mirror of https://github.com/acidanthera/audk.git
1848 lines
69 KiB
1848 lines
69 KiB
## @file
# Common routines used by all tools
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
# Import Modules
from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import string
import threading
import time
import re
import pickle
import array
import shutil
from random import sample
from struct import pack
import uuid
import subprocess
from collections import OrderedDict
import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
from Common import EdkLogger as EdkLogger
from Common import GlobalData as GlobalData
from Common.DataType import *
from Common.BuildToolError import *
from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
from Common.Parsing import GetSplitValueList
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
from CommonDataClass.Exceptions import BadExpression
from Common.caching import cached_property
## Regular expression used to find out place holders in string template
gPlaceholderPattern = re.compile("\$\{([^$()\s]+)\}", re.MULTILINE | re.UNICODE)
## regular expressions for map file processing
startPatternGeneral = re.compile("^Start[' ']+Length[' ']+Name[' ']+Class")
addressPatternGeneral = re.compile("^Address[' ']+Publics by Value[' ']+Rva\+Base")
valuePatternGcc = re.compile('^([\w_\.]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+)$')
pcdPatternGcc = re.compile('^([\da-fA-Fx]+) +([\da-fA-Fx]+)')
secReGeneral = re.compile('^([\da-fA-F]+):([\da-fA-F]+) +([\da-fA-F]+)[Hh]? +([.\w\$]+) +(\w+)', re.UNICODE)
StructPattern = re.compile(r'[_a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z_]*$')
## Dictionary used to store dependencies of files
gDependencyDatabase = {} # arch : {file path : [dependent files list]}
# If a module is built more than once with different PCDs or library classes
# a temporary INF file with same content is created, the temporary file is removed
# when build exits.
_TempInfs = []
def GetVariableOffset(mapfilepath, efifilepath, varnames):
""" Parse map file to get variable offset in current EFI file
@param mapfilepath Map file absolution path
@param efifilepath: EFI binary file full path
@param varnames iteratable container whose elements are variable names to be searched
@return List whos elements are tuple with variable name and raw offset
lines = []
f = open(mapfilepath, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
return None
if len(lines) == 0: return None
firstline = lines[0].strip()
if (firstline.startswith("Archive member included ") and
firstline.endswith(" file (symbol)")):
return _parseForGCC(lines, efifilepath, varnames)
if firstline.startswith("# Path:"):
return _parseForXcode(lines, efifilepath, varnames)
return _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath, varnames)
def _parseForXcode(lines, efifilepath, varnames):
status = 0
ret = []
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if status == 0 and line == "# Symbols:":
status = 1
if status == 1 and len(line) != 0:
for varname in varnames:
if varname in line:
# cannot pregenerate this RegEx since it uses varname from varnames.
m = re.match('^([\da-fA-FxX]+)([\s\S]*)([_]*%s)$' % varname, line)
if m is not None:
ret.append((varname, m.group(1)))
return ret
def _parseForGCC(lines, efifilepath, varnames):
""" Parse map file generated by GCC linker """
status = 0
sections = []
varoffset = []
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
line = line.strip()
# status machine transection
if status == 0 and line == "Memory Configuration":
status = 1
elif status == 1 and line == 'Linker script and memory map':
status = 2
elif status ==2 and line == 'START GROUP':
status = 3
# status handler
if status == 3:
m = valuePatternGcc.match(line)
if m is not None:
for varname in varnames:
Str = ''
m = re.match("^.data.(%s)" % varname, line)
if m is not None:
m = re.match(".data.(%s)$" % varname, line)
if m is not None:
Str = lines[index + 1]
Str = line[len(".data.%s" % varname):]
if Str:
m = pcdPatternGcc.match(Str.strip())
if m is not None:
varoffset.append((varname, int(m.groups(0)[0], 16), int(sections[-1][1], 16), sections[-1][0]))
if not varoffset:
return []
# get section information from efi file
efisecs = PeImageClass(efifilepath).SectionHeaderList
if efisecs is None or len(efisecs) == 0:
return []
redirection = 0
for efisec in efisecs:
for section in sections:
if section[0].strip() == efisec[0].strip() and section[0].strip() == '.text':
redirection = int(section[1], 16) - efisec[1]
ret = []
for var in varoffset:
for efisec in efisecs:
if var[1] >= efisec[1] and var[1] < efisec[1]+efisec[3]:
ret.append((var[0], hex(efisec[2] + var[1] - efisec[1] - redirection)))
return ret
def _parseGeneral(lines, efifilepath, varnames):
status = 0 #0 - beginning of file; 1 - PE section definition; 2 - symbol table
secs = [] # key = section name
varoffset = []
symRe = re.compile('^([\da-fA-F]+):([\da-fA-F]+) +([\.:\\\\\w\?@\$]+) +([\da-fA-F]+)', re.UNICODE)
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if startPatternGeneral.match(line):
status = 1
if addressPatternGeneral.match(line):
status = 2
if line.startswith("entry point at"):
status = 3
if status == 1 and len(line) != 0:
m = secReGeneral.match(line)
assert m is not None, "Fail to parse the section in map file , line is %s" % line
sec_no, sec_start, sec_length, sec_name, sec_class = m.groups(0)
secs.append([int(sec_no, 16), int(sec_start, 16), int(sec_length, 16), sec_name, sec_class])
if status == 2 and len(line) != 0:
for varname in varnames:
m = symRe.match(line)
assert m is not None, "Fail to parse the symbol in map file, line is %s" % line
sec_no, sym_offset, sym_name, vir_addr = m.groups(0)
sec_no = int(sec_no, 16)
sym_offset = int(sym_offset, 16)
vir_addr = int(vir_addr, 16)
