mirror of https://github.com/acidanthera/audk.git
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672 lines
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# @file UncrustifyCheck.py
# An edk2-pytool based plugin wrapper for Uncrustify
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
import configparser
import difflib
import errno
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import stat
import timeit
from edk2toolext.environment import version_aggregator
from edk2toolext.environment.plugin_manager import PluginManager
from edk2toolext.environment.plugintypes.ci_build_plugin import ICiBuildPlugin
from edk2toolext.environment.plugintypes.uefi_helper_plugin import HelperFunctions
from edk2toolext.environment.var_dict import VarDict
from edk2toollib.gitignore_parser import parse_gitignore_lines
from edk2toollib.log.junit_report_format import JunitReportTestCase
from edk2toollib.uefi.edk2.path_utilities import Edk2Path
from edk2toollib.utility_functions import RunCmd
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
# Provide more user friendly messages for certain scenarios
class UncrustifyException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, exit_code):
self.exit_code = exit_code
class UncrustifyAppEnvVarNotFoundException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -101)
class UncrustifyAppVersionErrorException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -102)
class UncrustifyAppExecutionException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -103)
class UncrustifyStalePluginFormattedFilesException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -120)
class UncrustifyInputFileCreationErrorException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -121)
class UncrustifyInvalidIgnoreStandardPathsException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -122)
class UncrustifyGitIgnoreFileException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -140)
class UncrustifyGitSubmoduleException(UncrustifyException):
def __init__(self, message):
super().__init__(message, -141)
class UncrustifyCheck(ICiBuildPlugin):
A CiBuildPlugin that uses Uncrustify to check the source files in the
package being tested for coding standard issues.
By default, the plugin runs against standard C source file extensions but
its configuration can be modified through its configuration file.
Configuration options:
"UncrustifyCheck": {
"AdditionalIncludePaths": [], # Additional paths to check formatting (wildcards supported).
"AuditOnly": False, # Don't fail the build if there are errors. Just log them.
"ConfigFilePath": "", # Custom path to an Uncrustify config file.
"IgnoreStandardPaths": [], # Standard Plugin defined paths that should be ignored.
"OutputFileDiffs": False, # Output chunks of formatting diffs in the test case log.
# This can significantly slow down the plugin on very large packages.
"SkipGitExclusions": False # Don't exclude git ignored files and files in git submodules.
# By default, use an "uncrustify.cfg" config file in the plugin directory
# A package can override this path via "ConfigFilePath"
# Note: Values specified via "ConfigFilePath" are relative to the package
pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve(), "uncrustify.cfg")
# The extension used for formatted files produced by this plugin
FORMATTED_FILE_EXTENSION = ".uncrustify_plugin"
# A package can add any additional paths with "AdditionalIncludePaths"
# A package can remove any of these paths with "IgnoreStandardPaths"
STANDARD_PLUGIN_DEFINED_PATHS = ("*.c", "*.h", "*.cpp")
# The Uncrustify application path should set in this environment variable
def GetTestName(self, packagename: str, environment: VarDict) -> Tuple:
""" Provide the testcase name and classname for use in reporting
packagename: string containing name of package to build
environment: The VarDict for the test to run in
A tuple containing the testcase name and the classname
(testcasename, classname)
testclassname: a descriptive string for the testcase can include whitespace
classname: should be patterned <packagename>.<plugin>.<optionally any unique condition>
return ("Check file coding standard compliance in " + packagename, packagename + ".UncrustifyCheck")
def RunBuildPlugin(self, package_rel_path: str, edk2_path: Edk2Path, package_config: Dict[str, List[str]], environment_config: Any, plugin_manager: PluginManager, plugin_manager_helper: HelperFunctions, tc: JunitReportTestCase, output_stream=None) -> int:
External function of plugin. This function is used to perform the task of the CiBuild Plugin.
- package_rel_path: edk2 workspace relative path to the package
- edk2_path: Edk2Path object with workspace and packages paths
- package_config: Dictionary with the package configuration
- environment_config: Environment configuration
- plugin_manager: Plugin Manager Instance
- plugin_manager_helper: Plugin Manager Helper Instance
- tc: JUnit test case
- output_stream: The StringIO output stream from this plugin (logging)
>0 : Number of errors found
0 : Passed successfully
-1 : Skipped for missing prereq
# Initialize plugin and check pre-requisites.
self._env = environment_config
package_rel_path, edk2_path, package_config, tc)
# Log important context information.
# Get template file contents if specified
# Create meta input files & directories
# Post-execution actions.
except UncrustifyException as e:
f"Uncrustify error {e.exit_code}. Details:\n\n{str(e)}")
f"Uncrustify error {e.exit_code}. Details:\n\n{str(e)}")
return -1
if self._formatted_file_error_count > 0:
if self._audit_only_mode:
"Setting test as skipped since AuditOnly is enabled")
return -1
f"{self._plugin_name} failed due to {self._formatted_file_error_count} incorrectly formatted files.", "CHECK_FAILED")
return self._formatted_file_error_count
def _initialize_configuration(self) -> None:
Initializes plugin configuration.
def _check_for_preexisting_formatted_files(self) -> None:
Checks if any formatted files from prior execution are present.
