mirror of https://github.com/acidanthera/audk.git
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4825 lines
200 KiB
## @file
# parse FDF file
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# Copyright (c) 2015, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development, L.P.<BR>
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
# Import Modules
import re
import Fd
import Region
import Fv
import AprioriSection
import FfsInfStatement
import FfsFileStatement
import VerSection
import UiSection
import FvImageSection
import DataSection
import DepexSection
import CompressSection
import GuidSection
import Capsule
import CapsuleData
import Rule
import RuleComplexFile
import RuleSimpleFile
import EfiSection
import Vtf
import ComponentStatement
import OptionRom
import OptRomInfStatement
import OptRomFileStatement
from GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable
from Common.BuildToolError import *
from Common import EdkLogger
from Common.Misc import PathClass
from Common.String import NormPath
import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
from Common.Expression import *
from Common import GlobalData
from Common.String import ReplaceMacro
import uuid
from Common.Misc import tdict
from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
from Capsule import EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID
from Capsule import EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256_GUID
##define T_CHAR_SPACE ' '
##define T_CHAR_NULL '\0'
##define T_CHAR_CR '\r'
##define T_CHAR_TAB '\t'
##define T_CHAR_LF '\n'
##define T_CHAR_SLASH '/'
##define T_CHAR_BACKSLASH '\\'
##define T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE '\"'
##define T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE '\''
##define T_CHAR_STAR '*'
##define T_CHAR_HASH '#'
(' ', '\0', '\r', '\t', '\n', '/', '\\', '\"', '\'', '*', '#')
SEPERATOR_TUPLE = ('=', '|', ',', '{', '}')
RegionSizePattern = re.compile("\s*(?P<base>(?:0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(?P<size>(?:0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s*")
RegionSizeGuidPattern = re.compile("\s*(?P<base>\w+\.\w+)\s*\|\s*(?P<size>\w+\.\w+)\s*")
RegionOffsetPcdPattern = re.compile("\s*(?P<base>\w+\.\w+)\s*$")
ShortcutPcdPattern = re.compile("\s*\w+\s*=\s*(?P<value>(?:0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s*\|\s*(?P<name>\w+\.\w+)\s*")
AllIncludeFileList = []
# Get the closest parent
def GetParentAtLine (Line):
for Profile in AllIncludeFileList:
if Profile.IsLineInFile(Line):
return Profile
return None
# Check include loop
def IsValidInclude (File, Line):
for Profile in AllIncludeFileList:
if Profile.IsLineInFile(Line) and Profile.FileName == File:
return False
return True
def GetRealFileLine (File, Line):
InsertedLines = 0
for Profile in AllIncludeFileList:
if Profile.IsLineInFile(Line):
return Profile.GetLineInFile(Line)
elif Line >= Profile.InsertStartLineNumber and Profile.Level == 1:
InsertedLines += Profile.GetTotalLines()
return (File, Line - InsertedLines)
## The exception class that used to report error messages when parsing FDF
# Currently the "ToolName" is set to be "FDF Parser".
class Warning (Exception):
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Str The message to record
# @param File The FDF name
# @param Line The Line number that error occurs
def __init__(self, Str, File = None, Line = None):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(File, Line)
self.FileName = FileLineTuple[0]
self.LineNumber = FileLineTuple[1]
self.OriginalLineNumber = Line
self.Message = Str
self.ToolName = 'FdfParser'
def __str__(self):
return self.Message
## The MACRO class that used to record macro value data when parsing include file
class MacroProfile :
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileName The file that to be parsed
def __init__(self, FileName, Line):
self.FileName = FileName
self.DefinedAtLine = Line
self.MacroName = None
self.MacroValue = None
## The Include file content class that used to record file data when parsing include file
# May raise Exception when opening file.
class IncludeFileProfile :
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileName The file that to be parsed
def __init__(self, FileName):
self.FileName = FileName
self.FileLinesList = []
fsock = open(FileName, "rb", 0)
self.FileLinesList = fsock.readlines()
for index, line in enumerate(self.FileLinesList):
if not line.endswith('\n'):
self.FileLinesList[index] += '\n'
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=FileName)
self.InsertStartLineNumber = None
self.InsertAdjust = 0
self.IncludeFileList = []
self.Level = 1 # first level include file
def GetTotalLines(self):
TotalLines = self.InsertAdjust + len(self.FileLinesList)
for Profile in self.IncludeFileList:
TotalLines += Profile.GetTotalLines()
return TotalLines
def IsLineInFile(self, Line):
if Line >= self.InsertStartLineNumber and Line < self.InsertStartLineNumber + self.GetTotalLines():
return True
return False
def GetLineInFile(self, Line):
if not self.IsLineInFile (Line):
return (self.FileName, -1)
InsertedLines = self.InsertStartLineNumber
for Profile in self.IncludeFileList:
if Profile.IsLineInFile(Line):
return Profile.GetLineInFile(Line)
elif Line >= Profile.InsertStartLineNumber:
InsertedLines += Profile.GetTotalLines()
return (self.FileName, Line - InsertedLines + 1)
## The FDF content class that used to record file data when parsing FDF
# May raise Exception when opening file.
class FileProfile :
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileName The file that to be parsed
def __init__(self, FileName):
self.FileLinesList = []
fsock = open(FileName, "rb", 0)
self.FileLinesList = fsock.readlines()
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=FileName)
self.PcdDict = {}
self.InfList = []
self.InfDict = {'ArchTBD':[]}
# ECC will use this Dict and List information
self.PcdFileLineDict = {}
self.InfFileLineList = []
self.FdDict = {}
self.FdNameNotSet = False
self.FvDict = {}
self.CapsuleDict = {}
self.VtfList = []
self.RuleDict = {}
self.OptRomDict = {}
self.FmpPayloadDict = {}
## The syntax parser for FDF
# PreprocessFile method should be called prior to ParseFile
# CycleReferenceCheck method can detect cycles in FDF contents
# GetNext*** procedures mean these procedures will get next token first, then make judgement.
# Get*** procedures mean these procedures will make judgement on current token only.
class FdfParser:
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileName The file that to be parsed
def __init__(self, FileName):
self.Profile = FileProfile(FileName)
self.FileName = FileName
self.CurrentLineNumber = 1
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
self.CurrentFdName = None
self.CurrentFvName = None
self.__Token = ""
self.__SkippedChars = ""
GlobalData.gFdfParser = self
# Used to section info
self.__CurSection = []
# Key: [section name, UI name, arch]
self.__MacroDict = tdict(True, 3)
self.__PcdDict = {}
self.__WipeOffArea = []
if GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir == '':
GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir = os.getenv("WORKSPACE")
## __IsWhiteSpace() method
# Whether char at current FileBufferPos is whitespace
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Char The char to test
# @retval True The char is a kind of white space
# @retval False The char is NOT a kind of white space
def __IsWhiteSpace(self, Char):
return True
return False
## __SkipWhiteSpace() method
# Skip white spaces from current char, return number of chars skipped
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Count The number of chars skipped
def __SkipWhiteSpace(self):
Count = 0
while not self.__EndOfFile():
Count += 1
if self.__CurrentChar() in (T_CHAR_NULL, T_CHAR_CR, T_CHAR_LF, T_CHAR_SPACE, T_CHAR_TAB):
self.__SkippedChars += str(self.__CurrentChar())
Count = Count - 1
return Count
## __EndOfFile() method
# Judge current buffer pos is at file end
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Current File buffer position is at file end
# @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at file end
def __EndOfFile(self):
NumberOfLines = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList)
SizeOfLastLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[-1])
if self.CurrentLineNumber == NumberOfLines and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfLastLine - 1:
return True
elif self.CurrentLineNumber > NumberOfLines:
return True
return False
## __EndOfLine() method
# Judge current buffer pos is at line end
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Current File buffer position is at line end
# @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at line end
def __EndOfLine(self):
if self.CurrentLineNumber > len(self.Profile.FileLinesList):
return True
SizeOfCurrentLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1])
if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfCurrentLine:
return True
return False
## Rewind() method
# Reset file data buffer to the initial state
# @param self The object pointer
# @param DestLine Optional new destination line number.
# @param DestOffset Optional new destination offset.
def Rewind(self, DestLine = 1, DestOffset = 0):
self.CurrentLineNumber = DestLine
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = DestOffset
## __UndoOneChar() method
# Go back one char in the file buffer
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully go back one char
# @retval False Not able to go back one char as file beginning reached
def __UndoOneChar(self):
if self.CurrentLineNumber == 1 and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:
return False
elif self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:
self.CurrentLineNumber -= 1
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = len(self.__CurrentLine()) - 1
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine -= 1
return True
## __GetOneChar() method
# Move forward one char in the file buffer
# @param self The object pointer
def __GetOneChar(self):
if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:
self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += 1
## __CurrentChar() method
# Get the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Char Current char
def __CurrentChar(self):
return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]
## __NextChar() method
# Get the one char pass the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Char Next char
def __NextChar(self):
if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:
return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber][0]
return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine + 1]
## __SetCurrentCharValue() method
# Modify the value of current char
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Value The new value of current char
def __SetCurrentCharValue(self, Value):
self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine] = Value
## __CurrentLine() method
# Get the list that contains current line contents
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval List current line contents
def __CurrentLine(self):
return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]
def __StringToList(self):
self.Profile.FileLinesList = [list(s) for s in self.Profile.FileLinesList]
self.Profile.FileLinesList[-1].append(' ')
def __ReplaceFragment(self, StartPos, EndPos, Value = ' '):
if StartPos[0] == EndPos[0]:
Offset = StartPos[1]
while Offset <= EndPos[1]:
self.Profile.FileLinesList[StartPos[0]][Offset] = Value
Offset += 1
Offset = StartPos[1]
while self.Profile.FileLinesList[StartPos[0]][Offset] not in ('\r', '\n'):
self.Profile.FileLinesList[StartPos[0]][Offset] = Value
Offset += 1
Line = StartPos[0]
while Line < EndPos[0]:
Offset = 0
while self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line][Offset] not in ('\r', '\n'):
self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line][Offset] = Value
Offset += 1
Line += 1
Offset = 0
while Offset <= EndPos[1]:
self.Profile.FileLinesList[EndPos[0]][Offset] = Value
Offset += 1
def __GetMacroName(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Macro name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
MacroName = self.__Token
NotFlag = False
if MacroName.startswith('!'):
NotFlag = True
MacroName = MacroName[1:].strip()
if not MacroName.startswith('$(') or not MacroName.endswith(')'):
raise Warning("Macro name expected(Please use '$(%(Token)s)' if '%(Token)s' is a macro.)" % {"Token" : MacroName},
self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
MacroName = MacroName[2:-1]
return MacroName, NotFlag
def __SetMacroValue(self, Macro, Value):
if not self.__CurSection:
MacroDict = {}
if not self.__MacroDict[self.__CurSection[0], self.__CurSection[1], self.__CurSection[2]]:
self.__MacroDict[self.__CurSection[0], self.__CurSection[1], self.__CurSection[2]] = MacroDict
MacroDict = self.__MacroDict[self.__CurSection[0], self.__CurSection[1], self.__CurSection[2]]
MacroDict[Macro] = Value
def __GetMacroValue(self, Macro):
# Highest priority
if Macro in GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines:
return GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines[Macro]
if Macro in GlobalData.gGlobalDefines:
return GlobalData.gGlobalDefines[Macro]
if self.__CurSection:
MacroDict = self.__MacroDict[
if MacroDict and Macro in MacroDict:
return MacroDict[Macro]
# Lowest priority
if Macro in GlobalData.gPlatformDefines:
return GlobalData.gPlatformDefines[Macro]
return None
def __SectionHeaderParser(self, Section):
# [Defines]
# [FD.UiName]: use dummy instead if UI name is optional
# [FV.UiName]
# [Capsule.UiName]
# [Rule]: don't take rule section into account, macro is not allowed in this section
# [VTF.arch.UiName, arch]
# [OptionRom.DriverName]
self.__CurSection = []
Section = Section.strip()[1:-1].upper().replace(' ', '').strip('.')
ItemList = Section.split('.')
