mirror of https://github.com/acidanthera/audk.git
1722 lines
68 KiB
1722 lines
68 KiB
## @file
# This file is used to be the main entrance of EOT tool
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
# Import Modules
from __future__ import absolute_import
import Common.LongFilePathOs as os, time, glob
import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
from Eot import EotGlobalData
from optparse import OptionParser
from Common.StringUtils import NormPath
from Common import BuildToolError
from Common.Misc import GuidStructureStringToGuidString, sdict
from Eot.Parser import *
from Eot.InfParserLite import EdkInfParser
from Common.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
from Eot import c
from Eot import Database
from array import array
from Eot.Report import Report
from Common.BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION
from Eot.Parser import ConvertGuid
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
import struct
import uuid
import copy
import codecs
gGuidStringFormat = "%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X"
gPeiAprioriFileNameGuid = '1b45cc0a-156a-428a-af62-49864da0e6e6'
gAprioriGuid = 'fc510ee7-ffdc-11d4-bd41-0080c73c8881'
gIndention = -4
class Image(array):
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("")
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return array.__new__(cls, 'B')
def __init__(self, ID=None):
if ID is None:
self._ID_ = str(uuid.uuid1()).upper()
self._ID_ = ID
self._BUF_ = None
self._LEN_ = None
self._OFF_ = None
self._SubImages = sdict() # {offset: Image()}
def __repr__(self):
return self._ID_
def __len__(self):
Len = array.__len__(self)
for Offset in self._SubImages.keys():
Len += len(self._SubImages[Offset])
return Len
def _Unpack(self):
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_ : self._OFF_ + self._LEN_])
return len(self)
def _Pack(self, PadByte=0xFF):
raise NotImplementedError
def frombuffer(self, Buffer, Offset=0, Size=None):
self._BUF_ = Buffer
self._OFF_ = Offset
# we may need the Size information in advance if it's given
self._LEN_ = Size
self._LEN_ = self._Unpack()
def empty(self):
del self[0:]
def GetField(self, FieldStruct, Offset=0):
return FieldStruct.unpack_from(self, Offset)
def SetField(self, FieldStruct, Offset, *args):
# check if there's enough space
Size = FieldStruct.size
if Size > len(self):
self.extend([0] * (Size - len(self)))
FieldStruct.pack_into(self, Offset, *args)
def _SetData(self, Data):
if len(self) < self._HEADER_SIZE_:
self.extend([0] * (self._HEADER_SIZE_ - len(self)))
del self[self._HEADER_SIZE_:]
def _GetData(self):
if len(self) > self._HEADER_SIZE_:
return self[self._HEADER_SIZE_:]
return None
Data = property(_GetData, _SetData)
## CompressedImage() class
# A class for Compressed Image
class CompressedImage(Image):
# UncompressedLength = 4-byte
# CompressionType = 1-byte
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("1I 1B")
_ORIG_SIZE_ = struct.Struct("1I")
_CMPRS_TYPE_ = struct.Struct("4x 1B")
def __init__(self, CompressedData=None, CompressionType=None, UncompressedLength=None):
if UncompressedLength is not None:
self.UncompressedLength = UncompressedLength
if CompressionType is not None:
self.CompressionType = CompressionType
if CompressedData is not None:
self.Data = CompressedData
def __str__(self):
global gIndention
S = "algorithm=%s uncompressed=%x" % (self.CompressionType, self.UncompressedLength)
for Sec in self.Sections:
S += '\n' + str(Sec)
return S
def _SetOriginalSize(self, Size):
self.SetField(self._ORIG_SIZE_, 0, Size)
def _GetOriginalSize(self):
return self.GetField(self._ORIG_SIZE_)[0]
def _SetCompressionType(self, Type):
self.SetField(self._CMPRS_TYPE_, 0, Type)
def _GetCompressionType(self):
return self.GetField(self._CMPRS_TYPE_)[0]
def _GetSections(self):
TmpData = DeCompress('Efi', self[self._HEADER_SIZE_:])
DecData = array('B')
TmpData = DeCompress('Framework', self[self._HEADER_SIZE_:])
DecData = array('B')
SectionList = []
Offset = 0
while Offset < len(DecData):
Sec = Section()
Sec.frombuffer(DecData, Offset)
Offset += Sec.Size
# the section is aligned to 4-byte boundary
return SectionList
UncompressedLength = property(_GetOriginalSize, _SetOriginalSize)
CompressionType = property(_GetCompressionType, _SetCompressionType)
Sections = property(_GetSections)
## Ui() class
# A class for Ui
class Ui(Image):
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("")
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
return self.String
def _Unpack(self):
# keep header in this Image object
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_ : self._OFF_ + self._LEN_])
return len(self)
def _GetUiString(self):
return codecs.utf_16_decode(self[0:-2].tostring())[0]
String = property(_GetUiString)
## Depex() class
# A class for Depex
class Depex(Image):
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("")
_GUID_ = struct.Struct("1I2H8B")
_OPCODE_ = struct.Struct("1B")
0x00 : "BEFORE",
0x01 : "AFTER",
0x02 : "PUSH",
0x03 : "AND",
0x04 : "OR",
0x05 : "NOT",
0x06 : "TRUE",
0x07 : "FALSE",
