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178 lines
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178 lines
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;; @file
; This is the code that goes from real-mode to protected mode.
; It consumes the reset vector, configures the stack.
; Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
; Define assembler characteristics
.model flat, c
; Contrary to the name, this file contains 16 bit code as well.
; Procedure: _ModuleEntryPoint
; Input: None
; Output: None
; Destroys: Assume all registers
; Description:
; Transition to non-paged flat-model protected mode from a
; hard-coded GDT that provides exactly two descriptors.
; This is a bare bones transition to protected mode only
; used for a while in PEI and possibly DXE.
; After enabling protected mode, a far jump is executed to
; transfer to PEI using the newly loaded GDT.
; Return: None
align 16
_ModuleEntryPoint PROC C PUBLIC
; Load the GDT table in GdtDesc
mov esi, OFFSET GdtDesc
db 66h
lgdt fword ptr cs:[si]
; Transition to 16 bit protected mode
mov eax, cr0 ; Get control register 0
or eax, 00000003h ; Set PE bit (bit #0) & MP bit (bit #1)
mov cr0, eax ; Activate protected mode
; Now we're in 16 bit protected mode
; Set up the selectors for 32 bit protected mode entry
mov ax, SYS_DATA_SEL
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
; Transition to Flat 32 bit protected mode
; The jump to a far pointer causes the transition to 32 bit mode
mov esi, offset ProtectedModeEntryLinearAddress
jmp fword ptr cs:[si]
_ModuleEntryPoint ENDP
; Protected mode portion initializes stack, configures cache, and calls C entry point
; Procedure: ProtectedModeEntryPoint
; Input: Executing in 32 Bit Protected (flat) mode
; cs: 0-4GB
; ds: 0-4GB
; es: 0-4GB
; fs: 0-4GB
; gs: 0-4GB
; ss: 0-4GB
; Output: This function never returns
; Destroys:
; ecx
; edi
; esi
; esp
; Description:
; Perform any essential early platform initilaisation
; Setup a stack
ProtectedModeEntryPoint PROC NEAR C PUBLIC
; Dummy function. Consume 2 API to make sure they can be linked.
mov eax, TempRamInitApi
mov eax, FspInitApi
; Should never return
jmp $
ProtectedModeEntryPoint ENDP
; ROM-based Global-Descriptor Table for the PEI Phase
align 16
PUBLIC BootGdtTable
; GDT[0]: 0x00: Null entry, never used.
NULL_SEL equ $ - GDT_BASE ; Selector [0]
BootGdtTable DD 0
DD 0
; Linear code segment descriptor
LINEAR_CODE_SEL equ $ - GDT_BASE ; Selector [0x8]
DW 0FFFFh ; limit 0xFFFF
DW 0 ; base 0
DB 0
DB 09Bh ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, not-writable
DB 0CFh ; page-granular, 32-bit
DB 0
; System data segment descriptor
SYS_DATA_SEL equ $ - GDT_BASE ; Selector [0x10]
DW 0FFFFh ; limit 0xFFFF
DW 0 ; base 0
DB 0
DB 093h ; present, ring 0, data, expand-up, not-writable
DB 0CFh ; page-granular, 32-bit
DB 0
GDT_SIZE EQU $ - BootGDTtable ; Size, in bytes
; GDT Descriptor
GdtDesc: ; GDT descriptor
DW GDT_SIZE - 1 ; GDT limit
DD OFFSET BootGdtTable ; GDT base address
ProtectedModeEntryLinearAddress LABEL FWORD
ProtectedModeEntryLinearOffset LABEL DWORD
DD OFFSET ProtectedModeEntryPoint ; Offset of our 32 bit code