Item = ItemList[0]
if Item == '' or Item == 'RULE':
if Item == 'DEFINES':
self.__CurSection = ['COMMON', 'COMMON', 'COMMON']
elif Item == 'VTF' and len(ItemList) == 3:
UiName = ItemList[2]
Pos = UiName.find(',')
if Pos != -1:
UiName = UiName[:Pos]
self.__CurSection = ['VTF', UiName, ItemList[1]]
elif len(ItemList) > 1:
self.__CurSection = [ItemList[0], ItemList[1], 'COMMON']
elif len(ItemList) > 0:
self.__CurSection = [ItemList[0], 'DUMMY', 'COMMON']
## PreprocessFile() method
# Preprocess file contents, replace comments with spaces.
# In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
# BUGBUG: No !include statement processing contained in this procedure
# !include statement should be expanded at the same FileLinesList[CurrentLineNumber - 1]
# @param self The object pointer
def PreprocessFile(self):
InComment = False
DoubleSlashComment = False
HashComment = False
# HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.
InString = False
while not self.__EndOfFile():
if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE and not InComment:
InString = not InString
# meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'
if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_LF:
self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
InComment = False
DoubleSlashComment = False
if InComment and HashComment:
InComment = False
HashComment = False
# check for */ comment end
elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_STAR and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
InComment = False
# set comments to spaces
elif InComment:
# check for // comment
elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and not self.__EndOfLine():
InComment = True
DoubleSlashComment = True
# check for '#' comment
elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_HASH and not self.__EndOfLine() and not InString:
InComment = True
HashComment = True
# check for /* comment start
elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_STAR:
self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
InComment = True
# restore from ListOfList to ListOfString
self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]
## PreprocessIncludeFile() method
# Preprocess file contents, replace !include statements with file contents.
# In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
# @param self The object pointer
def PreprocessIncludeFile(self):
# nested include support
Processed = False
MacroDict = {}
while self.__GetNextToken():
if self.__Token == 'DEFINE':
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Macro name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Macro = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__GetExpression()
MacroDict[Macro] = Value
elif self.__Token == '!include':
Processed = True
IncludeLine = self.CurrentLineNumber
IncludeOffset = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len('!include')
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected include file name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
IncFileName = self.__Token
PreIndex = 0
StartPos = IncFileName.find('$(', PreIndex)
EndPos = IncFileName.find(')', StartPos+2)
while StartPos != -1 and EndPos != -1:
Macro = IncFileName[StartPos+2 : EndPos]
MacroVal = self.__GetMacroValue(Macro)
if not MacroVal:
if Macro in MacroDict:
MacroVal = MacroDict[Macro]
if MacroVal != None:
IncFileName = IncFileName.replace('$(' + Macro + ')', MacroVal, 1)
if MacroVal.find('$(') != -1:
PreIndex = StartPos
PreIndex = StartPos + len(MacroVal)
raise Warning("The Macro %s is not defined" %Macro, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
StartPos = IncFileName.find('$(', PreIndex)
EndPos = IncFileName.find(')', StartPos+2)
IncludedFile = NormPath(IncFileName)
# First search the include file under the same directory as FDF file
IncludedFile1 = PathClass(IncludedFile, os.path.dirname(self.FileName))
ErrorCode = IncludedFile1.Validate()[0]
if ErrorCode != 0:
# Then search the include file under the same directory as DSC file
PlatformDir = ''
if GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform:
PlatformDir = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ActivePlatform.Dir
elif GlobalData.gActivePlatform:
PlatformDir = GlobalData.gActivePlatform.MetaFile.Dir
IncludedFile1 = PathClass(IncludedFile, PlatformDir)
ErrorCode = IncludedFile1.Validate()[0]
if ErrorCode != 0:
# Also search file under the WORKSPACE directory
IncludedFile1 = PathClass(IncludedFile, GlobalData.gWorkspace)
ErrorCode = IncludedFile1.Validate()[0]
if ErrorCode != 0:
raise Warning("The include file does not exist under below directories: \n%s\n%s\n%s\n"%(os.path.dirname(self.FileName), PlatformDir, GlobalData.gWorkspace),
self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not IsValidInclude (IncludedFile1.Path, self.CurrentLineNumber):
raise Warning("The include file {0} is causing a include loop.\n".format (IncludedFile1.Path), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
IncFileProfile = IncludeFileProfile(IncludedFile1.Path)
CurrentLine = self.CurrentLineNumber
CurrentOffset = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
# list index of the insertion, note that line number is 'CurrentLine + 1'
InsertAtLine = CurrentLine
ParentProfile = GetParentAtLine (CurrentLine)
if ParentProfile != None:
ParentProfile.IncludeFileList.insert(0, IncFileProfile)
IncFileProfile.Level = ParentProfile.Level + 1
IncFileProfile.InsertStartLineNumber = InsertAtLine + 1
# deal with remaining portions after "!include filename", if exists.
if self.__GetNextToken():
if self.CurrentLineNumber == CurrentLine:
RemainingLine = self.__CurrentLine()[CurrentOffset:]
self.Profile.FileLinesList.insert(self.CurrentLineNumber, RemainingLine)
IncFileProfile.InsertAdjust += 1
self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
for Line in IncFileProfile.FileLinesList:
self.Profile.FileLinesList.insert(InsertAtLine, Line)
self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
InsertAtLine += 1
# reversely sorted to better determine error in file
AllIncludeFileList.insert(0, IncFileProfile)
# comment out the processed include file statement
TempList = list(self.Profile.FileLinesList[IncludeLine - 1])
TempList.insert(IncludeOffset, '#')
self.Profile.FileLinesList[IncludeLine - 1] = ''.join(TempList)
if Processed: # Nested and back-to-back support
self.Rewind(DestLine = IncFileProfile.InsertStartLineNumber - 1)
Processed = False
# Preprocess done.
def __GetIfListCurrentItemStat(self, IfList):
if len(IfList) == 0:
return True
for Item in IfList:
if Item[1] == False:
return False
return True
## PreprocessConditionalStatement() method
# Preprocess conditional statement.
# In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
# @param self The object pointer
def PreprocessConditionalStatement(self):
# IfList is a stack of if branches with elements of list [Pos, CondSatisfied, BranchDetermined]
IfList = []
RegionLayoutLine = 0
ReplacedLine = -1
while self.__GetNextToken():
# Determine section name and the location dependent macro
if self.__GetIfListCurrentItemStat(IfList):
if self.__Token.startswith('['):
Header = self.__Token
if not self.__Token.endswith(']'):
Header += self.__SkippedChars
if Header.find('$(') != -1:
raise Warning("macro cannot be used in section header", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# Replace macros except in RULE section or out of section
elif self.__CurSection and ReplacedLine != self.CurrentLineNumber:
ReplacedLine = self.CurrentLineNumber
CurLine = self.Profile.FileLinesList[ReplacedLine - 1]
PreIndex = 0
StartPos = CurLine.find('$(', PreIndex)
EndPos = CurLine.find(')', StartPos+2)
while StartPos != -1 and EndPos != -1 and self.__Token not in ['!ifdef', '!ifndef', '!if', '!elseif']:
MacroName = CurLine[StartPos+2 : EndPos]
MacorValue = self.__GetMacroValue(MacroName)
if MacorValue != None:
CurLine = CurLine.replace('$(' + MacroName + ')', MacorValue, 1)
if MacorValue.find('$(') != -1:
PreIndex = StartPos
PreIndex = StartPos + len(MacorValue)
PreIndex = EndPos + 1
StartPos = CurLine.find('$(', PreIndex)
EndPos = CurLine.find(')', StartPos+2)
self.Profile.FileLinesList[ReplacedLine - 1] = CurLine
if self.__Token == 'DEFINE':
if self.__GetIfListCurrentItemStat(IfList):
if not self.__CurSection:
raise Warning("macro cannot be defined in Rule section or out of section", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DefineLine = self.CurrentLineNumber - 1
DefineOffset = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len('DEFINE')
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Macro name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Macro = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__GetExpression()
self.__SetMacroValue(Macro, Value)
self.__WipeOffArea.append(((DefineLine, DefineOffset), (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)))
elif self.__Token == 'SET':
if not self.__GetIfListCurrentItemStat(IfList):
SetLine = self.CurrentLineNumber - 1
SetOffset = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len('SET')
PcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
PcdName = "%s.%s" % (PcdPair[1], PcdPair[0])
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__GetExpression()
Value = self.__EvaluateConditional(Value, self.CurrentLineNumber, 'eval', True)
self.__PcdDict[PcdName] = Value
self.Profile.PcdDict[PcdPair] = Value
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[PcdPair] = FileLineTuple
self.__WipeOffArea.append(((SetLine, SetOffset), (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)))
elif self.__Token in ('!ifdef', '!ifndef', '!if'):
IfStartPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len(self.__Token))
IfList.append([IfStartPos, None, None])
CondLabel = self.__Token
Expression = self.__GetExpression()
if CondLabel == '!if':
ConditionSatisfied = self.__EvaluateConditional(Expression, IfList[-1][0][0] + 1, 'eval')
ConditionSatisfied = self.__EvaluateConditional(Expression, IfList[-1][0][0] + 1, 'in')
if CondLabel == '!ifndef':
ConditionSatisfied = not ConditionSatisfied
BranchDetermined = ConditionSatisfied
IfList[-1] = [IfList[-1][0], ConditionSatisfied, BranchDetermined]
if ConditionSatisfied:
self.__WipeOffArea.append((IfList[-1][0], (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)))
elif self.__Token in ('!elseif', '!else'):
ElseStartPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len(self.__Token))
if len(IfList) <= 0:
raise Warning("Missing !if statement", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if IfList[-1][1]:
IfList[-1] = [ElseStartPos, False, True]
self.__WipeOffArea.append((ElseStartPos, (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)))
self.__WipeOffArea.append((IfList[-1][0], ElseStartPos))
IfList[-1] = [ElseStartPos, True, IfList[-1][2]]
if self.__Token == '!elseif':
Expression = self.__GetExpression()
ConditionSatisfied = self.__EvaluateConditional(Expression, IfList[-1][0][0] + 1, 'eval')
IfList[-1] = [IfList[-1][0], ConditionSatisfied, IfList[-1][2]]
if IfList[-1][1]:
if IfList[-1][2]:
IfList[-1][1] = False
IfList[-1][2] = True
self.__WipeOffArea.append((IfList[-1][0], (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)))
elif self.__Token == '!endif':
if len(IfList) <= 0:
raise Warning("Missing !if statement", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if IfList[-1][1]:
self.__WipeOffArea.append(((self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len('!endif')), (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)))
self.__WipeOffArea.append((IfList[-1][0], (self.CurrentLineNumber - 1, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)))
elif not IfList: # Don't use PCDs inside conditional directive
if self.CurrentLineNumber <= RegionLayoutLine:
# Don't try the same line twice
SetPcd = ShortcutPcdPattern.match(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1])
if SetPcd:
self.__PcdDict[SetPcd.group('name')] = SetPcd.group('value')
RegionLayoutLine = self.CurrentLineNumber
RegionSize = RegionSizePattern.match(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1])
if not RegionSize:
RegionLayoutLine = self.CurrentLineNumber
RegionSizeGuid = RegionSizeGuidPattern.match(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber])
if not RegionSizeGuid:
RegionLayoutLine = self.CurrentLineNumber + 1
self.__PcdDict[RegionSizeGuid.group('base')] = RegionSize.group('base')
self.__PcdDict[RegionSizeGuid.group('size')] = RegionSize.group('size')
RegionLayoutLine = self.CurrentLineNumber + 1
if IfList:
raise Warning("Missing !endif", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
def __CollectMacroPcd(self):
MacroDict = {}
# PCD macro
# Lowest priority
if self.__CurSection:
# Defines macro
ScopeMacro = self.__MacroDict['COMMON', 'COMMON', 'COMMON']
if ScopeMacro:
# Section macro
ScopeMacro = self.__MacroDict[
if ScopeMacro:
# Highest priority
return MacroDict
def __EvaluateConditional(self, Expression, Line, Op = None, Value = None):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, Line)
MacroPcdDict = self.__CollectMacroPcd()
if Op == 'eval':
if Value:
return ValueExpression(Expression, MacroPcdDict)(True)
return ValueExpression(Expression, MacroPcdDict)()
except WrnExpression, Excpt:
# Catch expression evaluation warning here. We need to report
# the precise number of line and return the evaluation result
EdkLogger.warn('Parser', "Suspicious expression: %s" % str(Excpt),
File=self.FileName, ExtraData=self.__CurrentLine(),
return Excpt.result
except Exception, Excpt:
if hasattr(Excpt, 'Pcd'):
if Excpt.Pcd in GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds:
Info = GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds[Excpt.Pcd]
raise Warning("Cannot use this PCD (%s) in an expression as"
" it must be defined in a [PcdsFixedAtBuild] or [PcdsFeatureFlag] section"
" of the DSC file (%s), and it is currently defined in this section:"
" %s, line #: %d." % (Excpt.Pcd, GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds['DSCFILE'], Info[0], Info[1]),
raise Warning("PCD (%s) is not defined in DSC file (%s)" % (Excpt.Pcd, GlobalData.gPlatformOtherPcds['DSCFILE']),
raise Warning(str(Excpt), *FileLineTuple)
if Expression.startswith('$(') and Expression[-1] == ')':
Expression = Expression[2:-1]
return Expression in MacroPcdDict
## __IsToken() method
# Check whether input string is found from current char position along
# If found, the string value is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @param String The string to search
# @param IgnoreCase Indicate case sensitive/non-sensitive search, default is case sensitive
# @retval True Successfully find string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find string, file buffer pointer not changed
def __IsToken(self, String, IgnoreCase = False):
# Only consider the same line, no multi-line token allowed
StartPos = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
index = -1
if IgnoreCase:
index = self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ].upper().find(String.upper())
index = self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ].find(String)
if index == 0:
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += len(String)
self.__Token = self.__CurrentLine()[StartPos : self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]
return True
return False
## __IsKeyword() method
# Check whether input keyword is found from current char position along, whole word only!
# If found, the string value is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Keyword The string to search
# @param IgnoreCase Indicate case sensitive/non-sensitive search, default is case sensitive
# @retval True Successfully find string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find string, file buffer pointer not changed
def __IsKeyword(self, KeyWord, IgnoreCase = False):
# Only consider the same line, no multi-line token allowed
StartPos = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
index = -1
if IgnoreCase:
index = self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ].upper().find(KeyWord.upper())
index = self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ].find(KeyWord)
if index == 0:
followingChar = self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine + len(KeyWord)]
if not str(followingChar).isspace() and followingChar not in SEPERATOR_TUPLE:
return False
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += len(KeyWord)
self.__Token = self.__CurrentLine()[StartPos : self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]
return True
return False
def __GetExpression(self):
Line = self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]
Index = len(Line) - 1
while Line[Index] in ['\r', '\n']:
Index -= 1
ExpressionString = self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:Index+1]
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += len(ExpressionString)
ExpressionString = ExpressionString.strip()
return ExpressionString
## __GetNextWord() method
# Get next C name from file lines
# If found, the string value is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a C name string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a C name string, file buffer pointer not changed
def __GetNextWord(self):
if self.__EndOfFile():
return False
TempChar = self.__CurrentChar()
StartPos = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
if (TempChar >= 'a' and TempChar <= 'z') or (TempChar >= 'A' and TempChar <= 'Z') or TempChar == '_':
while not self.__EndOfLine():
TempChar = self.__CurrentChar()
if (TempChar >= 'a' and TempChar <= 'z') or (TempChar >= 'A' and TempChar <= 'Z') \
or (TempChar >= '0' and TempChar <= '9') or TempChar == '_' or TempChar == '-':
self.__Token = self.__CurrentLine()[StartPos : self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]
return True
return False
## __GetNextToken() method
# Get next token unit before a seperator
# If found, the string value is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a token unit, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a token unit, file buffer pointer not changed
def __GetNextToken(self):
# Skip leading spaces, if exist.
if self.__EndOfFile():