Existence of such files is an unexpected condition. This might result
from an error that occurred during a previous run or a premature exit from a debug scenario. In any case, the package should be clean before starting a new run.
pre_existing_formatted_file_count = len(
[str(path.resolve()) for path in pathlib.Path(self._abs_package_path).rglob(f'*{UncrustifyCheck.FORMATTED_FILE_EXTENSION}')])
if pre_existing_formatted_file_count > 0:
raise UncrustifyStalePluginFormattedFilesException(
f"{pre_existing_formatted_file_count} formatted files already exist. To prevent overwriting these files, please remove them before running this plugin.")
def _cleanup_temporary_directory(self) -> None:
Cleans up the temporary directory used for this execution instance.
This removes the directory and all files created during this instance.
if hasattr(self, '_working_dir'):
def _cleanup_temporary_formatted_files(self) -> None:
Cleans up the temporary formmatted files produced by Uncrustify.
This will recursively remove all formatted files generated by Uncrustify
during this execution instance.
if hasattr(self, '_abs_package_path'):
formatted_files = [str(path.resolve()) for path in pathlib.Path(
for formatted_file in formatted_files:
def _create_temp_working_directory(self) -> None:
Creates the temporary directory used for this execution instance.
self._working_dir = os.path.join(
self._abs_workspace_path, "Build", ".pytool", "Plugin", f"{self._plugin_name}")
pathlib.Path(self._working_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
except OSError as e:
raise UncrustifyInputFileCreationErrorException(
f"Error creating plugin directory {self._working_dir}.\n\n{repr(e)}.")
def _create_uncrustify_file_list_file(self) -> None:
Creates the file with the list of source files for Uncrustify to process.
self._app_input_file_path = os.path.join(
self._working_dir, "uncrustify_file_list.txt")
with open(self._app_input_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
def _execute_uncrustify(self) -> None:
Executes Uncrustify with the initialized configuration.
output = StringIO()
params = ['-c', self._app_config_file]
params += ['-F', self._app_input_file_path]
params += ['--if-changed']
if self._env.GetValue("UNCRUSTIFY_IN_PLACE", "FALSE") == "TRUE":
params += ['--replace', '--no-backup']
params += ['--suffix', UncrustifyCheck.FORMATTED_FILE_EXTENSION]
self._app_exit_code = RunCmd(
" ".join(params),
self._app_output = output.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
def _get_files_ignored_in_config(self):
Returns a function that returns true if a given file string path is ignored in the plugin configuration file and false otherwise.
ignored_files = []
if "IgnoreFiles" in self._package_config:
ignored_files = self._package_config["IgnoreFiles"]
# Pass "Package configuration file" as the source file path since
# the actual configuration file name is unknown to this plugin and
# this provides a generic description of the file that provided
# the ignore file content.
# This information is only used for reporting (not used here) and
# the ignore lines are being passed directly as they are given to
# this plugin.
return parse_gitignore_lines(ignored_files, "Package configuration file", self._abs_package_path)
def _get_git_ignored_paths(self) -> List[str]:
Returns a list of file absolute path strings to all files ignored in this git repository.
If git is not found, an empty list will be returned.
if not shutil.which("git"):
"Git is not found on this system. Git submodule paths will not be considered.")
return []
outstream_buffer = StringIO()
exit_code = RunCmd("git", "ls-files --other",
workingdir=self._abs_workspace_path, outstream=outstream_buffer, logging_level=logging.NOTSET)
if (exit_code != 0):
raise UncrustifyGitIgnoreFileException(
f"An error occurred reading git ignore settings. This will prevent Uncrustify from running against the expected set of files.")
# Note: This will potentially be a large list, but at least sorted
rel_paths = outstream_buffer.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
abs_paths = []
for path in rel_paths:
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._abs_workspace_path, path)))
return abs_paths
def _get_git_submodule_paths(self) -> List[str]:
Returns a list of directory absolute path strings to the root of each submodule in the workspace repository.