0x08 : "END",
0x09 : "SOR"
_NEXT_ = {
-1 : _OPCODE_, # first one in depex must be an opcdoe
0x00 : _GUID_, #"BEFORE",
0x01 : _GUID_, #"AFTER",
0x02 : _GUID_, #"PUSH",
0x03 : _OPCODE_, #"AND",
0x04 : _OPCODE_, #"OR",
0x05 : _OPCODE_, #"NOT",
0x06 : _OPCODE_, #"TRUE",
0x07 : _OPCODE_, #"FALSE",
0x08 : None, #"END",
0x09 : _OPCODE_, #"SOR"
def __init__(self):
self._ExprList = []
def __str__(self):
global gIndention
gIndention += 4
Indention = ' ' * gIndention
S = '\n'
for T in self.Expression:
if T in self._OPCODE_STRING_:
S += Indention + self._OPCODE_STRING_[T]
if T not in [0x00, 0x01, 0x02]:
S += '\n'
S += ' ' + gGuidStringFormat % T + '\n'
gIndention -= 4
return S
def _Unpack(self):
# keep header in this Image object
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_ : self._OFF_ + self._LEN_])
return len(self)
def _GetExpression(self):
if self._ExprList == []:
Offset = 0
CurrentData = self._OPCODE_
while Offset < len(self):
Token = CurrentData.unpack_from(self, Offset)
Offset += CurrentData.size
if len(Token) == 1:
Token = Token[0]
if Token in self._NEXT_:
CurrentData = self._NEXT_[Token]
CurrentData = self._GUID_
CurrentData = self._OPCODE_
if CurrentData is None:
return self._ExprList
Expression = property(_GetExpression)
# # FirmwareVolume() class
# A class for Firmware Volume
class FirmwareVolume(Image):
# Read FvLength, Attributes, HeaderLength, Checksum
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("16x 1I2H8B 1Q 4x 1I 1H 1H")
_FfsGuid = "8C8CE578-8A3D-4F1C-9935-896185C32DD3"
_GUID_ = struct.Struct("16x 1I2H8B")
_LENGTH_ = struct.Struct("16x 16x 1Q")
_SIG_ = struct.Struct("16x 16x 8x 1I")
_ATTR_ = struct.Struct("16x 16x 8x 4x 1I")
_HLEN_ = struct.Struct("16x 16x 8x 4x 4x 1H")
_CHECKSUM_ = struct.Struct("16x 16x 8x 4x 4x 2x 1H")
def __init__(self, Name=''):
self.Name = Name
self.FfsDict = sdict()
self.OrderedFfsDict = sdict()
self.UnDispatchedFfsDict = sdict()
self.ProtocolList = sdict()
def CheckArchProtocol(self):
for Item in EotGlobalData.gArchProtocolGuids:
if Item.lower() not in EotGlobalData.gProtocolList:
return False
return True
def ParseDepex(self, Depex, Type):
List = None
if Type == 'Ppi':
List = EotGlobalData.gPpiList
if Type == 'Protocol':
List = EotGlobalData.gProtocolList
DepexStack = []
DepexList = []
DepexString = ''
FileDepex = None
CouldBeLoaded = True
for Index in range(0, len(Depex.Expression)):
Item = Depex.Expression[Index]
if Item == 0x00:
Index = Index + 1
Guid = gGuidStringFormat % Depex.Expression[Index]
if Guid in self.OrderedFfsDict and Depex.Expression[Index + 1] == 0x08:
return (True, 'BEFORE %s' % Guid, [Guid, 'BEFORE'])
elif Item == 0x01:
Index = Index + 1
Guid = gGuidStringFormat % Depex.Expression[Index]
if Guid in self.OrderedFfsDict and Depex.Expression[Index + 1] == 0x08:
return (True, 'AFTER %s' % Guid, [Guid, 'AFTER'])
elif Item == 0x02:
Index = Index + 1
Guid = gGuidStringFormat % Depex.Expression[Index]
if Guid.lower() in List:
elif Item == 0x03 or Item == 0x04:
DepexStack.append(eval(str(DepexStack.pop()) + ' ' + Depex._OPCODE_STRING_[Item].lower() + ' ' + str(DepexStack.pop())))
DepexList.append(str(DepexList.pop()) + ' ' + Depex._OPCODE_STRING_[Item].upper() + ' ' + str(DepexList.pop()))
elif Item == 0x05:
DepexStack.append(eval(Depex._OPCODE_STRING_[Item].lower() + ' ' + str(DepexStack.pop())))
DepexList.append(Depex._OPCODE_STRING_[Item].lower() + ' ' + str(DepexList.pop()))
elif Item == 0x06:
DepexString = DepexString + 'TRUE' + ' '
elif Item == 0x07:
DepexString = DepexString + 'FALSE' + ' '
elif Item == 0x08:
if Index != len(Depex.Expression) - 1:
CouldBeLoaded = False
CouldBeLoaded = DepexStack.pop()
CouldBeLoaded = False
if DepexList != []:
DepexString = DepexList[0].strip()
return (CouldBeLoaded, DepexString, FileDepex)
def Dispatch(self, Db=None):
if Db is None:
return False
self.UnDispatchedFfsDict = copy.copy(self.FfsDict)
# Find PeiCore, DexCore, PeiPriori, DxePriori first
FfsSecCoreGuid = None
FfsPeiCoreGuid = None
FfsDxeCoreGuid = None
FfsPeiPrioriGuid = None
FfsDxePrioriGuid = None
for FfsID in self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.keys():
Ffs = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict[FfsID]
if Ffs.Type == 0x03:
FfsSecCoreGuid = FfsID
if Ffs.Type == 0x04:
FfsPeiCoreGuid = FfsID
if Ffs.Type == 0x05:
FfsDxeCoreGuid = FfsID
if Ffs.Guid.lower() == gPeiAprioriFileNameGuid:
FfsPeiPrioriGuid = FfsID
if Ffs.Guid.lower() == gAprioriGuid:
FfsDxePrioriGuid = FfsID
# Parse SEC_CORE first
if FfsSecCoreGuid is not None:
self.OrderedFfsDict[FfsSecCoreGuid] = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(FfsSecCoreGuid)
self.LoadPpi(Db, FfsSecCoreGuid)
# Parse PEI first
if FfsPeiCoreGuid is not None:
self.OrderedFfsDict[FfsPeiCoreGuid] = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(FfsPeiCoreGuid)
self.LoadPpi(Db, FfsPeiCoreGuid)
if FfsPeiPrioriGuid is not None:
# Load PEIM described in priori file
FfsPeiPriori = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(FfsPeiPrioriGuid)
if len(FfsPeiPriori.Sections) == 1:
Section = FfsPeiPriori.Sections.popitem()[1]