return False
# Record the token start position, the position of the first non-space char.
StartPos = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
StartLine = self.CurrentLineNumber
while StartLine == self.CurrentLineNumber:
TempChar = self.__CurrentChar()
# Try to find the end char that is not a space and not in seperator tuple.
# That is, when we got a space or any char in the tuple, we got the end of token.
if not str(TempChar).isspace() and TempChar not in SEPERATOR_TUPLE:
# if we happen to meet a seperator as the first char, we must proceed to get it.
# That is, we get a token that is a seperator char. nomally it is the boundary of other tokens.
elif StartPos == self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine and TempChar in SEPERATOR_TUPLE:
# else:
# return False
EndPos = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
if self.CurrentLineNumber != StartLine:
EndPos = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[StartLine-1])
self.__Token = self.Profile.FileLinesList[StartLine-1][StartPos : EndPos]
if StartPos != self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:
return True
return False
def __GetNextOp(self):
# Skip leading spaces, if exist.
if self.__EndOfFile():
return False
# Record the token start position, the position of the first non-space char.
StartPos = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
while not self.__EndOfLine():
TempChar = self.__CurrentChar()
# Try to find the end char that is not a space
if not str(TempChar).isspace():
return False
if StartPos != self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:
self.__Token = self.__CurrentLine()[StartPos : self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]
return True
return False
## __GetNextGuid() method
# Get next token unit before a seperator
# If found, the GUID string is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a registry format GUID, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a registry format GUID, file buffer pointer not changed
def __GetNextGuid(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
p = re.compile('[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}')
if p.match(self.__Token) != None:
return True
return False
def __Verify(self, Name, Value, Scope):
if Scope in ['UINT64', 'UINT8']:
ValueNumber = 0
if Value.upper().startswith('0X'):
ValueNumber = int (Value, 16)
ValueNumber = int (Value)
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FORMAT_INVALID, "The value is not valid dec or hex number for %s." % Name)
if ValueNumber < 0:
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FORMAT_INVALID, "The value can't be set to negative value for %s." % Name)
if Scope == 'UINT64':
if ValueNumber >= 0x10000000000000000:
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Too large value for %s." % Name)
if Scope == 'UINT8':
if ValueNumber >= 0x100:
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Too large value for %s." % Name)
return True
## __UndoToken() method
# Go back one token unit in file buffer
# @param self The object pointer
def __UndoToken(self):
while self.__CurrentChar().isspace():
if not self.__UndoOneChar():
StartPos = self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine
CurrentLine = self.CurrentLineNumber
while CurrentLine == self.CurrentLineNumber:
TempChar = self.__CurrentChar()
# Try to find the end char that is not a space and not in seperator tuple.
# That is, when we got a space or any char in the tuple, we got the end of token.
if not str(TempChar).isspace() and not TempChar in SEPERATOR_TUPLE:
if not self.__UndoOneChar():
# if we happen to meet a seperator as the first char, we must proceed to get it.
# That is, we get a token that is a seperator char. nomally it is the boundary of other tokens.
elif StartPos == self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine and TempChar in SEPERATOR_TUPLE:
## __HexDigit() method
# Whether char input is a Hex data bit
# @param self The object pointer
# @param TempChar The char to test
# @retval True The char is a Hex data bit
# @retval False The char is NOT a Hex data bit
def __HexDigit(self, TempChar):
if (TempChar >= 'a' and TempChar <= 'f') or (TempChar >= 'A' and TempChar <= 'F') \
or (TempChar >= '0' and TempChar <= '9'):
return True
return False
def __IsHex(self, HexStr):
if not HexStr.upper().startswith("0X"):
return False
if len(self.__Token) <= 2:
return False
charList = [c for c in HexStr[2 : ] if not self.__HexDigit( c)]
if len(charList) == 0:
return True
return False
## __GetNextHexNumber() method
# Get next HEX data before a seperator
# If found, the HEX data is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a HEX data, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a HEX data, file buffer pointer not changed
def __GetNextHexNumber(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
if self.__IsHex(self.__Token):
return True
return False
## __GetNextDecimalNumber() method
# Get next decimal data before a seperator
# If found, the decimal data is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a decimal data, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a decimal data, file buffer pointer not changed
def __GetNextDecimalNumber(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
if self.__Token.isdigit():
return True
return False
## __GetNextPcdName() method
# Get next PCD token space C name and PCD C name pair before a seperator
# If found, the decimal data is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Tuple PCD C name and PCD token space C name pair
def __GetNextPcdName(self):
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected format of <PcdTokenSpaceCName>.<PcdCName>", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
pcdTokenSpaceCName = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "."):
raise Warning("expected format of <PcdTokenSpaceCName>.<PcdCName>", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected format of <PcdTokenSpaceCName>.<PcdCName>", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
pcdCName = self.__Token
return (pcdCName, pcdTokenSpaceCName)
## __GetStringData() method
# Get string contents quoted in ""
# If found, the decimal data is put into self.__Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a string data, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a string data, file buffer pointer not changed
def __GetStringData(self):
if self.__Token.startswith("\"") or self.__Token.startswith("L\""):
currentLineNumber = self.CurrentLineNumber
if not self.__SkipToToken("\""):
raise Warning("Missing Quote \" for String", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if currentLineNumber != self.CurrentLineNumber:
raise Warning("Missing Quote \" for String", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.__Token = self.__SkippedChars.rstrip('\"')
return True
elif self.__Token.startswith("\'") or self.__Token.startswith("L\'"):
currentLineNumber = self.CurrentLineNumber
if not self.__SkipToToken("\'"):
raise Warning("Missing Quote \' for String", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if currentLineNumber != self.CurrentLineNumber:
raise Warning("Missing Quote \' for String", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.__Token = self.__SkippedChars.rstrip('\'')
return True
return False
## __SkipToToken() method
# Search forward in file buffer for the string
# The skipped chars are put into self.__SkippedChars
# @param self The object pointer
# @param String The string to search
# @param IgnoreCase Indicate case sensitive/non-sensitive search, default is case sensitive
# @retval True Successfully find the string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find the string, file buffer pointer not changed
def __SkipToToken(self, String, IgnoreCase = False):
StartPos = self.GetFileBufferPos()
self.__SkippedChars = ""
while not self.__EndOfFile():
index = -1
if IgnoreCase:
index = self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ].upper().find(String.upper())
index = self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ].find(String)
if index == 0:
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += len(String)
self.__SkippedChars += String
return True
self.__SkippedChars += str(self.__CurrentChar())
self.SetFileBufferPos( StartPos)
self.__SkippedChars = ""
return False
## GetFileBufferPos() method
# Return the tuple of current line and offset within the line
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Tuple Line number and offset pair
def GetFileBufferPos(self):
return (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
## SetFileBufferPos() method
# Restore the file buffer position
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Pos The new file buffer position
def SetFileBufferPos(self, Pos):
(self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine) = Pos
## Preprocess() method
# Preprocess comment, conditional directive, include directive, replace macro.
# Exception will be raised if syntax error found
# @param self The object pointer
def Preprocess(self):
for Pos in self.__WipeOffArea:
self.__ReplaceFragment(Pos[0], Pos[1])
self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]
while self.__GetDefines():
## ParseFile() method
# Parse the file profile buffer to extract fd, fv ... information
# Exception will be raised if syntax error found
# @param self The object pointer
def ParseFile(self):
# Keep processing sections of the FDF until no new sections or a syntax error is found
while self.__GetFd() or self.__GetFv() or self.__GetFmp() or self.__GetCapsule() or self.__GetVtf() or self.__GetRule() or self.__GetOptionRom():
except Warning, X:
#'\n\tGot Token: \"%s\" from File %s\n' % (self.__Token, FileLineTuple[0]) + \
# At this point, the closest parent would be the included file itself
Profile = GetParentAtLine(X.OriginalLineNumber)
if Profile != None:
X.Message += ' near line %d, column %d: %s' \
% (X.LineNumber, 0, Profile.FileLinesList[X.LineNumber-1])
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
X.Message += ' near line %d, column %d: %s' \
% (FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine + 1, self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine :].rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r'))
## SectionParser() method
# Parse the file section info
# Exception will be raised if syntax error found
# @param self The object pointer
# @param section The section string
def SectionParser(self, section):
S = section.upper()
if not S.startswith("[DEFINES") and not S.startswith("[FD.") and not S.startswith("[FV.") and not S.startswith("[CAPSULE.") \
and not S.startswith("[VTF.") and not S.startswith("[RULE.") and not S.startswith("[OPTIONROM.") and not S.startswith('[FMPPAYLOAD.'):
raise Warning("Unknown section or section appear sequence error (The correct sequence should be [DEFINES], [FD.], [FV.], [Capsule.], [VTF.], [Rule.], [OptionRom.], [FMPPAYLOAD.])", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
## __GetDefines() method
# Get Defines section contents and store its data into AllMacrosList
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a Defines
# @retval False Not able to find a Defines
def __GetDefines(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[DEFINES"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("[DEFINES", True):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine :], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning("expected [DEFINES", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
while self.__GetNextWord():
# handle the SET statement
if self.__Token == 'SET':
Macro = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken() or self.__Token.startswith('['):
raise Warning("expected MACRO value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__Token
return False
## __GetFd() method
# Get FD section contents and store its data into FD dictionary of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a FD
# @retval False Not able to find a FD
def __GetFd(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[FD."):
if not S.startswith("[FV.") and not S.startswith('[FMPPAYLOAD.') and not S.startswith("[CAPSULE.") \
and not S.startswith("[VTF.") and not S.startswith("[RULE.") and not S.startswith("[OPTIONROM."):
raise Warning("Unknown section", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return False
if not self.__IsToken("[FD.", True):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine :], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning("expected [FD.]", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FdName = self.__GetUiName()
if FdName == "":
if len (self.Profile.FdDict) == 0:
FdName = GenFdsGlobalVariable.PlatformName
if FdName == "" and GlobalData.gActivePlatform:
FdName = GlobalData.gActivePlatform.PlatformName
self.Profile.FdNameNotSet = True
raise Warning("expected FdName in [FD.] section", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.CurrentFdName = FdName.upper()
if self.CurrentFdName in self.Profile.FdDict:
raise Warning("Unexpected the same FD name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FdObj = Fd.FD()
FdObj.FdUiName = self.CurrentFdName
self.Profile.FdDict[self.CurrentFdName] = FdObj
if len (self.Profile.FdDict) > 1 and self.Profile.FdNameNotSet:
raise Warning("expected all FDs have their name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Status = self.__GetCreateFile(FdObj)
if not Status:
raise Warning("FD name error", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
while self.__GetTokenStatements(FdObj):
for Attr in ("BaseAddress", "Size", "ErasePolarity"):
if getattr(FdObj, Attr) == None:
raise Warning("Keyword %s missing" % Attr, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not FdObj.BlockSizeList:
FdObj.BlockSizeList.append((1, FdObj.Size, None))
if not self.__GetRegionLayout(FdObj):
raise Warning("expected region layout", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
while self.__GetRegionLayout(FdObj):
return True
## __GetUiName() method
# Return the UI name of a section
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval FdName UI name
def __GetUiName(self):
Name = ""
if self.__GetNextWord():
Name = self.__Token
return Name
## __GetCreateFile() method
# Return the output file name of object
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj object whose data will be stored in file
# @retval FdName UI name
def __GetCreateFile(self, Obj):
if self.__IsKeyword( "CREATE_FILE"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected file name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FileName = self.__Token
Obj.CreateFileName = FileName
return True
## __GetTokenStatements() method
# Get token statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom token statement is got
def __GetTokenStatements(self, Obj):
if self.__IsKeyword( "BaseAddress"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex base address", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Obj.BaseAddress = self.__Token
if self.__IsToken( "|"):
pcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
Obj.BaseAddressPcd = pcdPair
self.Profile.PcdDict[pcdPair] = Obj.BaseAddress
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[pcdPair] = FileLineTuple
return True
if self.__IsKeyword( "Size"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex size", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Size = self.__Token
if self.__IsToken( "|"):
pcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
Obj.SizePcd = pcdPair
self.Profile.PcdDict[pcdPair] = Size
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[pcdPair] = FileLineTuple
Obj.Size = long(Size, 0)
return True
if self.__IsKeyword( "ErasePolarity"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Erase Polarity", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token != "1" and self.__Token != "0":
raise Warning("expected 1 or 0 Erase Polarity", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Obj.ErasePolarity = self.__Token
return True
return self.__GetBlockStatements(Obj)
## __GetAddressStatements() method
# Get address statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom address statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def __GetAddressStatements(self, Obj):
if self.__IsKeyword("BsBaseAddress"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextDecimalNumber() and not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected address", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
BsAddress = long(self.__Token, 0)
Obj.BsBaseAddress = BsAddress
if self.__IsKeyword("RtBaseAddress"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextDecimalNumber() and not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected address", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
RtAddress = long(self.__Token, 0)
Obj.RtBaseAddress = RtAddress
## __GetBlockStatements() method
# Get block statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom block statement is got
def __GetBlockStatements(self, Obj):
IsBlock = False
while self.__GetBlockStatement(Obj):
IsBlock = True
Item = Obj.BlockSizeList[-1]
if Item[0] == None or Item[1] == None:
raise Warning("expected block statement", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return IsBlock
## __GetBlockStatement() method
# Get block statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom block statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def __GetBlockStatement(self, Obj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "BlockSize"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber() and not self.__GetNextDecimalNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex or Integer block size", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
BlockSize = self.__Token
BlockSizePcd = None
if self.__IsToken( "|"):
PcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
BlockSizePcd = PcdPair
self.Profile.PcdDict[PcdPair] = BlockSize
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[PcdPair] = FileLineTuple
BlockSize = long(BlockSize, 0)
BlockNumber = None
if self.__IsKeyword( "NumBlocks"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextDecimalNumber() and not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected block numbers", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
BlockNumber = long(self.__Token, 0)
Obj.BlockSizeList.append((BlockSize, BlockNumber, BlockSizePcd))
return True
## __GetDefineStatements() method
# Get define statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom define statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def __GetDefineStatements(self, Obj):
while self.__GetDefineStatement( Obj):
## __GetDefineStatement() method
# Get define statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom define statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def __GetDefineStatement(self, Obj):
if self.__IsKeyword("DEFINE"):
Macro = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__Token
Macro = '$(' + Macro + ')'
Obj.DefineVarDict[Macro] = Value
return True
return False
## __GetSetStatements() method
# Get set statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom set statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def __GetSetStatements(self, Obj):
while self.__GetSetStatement(Obj):
## __GetSetStatement() method
# Get set statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom set statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def __GetSetStatement(self, Obj):
if self.__IsKeyword("SET"):
PcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__GetExpression()
Value = self.__EvaluateConditional(Value, self.CurrentLineNumber, 'eval', True)
if Obj:
Obj.SetVarDict[PcdPair] = Value
self.Profile.PcdDict[PcdPair] = Value
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[PcdPair] = FileLineTuple
return True
return False
## __CalcRegionExpr(self)
# Calculate expression for offset or size of a region
# @return: None if invalid expression
# Calculated number if successfully
def __CalcRegionExpr(self):
StartPos = self.GetFileBufferPos()
Expr = ''
PairCount = 0
while not self.__EndOfFile():
CurCh = self.__CurrentChar()
if CurCh == '(':
PairCount += 1
elif CurCh == ')':
PairCount -= 1
if CurCh in '|\r\n' and PairCount == 0:
Expr += CurCh
return long(
except Exception:
return None
## __GetRegionLayout() method
# Get region layout for FD
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Fd for whom region is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def __GetRegionLayout(self, Fd):
Offset = self.__CalcRegionExpr()
if Offset == None:
return False
RegionObj = Region.Region()
RegionObj.Offset = Offset
if not self.__IsToken( "|"):
raise Warning("expected '|'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Size = self.__CalcRegionExpr()
if Size == None:
raise Warning("expected Region Size", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
RegionObj.Size = Size
if not self.__GetNextWord():
return True
if not self.__Token in ("SET", "FV", "FILE", "DATA", "CAPSULE", "INF"):