# cannot pregenerate this RegEx since it uses varname from varnames.
m2 = re.match('^[_]*(%s)' % varname, sym_name)
if m2 is not None:
# fond a binary pcd entry in map file
for sec in secs:
if sec[0] == sec_no and (sym_offset >= sec[1] and sym_offset < sec[1] + sec[2]):
varoffset.append([varname, sec[3], sym_offset, vir_addr, sec_no])
if not varoffset: return []
# get section information from efi file
efisecs = PeImageClass(efifilepath).SectionHeaderList
if efisecs is None or len(efisecs) == 0:
return []
ret = []
for var in varoffset:
index = 0
for efisec in efisecs:
index = index + 1
if var[1].strip() == efisec[0].strip():
ret.append((var[0], hex(efisec[2] + var[2])))
elif var[4] == index:
ret.append((var[0], hex(efisec[2] + var[2])))
return ret
## Routine to process duplicated INF
# This function is called by following two cases:
# Case 1 in DSC:
# [components.arch]
# Pkg/module/module.inf
# Pkg/module/module.inf {
# <Defines>
# FILE_GUID = 0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836
# }
# Case 2 in FDF:
# INF Pkg/module/module.inf
# INF FILE_GUID = 0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836 Pkg/module/module.inf
# This function copies Pkg/module/module.inf to
# Conf/.cache/0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836module.inf
# @param Path Original PathClass object
# @param BaseName New file base name
# @retval return the new PathClass object
def ProcessDuplicatedInf(Path, BaseName, Workspace):
Filename = os.path.split(Path.File)[1]
if '.' in Filename:
Filename = BaseName + Path.BaseName + Filename[Filename.rfind('.'):]
Filename = BaseName + Path.BaseName
# If -N is specified on command line, cache is disabled
# The directory has to be created
DbDir = os.path.split(GlobalData.gDatabasePath)[0]
if not os.path.exists(DbDir):
# A temporary INF is copied to database path which must have write permission
# The temporary will be removed at the end of build
# In case of name conflict, the file name is
# FILE_GUIDBaseName (0D1B936F-68F3-4589-AFCC-FB8B7AEBC836module.inf)
TempFullPath = os.path.join(DbDir,
RtPath = PathClass(Path.File, Workspace)
# Modify the full path to temporary path, keep other unchanged
# To build same module more than once, the module path with FILE_GUID overridden has
# the file name FILE_GUIDmodule.inf, but the relative path (self.MetaFile.File) is the real path
# in DSC which is used as relative path by C files and other files in INF.
# A trick was used: all module paths are PathClass instances, after the initialization
# of PathClass, the PathClass.Path is overridden by the temporary INF path.
# The reason for creating a temporary INF is:
# Platform.Modules which is the base to create ModuleAutoGen objects is a dictionary,
# the key is the full path of INF, the value is an object to save overridden library instances, PCDs.
# A different key for the same module is needed to create different output directory,
# retrieve overridden PCDs, library instances.
# The BaseName is the FILE_GUID which is also the output directory name.
RtPath.Path = TempFullPath
RtPath.BaseName = BaseName
# If file exists, compare contents
if os.path.exists(TempFullPath):
with open(str(Path), 'rb') as f1, open(TempFullPath, 'rb') as f2:
if f1.read() == f2.read():
return RtPath
shutil.copy2(str(Path), TempFullPath)
return RtPath
## Remove temporary created INFs whose paths were saved in _TempInfs
def ClearDuplicatedInf():
while _TempInfs:
File = _TempInfs.pop()
if os.path.exists(File):
## Convert GUID string in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx style to C structure style
# @param Guid The GUID string
# @retval string The GUID string in C structure style
def GuidStringToGuidStructureString(Guid):
GuidList = Guid.split('-')
Result = '{'
for Index in range(0, 3, 1):
Result = Result + '0x' + GuidList[Index] + ', '
Result = Result + '{0x' + GuidList[3][0:2] + ', 0x' + GuidList[3][2:4]
for Index in range(0, 12, 2):
Result = Result + ', 0x' + GuidList[4][Index:Index + 2]
Result += '}}'
return Result
## Convert GUID structure in byte array to xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# @param GuidValue The GUID value in byte array
# @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format
def GuidStructureByteArrayToGuidString(GuidValue):
guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "").replace(";", "")
guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",")
if len(guidValueList) != 16:
return ''
#EdkLogger.error(None, None, "Invalid GUID value string %s" % GuidValue)
return "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
int(guidValueList[3], 16),
int(guidValueList[2], 16),
int(guidValueList[1], 16),
int(guidValueList[0], 16),
int(guidValueList[5], 16),
int(guidValueList[4], 16),
int(guidValueList[7], 16),
int(guidValueList[6], 16),
int(guidValueList[8], 16),
int(guidValueList[9], 16),
int(guidValueList[10], 16),
int(guidValueList[11], 16),
int(guidValueList[12], 16),
int(guidValueList[13], 16),
int(guidValueList[14], 16),
int(guidValueList[15], 16)
return ''
## Convert GUID string in C structure style to xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# @param GuidValue The GUID value in C structure format
# @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format
def GuidStructureStringToGuidString(GuidValue):
if not GlobalData.gGuidCFormatPattern.match(GuidValue):
return ''
guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "").replace(";", "")
guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",")
if len(guidValueList) != 11:
return ''
#EdkLogger.error(None, None, "Invalid GUID value string %s" % GuidValue)
return "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
int(guidValueList[0], 16),
int(guidValueList[1], 16),
int(guidValueList[2], 16),
int(guidValueList[3], 16),
int(guidValueList[4], 16),
int(guidValueList[5], 16),
int(guidValueList[6], 16),
int(guidValueList[7], 16),
int(guidValueList[8], 16),
int(guidValueList[9], 16),
int(guidValueList[10], 16)
return ''
## Convert GUID string in C structure style to xxxxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx
# @param GuidValue The GUID value in C structure format
# @retval string The GUID value in xxxxxxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxx format
def GuidStructureStringToGuidValueName(GuidValue):
guidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(" ", "")
guidValueList = guidValueString.split(",")
if len(guidValueList) != 11:
EdkLogger.error(None, FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid GUID value string [%s]" % GuidValue)
return "%08x_%04x_%04x_%02x%02x_%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
int(guidValueList[0], 16),
int(guidValueList[1], 16),
int(guidValueList[2], 16),
int(guidValueList[3], 16),
int(guidValueList[4], 16),
int(guidValueList[5], 16),
int(guidValueList[6], 16),
int(guidValueList[7], 16),
int(guidValueList[8], 16),
int(guidValueList[9], 16),
int(guidValueList[10], 16)
## Create directories
# @param Directory The directory name
def CreateDirectory(Directory):
if Directory is None or Directory.strip() == "":
return True
if not os.access(Directory, os.F_OK):
return False
return True
## Remove directories, including files and sub-directories in it
# @param Directory The directory name
def RemoveDirectory(Directory, Recursively=False):
if Directory is None or Directory.strip() == "" or not os.path.exists(Directory):
if Recursively:
CurrentDirectory = os.getcwd()
for File in os.listdir("."):
if os.path.isdir(File):
RemoveDirectory(File, Recursively)
