
88 lines
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## @file
# This file is used to define the interface of Bios Parser.
# Copyright (c) 2021-, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
from FirmwareStorageFormat.Common import *
from core.BinaryFactoryProduct import ParserEntry
from core.BiosTreeNode import *
from core.BiosTree import *
from core.GuidTools import *
from utils.FmmtLogger import FmmtLogger as logger
class FMMTParser:
def __init__(self, name: str, TYPE: str) -> None:
self.WholeFvTree = BIOSTREE(name)
self.WholeFvTree.type = TYPE
self.FinalData = b''
self.BinaryInfo = []
## Parser the nodes in WholeTree.
def ParserFromRoot(self, WholeFvTree=None, whole_data: bytes=b'', Reloffset: int=0) -> None:
if WholeFvTree.type == ROOT_TREE or WholeFvTree.type == ROOT_FV_TREE or WholeFvTree.type == ROOT_ELF_TREE:
ParserEntry().DataParser(self.WholeFvTree, whole_data, Reloffset)
ParserEntry().DataParser(WholeFvTree, whole_data, Reloffset)
for Child in WholeFvTree.Child:
self.ParserFromRoot(Child, "")
## Encapuslation all the data in tree into self.FinalData
def Encapsulation(self, rootTree, CompressStatus: bool) -> None:
# If current node is Root node, skip it.
if rootTree.type == ROOT_TREE or rootTree.type == ROOT_FV_TREE or rootTree.type == ROOT_FFS_TREE or rootTree.type == ROOT_SECTION_TREE:
logger.debug('Encapsulated successfully!')
# If current node do not have Header, just add Data.
elif rootTree.type == BINARY_DATA or rootTree.type == FFS_FREE_SPACE:
self.FinalData += rootTree.Data.Data
rootTree.Child = []
# If current node do not have Child and ExtHeader, just add its Header and Data.
elif rootTree.type == DATA_FV_TREE or rootTree.type == FFS_PAD:
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header) + rootTree.Data.Data + rootTree.Data.PadData
if rootTree.isFinalChild():
ParTree = rootTree.Parent
if ParTree.type != 'ROOT':
self.FinalData += ParTree.Data.PadData
rootTree.Child = []
# If current node is not Section node and may have Child and ExtHeader, add its Header,ExtHeader. If do not have Child, add its Data.
elif rootTree.type == FV_TREE or rootTree.type == FFS_TREE or rootTree.type == SEC_FV_TREE:
if rootTree.HasChild():
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header)
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header) + rootTree.Data.Data + rootTree.Data.PadData
if rootTree.isFinalChild():
ParTree = rootTree.Parent
if ParTree.type != 'ROOT':
self.FinalData += ParTree.Data.PadData
# If current node is Section, need to consider its ExtHeader, Child and Compressed Status.
elif rootTree.type == SECTION_TREE:
# Not compressed section
if rootTree.Data.OriData == b'' or (rootTree.Data.OriData != b'' and CompressStatus):
if rootTree.HasChild():
if rootTree.Data.ExtHeader:
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header) + struct2stream(rootTree.Data.ExtHeader)
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header)
Data = rootTree.Data.Data
if rootTree.Data.ExtHeader:
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header) + struct2stream(rootTree.Data.ExtHeader) + Data + rootTree.Data.PadData
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header) + Data + rootTree.Data.PadData
if rootTree.isFinalChild():
ParTree = rootTree.Parent
self.FinalData += ParTree.Data.PadData
# If compressed section
Data = rootTree.Data.OriData
rootTree.Child = []
if rootTree.Data.ExtHeader:
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header) + struct2stream(rootTree.Data.ExtHeader) + Data + rootTree.Data.PadData
self.FinalData += struct2stream(rootTree.Data.Header) + Data + rootTree.Data.PadData
if rootTree.isFinalChild():
ParTree = rootTree.Parent
self.FinalData += ParTree.Data.PadData
for Child in rootTree.Child:
self.Encapsulation(Child, CompressStatus)