
851 lines
22 KiB

/* output.c, output generator for dlg
* Output Notes:
* DfaStates == number of dfa nodes in automaton (just a #define)
* DfaState == type large enough to index every node in automaton
* <256 unsigned char, <65536 unsigned short, etc.
* Thus, the elements in each of the automaton states (st%d) are type DfaState
* and are size appropriately, since they must be able to index the next
* automaton state.
* dfa[] == a linear array that points to all the automaton states (st%d)
* (dfa_base[] should be the same, but isn't right now)
* accepts[] == Taking a closer look at this one, it probably shouldn't be type
* DfaState because there is no real requirement that the number of
* accepts states is less than the number of dfa state. However, if
* the number of accept states was more than the number of DFA states
* then the lexical specification would be really ambiguous.
* Another note. Is that is should be possible to fold accepts[] and
* actions[] together. If this is done, I would suggest get rid of
* accept[] and make actions[] have an entry for each state (st%d) in
* the automaton.
* dfa_base[] == starting location for each lexical mode. This should be
* Dfastate type (but isn't right now), since it points to the states
* in the automaton.
* dfa_class_no[] == indicates the number of columns each lexical mode has.
* b_class_no[] == pointer to the start of the translation array used to
* convert from input character to character class. This could cause
* problems if there are more than 256 classes
* shift%d[] == the actual translation arrays that convert the input character
* into the character class. These will have to change if there are
* more than 256 character classes.
* We reserve no LEGAL rights to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool
* Set (PCCTS) -- PCCTS is in the public domain. An individual or
* company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with
* PCCTS or the code generated by PCCTS, including the incorporation of
* PCCTS, or its output, into commerical software.
* We encourage users to develop software with PCCTS. However, we do ask
* that credit is given to us for developing PCCTS. By "credit",
* we mean that if you incorporate our source code into one of your
* programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you
* acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report,
* etc... If you like PCCTS and have developed a nice tool with the
* output, please mention that you developed it using PCCTS. In
* addition, we ask that this header remain intact in our source code.
* As long as these guidelines are kept, we expect to continue enhancing
* this system and expect to make other tools available as they are
* completed.
* DLG 1.33
* Will Cohen
* With mods by Terence Parr; AHPCRC, University of Minnesota
* 1989-2001
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dlg.h"
#ifdef MEMCHK
#include "trax.h"
#ifdef __STDC__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#endif /* __STDC__ */
static char *mode_name[MAX_MODES];
static int mode_number[MAX_MODES];
static int cur_mode=0;
int operation_no = 0; /* used to mark nodes so that infinite loops avoided */
int dfa_basep[MAX_MODES]; /* start of each group of states */
int dfa_class_nop[MAX_MODES]; /* number of elements in each group of states*/
int gen_ansi = FALSE; /* allows ansi code to be generated */
FILE *input_stream; /* where to read description from */
FILE *output_stream; /* where to put the output */
FILE *mode_stream; /* where to put the mode.h stuff */
FILE *class_stream; /* where to put the scan.h stuff (if gen_cpp) */
/* NOTE: This section is MACHINE DEPENDENT */
#define DIF_SIZE 4
#if defined(PC) && !defined(PC32)
unsigned long typesize[DIF_SIZE] = { 0x7f, 0x7fff, 0x7ffful, 0x7ffffffful }; /* MR20 */
char t0[] = "unsigned char";
char t1[] = "unsigned short";
char t2[] = "unsigned int";
char t3[] = "unsigned long";
char *typevar[DIF_SIZE] = { t0, t1, t2, t3};
unsigned long typesize[DIF_SIZE] = { 0x7f, 0x7fff, 0x7ffffffful, 0x7ffffffful }; /* MR20 */