## Store content in file
# This method is used to save file only when its content is changed. This is
# quite useful for "make" system to decide what will be re-built and what won't.
# @param File The path of file
# @param Content The new content of the file
# @param IsBinaryFile The flag indicating if the file is binary file or not
# @retval True If the file content is changed and the file is renewed
# @retval False If the file content is the same
def SaveFileOnChange(File, Content, IsBinaryFile=True):
if os.path.exists(File):
if IsBinaryFile:
with open(File, "rb") as f:
if Content == f.read():
return False
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
with open(File, "r") as f:
if Content == f.read():
return False
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
DirName = os.path.dirname(File)
if not CreateDirectory(DirName):
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, "Could not create directory %s" % DirName)
if DirName == '':
DirName = os.getcwd()
if not os.access(DirName, os.W_OK):
EdkLogger.error(None, PERMISSION_FAILURE, "Do not have write permission on directory %s" % DirName)
if IsBinaryFile:
with open(File, "wb") as Fd:
except IOError as X:
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData='IOError %s' % X)
with open(File, 'w') as Fd:
except IOError as X:
EdkLogger.error(None, FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData='IOError %s' % X)
return True
## Retrieve and cache the real path name in file system
# @param Root The root directory of path relative to
# @retval str The path string if the path exists
# @retval None If path doesn't exist
class DirCache:
_CACHE_ = set()
def __init__(self, Root):
self._Root = Root
for F in os.listdir(Root):
self._UPPER_CACHE_[F.upper()] = F
# =[] operator
def __getitem__(self, Path):
Path = Path[len(os.path.commonprefix([Path, self._Root])):]
if not Path:
return self._Root
if Path and Path[0] == os.path.sep:
Path = Path[1:]
if Path in self._CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, Path)
UpperPath = Path.upper()
if UpperPath in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, self._UPPER_CACHE_[UpperPath])
IndexList = []
LastSepIndex = -1
SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep)
while SepIndex > -1:
Parent = UpperPath[:SepIndex]
if Parent not in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
LastSepIndex = SepIndex
SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep, LastSepIndex + 1)
if LastSepIndex == -1:
return None
Cwd = os.getcwd()
SepIndex = LastSepIndex
while SepIndex > -1:
Parent = Path[:SepIndex]
ParentKey = UpperPath[:SepIndex]
if ParentKey not in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
return None
if Parent in self._CACHE_:
ParentDir = Parent
ParentDir = self._UPPER_CACHE_[ParentKey]
for F in os.listdir(ParentDir):
Dir = os.path.join(ParentDir, F)
self._UPPER_CACHE_[Dir.upper()] = Dir
SepIndex = Path.find(os.path.sep, SepIndex + 1)
if Path in self._CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, Path)
elif UpperPath in self._UPPER_CACHE_:
return os.path.join(self._Root, self._UPPER_CACHE_[UpperPath])
return None
def RealPath(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[NewFile]
if not NewFile and OverrideDir:
NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[NewFile]
return NewFile
## Get GUID value from given packages
# @param CName The CName of the GUID
# @param PackageList List of packages looking-up in
# @param Inffile The driver file
# @retval GuidValue if the CName is found in any given package
# @retval None if the CName is not found in all given packages
def GuidValue(CName, PackageList, Inffile = None):
for P in PackageList:
GuidKeys = list(P.Guids.keys())
if Inffile and P._PrivateGuids:
if not Inffile.startswith(P.MetaFile.Dir):
GuidKeys = [x for x in P.Guids if x not in P._PrivateGuids]
if CName in GuidKeys:
return P.Guids[CName]
return None
return None
## A string template class
# This class implements a template for string replacement. A string template
# looks like following
# ${BEGIN} other_string ${placeholder_name} other_string ${END}
# The string between ${BEGIN} and ${END} will be repeated as many times as the
# length of "placeholder_name", which is a list passed through a dict. The
# "placeholder_name" is the key name of the dict. The ${BEGIN} and ${END} can
# be not used and, in this case, the "placeholder_name" must not a list and it
# will just be replaced once.
class TemplateString(object):
class Section(object):
_LIST_TYPES = [type([]), type(set()), type((0,))]
def __init__(self, TemplateSection, PlaceHolderList):
self._Template = TemplateSection
self._PlaceHolderList = []
# Split the section into sub-sections according to the position of placeholders
if PlaceHolderList:
self._SubSectionList = []
SubSectionStart = 0
# The placeholders passed in must be in the format of
# PlaceHolderName, PlaceHolderStartPoint, PlaceHolderEndPoint
for PlaceHolder, Start, End in PlaceHolderList:
SubSectionStart = End
if SubSectionStart < len(TemplateSection):
self._SubSectionList = [TemplateSection]
def __str__(self):
return self._Template + " : " + str(self._PlaceHolderList)
def Instantiate(self, PlaceHolderValues):
RepeatTime = -1
RepeatPlaceHolders = {}
NonRepeatPlaceHolders = {}
for PlaceHolder in self._PlaceHolderList:
if PlaceHolder not in PlaceHolderValues:
Value = PlaceHolderValues[PlaceHolder]
if type(Value) in self._LIST_TYPES:
if RepeatTime < 0:
RepeatTime = len(Value)
elif RepeatTime != len(Value):
"${%s} has different repeat time from others!" % PlaceHolder,
RepeatPlaceHolders["${%s}" % PlaceHolder] = Value
NonRepeatPlaceHolders["${%s}" % PlaceHolder] = Value
if NonRepeatPlaceHolders:
StringList = []
for S in self._SubSectionList:
if S not in NonRepeatPlaceHolders:
StringList = self._SubSectionList
if RepeatPlaceHolders:
TempStringList = []
for Index in range(RepeatTime):
for S in StringList:
if S not in RepeatPlaceHolders:
StringList = TempStringList
return "".join(StringList)
## Constructor
def __init__(self, Template=None):
self.String = []
self.IsBinary = False
self._Template = Template
self._TemplateSectionList = self._Parse(Template)
## str() operator
# @retval string The string replaced
def __str__(self):
return "".join(self.String)
## Split the template string into fragments per the ${BEGIN} and ${END} flags
# @retval list A list of TemplateString.Section objects
def _Parse(self, Template):
SectionStart = 0
SearchFrom = 0
MatchEnd = 0
PlaceHolderList = []
TemplateSectionList = []
while Template:
MatchObj = gPlaceholderPattern.search(Template, SearchFrom)
if not MatchObj:
if MatchEnd <= len(Template):
TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:], PlaceHolderList)
MatchString = MatchObj.group(1)
MatchStart = MatchObj.start()
MatchEnd = MatchObj.end()
if MatchString == self._REPEAT_START_FLAG:
if MatchStart > SectionStart:
TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:MatchStart], PlaceHolderList)
SectionStart = MatchEnd
PlaceHolderList = []
elif MatchString == self._REPEAT_END_FLAG:
TemplateSection = TemplateString.Section(Template[SectionStart:MatchStart], PlaceHolderList)
SectionStart = MatchEnd
PlaceHolderList = []
PlaceHolderList.append((MatchString, MatchStart - SectionStart, MatchEnd - SectionStart))
SearchFrom = MatchEnd
return TemplateSectionList
## Replace the string template with dictionary of placeholders and append it to previous one
# @param AppendString The string template to append
# @param Dictionary The placeholder dictionaries
def Append(self, AppendString, Dictionary=None):
if Dictionary:
SectionList = self._Parse(AppendString)
self.String.append( "".join(S.Instantiate(Dictionary) for S in SectionList))
if isinstance(AppendString,list):
## Replace the string template with dictionary of placeholders
# @param Dictionary The placeholder dictionaries
# @retval str The string replaced with placeholder values
def Replace(self, Dictionary=None):
return "".join(S.Instantiate(Dictionary) for S in self._TemplateSectionList)