# If next token is a word which is not a valid FV type, it might be part of [PcdOffset[|PcdSize]]
# Or it might be next region's offset described by an expression which starts with a PCD.
# PcdOffset[|PcdSize] or OffsetPcdExpression|Size
IsRegionPcd = (RegionSizeGuidPattern.match(self.__CurrentLine()[self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:]) or
if IsRegionPcd:
RegionObj.PcdOffset = self.__GetNextPcdName()
self.Profile.PcdDict[RegionObj.PcdOffset] = "0x%08X" % (RegionObj.Offset + long(Fd.BaseAddress, 0))
self.__PcdDict['%s.%s' % (RegionObj.PcdOffset[1], RegionObj.PcdOffset[0])] = "0x%x" % RegionObj.Offset
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[RegionObj.PcdOffset] = FileLineTuple
if self.__IsToken( "|"):
RegionObj.PcdSize = self.__GetNextPcdName()
self.Profile.PcdDict[RegionObj.PcdSize] = "0x%08X" % RegionObj.Size
self.__PcdDict['%s.%s' % (RegionObj.PcdSize[1], RegionObj.PcdSize[0])] = "0x%x" % RegionObj.Size
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[RegionObj.PcdSize] = FileLineTuple
if not self.__GetNextWord():
return True
if self.__Token == "SET":
self.__GetSetStatements( RegionObj)
if not self.__GetNextWord():
return True
elif self.__Token == "FV":
self.__GetRegionFvType( RegionObj)
elif self.__Token == "CAPSULE":
self.__GetRegionCapType( RegionObj)
elif self.__Token == "FILE":
elif self.__Token == "INF":
RegionObj.RegionType = "INF"
while self.__IsKeyword("INF"):
ffsInf = self.__ParseInfStatement()
if not ffsInf:
elif self.__Token == "DATA":
if self.__GetRegionLayout(Fd):
return True
raise Warning("A valid region type was not found. "
"Valid types are [SET, FV, CAPSULE, FILE, DATA, INF]. This error occurred",
self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
## __GetRegionFvType() method
# Get region fv data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def __GetRegionFvType(self, RegionObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FV"):
raise Warning("expected Keyword 'FV'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FV name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
RegionObj.RegionType = "FV"
while self.__IsKeyword( "FV"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FV name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
## __GetRegionCapType() method
# Get region capsule data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def __GetRegionCapType(self, RegionObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword("CAPSULE"):
raise Warning("expected Keyword 'CAPSULE'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected CAPSULE name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
RegionObj.RegionType = "CAPSULE"
while self.__IsKeyword("CAPSULE"):
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected CAPSULE name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
## __GetRegionFileType() method
# Get region file data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def __GetRegionFileType(self, RegionObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FILE"):
raise Warning("expected Keyword 'FILE'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected File name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
RegionObj.RegionType = "FILE"
RegionObj.RegionDataList.append( self.__Token)
while self.__IsKeyword( "FILE"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FILE name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
## __GetRegionDataType() method
# Get region array data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def __GetRegionDataType(self, RegionObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "DATA"):
raise Warning("expected Region Data type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex byte", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if len(self.__Token) > 18:
raise Warning("Hex string can't be converted to a valid UINT64 value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# convert hex string value to byte hex string array
AllString = self.__Token
AllStrLen = len (AllString)
DataString = ""
while AllStrLen > 4:
DataString = DataString + "0x" + AllString[AllStrLen - 2: AllStrLen] + ","
AllStrLen = AllStrLen - 2
DataString = DataString + AllString[:AllStrLen] + ","
# byte value array
if len (self.__Token) <= 4:
while self.__IsToken(","):
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("Invalid Hex number", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if len(self.__Token) > 4:
raise Warning("Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataString += self.__Token
DataString += ","
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataString = DataString.rstrip(",")
RegionObj.RegionType = "DATA"
RegionObj.RegionDataList.append( DataString)
while self.__IsKeyword( "DATA"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex byte", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if len(self.__Token) > 18:
raise Warning("Hex string can't be converted to a valid UINT64 value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# convert hex string value to byte hex string array
AllString = self.__Token
AllStrLen = len (AllString)
DataString = ""
while AllStrLen > 4:
DataString = DataString + "0x" + AllString[AllStrLen - 2: AllStrLen] + ","
AllStrLen = AllStrLen - 2
DataString = DataString + AllString[:AllStrLen] + ","
# byte value array
if len (self.__Token) <= 4:
while self.__IsToken(","):
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("Invalid Hex number", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if len(self.__Token) > 4:
raise Warning("Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataString += self.__Token
DataString += ","
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataString = DataString.rstrip(",")
RegionObj.RegionDataList.append( DataString)
## __GetFv() method
# Get FV section contents and store its data into FV dictionary of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a FV
# @retval False Not able to find a FV
def __GetFv(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[FV."):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("[FV.", True):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine :], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning("Unknown Keyword '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvName = self.__GetUiName()
self.CurrentFvName = FvName.upper()
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj = Fv.FV()
FvObj.UiFvName = self.CurrentFvName
self.Profile.FvDict[self.CurrentFvName] = FvObj
Status = self.__GetCreateFile(FvObj)
if not Status:
raise Warning("FV name error", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj.FvExtEntryTypeValue = []
FvObj.FvExtEntryType = []
FvObj.FvExtEntryData = []
while True:
if not (self.__GetBlockStatement(FvObj) or self.__GetFvBaseAddress(FvObj) or
self.__GetFvForceRebase(FvObj) or self.__GetFvAlignment(FvObj) or
self.__GetFvAttributes(FvObj) or self.__GetFvNameGuid(FvObj) or
self.__GetFvExtEntryStatement(FvObj) or self.__GetFvNameString(FvObj)):
if FvObj.FvNameString == 'TRUE' and not FvObj.FvNameGuid:
raise Warning("FvNameString found but FvNameGuid was not found", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.__GetAprioriSection(FvObj, FvObj.DefineVarDict.copy())
self.__GetAprioriSection(FvObj, FvObj.DefineVarDict.copy())
while True:
isInf = self.__GetInfStatement(FvObj, MacroDict = FvObj.DefineVarDict.copy())
isFile = self.__GetFileStatement(FvObj, MacroDict = FvObj.DefineVarDict.copy())
if not isInf and not isFile:
return True
## __GetFvAlignment() method
# Get alignment for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom alignment is got
# @retval True Successfully find a alignment statement
# @retval False Not able to find a alignment statement
def __GetFvAlignment(self, Obj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FvAlignment"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected alignment value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token.upper() not in ("1", "2", "4", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", \
"1K", "2K", "4K", "8K", "16K", "32K", "64K", "128K", "256K", "512K", \
"1M", "2M", "4M", "8M", "16M", "32M", "64M", "128M", "256M", "512M", \
"1G", "2G"):
raise Warning("Unknown alignment value '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Obj.FvAlignment = self.__Token
return True
## __GetFvBaseAddress() method
# Get BaseAddress for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FvBaseAddress is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FvBaseAddress statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FvBaseAddress statement
def __GetFvBaseAddress(self, Obj):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FvBaseAddress"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FV base address value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
IsValidBaseAddrValue = re.compile('^0[x|X][0-9a-fA-F]+')
if not IsValidBaseAddrValue.match(self.__Token.upper()):
raise Warning("Unknown FV base address value '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Obj.FvBaseAddress = self.__Token
return True
## __GetFvForceRebase() method
# Get FvForceRebase for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FvForceRebase is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FvForceRebase statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FvForceRebase statement
def __GetFvForceRebase(self, Obj):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FvForceRebase"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FvForceRebase value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token.upper() not in ["TRUE", "FALSE", "0", "0X0", "0X00", "1", "0X1", "0X01"]:
raise Warning("Unknown FvForceRebase value '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token.upper() in ["TRUE", "1", "0X1", "0X01"]:
Obj.FvForceRebase = True
elif self.__Token.upper() in ["FALSE", "0", "0X0", "0X00"]:
Obj.FvForceRebase = False
Obj.FvForceRebase = None
return True
## __GetFvAttributes() method
# Get attributes for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom attribute is got
# @retval None
def __GetFvAttributes(self, FvObj):
IsWordToken = False
while self.__GetNextWord():
IsWordToken = True
name = self.__Token
if name not in ("ERASE_POLARITY", "MEMORY_MAPPED", \
return False
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken() or self.__Token.upper() not in ("TRUE", "FALSE", "1", "0"):
raise Warning("expected TRUE/FALSE (1/0)", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj.FvAttributeDict[name] = self.__Token
return IsWordToken
## __GetFvNameGuid() method
# Get FV GUID for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom GUID is got
# @retval None
def __GetFvNameGuid(self, FvObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FvNameGuid"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextGuid():
raise Warning("expected FV GUID value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj.FvNameGuid = self.__Token
return True
def __GetFvNameString(self, FvObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FvNameString"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken() or self.__Token not in ('TRUE', 'FALSE'):
raise Warning("expected TRUE or FALSE for FvNameString", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj.FvNameString = self.__Token
return True
def __GetFvExtEntryStatement(self, FvObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FV_EXT_ENTRY"):
return False
if not self.__IsKeyword ("TYPE"):
raise Warning("expected 'TYPE'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber() and not self.__GetNextDecimalNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex FV extension entry type value At Line ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj.FvExtEntryTypeValue += [self.__Token]
if not self.__IsToken( "{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsKeyword ("FILE") and not self.__IsKeyword ("DATA"):
raise Warning("expected 'FILE' or 'DATA'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj.FvExtEntryType += [self.__Token]
if self.__Token == 'DATA':
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex byte", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if len(self.__Token) > 4:
raise Warning("Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataString = self.__Token
DataString += ","
while self.__IsToken(","):
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("Invalid Hex number", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if len(self.__Token) > 4:
raise Warning("Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataString += self.__Token
DataString += ","
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataString = DataString.rstrip(",")
FvObj.FvExtEntryData += [DataString]
if self.__Token == 'FILE':
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FV Extension Entry file path At Line ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvObj.FvExtEntryData += [self.__Token]
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
## __GetAprioriSection() method
# Get token statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FvObj for whom apriori is got
# @param MacroDict dictionary used to replace macro
# @retval True Successfully find apriori statement
# @retval False Not able to find apriori statement
def __GetAprioriSection(self, FvObj, MacroDict = {}):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "APRIORI"):
return False
if not self.__IsKeyword("PEI") and not self.__IsKeyword("DXE"):
raise Warning("expected Apriori file type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
AprType = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
AprSectionObj = AprioriSection.AprioriSection()
AprSectionObj.AprioriType = AprType
while True:
IsInf = self.__GetInfStatement( AprSectionObj, MacroDict = MacroDict)
IsFile = self.__GetFileStatement( AprSectionObj)
if not IsInf and not IsFile:
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
def __ParseInfStatement(self):
if not self.__IsKeyword("INF"):
return None
ffsInf = FfsInfStatement.FfsInfStatement()
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected INF file path", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
ffsInf.InfFileName = self.__Token
ffsInf.CurrentLineNum = self.CurrentLineNumber
ffsInf.CurrentLineContent = self.__CurrentLine()
#Replace $(SAPCE) with real space
ffsInf.InfFileName = ffsInf.InfFileName.replace('$(SPACE)', ' ')
if ffsInf.InfFileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '').find('$') == -1:
#do case sensitive check for file path
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClass(NormPath(ffsInf.InfFileName), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir).Validate()
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if not ffsInf.InfFileName in self.Profile.InfList:
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if ffsInf.UseArch:
if ffsInf.UseArch not in self.Profile.InfDict:
self.Profile.InfDict[ffsInf.UseArch] = [ffsInf.InfFileName]
if self.__IsToken('|'):
if self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_STRIPPED'):
ffsInf.KeepReloc = False
elif self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_RETAINED'):