char t0[] = "unsigned char";
char t1[] = "unsigned short";
char t2[] = "unsigned int";
char t3[] = "unsigned long";
char *typevar[DIF_SIZE] = { t0, t1, t2, t3};
/* Added by TJP August 1994 */
/* Take in MyLexer and return MyLexer_h */
static char *
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
gate_symbol(char *name)
char *name;
static char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "%s_h", name);
return buf;
/* Added by TJP August 1994 */
static char *
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
mystrdup(char *s)
char *s;
char *p = (char *)malloc(strlen(s)+1);
strcpy(p, s);
return p;
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_class_hdr(void)
void p_class_hdr()
if ( class_stream == NULL ) return;
fprintf(class_stream, "#ifndef %s\n", gate_symbol(ClassName("")));
fprintf(class_stream, "#define %s\n", gate_symbol(ClassName("")));
fprintf(class_stream, "/*\n");
fprintf(class_stream, " * D L G L e x e r C l a s s D e f i n i t i o n\n");
fprintf(class_stream, " *\n");
fprintf(class_stream, " * Generated from:");
fprintf(class_stream, " %s", file_str[0]);
fprintf(class_stream, "\n");
fprintf(class_stream, " *\n");
fprintf(class_stream, " * 1989-2001 by Will Cohen, Terence Parr, and Hank Dietz\n");
fprintf(class_stream, " * Purdue University Electrical Engineering\n");
fprintf(class_stream, " * DLG Version %s\n", version);
fprintf(class_stream, " */\n\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "#include \"%s\"\n", DLEXERBASE_H);
/* MR1 */
/* MR1 16-Apr-97 Split printing of class header up into several parts */
/* MR1 so that #lexprefix <<...>>and #lexmember <<...>> */
/* MR1 can be inserted in the appropriate spots */
/* MR1 */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_class_def1(void)
void p_class_def1()
if ( class_stream == NULL ) return;
fprintf(class_stream, "\nclass %s : public DLGLexerBase {\n", ClassName(""));
fprintf(class_stream, "public:\n");
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_class_def2(void)
void p_class_def2()
int i, m;
if ( class_stream == NULL ) return;
fprintf(class_stream, "public:\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic const int MAX_MODE;\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic const int DfaStates;\n");
for (i=0; i<cur_mode; i++) {
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic const int %s;\n", mode_name[i]);
fprintf(class_stream, "\ttypedef %s DfaState;\n\n", minsize(dfa_allocated));
fprintf(class_stream, "\t%s(DLGInputStream *in,\n",ClassName(""));
fprintf(class_stream, "\t\tunsigned bufsize=2000)\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\t\t: DLGLexerBase(in, bufsize, %d)\n", interactive);
fprintf(class_stream, "\t{\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\t;\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\t}\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\tvoid mode(int);\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\tANTLRTokenType nextTokenType(void);\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\tvoid advance(void);\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "protected:\n");
for (i=1; i<=action_no; ++i) {
fprintf(class_stream, "\tANTLRTokenType act%d();\n", i);
for(m=0; m<(mode_counter-1); ++m){
for(i=dfa_basep[m]; i<dfa_basep[m+1]; ++i)
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic DfaState st%d[%d];\n", i-1, dfa_class_nop[m]+1);
for(i=dfa_basep[m]; i<=dfa_allocated; ++i)
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic DfaState st%d[%d];\n", i-1, dfa_class_nop[m]+1);
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic DfaState *dfa[%d];\n", dfa_allocated);
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic DfaState dfa_base[];\n");
/* fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic int dfa_base_no[];\n"); */
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic unsigned char *b_class_no[];\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic DfaState accepts[%d];\n",dfa_allocated+1);