## Progress indicator class
# This class makes use of thread to print progress on console.
class Progressor:
# for avoiding deadloop
_StopFlag = None
_ProgressThread = None
_CheckInterval = 0.25
## Constructor
# @param OpenMessage The string printed before progress characters
# @param CloseMessage The string printed after progress characters
# @param ProgressChar The character used to indicate the progress
# @param Interval The interval in seconds between two progress characters
def __init__(self, OpenMessage="", CloseMessage="", ProgressChar='.', Interval=1.0):
self.PromptMessage = OpenMessage
self.CodaMessage = CloseMessage
self.ProgressChar = ProgressChar
self.Interval = Interval
if Progressor._StopFlag is None:
Progressor._StopFlag = threading.Event()
## Start to print progress character
# @param OpenMessage The string printed before progress characters
def Start(self, OpenMessage=None):
if OpenMessage is not None:
self.PromptMessage = OpenMessage
if Progressor._ProgressThread is None:
Progressor._ProgressThread = threading.Thread(target=self._ProgressThreadEntry)
## Stop printing progress character
# @param CloseMessage The string printed after progress characters
def Stop(self, CloseMessage=None):
OriginalCodaMessage = self.CodaMessage
if CloseMessage is not None:
self.CodaMessage = CloseMessage
self.CodaMessage = OriginalCodaMessage
## Thread entry method
def _ProgressThreadEntry(self):
sys.stdout.write(self.PromptMessage + " ")
TimeUp = 0.0
while not Progressor._StopFlag.isSet():
if TimeUp <= 0.0:
TimeUp = self.Interval
TimeUp -= self._CheckInterval
sys.stdout.write(" " + self.CodaMessage + "\n")
## Abort the progress display
def Abort():
if Progressor._StopFlag is not None:
if Progressor._ProgressThread is not None:
Progressor._ProgressThread = None
## Dictionary using prioritized list as key
class tdict:
_ListType = type([])
_TupleType = type(())
_Wildcard = 'COMMON'
_ValidWildcardList = ['COMMON', 'DEFAULT', 'ALL', TAB_STAR, 'PLATFORM']
def __init__(self, _Single_=False, _Level_=2):
self._Level_ = _Level_
self.data = {}
self._Single_ = _Single_
# =[] operator
def __getitem__(self, key):
KeyType = type(key)
RestKeys = None
if KeyType == self._ListType or KeyType == self._TupleType:
FirstKey = key[0]
if len(key) > 1:
RestKeys = key[1:]
elif self._Level_ > 1:
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
FirstKey = key
if self._Level_ > 1:
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
if FirstKey is None or str(FirstKey).upper() in self._ValidWildcardList:
FirstKey = self._Wildcard
if self._Single_:
return self._GetSingleValue(FirstKey, RestKeys)
return self._GetAllValues(FirstKey, RestKeys)
def _GetSingleValue(self, FirstKey, RestKeys):
Value = None
#print "%s-%s" % (FirstKey, self._Level_) ,
if self._Level_ > 1:
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys]
if Value is None:
for Key in self.data:
Value = self.data[Key][RestKeys]
if Value is not None: break
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys]
if Value is None and self._Wildcard in self.data:
#print "Value=None"
Value = self.data[self._Wildcard][RestKeys]
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey]
if Value is None:
for Key in self.data:
Value = self.data[Key]
if Value is not None: break
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value = self.data[FirstKey]
elif self._Wildcard in self.data:
Value = self.data[self._Wildcard]
return Value
def _GetAllValues(self, FirstKey, RestKeys):
Value = []
if self._Level_ > 1:
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
for Key in self.data:
Value += self.data[Key][RestKeys]
if FirstKey in self.data:
Value += self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys]
if self._Wildcard in self.data:
Value += self.data[self._Wildcard][RestKeys]
if FirstKey == self._Wildcard:
for Key in self.data:
if FirstKey in self.data:
if self._Wildcard in self.data:
return Value
## []= operator
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
KeyType = type(key)
RestKeys = None
if KeyType == self._ListType or KeyType == self._TupleType:
FirstKey = key[0]
if len(key) > 1:
RestKeys = key[1:]
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
FirstKey = key
if self._Level_ > 1:
RestKeys = [self._Wildcard for i in range(0, self._Level_ - 1)]
if FirstKey in self._ValidWildcardList:
FirstKey = self._Wildcard
if FirstKey not in self.data and self._Level_ > 0:
self.data[FirstKey] = tdict(self._Single_, self._Level_ - 1)
if self._Level_ > 1:
self.data[FirstKey][RestKeys] = value
self.data[FirstKey] = value
def SetGreedyMode(self):
self._Single_ = False
if self._Level_ > 1:
for Key in self.data:
def SetSingleMode(self):
self._Single_ = True
if self._Level_ > 1:
for Key in self.data:
def GetKeys(self, KeyIndex=0):
assert KeyIndex >= 0
if KeyIndex == 0:
return set(self.data.keys())
keys = set()
for Key in self.data:
keys |= self.data[Key].GetKeys(KeyIndex - 1)
return keys
def AnalyzePcdExpression(Setting):
RanStr = ''.join(sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8))
Setting = Setting.replace('\\\\', RanStr).strip()
# There might be escaped quote in a string: \", \\\" , \', \\\'
Data = Setting
# There might be '|' in string and in ( ... | ... ), replace it with '-'
NewStr = ''
InSingleQuoteStr = False
InDoubleQuoteStr = False
Pair = 0
for Index, ch in enumerate(Data):
if ch == '"' and not InSingleQuoteStr:
if Data[Index - 1] != '\\':
InDoubleQuoteStr = not InDoubleQuoteStr
elif ch == "'" and not InDoubleQuoteStr:
if Data[Index - 1] != '\\':