if Section.Type == 0x19:
GuidStruct = struct.Struct('1I2H8B')
Start = 4
while len(Section) > Start:
Guid = GuidStruct.unpack_from(Section[Start : Start + 16])
GuidString = gGuidStringFormat % Guid
Start = Start + 16
if GuidString in self.UnDispatchedFfsDict:
self.OrderedFfsDict[GuidString] = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(GuidString)
self.LoadPpi(Db, GuidString)
# Parse DXE then
if FfsDxeCoreGuid is not None:
self.OrderedFfsDict[FfsDxeCoreGuid] = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(FfsDxeCoreGuid)
self.LoadProtocol(Db, FfsDxeCoreGuid)
if FfsDxePrioriGuid is not None:
# Load PEIM described in priori file
FfsDxePriori = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(FfsDxePrioriGuid)
if len(FfsDxePriori.Sections) == 1:
Section = FfsDxePriori.Sections.popitem()[1]
if Section.Type == 0x19:
GuidStruct = struct.Struct('1I2H8B')
Start = 4
while len(Section) > Start:
Guid = GuidStruct.unpack_from(Section[Start : Start + 16])
GuidString = gGuidStringFormat % Guid
Start = Start + 16
if GuidString in self.UnDispatchedFfsDict:
self.OrderedFfsDict[GuidString] = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(GuidString)
self.LoadProtocol(Db, GuidString)
def LoadProtocol(self, Db, ModuleGuid):
SqlCommand = """select GuidValue from Report
where SourceFileFullPath in
(select Value1 from Inf where BelongsToFile =
(select BelongsToFile from Inf
where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and Value2 like '%s' and Model = %s)
and Model = %s)
and ItemType = 'Protocol' and ItemMode = 'Produced'""" \
% (ModuleGuid, 5001, 3007)
RecordSet = Db.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
SqlCommand = """select Value2 from Inf where BelongsToFile =
(select DISTINCT BelongsToFile from Inf
where Value1 =
(select SourceFileFullPath from Report
where GuidValue like '%s' and ItemMode = 'Callback'))
and Value1 = 'FILE_GUID'""" % Record[0]
CallBackSet = Db.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
if CallBackSet != []:
EotGlobalData.gProtocolList[Record[0].lower()] = ModuleGuid
EotGlobalData.gProtocolList[Record[0].lower()] = ModuleGuid
def LoadPpi(self, Db, ModuleGuid):
SqlCommand = """select GuidValue from Report
where SourceFileFullPath in
(select Value1 from Inf where BelongsToFile =
(select BelongsToFile from Inf
where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and Value2 like '%s' and Model = %s)
and Model = %s)
and ItemType = 'Ppi' and ItemMode = 'Produced'""" \
% (ModuleGuid, 5001, 3007)
RecordSet = Db.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
EotGlobalData.gPpiList[Record[0].lower()] = ModuleGuid
def DisPatchDxe(self, Db):
IsInstalled = False
ScheduleList = sdict()
for FfsID in self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.keys():
CouldBeLoaded = False
DepexString = ''
FileDepex = None
Ffs = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict[FfsID]
if Ffs.Type == 0x07:
# Get Depex
IsFoundDepex = False
for Section in Ffs.Sections.values():
# Find Depex
if Section.Type == 0x13:
IsFoundDepex = True
CouldBeLoaded, DepexString, FileDepex = self.ParseDepex(Section._SubImages[4], 'Protocol')
if Section.Type == 0x01:
CompressSections = Section._SubImages[4]
for CompressSection in CompressSections.Sections:
if CompressSection.Type == 0x13:
IsFoundDepex = True
CouldBeLoaded, DepexString, FileDepex = self.ParseDepex(CompressSection._SubImages[4], 'Protocol')
if CompressSection.Type == 0x02:
NewSections = CompressSection._SubImages[4]
for NewSection in NewSections.Sections:
if NewSection.Type == 0x13:
IsFoundDepex = True
CouldBeLoaded, DepexString, FileDepex = self.ParseDepex(NewSection._SubImages[4], 'Protocol')
# Not find Depex
if not IsFoundDepex:
CouldBeLoaded = self.CheckArchProtocol()
DepexString = ''
FileDepex = None
# Append New Ffs
if CouldBeLoaded:
IsInstalled = True
NewFfs = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(FfsID)
NewFfs.Depex = DepexString
if FileDepex is not None:
ScheduleList.insert(FileDepex[1], FfsID, NewFfs, FileDepex[0])
ScheduleList[FfsID] = NewFfs
self.UnDispatchedFfsDict[FfsID].Depex = DepexString
for FfsID in ScheduleList.keys():
NewFfs = ScheduleList.pop(FfsID)
FfsName = 'UnKnown'
self.OrderedFfsDict[FfsID] = NewFfs
self.LoadProtocol(Db, FfsID)
SqlCommand = """select Value2 from Inf
where BelongsToFile = (select BelongsToFile from Inf where Value1 = 'FILE_GUID' and lower(Value2) = lower('%s') and Model = %s)
and Model = %s and Value1='BASE_NAME'""" % (FfsID, 5001, 5001)
RecordSet = Db.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
if RecordSet != []:
FfsName = RecordSet[0][0]
if IsInstalled:
def DisPatchPei(self, Db):
IsInstalled = False
for FfsID in self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.keys():
CouldBeLoaded = True
DepexString = ''
FileDepex = None
Ffs = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict[FfsID]
if Ffs.Type == 0x06 or Ffs.Type == 0x08:
# Get Depex
for Section in Ffs.Sections.values():
if Section.Type == 0x1B:
CouldBeLoaded, DepexString, FileDepex = self.ParseDepex(Section._SubImages[4], 'Ppi')
