int Flags,
IN size_t BufferLength,
IN CONST UINT8 * pBuffer,
OUT size_t * pDataLength,
IN const struct sockaddr * pAddress,
IN socklen_t AddressLength
Transmit data using a network connection.
@param [in] pPort Address of a DT_PORT structure
EslUdpTxStart4 (
IN DT_PORT * pPort
#endif // _SOCKET_H_