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic DLGChar alternatives[%d];\n",dfa_allocated+1);
/* WARNING: should be ANTLRTokenType for action table, but g++ 2.5.6 is hosed */
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic ANTLRTokenType (%s::*actions[%d])();\n", ClassName(""), action_no+1);
for(m=0; m<mode_counter; ++m) {
fprintf(class_stream, "\tstatic unsigned char shift%d[%d];\n",
if (comp_level)
fprintf(class_stream, "\tint ZZSHIFT(int c) { return b_class_no[automaton][1+c]; }\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "\tint ZZSHIFT(int c) { return 1+c; }\n");
/* MR1 */
/* MR1 11-APr-97 Kludge to allow inclusion of user-defined code in */
/* MR1 DLGLexer class header */
/* MR1 Deprecated in favor of 133MR1 addition #lexmember <<>> */
/* MR1 */
/* MR1 */ fprintf(class_stream,"//\n");
/* MR1 */ fprintf(class_stream,
/* MR1 */ "// 133MR1 Deprecated feature to allow inclusion of ");
/* MR1 */ fprintf(class_stream,
/* MR1 */ "user-defined code in DLG class header\n");
/* MR1 */ fprintf(class_stream,"//\n");
/* MR1 */
/* MR1 */ fprintf(class_stream,"#ifdef DLGLexerIncludeFile\n");
/* MR1 */ fprintf(class_stream,"#include DLGLexerIncludeFile\n");
/* MR1 */ fprintf(class_stream,"#endif\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "};\n");
fprintf(class_stream, "typedef ANTLRTokenType (%s::*Ptr%sMemberFunc)();\n",
ClassName(""), ClassName(""));
fprintf(class_stream, "#endif\n");
/* generate required header on output */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_head(void)
void p_head()
fprintf(OUT, "/*\n");
fprintf(OUT, " * D L G tables\n");
fprintf(OUT, " *\n");
fprintf(OUT, " * Generated from:");
fprintf(OUT, " %s", file_str[0]);
fprintf(OUT, "\n");
fprintf(OUT, " *\n");
fprintf(OUT, " * 1989-2001 by Will Cohen, Terence Parr, and Hank Dietz\n");
fprintf(OUT, " * Purdue University Electrical Engineering\n");
fprintf(OUT, " * DLG Version %s\n", version);
fprintf(OUT, " */\n\n");
if ( gen_cpp) fprintf(OUT, "#include \"pcctscfg.h\"\n");
if ( gen_cpp ) fprintf(OUT, "#include \"pccts_stdio.h\"\n");
if ( !gen_cpp ) fprintf(OUT, "#include \"%s\"\n\n", mode_file);
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_includes(void)
void p_includes()
fprintf(OUT, "#include \"%s\"\n", APARSER_H);
fprintf(OUT, "#include \"%s\"\n", DLEXERBASE_H);
fprintf(OUT, "#include \"%s\"\n", ClassName(".h"));
/* generate code to tie up any loose ends */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_tail(void) /* MR1 */
void p_tail() /* MR1 */
if ( gen_cpp ) {
if ( strcmp(ClassName(""), DEFAULT_CLASSNAME)!=0 )
fprintf(OUT, "#define DLGLexer %s\n", ClassName(""));
fprintf(OUT, "#include \"%s\"\n", DLEXER_H); /* MR23 Rename DLexer.cpp to DLexer.h */
fprintf(OUT, "\n");
fprintf(OUT, "\n");
if (comp_level)
fprintf(OUT, "#define ZZSHIFT(c) (b_class_no[zzauto][1+c])\n");
fprintf(OUT, "#define ZZSHIFT(c) (1+c)\n");
if ( !gen_cpp ) fprintf(OUT, "#define MAX_MODE %d\n",mode_counter);
fprintf(OUT, "#include \"dlgauto.h\"\n");
/* output the table of DFA for general use */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_tables()
void p_tables()
if ( !gen_cpp ) {
fprintf(OUT, "#define DfaStates\t%d\n", dfa_allocated);
fprintf(OUT, "typedef %s DfaState;\n\n", minsize(dfa_allocated));
if ( gen_cpp ) {
int i;
fprintf(OUT, "\n");
fprintf(OUT, "const int %s::MAX_MODE=%d;\n",
fprintf(OUT, "const int %s::DfaStates=%d;\n",
for (i=0; i<cur_mode; i++) {
fprintf(OUT, "const int %s::%s=%d;\n",
ClassName(""), mode_name[i], mode_number[i]);
fprintf(OUT, "\n");
if (comp_level)
if (interactive || gen_cpp )
/* figures out the smallest variable type that will hold the transitions
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
char *minsize(int elements)
char *minsize(elements)
int elements;
int i = 0;
while ((unsigned long) elements > typesize[i]) /* MR20 */
return typevar[i];
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_node_table(void)
void p_node_table()
register int i;
register int m = 0;
for(m=0; m<(mode_counter-1); ++m){
for(i=dfa_basep[m]; i<dfa_basep[m+1]; ++i)