if Section.Type == 0x01:
CompressSections = Section._SubImages[4]
for CompressSection in CompressSections.Sections:
if CompressSection.Type == 0x1B:
CouldBeLoaded, DepexString, FileDepex = self.ParseDepex(CompressSection._SubImages[4], 'Ppi')
if CompressSection.Type == 0x02:
NewSections = CompressSection._SubImages[4]
for NewSection in NewSections.Sections:
if NewSection.Type == 0x1B:
CouldBeLoaded, DepexString, FileDepex = self.ParseDepex(NewSection._SubImages[4], 'Ppi')
# Append New Ffs
if CouldBeLoaded:
IsInstalled = True
NewFfs = self.UnDispatchedFfsDict.pop(FfsID)
NewFfs.Depex = DepexString
self.OrderedFfsDict[FfsID] = NewFfs
self.LoadPpi(Db, FfsID)
self.UnDispatchedFfsDict[FfsID].Depex = DepexString
if IsInstalled:
def __str__(self):
global gIndention
gIndention += 4
FvInfo = '\n' + ' ' * gIndention
FvInfo += "[FV:%s] file_system=%s size=%x checksum=%s\n" % (self.Name, self.FileSystemGuid, self.Size, self.Checksum)
FfsInfo = "\n".join([str(self.FfsDict[FfsId]) for FfsId in self.FfsDict])
gIndention -= 4
return FvInfo + FfsInfo
def _Unpack(self):
Size = self._LENGTH_.unpack_from(self._BUF_, self._OFF_)[0]
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_:self._OFF_ + Size])
# traverse the FFS
EndOfFv = Size
FfsStartAddress = self.HeaderSize
LastFfsObj = None
while FfsStartAddress < EndOfFv:
FfsObj = Ffs()
FfsObj.frombuffer(self, FfsStartAddress)
FfsId = repr(FfsObj)
if ((self.Attributes & 0x00000800) != 0 and len(FfsObj) == 0xFFFFFF) \
or ((self.Attributes & 0x00000800) == 0 and len(FfsObj) == 0):
if LastFfsObj is not None:
LastFfsObj.FreeSpace = EndOfFv - LastFfsObj._OFF_ - len(LastFfsObj)
if FfsId in self.FfsDict:
EdkLogger.error("FV", 0, "Duplicate GUID in FFS",
ExtraData="\t%s @ %s\n\t%s @ %s" \
% (FfsObj.Guid, FfsObj.Offset,
self.FfsDict[FfsId].Guid, self.FfsDict[FfsId].Offset))
self.FfsDict[FfsId] = FfsObj
if LastFfsObj is not None:
LastFfsObj.FreeSpace = FfsStartAddress - LastFfsObj._OFF_ - len(LastFfsObj)
FfsStartAddress += len(FfsObj)
# align to next 8-byte aligned address: A = (A + 8 - 1) & (~(8 - 1))
# The next FFS must be at the latest next 8-byte aligned address
FfsStartAddress = (FfsStartAddress + 7) & (~7)
LastFfsObj = FfsObj
def _GetAttributes(self):
return self.GetField(self._ATTR_, 0)[0]
def _GetSize(self):
return self.GetField(self._LENGTH_, 0)[0]
def _GetChecksum(self):
return self.GetField(self._CHECKSUM_, 0)[0]
def _GetHeaderLength(self):
return self.GetField(self._HLEN_, 0)[0]
def _GetFileSystemGuid(self):
return gGuidStringFormat % self.GetField(self._GUID_, 0)
Attributes = property(_GetAttributes)
Size = property(_GetSize)
Checksum = property(_GetChecksum)
HeaderSize = property(_GetHeaderLength)
FileSystemGuid = property(_GetFileSystemGuid)
## GuidDefinedImage() class
# A class for GUID Defined Image
class GuidDefinedImage(Image):
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("1I2H8B 1H 1H")
_GUID_ = struct.Struct("1I2H8B")
_DATA_OFFSET_ = struct.Struct("16x 1H")
_ATTR_ = struct.Struct("18x 1H")
CRC32_GUID = "FC1BCDB0-7D31-49AA-936A-A4600D9DD083"
TIANO_COMPRESS_GUID = 'A31280AD-481E-41B6-95E8-127F4C984779'
LZMA_COMPRESS_GUID = 'EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF'
def __init__(self, SectionDefinitionGuid=None, DataOffset=None, Attributes=None, Data=None):
if SectionDefinitionGuid is not None:
self.SectionDefinitionGuid = SectionDefinitionGuid
if DataOffset is not None:
self.DataOffset = DataOffset
if Attributes is not None:
self.Attributes = Attributes
if Data is not None:
self.Data = Data
def __str__(self):
S = "guid=%s" % (gGuidStringFormat % self.SectionDefinitionGuid)
for Sec in self.Sections:
S += "\n" + str(Sec)
return S
def _Unpack(self):
# keep header in this Image object
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_ : self._OFF_ + self._LEN_])
return len(self)
def _SetAttribute(self, Attribute):
self.SetField(self._ATTR_, 0, Attribute)
def _GetAttribute(self):
return self.GetField(self._ATTR_)[0]
def _SetGuid(self, Guid):
self.SetField(self._GUID_, 0, Guid)
def _GetGuid(self):
return self.GetField(self._GUID_)
def _SetDataOffset(self, Offset):
self.SetField(self._DATA_OFFSET_, 0, Offset)
def _GetDataOffset(self):
return self.GetField(self._DATA_OFFSET_)[0]
def _GetSections(self):
SectionList = []
Guid = gGuidStringFormat % self.SectionDefinitionGuid
if Guid == self.CRC32_GUID:
# skip the CRC32 value, we don't do CRC32 verification here
Offset = self.DataOffset - 4
while Offset < len(self):
Sec = Section()
Sec.frombuffer(self, Offset)
Offset += Sec.Size
# the section is aligned to 4-byte boundary
Offset = (Offset + 3) & (~3)
elif Guid == self.TIANO_COMPRESS_GUID:
# skip the header
Offset = self.DataOffset - 4
TmpData = DeCompress('Framework', self[self.Offset:])
DecData = array('B')
Offset = 0
while Offset < len(DecData):
Sec = Section()
Sec.frombuffer(DecData, Offset)
Offset += Sec.Size
# the section is aligned to 4-byte boundary
Offset = (Offset + 3) & (~3)
elif Guid == self.LZMA_COMPRESS_GUID:
# skip the header
Offset = self.DataOffset - 4