ffsInf.KeepReloc = True
raise Warning("Unknown reloc strip flag '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return ffsInf
## __GetInfStatement() method
# Get INF statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom inf statement is got
# @param MacroDict dictionary used to replace macro
# @retval True Successfully find inf statement
# @retval False Not able to find inf statement
def __GetInfStatement(self, Obj, ForCapsule=False, MacroDict={}):
ffsInf = self.__ParseInfStatement()
if not ffsInf:
return False
if ForCapsule:
capsuleFfs = CapsuleData.CapsuleFfs()
capsuleFfs.Ffs = ffsInf
return True
## __GetInfOptions() method
# Get options for INF
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsInfObj for whom option is got
def __GetInfOptions(self, FfsInfObj):
if self.__IsKeyword("FILE_GUID"):
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextGuid():
raise Warning("expected GUID value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FfsInfObj.OverrideGuid = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "RuleOverride"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Rule name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FfsInfObj.Rule = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "VERSION"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Version", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__GetStringData():
FfsInfObj.Version = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "UI"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected UI name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__GetStringData():
FfsInfObj.Ui = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "USE"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected ARCH name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FfsInfObj.UseArch = self.__Token
if self.__GetNextToken():
p = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(TARGET\)|\*)_([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG\)|\*)_([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(ARCH\))')
if p.match(self.__Token) and p.match(self.__Token).span()[1] == len(self.__Token):
if not self.__IsToken(","):
while self.__GetNextToken():
if not p.match(self.__Token):
raise Warning("expected KeyString \"Target_Tag_Arch\"", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken(","):
## __GetFileStatement() method
# Get FILE statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FILE statement is got
# @param MacroDict dictionary used to replace macro
# @retval True Successfully find FILE statement
# @retval False Not able to find FILE statement
def __GetFileStatement(self, Obj, ForCapsule = False, MacroDict = {}):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FILE"):
return False
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected FFS type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if ForCapsule and self.__Token == 'DATA':
return False
FfsFileObj = FfsFileStatement.FileStatement()
FfsFileObj.FvFileType = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextGuid():
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected File GUID", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token == 'PCD':
if not self.__IsToken( "("):
raise Warning("expected '('", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
PcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
if not self.__IsToken( ")"):
raise Warning("expected ')'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.__Token = 'PCD('+PcdPair[1]+'.'+PcdPair[0]+')'
FfsFileObj.NameGuid = self.__Token
self.__GetFilePart( FfsFileObj, MacroDict.copy())
if ForCapsule:
capsuleFfs = CapsuleData.CapsuleFfs()
capsuleFfs.Ffs = FfsFileObj
return True
## __FileCouldHaveRelocFlag() method
# Check whether reloc strip flag can be set for a file type.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileType The file type to check with
# @retval True This type could have relocation strip flag
# @retval False No way to have it
def __FileCouldHaveRelocFlag (self, FileType):
if FileType in ('SEC', 'PEI_CORE', 'PEIM', 'PEI_DXE_COMBO'):
return True
return False
## __SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag() method
# Check whether reloc strip flag can be set for a section type.
# @param self The object pointer
# @param SectionType The section type to check with
# @retval True This type could have relocation strip flag
# @retval False No way to have it
def __SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag (self, SectionType):
if SectionType in ('TE', 'PE32'):
return True
return False
## __GetFilePart() method
# Get components for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom component is got
# @param MacroDict dictionary used to replace macro
def __GetFilePart(self, FfsFileObj, MacroDict = {}):
self.__GetFileOpts( FfsFileObj)
if not self.__IsToken("{"):
if self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_STRIPPED') or self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_RETAINED'):
if self.__FileCouldHaveRelocFlag(FfsFileObj.FvFileType):
if self.__Token == 'RELOCS_STRIPPED':
FfsFileObj.KeepReloc = False
FfsFileObj.KeepReloc = True
raise Warning("File type %s could not have reloc strip flag%d" % (FfsFileObj.FvFileType, self.CurrentLineNumber), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected File name or section data", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token == "FV":
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FV name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FfsFileObj.FvName = self.__Token
elif self.__Token == "FD":
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FD name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FfsFileObj.FdName = self.__Token
elif self.__Token in ("DEFINE", "APRIORI", "SECTION"):
self.__GetSectionData( FfsFileObj, MacroDict)
elif hasattr(FfsFileObj, 'FvFileType') and FfsFileObj.FvFileType == 'RAW':
self.__GetRAWData(FfsFileObj, MacroDict)
FfsFileObj.CurrentLineNum = self.CurrentLineNumber
FfsFileObj.CurrentLineContent = self.__CurrentLine()
FfsFileObj.FileName = self.__Token.replace('$(SPACE)', ' ')
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
## __GetRAWData() method
# Get RAW data for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom section is got
# @param MacroDict dictionary used to replace macro
def __GetRAWData(self, FfsFileObj, MacroDict = {}):
FfsFileObj.FileName = []
FfsFileObj.SubAlignment = []
while True:
AlignValue = None
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("Auto", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#For FFS, Auto is default option same to ""
if not self.__Token == "Auto":
AlignValue = self.__Token
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Filename value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FileName = self.__Token.replace('$(SPACE)', ' ')
if FileName == '}':
raise Warning("expected Filename value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
File = PathClass(NormPath(FileName), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir)
if self.__IsToken( "}"):
if len(FfsFileObj.SubAlignment) == 1:
FfsFileObj.SubAlignment = FfsFileObj.SubAlignment[0]
if len(FfsFileObj.FileName) == 1:
FfsFileObj.FileName = FfsFileObj.FileName[0]
## __GetFileOpts() method
# Get options for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom options is got
def __GetFileOpts(self, FfsFileObj):
if self.__GetNextToken():
Pattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(TARGET\)|\*)_([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG\)|\*)_([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(ARCH\)|\*)')
if Pattern.match(self.__Token):
if self.__IsToken(","):
while self.__GetNextToken():
if not Pattern.match(self.__Token):
raise Warning("expected KeyString \"Target_Tag_Arch\"", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken(","):
if self.__IsKeyword( "FIXED", True):
FfsFileObj.Fixed = True
if self.__IsKeyword( "CHECKSUM", True):
FfsFileObj.CheckSum = True
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("Auto", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#For FFS, Auto is default option same to ""
if not self.__Token == "Auto":
FfsFileObj.Alignment = self.__Token
## __GetAlignment() method
# Return the alignment value
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find alignment
# @retval False Not able to find alignment
def __GetAlignment(self):
if self.__IsKeyword( "Align", True):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected alignment value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
return False
## __GetFilePart() method
# Get section data for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom section is got
# @param MacroDict dictionary used to replace macro
def __GetSectionData(self, FfsFileObj, MacroDict = {}):
Dict = {}
self.__GetAprioriSection(FfsFileObj, Dict.copy())
self.__GetAprioriSection(FfsFileObj, Dict.copy())
while True:
IsLeafSection = self.__GetLeafSection(FfsFileObj, Dict)
IsEncapSection = self.__GetEncapsulationSec(FfsFileObj)
if not IsLeafSection and not IsEncapSection:
## __GetLeafSection() method
# Get leaf section for Obj
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom leaf section is got
# @param MacroDict dictionary used to replace macro
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def __GetLeafSection(self, Obj, MacroDict = {}):
OldPos = self.GetFileBufferPos()
if not self.__IsKeyword( "SECTION"):
if len(Obj.SectionList) == 0:
raise Warning("expected SECTION", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return False
AlignValue = None
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("Auto", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
AlignValue = self.__Token
BuildNum = None
if self.__IsKeyword( "BUILD_NUM"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Build number value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
BuildNum = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "VERSION"):
if AlignValue == 'Auto':
raise Warning("Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected version", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
VerSectionObj = VerSection.VerSection()
VerSectionObj.Alignment = AlignValue
VerSectionObj.BuildNum = BuildNum
if self.__GetStringData():
VerSectionObj.StringData = self.__Token
VerSectionObj.FileName = self.__Token
elif self.__IsKeyword( "UI"):
if AlignValue == 'Auto':
raise Warning("Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected UI", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
UiSectionObj = UiSection.UiSection()
UiSectionObj.Alignment = AlignValue
if self.__GetStringData():
UiSectionObj.StringData = self.__Token
UiSectionObj.FileName = self.__Token
elif self.__IsKeyword( "FV_IMAGE"):
if AlignValue == 'Auto':
raise Warning("Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FV name or FV file path", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvName = self.__Token
FvObj = None
if self.__IsToken( "{"):
FvObj = Fv.FV()
FvObj.UiFvName = FvName.upper()
self.__GetAprioriSection(FvObj, MacroDict.copy())
self.__GetAprioriSection(FvObj, MacroDict.copy())
while True:
IsInf = self.__GetInfStatement(FvObj, MacroDict.copy())
IsFile = self.__GetFileStatement(FvObj, MacroDict.copy())
if not IsInf and not IsFile:
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvImageSectionObj = FvImageSection.FvImageSection()
FvImageSectionObj.Alignment = AlignValue
if FvObj != None:
FvImageSectionObj.Fv = FvObj
FvImageSectionObj.FvName = None
FvImageSectionObj.FvName = FvName.upper()
FvImageSectionObj.FvFileName = FvName
elif self.__IsKeyword("PEI_DEPEX_EXP") or self.__IsKeyword("DXE_DEPEX_EXP") or self.__IsKeyword("SMM_DEPEX_EXP"):
if AlignValue == 'Auto':
raise Warning("Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DepexSectionObj = DepexSection.DepexSection()
DepexSectionObj.Alignment = AlignValue
DepexSectionObj.DepexType = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken( "{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__SkipToToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected Depex expression ending '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DepexSectionObj.Expression = self.__SkippedChars.rstrip('}')
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected section type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# Encapsulation section appear, UndoToken and return
if self.__Token == "COMPRESS" or self.__Token == "GUIDED":
return False
if self.__Token not in ("COMPAT16", "PE32", "PIC", "TE", "FV_IMAGE", "RAW", "DXE_DEPEX",\
raise Warning("Unknown section type '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if AlignValue == 'Auto'and (not self.__Token == 'PE32') and (not self.__Token == 'TE'):
raise Warning("Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# DataSection
DataSectionObj = DataSection.DataSection()
DataSectionObj.Alignment = AlignValue
DataSectionObj.SecType = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_STRIPPED') or self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_RETAINED'):
if self.__FileCouldHaveRelocFlag(Obj.FvFileType) and self.__SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag(DataSectionObj.SecType):
if self.__Token == 'RELOCS_STRIPPED':
DataSectionObj.KeepReloc = False
DataSectionObj.KeepReloc = True
raise Warning("File type %s, section type %s, could not have reloc strip flag%d" % (Obj.FvFileType, DataSectionObj.SecType, self.CurrentLineNumber), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__IsToken("="):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected section file path", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
DataSectionObj.SectFileName = self.__Token
if not self.__GetCglSection(DataSectionObj):
return False
return True
## __VerifyFile
# Check if file exists or not:
# If current phase if GenFds, the file must exist;
# If current phase is AutoGen and the file is not in $(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY), the file must exist
# @param FileName: File path to be verified.
def __VerifyFile(self, FileName):
if FileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '').find('$') != -1:
if not GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase or not self.__GetMacroValue("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY") in FileName:
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClass(NormPath(FileName), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir).Validate()
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
## __GetCglSection() method
# Get compressed or GUIDed section for Obj
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom leaf section is got
# @param AlignValue alignment value for complex section
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def __GetCglSection(self, Obj, AlignValue = None):
if self.__IsKeyword( "COMPRESS"):
type = "PI_STD"
if self.__IsKeyword("PI_STD") or self.__IsKeyword("PI_NONE"):
type = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken("{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompressSectionObj = CompressSection.CompressSection()