InSingleQuoteStr = not InSingleQuoteStr
elif ch == '(' and not (InSingleQuoteStr or InDoubleQuoteStr):
Pair += 1
elif ch == ')' and not (InSingleQuoteStr or InDoubleQuoteStr):
Pair -= 1
if (Pair > 0 or InSingleQuoteStr or InDoubleQuoteStr) and ch == TAB_VALUE_SPLIT:
NewStr += '-'
NewStr += ch
FieldList = []
StartPos = 0
while True:
Pos = NewStr.find(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, StartPos)
if Pos < 0:
StartPos = Pos + 1
for i, ch in enumerate(FieldList):
if RanStr in ch:
FieldList[i] = ch.replace(RanStr,'\\\\')
return FieldList
def ParseFieldValue (Value):
def ParseDevPathValue (Value):
if '\\' in Value:
Value.replace('\\', '/').replace(' ', '')
Cmd = 'DevicePath ' + '"' + Value + '"'
p = subprocess.Popen(Cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
out, err = p.communicate()
except Exception as X:
raise BadExpression("DevicePath: %s" % (str(X)) )
if err:
raise BadExpression("DevicePath: %s" % str(err))
out = out.decode()
Size = len(out.split())
out = ','.join(out.split())
return '{' + out + '}', Size
if "{CODE(" in Value:
return Value, len(Value.split(","))
if isinstance(Value, type(0)):
return Value, (Value.bit_length() + 7) // 8
if not isinstance(Value, type('')):
raise BadExpression('Type %s is %s' %(Value, type(Value)))
Value = Value.strip()
if Value.startswith(TAB_UINT8) and Value.endswith(')'):
Value, Size = ParseFieldValue(Value.split('(', 1)[1][:-1])
if Size > 1:
raise BadExpression('Value (%s) Size larger than %d' %(Value, Size))
return Value, 1
if Value.startswith(TAB_UINT16) and Value.endswith(')'):
Value, Size = ParseFieldValue(Value.split('(', 1)[1][:-1])
if Size > 2:
raise BadExpression('Value (%s) Size larger than %d' %(Value, Size))
return Value, 2
if Value.startswith(TAB_UINT32) and Value.endswith(')'):
Value, Size = ParseFieldValue(Value.split('(', 1)[1][:-1])
if Size > 4:
raise BadExpression('Value (%s) Size larger than %d' %(Value, Size))
return Value, 4
if Value.startswith(TAB_UINT64) and Value.endswith(')'):
Value, Size = ParseFieldValue(Value.split('(', 1)[1][:-1])
if Size > 8:
raise BadExpression('Value (%s) Size larger than %d' % (Value, Size))
return Value, 8
if Value.startswith(TAB_GUID) and Value.endswith(')'):
Value = Value.split('(', 1)[1][:-1].strip()
if Value[0] == '{' and Value[-1] == '}':
TmpValue = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(Value)
if not TmpValue:
raise BadExpression("Invalid GUID value string %s" % Value)
Value = TmpValue
if Value[0] == '"' and Value[-1] == '"':
Value = Value[1:-1]
Value = str(uuid.UUID(Value).bytes_le)
if Value.startswith("b'"):
Value = Value[2:-1]
Value = "'" + Value + "'"
except ValueError as Message:
raise BadExpression(Message)
Value, Size = ParseFieldValue(Value)
return Value, 16
if Value.startswith('L"') and Value.endswith('"'):
# Unicode String
# translate escape character
Value = Value[1:]
Value = eval(Value)
Value = Value[1:-1]
List = list(Value)
Value = 0
for Char in List:
Value = (Value << 16) | ord(Char)
return Value, (len(List) + 1) * 2
if Value.startswith('"') and Value.endswith('"'):
# ASCII String
# translate escape character
Value = eval(Value)
Value = Value[1:-1]
List = list(Value)
Value = 0
for Char in List:
Value = (Value << 8) | ord(Char)
return Value, len(List) + 1
if Value.startswith("L'") and Value.endswith("'"):
# Unicode Character Constant
# translate escape character
Value = Value[1:]
Value = eval(Value)
Value = Value[1:-1]
List = list(Value)
if len(List) == 0:
raise BadExpression('Length %s is %s' % (Value, len(List)))
Value = 0
for Char in List:
Value = (Value << 16) | ord(Char)
return Value, len(List) * 2
if Value.startswith("'") and Value.endswith("'"):
# Character constant
# translate escape character
Value = eval(Value)
Value = Value[1:-1]
List = list(Value)
if len(List) == 0:
raise BadExpression('Length %s is %s' % (Value, len(List)))
Value = 0
for Char in List:
Value = (Value << 8) | ord(Char)
return Value, len(List)
if Value.startswith('{') and Value.endswith('}'):
# Byte array
Value = Value[1:-1]
List = [Item.strip() for Item in Value.split(',')]
Value = 0
RetSize = 0
for Item in List:
ItemValue, Size = ParseFieldValue(Item)
RetSize += Size
for I in range(Size):
Value = (Value << 8) | ((ItemValue >> 8 * I) & 0xff)
return Value, RetSize
if Value.startswith('DEVICE_PATH(') and Value.endswith(')'):
Value = Value.replace("DEVICE_PATH(", '').rstrip(')')
Value = Value.strip().strip('"')
return ParseDevPathValue(Value)
if Value.lower().startswith('0x'):
Value = int(Value, 16)
raise BadExpression("invalid hex value: %s" % Value)
if Value == 0:
return 0, 1
return Value, (Value.bit_length() + 7) // 8
if Value[0].isdigit():
Value = int(Value, 10)
if Value == 0:
return 0, 1
return Value, (Value.bit_length() + 7) // 8
if Value.lower() == 'true':
return 1, 1
if Value.lower() == 'false':
return 0, 1
return Value, 1
## AnalyzeDscPcd
# Analyze DSC PCD value, since there is no data type info in DSC
# This function is used to match functions (AnalyzePcdData) used for retrieving PCD value from database
# 1. Feature flag: TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue
# 2. Fix and Patch:TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue[|VOID*[|MaxSize]]
# 3. Dynamic default:
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue[|VOID*[|MaxSize]]
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|PcdValue
# 4. Dynamic VPD:
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|VpdOffset[|VpdValue]
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|VpdOffset[|MaxSize[|VpdValue]]