TmpData = DeCompress('Lzma', self[self.Offset:])
DecData = array('B')
Offset = 0
while Offset < len(DecData):
Sec = Section()
Sec.frombuffer(DecData, Offset)
Offset += Sec.Size
# the section is aligned to 4-byte boundary
Offset = (Offset + 3) & (~3)
return SectionList
Attributes = property(_GetAttribute, _SetAttribute)
SectionDefinitionGuid = property(_GetGuid, _SetGuid)
DataOffset = property(_GetDataOffset, _SetDataOffset)
Sections = property(_GetSections)
## Section() class
# A class for Section
class Section(Image):
_TypeName = {
0x00 : "<unknown>",
0x02 : "GUID_DEFINED",
0x10 : "PE32",
0x11 : "PIC",
0x12 : "TE",
0x13 : "DXE_DEPEX",
0x14 : "VERSION",
0x19 : "RAW",
0x1B : "PEI_DEPEX"
_SectionSubImages = {
0x01 : CompressedImage,
0x02 : GuidDefinedImage,
0x17 : FirmwareVolume,
0x13 : Depex,
0x1B : Depex,
0x15 : Ui
# Size = 3-byte
# Type = 1-byte
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("3B 1B")
# SubTypeGuid
# _FREE_FORM_SUBTYPE_GUID_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("1I2H8B")
_SIZE_ = struct.Struct("3B")
_TYPE_ = struct.Struct("3x 1B")
def __init__(self, Type=None, Size=None):
self._Alignment = 1
if Type is not None:
self.Type = Type
if Size is not None:
self.Size = Size
def __str__(self):
global gIndention
gIndention += 4
SectionInfo = ' ' * gIndention
if self.Type in self._TypeName:
SectionInfo += "[SECTION:%s] offset=%x size=%x" % (self._TypeName[self.Type], self._OFF_, self.Size)
SectionInfo += "[SECTION:%x<unknown>] offset=%x size=%x " % (self.Type, self._OFF_, self.Size)
for Offset in self._SubImages.keys():
SectionInfo += ", " + str(self._SubImages[Offset])
gIndention -= 4
return SectionInfo
def _Unpack(self):
Type, = self._TYPE_.unpack_from(self._BUF_, self._OFF_)
Size1, Size2, Size3 = self._SIZE_.unpack_from(self._BUF_, self._OFF_)
Size = Size1 + (Size2 << 8) + (Size3 << 16)
if Type not in self._SectionSubImages:
# no need to extract sub-image, keep all in this Image object
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_ : self._OFF_ + Size])
# keep header in this Image object
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_ : self._OFF_ + self._HEADER_SIZE_])
# use new Image object to represent payload, which may be another kind
# of image such as PE32
PayloadOffset = self._HEADER_SIZE_
PayloadLen = self.Size - self._HEADER_SIZE_
Payload = self._SectionSubImages[self.Type]()
Payload.frombuffer(self._BUF_, self._OFF_ + self._HEADER_SIZE_, PayloadLen)
self._SubImages[PayloadOffset] = Payload
return Size
def _SetSize(self, Size):
Size1 = Size & 0xFF
Size2 = (Size & 0xFF00) >> 8
Size3 = (Size & 0xFF0000) >> 16
self.SetField(self._SIZE_, 0, Size1, Size2, Size3)
def _GetSize(self):
Size1, Size2, Size3 = self.GetField(self._SIZE_)
return Size1 + (Size2 << 8) + (Size3 << 16)
def _SetType(self, Type):
self.SetField(self._TYPE_, 0, Type)
def _GetType(self):
return self.GetField(self._TYPE_)[0]
def _GetAlignment(self):
return self._Alignment
def _SetAlignment(self, Alignment):
self._Alignment = Alignment
AlignmentMask = Alignment - 1
# section alignment is actually for payload, so we need to add header size
PayloadOffset = self._OFF_ + self._HEADER_SIZE_
if (PayloadOffset & (~AlignmentMask)) == 0:
NewOffset = (PayloadOffset + AlignmentMask) & (~AlignmentMask)
while (NewOffset - PayloadOffset) < self._HEADER_SIZE_:
NewOffset += self._Alignment
def tofile(self, f):
self.Size = len(self)
Image.tofile(self, f)
for Offset in self._SubImages:
Type = property(_GetType, _SetType)
Size = property(_GetSize, _SetSize)
Alignment = property(_GetAlignment, _SetAlignment)
## Ffs() class
# A class for Ffs Section
class Ffs(Image):
_FfsFormat = "24B%(payload_size)sB"
# skip IntegrityCheck
_HEADER_ = struct.Struct("1I2H8B 2x 1B 1B 3B 1B")
_NAME_ = struct.Struct("1I2H8B")
_INT_CHECK_ = struct.Struct("16x 1H")
_TYPE_ = struct.Struct("18x 1B")
_ATTR_ = struct.Struct("19x 1B")
_SIZE_ = struct.Struct("20x 3B")
_STATE_ = struct.Struct("23x 1B")
VTF_GUID = "1BA0062E-C779-4582-8566-336AE8F78F09"
_TypeName = {
0x00 : "<unknown>",
0x01 : "RAW",
0x02 : "FREEFORM",
0x04 : "PEI_CORE",
0x05 : "DXE_CORE",
0x06 : "PEIM",
0x07 : "DRIVER",
0x0A : "SMM",
0x0D : "SMM_CORE",
0xc0 : "OEM_MIN",
0xdf : "OEM_MAX",
0xe0 : "DEBUG_MIN",
0xef : "DEBUG_MAX",
0xf0 : "FFS_MIN",
0xff : "FFS_MAX",
0xf0 : "FFS_PAD",
def __init__(self):
self.FreeSpace = 0
self.Sections = sdict()
self.Depex = ''
self.__ID__ = None
def __str__(self):
global gIndention
gIndention += 4
Indention = ' ' * gIndention
FfsInfo = Indention
FfsInfo += "[FFS:%s] offset=%x size=%x guid=%s free_space=%x alignment=%s\n" % \
(Ffs._TypeName[self.Type], self._OFF_, self.Size, self.Guid, self.FreeSpace, self.Alignment)
SectionInfo = '\n'.join([str(self.Sections[Offset]) for Offset in self.Sections.keys()])
gIndention -= 4
return FfsInfo + SectionInfo + "\n"
def __len__(self):
return self.Size
def __repr__(self):
return self.__ID__
def _Unpack(self):
Size1, Size2, Size3 = self._SIZE_.unpack_from(self._BUF_, self._OFF_)
Size = Size1 + (Size2 << 8) + (Size3 << 16)
self.extend(self._BUF_[self._OFF_ : self._OFF_ + Size])