CompressSectionObj.Alignment = AlignValue
CompressSectionObj.CompType = type
# Recursive sections...
while True:
IsLeafSection = self.__GetLeafSection(CompressSectionObj)
IsEncapSection = self.__GetEncapsulationSec(CompressSectionObj)
if not IsLeafSection and not IsEncapSection:
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# else:
# raise Warning("Compress type not known")
return True
elif self.__IsKeyword( "GUIDED"):
GuidValue = None
if self.__GetNextGuid():
GuidValue = self.__Token
AttribDict = self.__GetGuidAttrib()
if not self.__IsToken("{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
GuidSectionObj = GuidSection.GuidSection()
GuidSectionObj.Alignment = AlignValue
GuidSectionObj.NameGuid = GuidValue
GuidSectionObj.SectionType = "GUIDED"
GuidSectionObj.ProcessRequired = AttribDict["PROCESSING_REQUIRED"]
GuidSectionObj.AuthStatusValid = AttribDict["AUTH_STATUS_VALID"]
GuidSectionObj.ExtraHeaderSize = AttribDict["EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE"]
# Recursive sections...
while True:
IsLeafSection = self.__GetLeafSection(GuidSectionObj)
IsEncapSection = self.__GetEncapsulationSec(GuidSectionObj)
if not IsLeafSection and not IsEncapSection:
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
return False
## __GetGuidAttri() method
# Get attributes for GUID section
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval AttribDict Dictionary of key-value pair of section attributes
def __GetGuidAttrib(self):
AttribDict = {}
AttribDict["EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE"] = -1
while self.__IsKeyword("PROCESSING_REQUIRED") or self.__IsKeyword("AUTH_STATUS_VALID") \
or self.__IsKeyword("EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE"):
AttribKey = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected TRUE(1)/FALSE(0)/Number", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif AttribKey == "EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE":
Base = 10
if self.__Token[0:2].upper() == "0X":
Base = 16
AttribDict[AttribKey] = int(self.__Token, Base)
except ValueError:
raise Warning("expected Number", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif self.__Token.upper() not in ("TRUE", "FALSE", "1", "0"):
raise Warning("expected TRUE/FALSE (1/0)", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
AttribDict[AttribKey] = self.__Token
return AttribDict
## __GetEncapsulationSec() method
# Get encapsulation section for FILE
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFile for whom section is got
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def __GetEncapsulationSec(self, FfsFileObj):
OldPos = self.GetFileBufferPos()
if not self.__IsKeyword( "SECTION"):
if len(FfsFileObj.SectionList) == 0:
raise Warning("expected SECTION", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return False
AlignValue = None
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
AlignValue = self.__Token
if not self.__GetCglSection(FfsFileObj, AlignValue):
return False
return True
def __GetFmp(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[FMPPAYLOAD."):
return False
self.__SkipToToken("[FMPPAYLOAD.", True)
FmpUiName = self.__GetUiName().upper()
if FmpUiName in self.Profile.FmpPayloadDict:
raise Warning("Duplicated FMP UI name found: %s" % FmpUiName, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FmpData = CapsuleData.CapsulePayload()
FmpData.UiName = FmpUiName
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("The FMP payload section is empty!", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
while self.__Token in FmpKeyList:
Name = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if Name == 'IMAGE_TYPE_ID':
if not self.__GetNextGuid():
raise Warning("expected GUID value for IMAGE_TYPE_ID.", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FmpData.ImageTypeId = self.__Token
elif Name == 'CERTIFICATE_GUID':
if not self.__GetNextGuid():
raise Warning("expected GUID value for CERTIFICATE_GUID.", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FmpData.Certificate_Guid = self.__Token
if uuid.UUID(FmpData.Certificate_Guid) != EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256_GUID and uuid.UUID(FmpData.Certificate_Guid) != EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID:
raise Warning("Only support EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256_GUID or EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID for CERTIFICATE_GUID.", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected value of %s" % Name, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__Token
if self.__Verify(Name, Value, 'UINT8'):
FmpData.Version = Value
elif Name == 'IMAGE_INDEX':
if self.__Verify(Name, Value, 'UINT8'):
FmpData.ImageIndex = Value
if self.__Verify(Name, Value, 'UINT8'):
FmpData.HardwareInstance = Value
elif Name == 'MONOTONIC_COUNT':
if self.__Verify(Name, Value, 'UINT64'):
FmpData.MonotonicCount = Value
if FmpData.MonotonicCount.upper().startswith('0X'):
FmpData.MonotonicCount = (long)(FmpData.MonotonicCount, 16)
FmpData.MonotonicCount = (long)(FmpData.MonotonicCount)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
if (FmpData.MonotonicCount and not FmpData.Certificate_Guid) or (not FmpData.MonotonicCount and FmpData.Certificate_Guid):
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FORMAT_INVALID, "CERTIFICATE_GUID and MONOTONIC_COUNT must be work as a pair.")
# Only the IMAGE_TYPE_ID is required item
if FmpKeyList and 'IMAGE_TYPE_ID' in FmpKeyList:
raise Warning("Missing keywords IMAGE_TYPE_ID in FMP payload section.", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# get the Image file and Vendor code file
if not FmpData.ImageFile:
raise Warning("Missing image file in FMP payload section.", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
# check whether more than one Vendor code file
if len(FmpData.VendorCodeFile) > 1:
raise Warning("At most one Image file and one Vendor code file are allowed in FMP payload section.", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.Profile.FmpPayloadDict[FmpUiName] = FmpData
return True
## __GetCapsule() method
# Get capsule section contents and store its data into capsule list of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a capsule
# @retval False Not able to find a capsule
def __GetCapsule(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[CAPSULE."):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("[CAPSULE.", True):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine :], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning("expected [Capsule.]", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CapsuleObj = Capsule.Capsule()
CapsuleName = self.__GetUiName()
if not CapsuleName:
raise Warning("expected capsule name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CapsuleObj.UiCapsuleName = CapsuleName.upper()
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__IsKeyword("CREATE_FILE"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected file name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CapsuleObj.CreateFile = self.__Token
self.Profile.CapsuleDict[CapsuleObj.UiCapsuleName] = CapsuleObj
return True
## __GetCapsuleStatements() method
# Get statements for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom statements are got
def __GetCapsuleStatements(self, Obj):
## __GetCapsuleTokens() method
# Get token statements for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom token statements are got
def __GetCapsuleTokens(self, Obj):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
Name = self.__Token.strip()
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if Name == 'CAPSULE_FLAGS':
if not self.__Token in ("PersistAcrossReset", "PopulateSystemTable", "InitiateReset"):
raise Warning("expected PersistAcrossReset, PopulateSystemTable, or InitiateReset", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__Token.strip()
while self.__IsToken(","):
Value += ','
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected value", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__Token in ("PersistAcrossReset", "PopulateSystemTable", "InitiateReset"):
raise Warning("expected PersistAcrossReset, PopulateSystemTable, or InitiateReset", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value += self.__Token.strip()
elif Name == 'OEM_CAPSULE_FLAGS':
Value = self.__Token.strip()
if not Value.upper().startswith('0X'):
raise Warning("expected hex value between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = int(Value, 0)
except ValueError:
raise Warning("expected hex value between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not 0x0000 <= Value <= 0xFFFF:
raise Warning("expected hex value between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Value = self.__Token.strip()
Value = self.__Token.strip()
Obj.TokensDict[Name] = Value
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
## __GetCapsuleData() method
# Get capsule data for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom capsule data are got
def __GetCapsuleData(self, Obj):
while True:
IsInf = self.__GetInfStatement(Obj, True)
IsFile = self.__GetFileStatement(Obj, True)
IsFv = self.__GetFvStatement(Obj)
IsFd = self.__GetFdStatement(Obj)
IsAnyFile = self.__GetAnyFileStatement(Obj)
IsAfile = self.__GetAfileStatement(Obj)
IsFmp = self.__GetFmpStatement(Obj)
if not (IsInf or IsFile or IsFv or IsFd or IsAnyFile or IsAfile or IsFmp):
## __GetFMPCapsuleData() method
# Get capsule data for FMP capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom capsule data are got
def __GetFMPCapsuleData(self, Obj):
while True:
IsFv = self.__GetFvStatement(Obj, True)
IsFd = self.__GetFdStatement(Obj, True)
IsAnyFile = self.__GetAnyFileStatement(Obj, True)
if not (IsFv or IsFd or IsAnyFile):
## __GetFvStatement() method
# Get FV for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom FV is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FV statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FV statement
def __GetFvStatement(self, CapsuleObj, FMPCapsule = False):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FV"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FV name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token.upper() not in self.Profile.FvDict.keys():
raise Warning("FV name does not exist", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CapsuleFv = CapsuleData.CapsuleFv()
CapsuleFv.FvName = self.__Token
if FMPCapsule:
if not CapsuleObj.ImageFile:
return True
## __GetFdStatement() method
# Get FD for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom FD is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FD statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FD statement
def __GetFdStatement(self, CapsuleObj, FMPCapsule = False):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FD"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected FD name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token.upper() not in self.Profile.FdDict.keys():
raise Warning("FD name does not exist", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CapsuleFd = CapsuleData.CapsuleFd()
CapsuleFd.FdName = self.__Token
if FMPCapsule:
if not CapsuleObj.ImageFile:
return True
def __GetFmpStatement(self, CapsuleObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FMP_PAYLOAD"):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FMP"):
return False
if not self.__IsKeyword("PAYLOAD"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected payload name after FMP_PAYLOAD =", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Payload = self.__Token.upper()
if Payload not in self.Profile.FmpPayloadDict:
raise Warning("This FMP Payload does not exist: %s" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
def __ParseRawFileStatement(self):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FILE"):
return None
if not self.__IsKeyword("DATA"):
return None
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected File name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
AnyFileName = self.__Token
if not os.path.isabs(AnyFileName):
AnyFileName = mws.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir, AnyFileName)
return AnyFileName
## __GetAnyFileStatement() method
# Get AnyFile for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom AnyFile is got
# @retval True Successfully find a Anyfile statement
# @retval False Not able to find a AnyFile statement
def __GetAnyFileStatement(self, CapsuleObj, FMPCapsule = False):
AnyFileName = self.__ParseRawFileStatement()
if not AnyFileName:
return False
CapsuleAnyFile = CapsuleData.CapsuleAnyFile()
CapsuleAnyFile.FileName = AnyFileName
if FMPCapsule:
if not CapsuleObj.ImageFile:
return True
## __GetAfileStatement() method
# Get Afile for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom Afile is got
# @retval True Successfully find a Afile statement
# @retval False Not able to find a Afile statement
def __GetAfileStatement(self, CapsuleObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword("APPEND"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Afile name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
AfileName = self.__Token
AfileBaseName = os.path.basename(AfileName)
if os.path.splitext(AfileBaseName)[1] not in [".bin",".BIN",".Bin",".dat",".DAT",".Dat",".data",".DATA",".Data"]:
raise Warning('invalid binary file type, should be one of "bin","BIN","Bin","dat","DAT","Dat","data","DATA","Data"', \
self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not os.path.isabs(AfileName):
AfileName = GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(AfileName)
if not os.path.exists(AfileName):
raise Warning('%s does not exist' % AfileName, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CapsuleAfile = CapsuleData.CapsuleAfile()
CapsuleAfile.FileName = AfileName
return True
## __GetRule() method
# Get Rule section contents and store its data into rule list of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a Rule
# @retval False Not able to find a Rule
def __GetRule(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[RULE."):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("[Rule.", True):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine :], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning("expected [Rule.]", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__SkipToToken("."):
raise Warning("expected '.'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Arch = self.__SkippedChars.rstrip(".")