for(i=dfa_basep[m]; i<=dfa_allocated; ++i)
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_single_node(int i,int classes)
void p_single_node(i,classes)
int i,classes;
register int j;
register int trans, items_on_line;
#if 1
/* extra state (classes+1) for invalid characters */
fprintf(OUT, "%sDfaState %sst%d[%d] = {\n ",
gen_cpp?ClassName("::"):"static ",
gen_cpp?ClassName("::"):"",(i-1), (classes+1));
fprintf(OUT, "static DfaState st%d[%d] = {\n ", (i-1), classes);
items_on_line = MAX_ON_LINE;
for(j=0; j<classes; ++j){
trans = DFA(i)->trans[j];
if (trans == NIL_INDEX)
trans = dfa_allocated+1;
/* all of DFA moved down one in array */
fprintf(OUT, "%d", trans-1);
fprintf(OUT, ", ");
if (!(--items_on_line)){
fprintf(OUT, "\n ");
items_on_line = MAX_ON_LINE;
#if 1
/* put in jump to error state */
fprintf(OUT, "%d\n};\n\n", dfa_allocated);
fprintf(OUT, "\n};\n\n");
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_dfa_table(void)
void p_dfa_table()
register int i;
fprintf(OUT, "\n%sDfaState *%sdfa[%d] = {\n",
gen_cpp?ClassName("::"):"",gen_cpp?ClassName("::"):"", dfa_allocated);
for (i=0; i<(dfa_allocated-1); ++i){
fprintf(OUT, "\tst%d,\n", i);
fprintf(OUT, "\tst%d\n", i);
fprintf(OUT, "};\n\n");
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_accept_table(void)
void p_accept_table()
register int i = 1;
register int items_on_line = 0;
int true_interactive = TRUE;
/* make sure element for one past (zzerraction) -WEC 12/16/92 */
fprintf(OUT,"\n%sDfaState %saccepts[%d] = {\n ",
/* don't do anything if no dfa nodes */
if (i>dfa_allocated) goto skip_accepts;
for (;;) {
int accept=0; /* MR14a - Manuel Kessler ( */
set accept_set;
set nfa_states;
unsigned int *t, *nfa_i;
unsigned int *q, *regular_expr;
accept_set = empty;
nfa_states = DFA(i)->nfa_states;
t = nfa_i = set_pdq(nfa_states);
/* NOTE: picks lowest accept because accepts monotonic */
/* with respect to nfa node numbers and set_pdq */
/* returns in that order */
while((*nfa_i != nil) && (!(accept = NFA(*nfa_i)->accept))){
/* figure out if more than one accept state there */
if (warn_ambig ){
set_orel(accept, &accept_set);
while(*nfa_i != nil){
set_orel(NFA(*nfa_i)->accept, &accept_set);
/* remove error action from consideration */
set_rm(0, accept_set);
if( set_deg(accept_set)>1){
fprintf(stderr, "dlg warning: ambiguous regular expression ");
q = regular_expr = set_pdq(accept_set);
while(*regular_expr != nil){
fprintf(stderr," %d ", *regular_expr);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
if ((DFA(i)->alternatives) && (accept != 0)){
true_interactive = FALSE;
fprintf(OUT, "%d, ", accept);
/* free up memory before we "break" below -ATG 4/6/95 */
if ((++i)>dfa_allocated)
if ((++items_on_line)>=MAX_ON_LINE){
fprintf(OUT,"\n ");
items_on_line = 0;
/* make sure element for one past (zzerraction) -WEC 12/16/92 */
fprintf(OUT, "0\n};\n\n");
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_action_table(void)
void p_action_table()
register int i;
char* theClassName = ClassName("");
if ( gen_cpp )
fprintf(OUT, "Ptr%sMemberFunc %s::actions[%d] = {\n", theClassName,
theClassName, action_no+1);
fprintf(OUT, "void (*actions[%d])() = {\n", action_no+1);
if ( gen_cpp )
/* fprintf(OUT, "\t(Ptr%sMemberFunc)&%s::erraction,\n", theClassName, theClassName);*/
fprintf(OUT, "\t&%s::erraction,\n", theClassName);
fprintf(OUT, "\tzzerraction,\n");
for (i=1; i<action_no; ++i) {
if ( gen_cpp )
/* fprintf(OUT,"\t(Ptr%sMemberFunc)&%s::act%d,\n", theClassName, theClassName, i);*/
fprintf(OUT,"\t&%s::act%d,\n", theClassName, i);
fprintf(OUT,"\tact%d,\n", i);
if ( gen_cpp )
/* fprintf(OUT,"\t(Ptr%sMemberFunc)&%s::act%d\n", theClassName, theClassName, i);*/
fprintf(OUT,"\t&%s::act%d\n", theClassName, i);
fprintf(OUT,"\tact%d\n", i);
fprintf(OUT, "};\n\n");
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_shift_table(int m) /* MR1 */
void p_shift_table(m) /* MR1 */
int m;
register int i = 0, j;
register int items_on_line = 0;
fprintf(OUT, "%s unsigned char %sshift%d[%d] = {\n ",
gen_cpp?ClassName("::"):"", m, CHAR_RANGE);
for (;;) {