# Pad FFS may use the same GUID. We need to avoid it.
if self.Type == 0xf0:
self.__ID__ = str(uuid.uuid1()).upper()
self.__ID__ = self.Guid
# Traverse the SECTION. RAW and PAD do not have sections
if self.Type not in [0xf0, 0x01] and Size > 0 and Size < 0xFFFFFF:
EndOfFfs = Size
SectionStartAddress = self._HEADER_SIZE_
while SectionStartAddress < EndOfFfs:
SectionObj = Section()
SectionObj.frombuffer(self, SectionStartAddress)
#f = open(repr(SectionObj), 'wb')
#SectionObj.Size = 0
self.Sections[SectionStartAddress] = SectionObj
SectionStartAddress += len(SectionObj)
SectionStartAddress = (SectionStartAddress + 3) & (~3)
def Pack(self):
def SetFreeSpace(self, Size):
self.FreeSpace = Size
def _GetGuid(self):
return gGuidStringFormat % self.Name
def _SetName(self, Value):
# Guid1, Guid2, Guid3, Guid4, Guid5, Guid6, Guid7, Guid8, Guid9, Guid10, Guid11
self.SetField(self._NAME_, 0, Value)
def _GetName(self):
# Guid1, Guid2, Guid3, Guid4, Guid5, Guid6, Guid7, Guid8, Guid9, Guid10, Guid11
return self.GetField(self._NAME_)
def _SetSize(self, Size):
Size1 = Size & 0xFF
Size2 = (Size & 0xFF00) >> 8
Size3 = (Size & 0xFF0000) >> 16
self.SetField(self._SIZE_, 0, Size1, Size2, Size3)
def _GetSize(self):
Size1, Size2, Size3 = self.GetField(self._SIZE_)
return Size1 + (Size2 << 8) + (Size3 << 16)
def _SetType(self, Type):
self.SetField(self._TYPE_, 0, Type)
def _GetType(self):
return self.GetField(self._TYPE_)[0]
def _SetAttributes(self, Value):
self.SetField(self._ATTR_, 0, Value)
def _GetAttributes(self):
return self.GetField(self._ATTR_)[0]
def _GetFixed(self):
if (self.Attributes & self.FFS_ATTRIB_FIXED) != 0:
return True
return False
def _GetCheckSum(self):
if (self.Attributes & self.FFS_ATTRIB_CHECKSUM) != 0:
return True
return False
def _GetAlignment(self):
return (self.Attributes & self.FFS_ATTRIB_DATA_ALIGNMENT) >> 3
def _SetState(self, Value):
self.SetField(self._STATE_, 0, Value)
def _GetState(self):
return self.GetField(self._STATE_)[0]
Name = property(_GetName, _SetName)
Guid = property(_GetGuid)
Type = property(_GetType, _SetType)
Size = property(_GetSize, _SetSize)
Attributes = property(_GetAttributes, _SetAttributes)
Fixed = property(_GetFixed)
Checksum = property(_GetCheckSum)
Alignment = property(_GetAlignment)
State = property(_GetState, _SetState)
## MultipleFv() class
# A class for Multiple FV
class MultipleFv(FirmwareVolume):
def __init__(self, FvList):
self.BasicInfo = []
for FvPath in FvList:
Fd = None
FvName = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(FvPath)[1])[0]
if FvPath.strip():
Fd = open(FvPath, 'rb')
Buf = array('B')
Buf.fromfile(Fd, os.path.getsize(FvPath))
except EOFError:
Fv = FirmwareVolume(FvName)
Fv.frombuffer(Buf, 0, len(Buf))
self.BasicInfo.append([Fv.Name, Fv.FileSystemGuid, Fv.Size])
## Class Eot
# This class is used to define Eot main entrance
# @param object: Inherited from object class
class Eot(object):
## The constructor
# @param self: The object pointer
def __init__(self, CommandLineOption=True, IsInit=True, SourceFileList=None, \
IncludeDirList=None, DecFileList=None, GuidList=None, LogFile=None,
FvFileList="", MapFileList="", Report='Report.html', Dispatch=None):
# Version and Copyright
self.VersionNumber = ("0.02" + " " + gBUILD_VERSION)
self.Version = "%prog Version " + self.VersionNumber
self.Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation All rights reserved."
self.Report = Report
self.IsInit = IsInit
self.SourceFileList = SourceFileList
self.IncludeDirList = IncludeDirList
self.DecFileList = DecFileList
self.GuidList = GuidList
self.LogFile = LogFile
self.FvFileList = FvFileList
self.MapFileList = MapFileList
self.Dispatch = Dispatch
# Check workspace environment
if "EFI_SOURCE" not in os.environ:
if "EDK_SOURCE" not in os.environ:
EotGlobalData.gEDK_SOURCE = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("EDK_SOURCE"))
EotGlobalData.gEFI_SOURCE = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("EFI_SOURCE"))
EotGlobalData.gEDK_SOURCE = os.path.join(EotGlobalData.gEFI_SOURCE, 'Edk')
if "WORKSPACE" not in os.environ:
EdkLogger.error("EOT", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
EotGlobalData.gWORKSPACE = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"))
EotGlobalData.gMACRO['WORKSPACE'] = EotGlobalData.gWORKSPACE
EotGlobalData.gMACRO['EFI_SOURCE'] = EotGlobalData.gEFI_SOURCE
EotGlobalData.gMACRO['EDK_SOURCE'] = EotGlobalData.gEDK_SOURCE
# Parse the options and args
if CommandLineOption:
if self.FvFileList:
for FvFile in GetSplitValueList(self.FvFileList, ' '):
FvFile = os.path.normpath(FvFile)
if not os.path.isfile(FvFile):
EdkLogger.error("Eot", EdkLogger.EOT_ERROR, "Can not find file %s " % FvFile)
EdkLogger.error("Eot", EdkLogger.EOT_ERROR, "The fv file list of target platform was not specified")
if self.MapFileList:
for MapFile in GetSplitValueList(self.MapFileList, ' '):
MapFile = os.path.normpath(MapFile)
if not os.path.isfile(MapFile):
EdkLogger.error("Eot", EdkLogger.EOT_ERROR, "Can not find file %s " % MapFile)
# Generate source file list
self.GenerateSourceFileList(self.SourceFileList, self.IncludeDirList)
# Generate guid list of dec file list
# Generate guid list from GUID list file
# Init Eot database
EotGlobalData.gDb = Database.Database(Database.DATABASE_PATH)
# Build ECC database
# Parse Ppi/Protocol
# Merge Identifier tables
# Generate report database
# Load Fv Info
# Load Map Info
# Generate Report
# Convert log file
EdkLogger.quiet("EOT FINISHED!")