# 5. Dynamic HII:
# TokenSpace.PcdCName|HiiString|VariableGuid|VariableOffset[|HiiValue]
# PCD value needs to be located in such kind of string, and the PCD value might be an expression in which
# there might have "|" operator, also in string value.
# @param Setting: String contain information described above with "TokenSpace.PcdCName|" stripped
# @param PcdType: PCD type: feature, fixed, dynamic default VPD HII
# @param DataType: The datum type of PCD: VOID*, UNIT, BOOL
# @retval:
# ValueList: A List contain fields described above
# IsValid: True if conforming EBNF, otherwise False
# Index: The index where PcdValue is in ValueList
def AnalyzeDscPcd(Setting, PcdType, DataType=''):
FieldList = AnalyzePcdExpression(Setting)
IsValid = True
Value = FieldList[0]
Size = ''
if len(FieldList) > 1 and FieldList[1]:
DataType = FieldList[1]
if FieldList[1] != TAB_VOID and StructPattern.match(FieldList[1]) is None:
IsValid = False
if len(FieldList) > 2:
Size = FieldList[2]
if IsValid:
if DataType == "":
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 1)
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 3)
if Size:
int(Size, 16) if Size.upper().startswith("0X") else int(Size)
IsValid = False
Size = -1
return [str(Value), DataType, str(Size)], IsValid, 0
Value = FieldList[0]
Size = ''
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 1)
return [Value, DataType, str(Size)], IsValid, 0
VpdOffset = FieldList[0]
Value = Size = ''
if not DataType == TAB_VOID:
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Value = FieldList[1]
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Size = FieldList[1]
if len(FieldList) > 2:
Value = FieldList[2]
if DataType == "":
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 1)
IsValid = (len(FieldList) <= 3)
if Size:
int(Size, 16) if Size.upper().startswith("0X") else int(Size)
IsValid = False
Size = -1
return [VpdOffset, str(Size), Value], IsValid, 2
IsValid = (3 <= len(FieldList) <= 5)
HiiString = FieldList[0]
Guid = Offset = Value = Attribute = ''
if len(FieldList) > 1:
Guid = FieldList[1]
if len(FieldList) > 2:
Offset = FieldList[2]
if len(FieldList) > 3:
Value = FieldList[3]
if len(FieldList) > 4:
Attribute = FieldList[4]
return [HiiString, Guid, Offset, Value, Attribute], IsValid, 3
return [], False, 0
## AnalyzePcdData
# Analyze the pcd Value, Datum type and TokenNumber.
# Used to avoid split issue while the value string contain "|" character
# @param[in] Setting: A String contain value/datum type/token number information;
# @retval ValueList: A List contain value, datum type and toke number.
def AnalyzePcdData(Setting):
ValueList = ['', '', '']
ValueRe = re.compile(r'^\s*L?\".*\|.*\"')
PtrValue = ValueRe.findall(Setting)
ValueUpdateFlag = False
if len(PtrValue) >= 1:
Setting = re.sub(ValueRe, '', Setting)
ValueUpdateFlag = True
TokenList = Setting.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
if ValueUpdateFlag:
ValueList[0] = PtrValue[0]
return ValueList
## check format of PCD value against its the datum type
# For PCD value setting
def CheckPcdDatum(Type, Value):
if Type == TAB_VOID:
ValueRe = re.compile(r'\s*L?\".*\"\s*$')
if not (((Value.startswith('L"') or Value.startswith('"')) and Value.endswith('"'))
or (Value.startswith('{') and Value.endswith('}')) or (Value.startswith("L'") or Value.startswith("'") and Value.endswith("'"))
return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s]; must be in the form of {...} for array"\
", \"...\" or \'...\' for string, L\"...\" or L\'...\' for unicode string" % (Value, Type)
elif ValueRe.match(Value):
# Check the chars in UnicodeString or CString is printable
if Value.startswith("L"):
Value = Value[2:-1]
Value = Value[1:-1]
Printset = set(string.printable)
if not set(Value).issubset(Printset):
PrintList = sorted(Printset)
return False, "Invalid PCD string value of type [%s]; must be printable chars %s." % (Type, PrintList)
elif Type == 'BOOLEAN':
if Value not in ['TRUE', 'True', 'true', '0x1', '0x01', '1', 'FALSE', 'False', 'false', '0x0', '0x00', '0']:
return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s]; must be one of TRUE, True, true, 0x1, 0x01, 1"\
", FALSE, False, false, 0x0, 0x00, 0" % (Value, Type)
elif Type in [TAB_UINT8, TAB_UINT16, TAB_UINT32, TAB_UINT64]:
if Value.startswith('0') and not Value.lower().startswith('0x') and len(Value) > 1 and Value.lstrip('0'):
Value = Value.lstrip('0')
if Value and int(Value, 0) < 0:
return False, "PCD can't be set to negative value[%s] for datum type [%s]" % (Value, Type)
Value = int(Value, 0)
if Value > MAX_VAL_TYPE[Type]:
return False, "Too large PCD value[%s] for datum type [%s]" % (Value, Type)
return False, "Invalid value [%s] of type [%s];"\
" must be a hexadecimal, decimal or octal in C language format." % (Value, Type)
return True, "StructurePcd"
return True, ""
def CommonPath(PathList):
P1 = min(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
P2 = max(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
for Index in range(min(len(P1), len(P2))):
if P1[Index] != P2[Index]:
return os.path.sep.join(P1[:Index])
return os.path.sep.join(P1)
class PathClass(object):
def __init__(self, File='', Root='', AlterRoot='', Type='', IsBinary=False,
Arch='COMMON', ToolChainFamily='', Target='', TagName='', ToolCode=''):
self.Arch = Arch
self.File = str(File)
if os.path.isabs(self.File):
self.Root = ''
self.AlterRoot = ''
self.Root = str(Root)
self.AlterRoot = str(AlterRoot)
# Remove any '.' and '..' in path
if self.Root:
self.Root = mws.getWs(self.Root, self.File)
self.Path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Root, self.File))
self.Root = os.path.normpath(CommonPath([self.Root, self.Path]))
# eliminate the side-effect of 'C:'
if self.Root[-1] == ':':
self.Root += os.path.sep
# file path should not start with path separator
if self.Root[-1] == os.path.sep:
self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root):]
self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root) + 1:]