if Arch.upper() not in ("IA32", "X64", "IPF", "EBC", "ARM", "AARCH64", "COMMON"):
raise Warning("Unknown Arch '%s'" % Arch, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
ModuleType = self.__GetModuleType()
TemplateName = ""
if self.__IsToken("."):
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected template name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
TemplateName = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
RuleObj = self.__GetRuleFileStatements()
RuleObj.Arch = Arch.upper()
RuleObj.ModuleType = ModuleType
RuleObj.TemplateName = TemplateName
if TemplateName == '' :
self.Profile.RuleDict['RULE' + \
'.' + \
Arch.upper() + \
'.' + \
ModuleType.upper() ] = RuleObj
else :
self.Profile.RuleDict['RULE' + \
'.' + \
Arch.upper() + \
'.' + \
ModuleType.upper() + \
'.' + \
TemplateName.upper() ] = RuleObj
# self.Profile.RuleList.append(rule)
return True
## __GetModuleType() method
# Return the module type
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval string module type
def __GetModuleType(self):
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected Module type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token.upper() not in ("SEC", "PEI_CORE", "PEIM", "DXE_CORE", \
raise Warning("Unknown Module type '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return self.__Token
## __GetFileExtension() method
# Return the file extension
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval string file name extension
def __GetFileExtension(self):
if not self.__IsToken("."):
raise Warning("expected '.'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Ext = ""
if self.__GetNextToken():
Pattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)')
if Pattern.match(self.__Token):
Ext = self.__Token
return '.' + Ext
raise Warning("Unknown file extension '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
raise Warning("expected file extension", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
## __GetRuleFileStatement() method
# Get rule contents
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Rule Rule object
def __GetRuleFileStatements(self):
if not self.__IsKeyword("FILE"):
raise Warning("expected FILE", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected FFS type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Type = self.__Token.strip().upper()
if Type not in ("RAW", "FREEFORM", "SEC", "PEI_CORE", "PEIM",\
raise Warning("Unknown FV type '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsKeyword("$(NAMED_GUID)"):
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected $(NAMED_GUID)", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token == 'PCD':
if not self.__IsToken( "("):
raise Warning("expected '('", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
PcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
if not self.__IsToken( ")"):
raise Warning("expected ')'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.__Token = 'PCD('+PcdPair[1]+'.'+PcdPair[0]+')'
NameGuid = self.__Token
KeepReloc = None
if self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_STRIPPED') or self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_RETAINED'):
if self.__FileCouldHaveRelocFlag(Type):
if self.__Token == 'RELOCS_STRIPPED':
KeepReloc = False
KeepReloc = True
raise Warning("File type %s could not have reloc strip flag%d" % (Type, self.CurrentLineNumber), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
KeyStringList = []
if self.__GetNextToken():
Pattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(TARGET\)|\*)_([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG\)|\*)_([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+|\$\(ARCH\)|\*)')
if Pattern.match(self.__Token):
if self.__IsToken(","):
while self.__GetNextToken():
if not Pattern.match(self.__Token):
raise Warning("expected KeyString \"Target_Tag_Arch\"", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken(","):
Fixed = False
if self.__IsKeyword("Fixed", True):
Fixed = True
CheckSum = False
if self.__IsKeyword("CheckSum", True):
CheckSum = True
AlignValue = ""
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("Auto", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#For FFS, Auto is default option same to ""
if not self.__Token == "Auto":
AlignValue = self.__Token
if self.__IsToken("{"):
# Complex file rule expected
Rule = RuleComplexFile.RuleComplexFile()
Rule.FvFileType = Type
Rule.NameGuid = NameGuid
Rule.Alignment = AlignValue
Rule.CheckSum = CheckSum
Rule.Fixed = Fixed
Rule.KeyStringList = KeyStringList
if KeepReloc != None:
Rule.KeepReloc = KeepReloc
while True:
IsEncapsulate = self.__GetRuleEncapsulationSection(Rule)
IsLeaf = self.__GetEfiSection(Rule)
if not IsEncapsulate and not IsLeaf:
if not self.__IsToken("}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return Rule
# Simple file rule expected
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected leaf section type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
SectionName = self.__Token
if SectionName not in ("COMPAT16", "PE32", "PIC", "TE", "FV_IMAGE", "RAW", "DXE_DEPEX",\
raise Warning("Unknown leaf section name '%s'" % SectionName, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__IsKeyword("Fixed", True):
Fixed = True
if self.__IsKeyword("CheckSum", True):
CheckSum = True
SectAlignment = ""
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("Auto", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token == 'Auto' and (not SectionName == 'PE32') and (not SectionName == 'TE'):
raise Warning("Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
SectAlignment = self.__Token
Ext = None
if self.__IsToken('|'):
Ext = self.__GetFileExtension()
elif not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected File name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Rule = RuleSimpleFile.RuleSimpleFile()
Rule.SectionType = SectionName
Rule.FvFileType = Type
Rule.NameGuid = NameGuid
Rule.Alignment = AlignValue
Rule.SectAlignment = SectAlignment
Rule.CheckSum = CheckSum
Rule.Fixed = Fixed
Rule.KeyStringList = KeyStringList
if KeepReloc != None:
Rule.KeepReloc = KeepReloc
Rule.FileExtension = Ext
Rule.FileName = self.__Token
return Rule
## __GetEfiSection() method
# Get section list for Rule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom section is got
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def __GetEfiSection(self, Obj):
OldPos = self.GetFileBufferPos()
if not self.__GetNextWord():
return False
SectionName = self.__Token
if SectionName not in ("COMPAT16", "PE32", "PIC", "TE", "FV_IMAGE", "RAW", "DXE_DEPEX",\
return False
if SectionName == "FV_IMAGE":
FvImageSectionObj = FvImageSection.FvImageSection()
if self.__IsKeyword("FV_IMAGE"):
if self.__IsToken( "{"):
FvObj = Fv.FV()
while True:
IsInf = self.__GetInfStatement(FvObj)
IsFile = self.__GetFileStatement(FvObj)
if not IsInf and not IsFile:
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvImageSectionObj.Fv = FvObj
FvImageSectionObj.FvName = None
if not self.__IsKeyword("FV"):
raise Warning("expected 'FV'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvImageSectionObj.FvFileType = self.__Token
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FvImageSectionObj.Alignment = self.__Token
if self.__IsToken('|'):
FvImageSectionObj.FvFileExtension = self.__GetFileExtension()
elif self.__GetNextToken():
if self.__Token not in ("}", "COMPAT16", "PE32", "PIC", "TE", "FV_IMAGE", "RAW", "DXE_DEPEX",\
FvImageSectionObj.FvFileName = self.__Token
raise Warning("expected FV file name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
EfiSectionObj = EfiSection.EfiSection()
EfiSectionObj.SectionType = SectionName
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected file type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token == "STRING":
if not self.__RuleSectionCouldHaveString(EfiSectionObj.SectionType):
raise Warning("%s section could NOT have string data%d" % (EfiSectionObj.SectionType, self.CurrentLineNumber), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken('='):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Quoted String", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__GetStringData():
EfiSectionObj.StringData = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword("BUILD_NUM"):
if not self.__RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum(EfiSectionObj.SectionType):
raise Warning("%s section could NOT have BUILD_NUM%d" % (EfiSectionObj.SectionType, self.CurrentLineNumber), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Build number", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
EfiSectionObj.BuildNum = self.__Token
EfiSectionObj.FileType = self.__Token
self.__CheckRuleSectionFileType(EfiSectionObj.SectionType, EfiSectionObj.FileType)
if self.__IsKeyword("Optional"):
if not self.__RuleSectionCouldBeOptional(EfiSectionObj.SectionType):
raise Warning("%s section could NOT be optional%d" % (EfiSectionObj.SectionType, self.CurrentLineNumber), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
EfiSectionObj.Optional = True
if self.__IsKeyword("BUILD_NUM"):
if not self.__RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum(EfiSectionObj.SectionType):
raise Warning("%s section could NOT have BUILD_NUM%d" % (EfiSectionObj.SectionType, self.CurrentLineNumber), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Build number", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
EfiSectionObj.BuildNum = self.__Token
if self.__GetAlignment():
if self.__Token not in ("Auto", "8", "16", "32", "64", "128", "512", "1K", "4K", "32K" ,"64K"):
raise Warning("Incorrect alignment '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token == 'Auto' and (not SectionName == 'PE32') and (not SectionName == 'TE'):
raise Warning("Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section ", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
EfiSectionObj.Alignment = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_STRIPPED') or self.__IsKeyword('RELOCS_RETAINED'):
if self.__SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag(EfiSectionObj.SectionType):
if self.__Token == 'RELOCS_STRIPPED':
EfiSectionObj.KeepReloc = False
EfiSectionObj.KeepReloc = True
if Obj.KeepReloc != None and Obj.KeepReloc != EfiSectionObj.KeepReloc:
raise Warning("Section type %s has reloc strip flag conflict with Rule" % EfiSectionObj.SectionType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
raise Warning("Section type %s could not have reloc strip flag" % EfiSectionObj.SectionType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__IsToken('|'):
EfiSectionObj.FileExtension = self.__GetFileExtension()
elif self.__GetNextToken():
if self.__Token not in ("}", "COMPAT16", "PE32", "PIC", "TE", "FV_IMAGE", "RAW", "DXE_DEPEX",\
if self.__Token.startswith('PCD'):
if self.__Token == 'PCD':
if not self.__IsToken( "("):
raise Warning("expected '('", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
PcdPair = self.__GetNextPcdName()
if not self.__IsToken( ")"):
raise Warning("expected ')'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
self.__Token = 'PCD('+PcdPair[1]+'.'+PcdPair[0]+')'
EfiSectionObj.FileName = self.__Token
raise Warning("expected section file name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
## __RuleSectionCouldBeOptional() method
# Get whether a section could be optional
# @param self The object pointer
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @retval True section could be optional
# @retval False section never optional
def __RuleSectionCouldBeOptional(self, SectionType):
if SectionType in ("DXE_DEPEX", "UI", "VERSION", "PEI_DEPEX", "RAW", "SMM_DEPEX"):
return True
return False
## __RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum() method
# Get whether a section could have build number information
# @param self The object pointer
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @retval True section could have build number information
# @retval False section never have build number information
def __RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum(self, SectionType):
if SectionType in ("VERSION"):
return True
return False
## __RuleSectionCouldHaveString() method
# Get whether a section could have string
# @param self The object pointer
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @retval True section could have string
# @retval False section never have string
def __RuleSectionCouldHaveString(self, SectionType):
if SectionType in ("UI", "VERSION"):
return True
return False
## __CheckRuleSectionFileType() method
# Get whether a section matches a file type
# @param self The object pointer
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @param FileType The file type to check
def __CheckRuleSectionFileType(self, SectionType, FileType):
if SectionType == "COMPAT16":
if FileType not in ("COMPAT16", "SEC_COMPAT16"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "PE32":
if FileType not in ("PE32", "SEC_PE32"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "PIC":
if FileType not in ("PIC", "PIC"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "TE":
if FileType not in ("TE", "SEC_TE"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "RAW":
if FileType not in ("BIN", "SEC_BIN", "RAW", "ASL", "ACPI"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "DXE_DEPEX" or SectionType == "SMM_DEPEX":
if FileType not in ("DXE_DEPEX", "SEC_DXE_DEPEX", "SMM_DEPEX"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "UI":
if FileType not in ("UI", "SEC_UI"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "VERSION":
if FileType not in ("VERSION", "SEC_VERSION"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "PEI_DEPEX":
if FileType not in ("PEI_DEPEX", "SEC_PEI_DEPEX"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
elif SectionType == "GUID":
if FileType not in ("PE32", "SEC_GUID"):
raise Warning("Incorrect section file type '%s'" % FileType, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
## __GetRuleEncapsulationSection() method
# Get encapsulation section for Rule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Rule for whom section is got
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def __GetRuleEncapsulationSection(self, Rule):
if self.__IsKeyword( "COMPRESS"):
Type = "PI_STD"
if self.__IsKeyword("PI_STD") or self.__IsKeyword("PI_NONE"):
Type = self.__Token
if not self.__IsToken("{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompressSectionObj = CompressSection.CompressSection()
CompressSectionObj.CompType = Type
# Recursive sections...
while True:
IsEncapsulate = self.__GetRuleEncapsulationSection(CompressSectionObj)
IsLeaf = self.__GetEfiSection(CompressSectionObj)
if not IsEncapsulate and not IsLeaf:
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
elif self.__IsKeyword( "GUIDED"):
GuidValue = None
if self.__GetNextGuid():
GuidValue = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "$(NAMED_GUID)"):
GuidValue = self.__Token
AttribDict = self.__GetGuidAttrib()
if not self.__IsToken("{"):
raise Warning("expected '{'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
GuidSectionObj = GuidSection.GuidSection()
GuidSectionObj.NameGuid = GuidValue
GuidSectionObj.SectionType = "GUIDED"
GuidSectionObj.ProcessRequired = AttribDict["PROCESSING_REQUIRED"]
GuidSectionObj.AuthStatusValid = AttribDict["AUTH_STATUS_VALID"]
GuidSectionObj.ExtraHeaderSize = AttribDict["EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE"]