# Close Database
## ParseDecFile() method
# parse DEC file and get all GUID names with GUID values as {GuidName : GuidValue}
# The Dict is stored in EotGlobalData.gGuidDict
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param DecFileList: A list of all DEC files
def ParseDecFile(self, DecFileList):
if DecFileList:
path = os.path.normpath(DecFileList)
lfr = open(path, 'rb')
for line in lfr:
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(EotGlobalData.gWORKSPACE, line.strip()))
if os.path.exists(path):
dfr = open(path, 'rb')
for line in dfr:
line = CleanString(line)
list = line.split('=')
if len(list) == 2:
EotGlobalData.gGuidDict[list[0].strip()] = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(list[1].strip())
## ParseGuidList() method
# Parse Guid list and get all GUID names with GUID values as {GuidName : GuidValue}
# The Dict is stored in EotGlobalData.gGuidDict
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param GuidList: A list of all GUID and its value
def ParseGuidList(self, GuidList):
Path = os.path.join(EotGlobalData.gWORKSPACE, GuidList)
if os.path.isfile(Path):
for Line in open(Path):
if Line.strip():
(GuidName, GuidValue) = Line.split()
EotGlobalData.gGuidDict[GuidName] = GuidValue
## ConvertLogFile() method
# Parse a real running log file to get real dispatch order
# The result is saved to old file name + '.new'
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param LogFile: A real running log file name
def ConvertLogFile(self, LogFile):
newline = []
lfr = None
lfw = None
if LogFile:
lfr = open(LogFile, 'rb')
lfw = open(LogFile + '.new', 'wb')
for line in lfr:
line = line.strip()
line = line.replace('.efi', '')
index = line.find("Loading PEIM at ")
if index > -1:
newline.append(line[index + 55 : ])
index = line.find("Loading driver at ")
if index > -1:
newline.append(line[index + 57 : ])
for line in newline:
lfw.write(line + '\r\n')
if lfr:
if lfw:
## GenerateSourceFileList() method
# Generate a list of all source files
# 1. Search the file list one by one
# 2. Store inf file name with source file names under it like
# { INF file name: [source file1, source file2, ...]}
# 3. Search the include list to find all .h files
# 4. Store source file list to EotGlobalData.gSOURCE_FILES
# 5. Store INF file list to EotGlobalData.gINF_FILES
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param SourceFileList: A list of all source files
# @param IncludeFileList: A list of all include files
def GenerateSourceFileList(self, SourceFileList, IncludeFileList):
EdkLogger.quiet("Generating source files list ... ")
mSourceFileList = []
mInfFileList = []
mDecFileList = []
mFileList = {}
mCurrentInfFile = ''
mCurrentSourceFileList = []
if SourceFileList:
sfl = open(SourceFileList, 'r')
for line in sfl:
line = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(EotGlobalData.gWORKSPACE, line.strip()))
if line[-2:].upper() == '.C' or line[-2:].upper() == '.H':
if line not in mCurrentSourceFileList:
EotGlobalData.gOP_SOURCE_FILES.write('%s\n' % line)
if line[-4:].upper() == '.INF':
if mCurrentInfFile != '':
mFileList[mCurrentInfFile] = mCurrentSourceFileList
mCurrentSourceFileList = []
mCurrentInfFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(EotGlobalData.gWORKSPACE, line))
EotGlobalData.gOP_INF.write('%s\n' % mCurrentInfFile)
if mCurrentInfFile not in mFileList:
mFileList[mCurrentInfFile] = mCurrentSourceFileList
# Get all include files from packages
if IncludeFileList:
ifl = open(IncludeFileList, 'rb')
for line in ifl:
if not line.strip():
newline = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(EotGlobalData.gWORKSPACE, line.strip()))
for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(str(newline)):
for File in Files:
FullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
if FullPath not in mSourceFileList and File[-2:].upper() == '.H':
EotGlobalData.gOP_SOURCE_FILES.write('%s\n' % FullPath)
if FullPath not in mDecFileList and File.upper().find('.DEC') > -1:
EotGlobalData.gSOURCE_FILES = mSourceFileList
EotGlobalData.gINF_FILES = mFileList
## GenerateReport() method
# Generate final HTML report
# @param self: The object pointer
def GenerateReport(self):
EdkLogger.quiet("Generating report file ... ")
Rep = Report(self.Report, EotGlobalData.gFV, self.Dispatch)
## LoadMapInfo() method
# Load map files and parse them
# @param self: The object pointer
def LoadMapInfo(self):
if EotGlobalData.gMAP_FILE != []:
EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing Map file ... ")
EotGlobalData.gMap = ParseMapFile(EotGlobalData.gMAP_FILE)
## LoadFvInfo() method
# Load FV binary files and parse them
# @param self: The object pointer
def LoadFvInfo(self):
EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing FV file ... ")
EotGlobalData.gFV = MultipleFv(EotGlobalData.gFV_FILE)
for Protocol in EotGlobalData.gProtocolList:
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED_IN_LIBRARY_CALLING.write('%s\n' %Protocol)
## GenerateReportDatabase() method
# Generate data for the information needed by report
# 1. Update name, macro and value of all found PPI/PROTOCOL GUID
# 2. Install hard coded PPI/PROTOCOL
# @param self: The object pointer
def GenerateReportDatabase(self):
EdkLogger.quiet("Generating the cross-reference table of GUID for Ppi/Protocol ... ")
# Update Protocol/Ppi Guid
SqlCommand = """select DISTINCT GuidName from Report"""
RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
GuidName = Record[0]
GuidMacro = ''
GuidMacro2 = ''
GuidValue = ''
# Find guid value defined in Dec file
if GuidName in EotGlobalData.gGuidDict:
GuidValue = EotGlobalData.gGuidDict[GuidName]
SqlCommand = """update Report set GuidMacro = '%s', GuidValue = '%s' where GuidName = '%s'""" %(GuidMacro, GuidValue, GuidName)
# Search defined Macros for guid name
SqlCommand ="""select DISTINCT Value, Modifier from Query where Name like '%s'""" % GuidName
GuidMacroSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
# Ignore NULL result
if not GuidMacroSet:
GuidMacro = GuidMacroSet[0][0].strip()
if not GuidMacro:
# Find Guid value of Guid Macro
SqlCommand ="""select DISTINCT Value from Query2 where Value like '%%%s%%' and Model = %s""" % (GuidMacro, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_DEFINE)
GuidValueSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
if GuidValueSet != []:
GuidValue = GuidValueSet[0][0]
GuidValue = GuidValue[GuidValue.find(GuidMacro) + len(GuidMacro) :]
GuidValue = GuidValue.lower().replace('\\', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('l', '').strip()
GuidValue = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(GuidValue)
SqlCommand = """update Report set GuidMacro = '%s', GuidValue = '%s' where GuidName = '%s'""" %(GuidMacro, GuidValue, GuidName)
# Update Hard Coded Ppi/Protocol
SqlCommand = """select DISTINCT GuidValue, ItemType from Report where ModuleID = -2 and ItemMode = 'Produced'"""
RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
if Record[1] == 'Ppi':
EotGlobalData.gPpiList[Record[0].lower()] = -2
if Record[1] == 'Protocol':
EotGlobalData.gProtocolList[Record[0].lower()] = -2
## GenerateQueryTable() method
# Generate two tables improve query performance
# @param self: The object pointer
def GenerateQueryTable(self):
EdkLogger.quiet("Generating temp query table for analysis ... ")
for Identifier in EotGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
SqlCommand = """insert into Query (Name, Modifier, Value, Model)
select Name, Modifier, Value, Model from %s where (Model = %s or Model = %s)""" \
SqlCommand = """insert into Query2 (Name, Modifier, Value, Model)
select Name, Modifier, Value, Model from %s where Model = %s""" \
## ParseExecutionOrder() method
# Get final execution order
# 1. Search all PPI
# 2. Search all PROTOCOL
# @param self: The object pointer
def ParseExecutionOrder(self):
EdkLogger.quiet("Searching Ppi/Protocol ... ")
for Identifier in EotGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
ModuleID, ModuleName, ModuleGuid, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, Enabled = \
-1, '', '', -1, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0
SourceFileID = Identifier[0].replace('Identifier', '')
SourceFileFullPath = Identifier[1]
Identifier = Identifier[0]
# Find Ppis
ItemMode = 'Produced'