self.Path = os.path.normpath(self.File)
self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(self.File)
self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
if self.Root:
if self.SubDir:
self.Dir = os.path.join(self.Root, self.SubDir)
self.Dir = self.Root
self.Dir = self.SubDir
if IsBinary:
self.Type = Type
self.Type = self.Ext.lower()
self.IsBinary = IsBinary
self.Target = Target
self.TagName = TagName
self.ToolCode = ToolCode
self.ToolChainFamily = ToolChainFamily
## Convert the object of this class to a string
# Convert member Path of the class to a string
# @retval string Formatted String
def __str__(self):
return self.Path
## Override __eq__ function
# Check whether PathClass are the same
# @retval False The two PathClass are different
# @retval True The two PathClass are the same
def __eq__(self, Other):
return self.Path == str(Other)
## Override __cmp__ function
# Customize the comparison operation of two PathClass
# @retval 0 The two PathClass are different
# @retval -1 The first PathClass is less than the second PathClass
# @retval 1 The first PathClass is Bigger than the second PathClass
def __cmp__(self, Other):
OtherKey = str(Other)
SelfKey = self.Path
if SelfKey == OtherKey:
return 0
elif SelfKey > OtherKey:
return 1
return -1
## Override __hash__ function
# Use Path as key in hash table
# @retval string Key for hash table
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.Path)
def Key(self):
return self.Path.upper()
def TimeStamp(self):
return os.stat(self.Path)[8]
def Validate(self, Type='', CaseSensitive=True):
def RealPath2(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
NewFile = None
if OverrideDir:
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))]
if NewFile:
if OverrideDir[-1] == os.path.sep:
return NewFile[len(OverrideDir):], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
return NewFile[len(OverrideDir) + 1:], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
if GlobalData.gAllFiles:
NewFile = GlobalData.gAllFiles[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))]
if not NewFile:
NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))
if not os.path.exists(NewFile):
return None, None
if NewFile:
if Dir:
if Dir[-1] == os.path.sep:
return NewFile[len(Dir):], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
return NewFile[len(Dir) + 1:], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
return NewFile, ''
return None, None
if GlobalData.gCaseInsensitive:
CaseSensitive = False
if Type and Type.lower() != self.Type:
return FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH, '%s (expect %s but got %s)' % (self.File, Type, self.Type)
RealFile, RealRoot = RealPath2(self.File, self.Root, self.AlterRoot)
if not RealRoot and not RealFile:
RealFile = self.File
if self.AlterRoot:
RealFile = os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, self.File)
elif self.Root:
RealFile = os.path.join(self.Root, self.File)
if len (mws.getPkgPath()) == 0:
return FILE_NOT_FOUND, os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, RealFile)
return FILE_NOT_FOUND, "%s is not found in packages path:\n\t%s" % (self.File, '\n\t'.join(mws.getPkgPath()))
ErrorCode = 0
ErrorInfo = ''
if RealRoot != self.Root or RealFile != self.File:
if CaseSensitive and (RealFile != self.File or (RealRoot != self.Root and RealRoot != self.AlterRoot)):
ErrorInfo = self.File + '\n\t' + RealFile + " [in file system]"
self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(RealFile)
self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
if self.SubDir:
self.Dir = os.path.join(RealRoot, self.SubDir)
self.Dir = RealRoot
self.File = RealFile
self.Root = RealRoot
self.Path = os.path.join(RealRoot, RealFile)
return ErrorCode, ErrorInfo
## Parse PE image to get the required PE information.
class PeImageClass():
## Constructor
# @param File FilePath of PeImage
def __init__(self, PeFile):
self.FileName = PeFile
self.IsValid = False
self.Size = 0
self.EntryPoint = 0
self.SectionAlignment = 0
self.SectionHeaderList = []
self.ErrorInfo = ''
PeObject = open(PeFile, 'rb')
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' can not be found\n'
# Read DOS header
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x3E)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
# DOS signature should be 'MZ'
if self._ByteListToStr (ByteList[0x0:0x2]) != 'MZ':
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no valid DOS signature MZ'
# Read 4 byte PE Signature
PeOffset = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x3C:0x3E])
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 4)
# PE signature should be 'PE\0\0'
if ByteArray.tostring() != b'PE\0\0':
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no valid PE signature PE00'
# Read PE file header
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x14)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
SecNumber = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x2:0x4])
if SecNumber == 0:
self.ErrorInfo = self.FileName + ' has no section header'
# Read PE optional header
OptionalHeaderSize = self._ByteListToInt(ByteArray[0x10:0x12])
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, OptionalHeaderSize)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
self.EntryPoint = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x10:0x14])
self.SectionAlignment = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x20:0x24])
self.Size = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[0x38:0x3C])
# Read each Section Header
for Index in range(SecNumber):
ByteArray = array.array('B')
ByteArray.fromfile(PeObject, 0x28)
ByteList = ByteArray.tolist()
SecName = self._ByteListToStr(ByteList[0:8])
SecVirtualSize = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[8:12])
SecRawAddress = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[20:24])
SecVirtualAddress = self._ByteListToInt(ByteList[12:16])