# Efi sections...
while True:
IsEncapsulate = self.__GetRuleEncapsulationSection(GuidSectionObj)
IsLeaf = self.__GetEfiSection(GuidSectionObj)
if not IsEncapsulate and not IsLeaf:
if not self.__IsToken( "}"):
raise Warning("expected '}'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
return False
## __GetVtf() method
# Get VTF section contents and store its data into VTF list of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a VTF
# @retval False Not able to find a VTF
def __GetVtf(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[VTF."):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("[VTF.", True):
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine :], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning("expected [VTF.]", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__SkipToToken("."):
raise Warning("expected '.'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Arch = self.__SkippedChars.rstrip(".").upper()
if Arch not in ("IA32", "X64", "IPF", "ARM", "AARCH64"):
raise Warning("Unknown Arch '%s'" % Arch, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected VTF name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Name = self.__Token.upper()
VtfObj = Vtf.Vtf()
VtfObj.UiName = Name
VtfObj.KeyArch = Arch
if self.__IsToken(","):
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected Arch list", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token.upper() not in ("IA32", "X64", "IPF", "ARM", "AARCH64"):
raise Warning("Unknown Arch '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
VtfObj.ArchList = self.__Token.upper()
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__IsKeyword("IA32_RST_BIN"):
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Reset file", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
VtfObj.ResetBin = self.__Token
if VtfObj.ResetBin.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '').find('$') == -1:
#check for file path
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClass(NormPath(VtfObj.ResetBin), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir).Validate()
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
while self.__GetComponentStatement(VtfObj):
return True
## __GetComponentStatement() method
# Get components in VTF
# @param self The object pointer
# @param VtfObj for whom component is got
# @retval True Successfully find a component
# @retval False Not able to find a component
def __GetComponentStatement(self, VtfObj):
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_NAME"):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("expected Component Name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj = ComponentStatement.ComponentStatement()
CompStatementObj.CompName = self.__Token
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_LOC"):
raise Warning("expected COMP_LOC", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj.CompLoc = ""
if self.__GetNextWord():
CompStatementObj.CompLoc = self.__Token
if self.__IsToken('|'):
if not self.__GetNextWord():
raise Warning("Expected Region Name", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token not in ("F", "N", "S"): #, "H", "L", "PH", "PL"): not support
raise Warning("Unknown location type '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj.FilePos = self.__Token
self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_TYPE"):
raise Warning("expected COMP_TYPE", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Component type", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token not in ("FIT", "PAL_B", "PAL_A", "OEM"):
if not self.__Token.startswith("0x") or len(self.__Token) < 3 or len(self.__Token) > 4 or \
not self.__HexDigit(self.__Token[2]) or not self.__HexDigit(self.__Token[-1]):
raise Warning("Unknown location type '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj.CompType = self.__Token
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_VER"):
raise Warning("expected COMP_VER", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Component version", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Pattern = re.compile('-$|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\.[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}$', re.DOTALL)
if Pattern.match(self.__Token) == None:
raise Warning("Unknown version format '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj.CompVer = self.__Token
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_CS"):
raise Warning("expected COMP_CS", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Component CS", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__Token not in ("1", "0"):
raise Warning("Unknown Component CS '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj.CompCs = self.__Token
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_BIN"):
raise Warning("expected COMP_BIN", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Component file", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj.CompBin = self.__Token
if CompStatementObj.CompBin != '-' and CompStatementObj.CompBin.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '').find('$') == -1:
#check for file path
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClass(NormPath(CompStatementObj.CompBin), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir).Validate()
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_SYM"):
raise Warning("expected COMP_SYM", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected Component symbol file", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
CompStatementObj.CompSym = self.__Token
if CompStatementObj.CompSym != '-' and CompStatementObj.CompSym.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '').find('$') == -1:
#check for file path
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClass(NormPath(CompStatementObj.CompSym), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir).Validate()
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if not self.__IsKeyword("COMP_SIZE"):
raise Warning("expected COMP_SIZE", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__IsToken("="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if self.__IsToken("-"):
CompStatementObj.CompSize = self.__Token
elif self.__GetNextDecimalNumber():
CompStatementObj.CompSize = self.__Token
elif self.__GetNextHexNumber():
CompStatementObj.CompSize = self.__Token
raise Warning("Unknown size '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
return True
## __GetOptionRom() method
# Get OptionROM section contents and store its data into OptionROM list of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a OptionROM
# @retval False Not able to find a OptionROM
def __GetOptionRom(self):
if not self.__GetNextToken():
return False
S = self.__Token.upper()
if S.startswith("[") and not S.startswith("[OPTIONROM."):
return False
if not self.__IsToken("[OptionRom.", True):
raise Warning("Unknown Keyword '%s'" % self.__Token, self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
OptRomName = self.__GetUiName()
if not self.__IsToken( "]"):
raise Warning("expected ']'", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
OptRomObj = OptionRom.OPTIONROM()
OptRomObj.DriverName = OptRomName
self.Profile.OptRomDict[OptRomName] = OptRomObj
while True:
isInf = self.__GetOptRomInfStatement(OptRomObj)
isFile = self.__GetOptRomFileStatement(OptRomObj)
if not isInf and not isFile:
return True
## __GetOptRomInfStatement() method
# Get INF statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom inf statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find inf statement
# @retval False Not able to find inf statement
def __GetOptRomInfStatement(self, Obj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "INF"):
return False
ffsInf = OptRomInfStatement.OptRomInfStatement()
self.__GetInfOptions( ffsInf)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected INF file path", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
ffsInf.InfFileName = self.__Token
if ffsInf.InfFileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '').find('$') == -1:
#check for file path
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClass(NormPath(ffsInf.InfFileName), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir).Validate()
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if not ffsInf.InfFileName in self.Profile.InfList:
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine(self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if ffsInf.UseArch:
if ffsInf.UseArch not in self.Profile.InfDict:
self.Profile.InfDict[ffsInf.UseArch] = [ffsInf.InfFileName]
self.__GetOptRomOverrides (ffsInf)
return True
## __GetOptRomOverrides() method
# Get overrides for OptROM INF & FILE
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsInfObj for whom overrides is got
def __GetOptRomOverrides(self, Obj):
if self.__IsToken('{'):
Overrides = OptionRom.OverrideAttribs()
while True:
if self.__IsKeyword( "PCI_VENDOR_ID"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex vendor id", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Overrides.PciVendorId = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "PCI_CLASS_CODE"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex class code", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Overrides.PciClassCode = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "PCI_DEVICE_ID"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex device id", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Overrides.PciDeviceId = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "PCI_REVISION"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextHexNumber():
raise Warning("expected Hex revision", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Overrides.PciRevision = self.__Token
if self.__IsKeyword( "PCI_COMPRESS"):
if not self.__IsToken( "="):
raise Warning("expected '='", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected TRUE/FALSE for compress", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
Overrides.NeedCompress = self.__Token.upper() == 'TRUE'
if self.__IsToken( "}"):
EdkLogger.error("FdfParser", FORMAT_INVALID, File=self.FileName, Line=self.CurrentLineNumber)
Obj.OverrideAttribs = Overrides
## __GetOptRomFileStatement() method
# Get FILE statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FILE statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find FILE statement
# @retval False Not able to find FILE statement
def __GetOptRomFileStatement(self, Obj):
if not self.__IsKeyword( "FILE"):
return False
FfsFileObj = OptRomFileStatement.OptRomFileStatement()
if not self.__IsKeyword("EFI") and not self.__IsKeyword("BIN"):
raise Warning("expected Binary type (EFI/BIN)", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FfsFileObj.FileType = self.__Token
if not self.__GetNextToken():
raise Warning("expected File path", self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
FfsFileObj.FileName = self.__Token
if FfsFileObj.FileName.replace('$(WORKSPACE)', '').find('$') == -1:
#check for file path
ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = PathClass(NormPath(FfsFileObj.FileName), GenFdsGlobalVariable.WorkSpaceDir).Validate()
if ErrorCode != 0:
EdkLogger.error("GenFds", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
if FfsFileObj.FileType == 'EFI':
return True
## __GetCapInFd() method
# Get Cap list contained in FD
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FdName FD name
# @retval CapList List of Capsule in FD
def __GetCapInFd (self, FdName):
CapList = []
if FdName.upper() in self.Profile.FdDict.keys():
FdObj = self.Profile.FdDict[FdName.upper()]
for elementRegion in FdObj.RegionList:
if elementRegion.RegionType == 'CAPSULE':
for elementRegionData in elementRegion.RegionDataList:
if elementRegionData.endswith(".cap"):
if elementRegionData != None and elementRegionData.upper() not in CapList:
return CapList
## __GetReferencedFdCapTuple() method
# Get FV and FD list referenced by a capsule image
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapObj Capsule section to be searched
# @param RefFdList referenced FD by section
# @param RefFvList referenced FV by section
def __GetReferencedFdCapTuple(self, CapObj, RefFdList = [], RefFvList = []):
for CapsuleDataObj in CapObj.CapsuleDataList :
if hasattr(CapsuleDataObj, 'FvName') and CapsuleDataObj.FvName != None and CapsuleDataObj.FvName.upper() not in RefFvList:
RefFvList.append (CapsuleDataObj.FvName.upper())
elif hasattr(CapsuleDataObj, 'FdName') and CapsuleDataObj.FdName != None and CapsuleDataObj.FdName.upper() not in RefFdList:
RefFdList.append (CapsuleDataObj.FdName.upper())
elif CapsuleDataObj.Ffs != None:
if isinstance(CapsuleDataObj.Ffs, FfsFileStatement.FileStatement):
if CapsuleDataObj.Ffs.FvName != None and CapsuleDataObj.Ffs.FvName.upper() not in RefFvList:
elif CapsuleDataObj.Ffs.FdName != None and CapsuleDataObj.Ffs.FdName.upper() not in RefFdList:
self.__GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection(CapsuleDataObj.Ffs, RefFdList, RefFvList)
## __GetFvInFd() method
# Get FV list contained in FD
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FdName FD name
# @retval FvList list of FV in FD
def __GetFvInFd (self, FdName):
FvList = []
if FdName.upper() in self.Profile.FdDict.keys():
FdObj = self.Profile.FdDict[FdName.upper()]
for elementRegion in FdObj.RegionList:
if elementRegion.RegionType == 'FV':
for elementRegionData in elementRegion.RegionDataList:
if elementRegionData.endswith(".fv"):
if elementRegionData != None and elementRegionData.upper() not in FvList:
return FvList
## __GetReferencedFdFvTuple() method
# Get FD and FV list referenced by a FFS file
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFile contains sections to be searched
# @param RefFdList referenced FD by section
# @param RefFvList referenced FV by section
def __GetReferencedFdFvTuple(self, FvObj, RefFdList = [], RefFvList = []):
for FfsObj in FvObj.FfsList:
if isinstance(FfsObj, FfsFileStatement.FileStatement):
if FfsObj.FvName != None and FfsObj.FvName.upper() not in RefFvList:
elif FfsObj.FdName != None and FfsObj.FdName.upper() not in RefFdList:
self.__GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection(FfsObj, RefFdList, RefFvList)
## __GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection() method
# Get FD and FV list referenced by a FFS section
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFile contains sections to be searched
# @param FdList referenced FD by section
# @param FvList referenced FV by section
def __GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection(self, FfsFile, FdList = [], FvList = []):
SectionStack = []
while SectionStack != []:
SectionObj = SectionStack.pop()
if isinstance(SectionObj, FvImageSection.FvImageSection):
if SectionObj.FvName != None and SectionObj.FvName.upper() not in FvList:
if SectionObj.Fv != None and SectionObj.Fv.UiFvName != None and SectionObj.Fv.UiFvName.upper() not in FvList:
self.__GetReferencedFdFvTuple(SectionObj.Fv, FdList, FvList)
if isinstance(SectionObj, CompressSection.CompressSection) or isinstance(SectionObj, GuidSection.GuidSection):
## CycleReferenceCheck() method
# Check whether cycle reference exists in FDF
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True cycle reference exists
# @retval False Not exists cycle reference
def CycleReferenceCheck(self):
# Check the cycle between FV and FD image
MaxLength = len (self.Profile.FvDict)
for FvName in self.Profile.FvDict.keys():
LogStr = "\nCycle Reference Checking for FV: %s\n" % FvName
RefFvStack = []
FdAnalyzedList = []
Index = 0
while RefFvStack != [] and Index < MaxLength:
Index = Index + 1
FvNameFromStack = RefFvStack.pop()
if FvNameFromStack.upper() in self.Profile.FvDict.keys():
FvObj = self.Profile.FvDict[FvNameFromStack.upper()]
RefFdList = []
RefFvList = []
self.__GetReferencedFdFvTuple(FvObj, RefFdList, RefFvList)
for RefFdName in RefFdList:
if RefFdName in FdAnalyzedList:
LogStr += "FV %s contains FD %s\n" % (FvNameFromStack, RefFdName)
FvInFdList = self.__GetFvInFd(RefFdName)
if FvInFdList != []:
for FvNameInFd in FvInFdList:
LogStr += "FD %s contains FV %s\n" % (RefFdName,FvNameInFd)
if FvNameInFd not in RefFvStack:
if FvName in RefFvStack or FvNameFromStack in RefFvStack:
return True
for RefFvName in RefFvList:
LogStr += "FV %s contains FV %s\n" % (FvNameFromStack, RefFvName)
if RefFvName not in RefFvStack:
if FvName in RefFvStack or FvNameFromStack in RefFvStack:
return True
# Check the cycle between Capsule and FD image
MaxLength = len (self.Profile.CapsuleDict)
for CapName in self.Profile.CapsuleDict.keys():
# Capsule image to be checked.
LogStr = "\n\n\nCycle Reference Checking for Capsule: %s\n" % CapName
RefCapStack = []
FdAnalyzedList = []
FvAnalyzedList = []
Index = 0
while RefCapStack != [] and Index < MaxLength:
Index = Index + 1
CapNameFromStack = RefCapStack.pop()
if CapNameFromStack.upper() in self.Profile.CapsuleDict.keys():
CapObj = self.Profile.CapsuleDict[CapNameFromStack.upper()]
RefFvList = []
RefFdList = []
self.__GetReferencedFdCapTuple(CapObj, RefFdList, RefFvList)
FvListLength = 0
FdListLength = 0
while FvListLength < len (RefFvList) or FdListLength < len (RefFdList):
for RefFdName in RefFdList:
if RefFdName in FdAnalyzedList:
LogStr += "Capsule %s contains FD %s\n" % (CapNameFromStack, RefFdName)
CapInFdList = self.__GetCapInFd(RefFdName)
if CapInFdList != []:
for CapNameInFd in CapInFdList:
LogStr += "FD %s contains Capsule %s\n" % (RefFdName,CapNameInFd)
if CapNameInFd not in RefCapStack:
if CapName in RefCapStack or CapNameFromStack in RefCapStack:
return True
FvInFdList = self.__GetFvInFd(RefFdName)
if FvInFdList != []:
for FvNameInFd in FvInFdList:
LogStr += "FD %s contains FV %s\n" % (RefFdName,FvNameInFd)
if FvNameInFd not in RefFvList:
# the number of the parsed FV and FD image
FvListLength = len (RefFvList)
FdListLength = len (RefFdList)
for RefFvName in RefFvList:
if RefFvName in FvAnalyzedList:
LogStr += "Capsule %s contains FV %s\n" % (CapNameFromStack, RefFvName)
if RefFvName.upper() in self.Profile.FvDict.keys():
FvObj = self.Profile.FvDict[RefFvName.upper()]
self.__GetReferencedFdFvTuple(FvObj, RefFdList, RefFvList)
return False
def GetAllIncludedFile (self):
global AllIncludeFileList
return AllIncludeFileList
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
test_file = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError, v:
print "Usage: %s filename" % sys.argv[0]
parser = FdfParser(test_file)
except Warning, X:
print str(X)
print "Success!"