/* find which partition character i is in */
for (j=0; j<dfa_class_nop[mode_counter]; ++j){
if (set_el(i,class_sets[j]))
if ((++i)>=CHAR_RANGE)
fprintf(OUT,", ");
if ((++items_on_line)>=MAX_ON_LINE){
fprintf(OUT,"\n ");
items_on_line = 0;
fprintf(OUT, "\n};\n\n");
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_base_table(void)
void p_base_table()
register int m;
fprintf(OUT, "%sDfaState %sdfa_base[] = {\n",
gen_cpp?ClassName("::"):"static ",
for(m=0; m<(mode_counter-1); ++m)
fprintf(OUT, "\t%d,\n", dfa_basep[m]-1);
fprintf(OUT, "\t%d\n};\n\n", dfa_basep[m]-1);
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_class_table(void) /* MR1 */
void p_class_table() /* MR1 */
#if 0
register int m;
fprintf(OUT,"%s int %sdfa_class_no[] = {\n",
for(m=0; m<(mode_counter-1); ++m)
fprintf(OUT,"\t%d,\n", dfa_class_nop[m]);
fprintf(OUT,"\t%d\n};\n\n", dfa_class_nop[m]);
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_bshift_table(void) /* MR1 */
void p_bshift_table() /* MR1 */
register int m;
fprintf(OUT,"%s unsigned char *%sb_class_no[] = {\n",
for(m=0; m<(mode_counter-1); ++m)
fprintf(OUT, "\tshift%d,\n", m);
fprintf(OUT, "\tshift%d\n};\n\n", m);
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_alternative_table(void) /* MR1 */
void p_alternative_table() /* MR1 */
register int i;
if ( !gen_cpp ) fprintf(OUT, "#define ZZINTERACTIVE\n\n");
if ( gen_cpp )
fprintf(OUT, "DLGChar %salternatives[%d] = {\n", /* mr23 vhs %sDfaStates+1 */
dfa_allocated+1); /* vhs ClassName("::")); */
fprintf(OUT, "static %s zzalternatives[DfaStates+1] = {\n",
for(i=1; i<=dfa_allocated; ++i)
fprintf(OUT, "\t%d,\n", DFA(i)->alternatives);
fprintf(OUT, "/* must have 0 for zzalternatives[DfaStates] */\n");
fprintf(OUT, "\t0\n};\n\n");
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_mode_def(char *s,int m) /* MR1 */
void p_mode_def(s,m) /* MR1 */
char *s;
int m;
if ( gen_cpp )
mode_name[cur_mode] = mystrdup(s);
mode_number[cur_mode] = m;
fprintf(mode_stream, "#define %s %d\n", s, m);
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
char * ClassName(char *suffix)
char * ClassName(suffix)
char *suffix;
static char buf[200];
extern char *class_name;
sprintf(buf, "%s%s", class_name, suffix);
return buf;
#ifdef DEBUG
/* print out a particular nfa node that is pointed to by p */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_nfa_node(nfa_node *p)
void p_nfa_node(p)
nfa_node *p;
register nfa_node *t;
if (p != NIL_INDEX){
printf("NFA state : %d\naccept state : %d\n",
if (p->trans[0] != NIL_INDEX){
printf("trans[0] => %d on ", NFA_NO(p->trans[0]));
printf("trans[0] => nil\n");
if (p->trans[1] != NIL_INDEX)
printf("trans[1] => %d on epsilon\n",
printf("trans[1] => nil\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
/* code to print out special structures when using a debugger */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_nfa(p)
void p_nfa(nfa_node *p)
nfa_node *p; /* state number also index into array */
/* each node has a marker on it so it only gets printed once */
operation_no++; /* get new number */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void s_p_nfa(nfa_node *p)
void s_p_nfa(p)
nfa_node *p; /* state number also index into array */
if ((p != NIL_INDEX) && (p->nfa_set != operation_no)){
/* so it is only printed once */
p->nfa_set = operation_no;
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_dfa_node(dfa_node *p)
void p_dfa_node(p)
dfa_node *p;
int i;
if (p != NIL_INDEX){
printf("DFA state :%d\n",NFA_NO(p));
if (p->done)
printf("from nfa states : ");
/* NOTE: trans arcs stored as ints rather than pointer*/
for (i=0; i<class_no; i++){
printf("%d ",p->trans[i]);
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_dfa(void)
void p_dfa()
/* prints out all the dfa nodes actually allocated */
int i;
for (i = 1; i<=dfa_allocated; i++)
/* print out numbers in the set label */
#ifdef __USE_PROTOS
void p_set(set label)
void p_set(label)
set label;
unsigned *t, *e;
if (set_nil(label)){
t = e = set_pdq(label);
while(*e != nil){
printf("%d ", (*e+MIN_CHAR));