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.InstallPpi', '->InstallPpi', 'PeiInstallPpi', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchPpi(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode)
ItemMode = 'Produced'
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.ReInstallPpi', '->ReInstallPpi', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchPpi(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, 2)
SearchPpiCallFunction(Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode)
ItemMode = 'Consumed'
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.LocatePpi', '->LocatePpi', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchPpi(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode)
SearchFunctionCalling(Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, 'Ppi', ItemMode)
ItemMode = 'Callback'
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.NotifyPpi', '->NotifyPpi', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchPpi(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode)
# Find Procotols
ItemMode = 'Produced'
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.InstallProtocolInterface', '.ReInstallProtocolInterface', '->InstallProtocolInterface', '->ReInstallProtocolInterface', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchProtocols(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, 1)
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces', '->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchProtocols(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, 2)
SearchFunctionCalling(Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, 'Protocol', ItemMode)
ItemMode = 'Consumed'
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.LocateProtocol', '->LocateProtocol', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchProtocols(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, 0)
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.HandleProtocol', '->HandleProtocol', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchProtocols(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, 1)
SearchFunctionCalling(Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, 'Protocol', ItemMode)
ItemMode = 'Callback'
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' or Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, '.RegisterProtocolNotify', '->RegisterProtocolNotify', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
SearchProtocols(SqlCommand, Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, 0)
SearchFunctionCalling(Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, 'Protocol', ItemMode)
# Hard Code
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gEfiSecPlatformInformationPpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gEfiNtLoadAsDllPpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gNtPeiLoadFileGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gPeiNtAutoScanPpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gNtFwhPpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gPeiNtThunkPpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gPeiPlatformTypePpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gPeiFrequencySelectionCpuPpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(-2, '', '', -1, '', '', 'Ppi', 'Produced', 'gPeiCachePpiGuid', '', '', '', 0)
## BuildDatabase() methoc
# Build the database for target
# @param self: The object pointer
def BuildDatabase(self):
# Clean report table
# Build database
if self.IsInit:
EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for source code ...")
EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for source code done!")
EotGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList = GetTableList((MODEL_FILE_C, MODEL_FILE_H), 'Identifier', EotGlobalData.gDb)
## BuildMetaDataFileDatabase() method
# Build the database for meta data files
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param Inf_Files: A list for all INF files
def BuildMetaDataFileDatabase(self, Inf_Files):
EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files ...")
for InfFile in Inf_Files:
if not InfFile:
EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s ..." % str(InfFile))
EdkInfParser(InfFile, EotGlobalData.gDb, Inf_Files[InfFile], '')
EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files done!")
## ParseOption() method
# Parse command line options
# @param self: The object pointer
def ParseOption(self):
(Options, Target) = self.EotOptionParser()
# Set log level
if Options.FvFileList:
self.FvFileList = Options.FvFileList
if Options.MapFileList:
self.MapFileList = Options.FvMapFileList
if Options.SourceFileList:
self.SourceFileList = Options.SourceFileList
if Options.IncludeDirList:
self.IncludeDirList = Options.IncludeDirList
if Options.DecFileList:
self.DecFileList = Options.DecFileList
if Options.GuidList:
self.GuidList = Options.GuidList
if Options.LogFile:
self.LogFile = Options.LogFile
if Options.keepdatabase:
self.IsInit = False
## SetLogLevel() method
# Set current log level of the tool based on args
# @param self: The object pointer
# @param Option: The option list including log level setting
def SetLogLevel(self, Option):
if Option.verbose is not None:
elif Option.quiet is not None:
elif Option.debug is not None:
EdkLogger.SetLevel(Option.debug + 1)
## EotOptionParser() method
# Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this tool.
# @param self: The object pointer
# @retval Opt A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options
# @retval Args Target of build command
def EotOptionParser(self):
Parser = OptionParser(description = self.Copyright, version = self.Version, prog = "Eot.exe", usage = "%prog [options]")
Parser.add_option("-m", "--makefile filename", action="store", type="string", dest='MakeFile',
help="Specify a makefile for the platform.")
Parser.add_option("-c", "--dsc filename", action="store", type="string", dest="DscFile",
help="Specify a dsc file for the platform.")
Parser.add_option("-f", "--fv filename", action="store", type="string", dest="FvFileList",
help="Specify fv file list, quoted by \"\".")
Parser.add_option("-a", "--map filename", action="store", type="string", dest="MapFileList",
help="Specify map file list, quoted by \"\".")
Parser.add_option("-s", "--source files", action="store", type="string", dest="SourceFileList",
help="Specify source file list by a file")
Parser.add_option("-i", "--include dirs", action="store", type="string", dest="IncludeDirList",
help="Specify include dir list by a file")
Parser.add_option("-e", "--dec files", action="store", type="string", dest="DecFileList",
help="Specify dec file list by a file")
Parser.add_option("-g", "--guid list", action="store", type="string", dest="GuidList",
help="Specify guid file list by a file")
Parser.add_option("-l", "--log filename", action="store", type="string", dest="LogFile",
help="Specify real execution log file")
Parser.add_option("-k", "--keepdatabase", action="store_true", type=None, help="The existing Eot database will not be cleaned except report information if this option is specified.")
Parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", type=None, help="Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.")
Parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", type=None, help="Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, "\
"including library instances selected, final dependency expression, "\
"and warning messages, etc.")
Parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store", type="int", help="Enable debug messages at specified level.")
(Opt, Args)=Parser.parse_args()
return (Opt, Args)
# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
# script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialize log system
EdkLogger.IsRaiseError = False
EdkLogger.quiet(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y ", time.localtime()) + "[00:00]" + "\n")
StartTime = time.clock()
Eot = Eot(CommandLineOption=False,
FinishTime = time.clock()
BuildDuration = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(round(FinishTime - StartTime))))
EdkLogger.quiet("\n%s [%s]" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y", time.localtime()), BuildDuration))