self.SectionHeaderList.append((SecName, SecVirtualAddress, SecRawAddress, SecVirtualSize))
self.IsValid = True
def _ByteListToStr(self, ByteList):
String = ''
for index in range(len(ByteList)):
if ByteList[index] == 0:
String += chr(ByteList[index])
return String
def _ByteListToInt(self, ByteList):
Value = 0
for index in range(len(ByteList) - 1, -1, -1):
Value = (Value << 8) | int(ByteList[index])
return Value
class DefaultStore():
def __init__(self, DefaultStores ):
self.DefaultStores = DefaultStores
def DefaultStoreID(self, DefaultStoreName):
for key, value in self.DefaultStores.items():
if value == DefaultStoreName:
return key
return None
def GetDefaultDefault(self):
if not self.DefaultStores or "0" in self.DefaultStores:
minvalue = min(int(value_str) for value_str in self.DefaultStores)
return (str(minvalue), self.DefaultStores[str(minvalue)])
def GetMin(self, DefaultSIdList):
if not DefaultSIdList:
storeidset = {storeid for storeid, storename in self.DefaultStores.values() if storename in DefaultSIdList}
if not storeidset:
return ""
minid = min(storeidset )
for sid, name in self.DefaultStores.values():
if sid == minid:
return name
class SkuClass():
def __init__(self,SkuIdentifier='', SkuIds=None):
if SkuIds is None:
SkuIds = {}
for SkuName in SkuIds:
SkuId = SkuIds[SkuName][0]
skuid_num = int(SkuId, 16) if SkuId.upper().startswith("0X") else int(SkuId)
if skuid_num > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
ExtraData = "SKU-ID [%s] value %s exceeds the max value of UINT64"
% (SkuName, SkuId))
self.AvailableSkuIds = OrderedDict()
self.SkuIdSet = []
self.SkuIdNumberSet = []
self.SkuData = SkuIds
self._SkuInherit = {}
self._SkuIdentifier = SkuIdentifier
if SkuIdentifier == '' or SkuIdentifier is None:
self.SkuIdSet = ['DEFAULT']
self.SkuIdNumberSet = ['0U']
elif SkuIdentifier == 'ALL':
self.SkuIdSet = list(SkuIds.keys())
self.SkuIdNumberSet = [num[0].strip() + 'U' for num in SkuIds.values()]
r = SkuIdentifier.split('|')
self.SkuIdSet=[(r[k].strip()).upper() for k in range(len(r))]
k = None
self.SkuIdNumberSet = [SkuIds[k][0].strip() + 'U' for k in self.SkuIdSet]
except Exception:
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
ExtraData = "SKU-ID [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid SKU-ID: %s]"
% (k, " | ".join(SkuIds.keys())))
for each in self.SkuIdSet:
if each in SkuIds:
self.AvailableSkuIds[each] = SkuIds[each][0]
EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
ExtraData="SKU-ID [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid SKU-ID: %s]"
% (each, " | ".join(SkuIds.keys())))
if self.SkuUsageType != SkuClass.SINGLE:
self.AvailableSkuIds.update({'DEFAULT':0, 'COMMON':0})
if self.SkuIdSet:
GlobalData.gSkuids = (self.SkuIdSet)
if 'COMMON' in GlobalData.gSkuids:
if self.SkuUsageType == self.SINGLE:
if len(GlobalData.gSkuids) != 1:
if 'DEFAULT' in GlobalData.gSkuids:
if GlobalData.gSkuids:
def GetNextSkuId(self, skuname):
if not self._SkuInherit:
self._SkuInherit = {}
for item in self.SkuData.values():
self._SkuInherit[item[1]]=item[2] if item[2] else "DEFAULT"
return self._SkuInherit.get(skuname, "DEFAULT")
def GetSkuChain(self, sku):
if sku == "DEFAULT":
return ["DEFAULT"]
skulist = [sku]
nextsku = sku
while True:
nextsku = self.GetNextSkuId(nextsku)
if nextsku == "DEFAULT":
return skulist
def SkuOverrideOrder(self):
skuorderset = []
for skuname in self.SkuIdSet:
skuorder = []
for index in range(max(len(item) for item in skuorderset)):
for subset in skuorderset:
if index > len(subset)-1:
if subset[index] in skuorder:
return skuorder
def SkuUsageType(self):
if self._SkuIdentifier.upper() == "ALL":
return SkuClass.MULTIPLE
if len(self.SkuIdSet) == 1:
if self.SkuIdSet[0] == 'DEFAULT':
return SkuClass.DEFAULT
return SkuClass.SINGLE
if len(self.SkuIdSet) == 2 and 'DEFAULT' in self.SkuIdSet:
return SkuClass.SINGLE
return SkuClass.MULTIPLE
def DumpSkuIdArrary(self):
if self.SkuUsageType == SkuClass.SINGLE:
return "{0x0}"
ArrayStrList = []
for skuname in self.AvailableSkuIds:
if skuname == "COMMON":
while skuname != "DEFAULT":
skuname = self.GetNextSkuId(skuname)
return "{{{myList}}}".format(myList=",".join(ArrayStrList))
def AvailableSkuIdSet(self):
return self.AvailableSkuIds
def SystemSkuId(self):
if self.SkuUsageType == SkuClass.SINGLE:
if len(self.SkuIdSet) == 1:
return self.SkuIdSet[0]
return self.SkuIdSet[0] if self.SkuIdSet[0] != 'DEFAULT' else self.SkuIdSet[1]
return 'DEFAULT'
## Get the integer value from string like "14U" or integer like 2
# @param Input The object that may be either a integer value or a string
# @retval Value The integer value that the input represents
def GetIntegerValue(Input):
if not isinstance(Input, str):
return Input
String = Input
if String.endswith("U"):
String = String[:-1]
if String.endswith("ULL"):
String = String[:-3]
if String.endswith("LL"):
String = String[:-2]
if String.startswith("0x") or String.startswith("0X"):
return int(String, 16)
elif String == '':
return 0
return int(String)
# Pack a GUID (registry format) list into a buffer and return it
def PackGUID(Guid):
return pack(PACK_PATTERN_GUID,
int(Guid[0], 16),
int(Guid[1], 16),
int(Guid[2], 16),
int(Guid[3][-4:-2], 16),
int(Guid[3][-2:], 16),
int(Guid[4][-12:-10], 16),
int(Guid[4][-10:-8], 16),
int(Guid[4][-8:-6], 16),
int(Guid[4][-6:-4], 16),
int(Guid[4][-4:-2], 16),
int(Guid[4][-2:], 16)
# Pack a GUID (byte) list into a buffer and return it
def PackByteFormatGUID(Guid):
return pack(PACK_PATTERN_GUID,
## DeepCopy dict/OrderedDict recusively
# @param ori_dict a nested dict or ordereddict
# @retval new dict or orderdict
def CopyDict(ori_dict):
dict_type = ori_dict.__class__
if dict_type not in (dict,OrderedDict):
return ori_dict
new_dict = dict_type()
for key in ori_dict:
if isinstance(ori_dict[key],(dict,OrderedDict)):
new_dict[key] = CopyDict(ori_dict[key])
new_dict[key] = ori_dict[key]
return new_dict
# Remove the c/c++ comments: // and /* */
def RemoveCComments(ctext):
return re.sub('//.*?\n|/\*.*?\*/', '\n', ctext, flags=re.S)