If git is not found, an empty list will be returned.
if not shutil.which("git"):
"Git is not found on this system. Git submodule paths will not be considered.")
return []
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._abs_workspace_path, ".gitmodules")):
f".gitmodules file found. Excluding submodules in {self._package_name}.")
outstream_buffer = StringIO()
exit_code = RunCmd("git", "config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp path", workingdir=self._abs_workspace_path, outstream=outstream_buffer, logging_level=logging.NOTSET)
if (exit_code != 0):
raise UncrustifyGitSubmoduleException(
f".gitmodule file detected but an error occurred reading the file. Cannot proceed with unknown submodule paths.")
submodule_paths = []
for line in outstream_buffer.getvalue().strip().splitlines():
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._abs_workspace_path, line.split()[1])))
return submodule_paths
return []
def _get_template_file_contents(self) -> None:
Gets the contents of Uncrustify template files if they are specified
in the Uncrustify configuration file.
self._file_template_contents = None
self._func_template_contents = None
# Allow no value to allow "set" statements in the config file which do
# not specify value assignment
parser = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
with open(self._app_config_file, 'r') as cf:
parser.read_string("[dummy_section]\n" + cf.read())
file_template_name = parser["dummy_section"]["cmt_insert_file_header"]
file_template_path = pathlib.Path(file_template_name)
if not file_template_path.is_file():
file_template_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self._plugin_path, file_template_name))
self._file_template_contents = file_template_path.read_text()
except KeyError:
logging.info("A file header template is not specified in the config file.")
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.info("The specified file header template file was not found.")
func_template_name = parser["dummy_section"]["cmt_insert_func_header"]
func_template_path = pathlib.Path(func_template_name)
if not func_template_path.is_file():
func_template_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self._plugin_path, func_template_name))
self._func_template_contents = func_template_path.read_text()
except KeyError:
logging.info("A function header template is not specified in the config file.")
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.info("The specified function header template file was not found.")
def _initialize_app_info(self) -> None:
Initialize Uncrustify application information.
This function will determine the application path and version.
# Verify Uncrustify is specified in the environment.
if UncrustifyCheck.UNCRUSTIFY_PATH_ENV_KEY not in os.environ:
raise UncrustifyAppEnvVarNotFoundException(
f"Uncrustify environment variable {UncrustifyCheck.UNCRUSTIFY_PATH_ENV_KEY} is not present.")
self._app_path = shutil.which('uncrustify', path=os.environ[UncrustifyCheck.UNCRUSTIFY_PATH_ENV_KEY])
if self._app_path is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(
errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self._app_path)
self._app_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(self._app_path))
if not os.path.isfile(self._app_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(
errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self._app_path)
# Verify Uncrustify is present at the expected path.
return_buffer = StringIO()
ret = RunCmd(self._app_path, "--version", outstream=return_buffer)
if (ret != 0):
raise UncrustifyAppVersionErrorException(
f"Error occurred executing --version: {ret}.")
# Log Uncrustify version information.
self._app_version = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
self._tc.LogStdOut(f"Uncrustify version: {self._app_version}")
"Uncrustify", self._app_version, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.INFO)
def _initialize_config_file_info(self) -> None:
Initialize Uncrustify configuration file info.
The config file path is relative to the package root.
self._app_config_file = UncrustifyCheck.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
if "ConfigFilePath" in self._package_config:
self._app_config_file = self._package_config["ConfigFilePath"].strip()
self._app_config_file = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(self._abs_package_path, self._app_config_file))
if not os.path.isfile(self._app_config_file):
raise FileNotFoundError(
errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self._app_config_file)
def _initialize_environment_info(self, package_rel_path: str, edk2_path: Edk2Path, package_config: Dict[str, List[str]], tc: JunitReportTestCase) -> None:
Initializes plugin environment information.
self._abs_package_path = edk2_path.GetAbsolutePathOnThisSystemFromEdk2RelativePath(
self._abs_workspace_path = edk2_path.WorkspacePath
self._package_config = package_config
self._package_name = os.path.basename(
self._plugin_name = self.__class__.__name__
self._plugin_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
self._rel_package_path = package_rel_path
self._tc = tc
def _initialize_file_to_format_info(self) -> None:
Forms the list of source files for Uncrustify to process.
# Create a list of all the package relative file paths in the package to run against Uncrustify.
rel_file_paths_to_format = list(
# Allow the ci.yaml to remove any of the pre-defined standard paths
if "IgnoreStandardPaths" in self._package_config:
for a in self._package_config["IgnoreStandardPaths"]:
if a.strip() in rel_file_paths_to_format:
f"Ignoring standard path due to ci.yaml ignore: {a}")
raise UncrustifyInvalidIgnoreStandardPathsException(f"Invalid IgnoreStandardPaths value: {a}")
# Allow the ci.yaml to specify additional include paths for this package
if "AdditionalIncludePaths" in self._package_config:
self._abs_file_paths_to_format = []
for path in rel_file_paths_to_format:
[str(path.resolve()) for path in pathlib.Path(self._abs_package_path).rglob(path)])
# Remove files ignore in the plugin configuration file
plugin_ignored_files = list(filter(self._get_files_ignored_in_config(), self._abs_file_paths_to_format))
if plugin_ignored_files:
f"{self._package_name} file count before plugin ignore file exclusion: {len(self._abs_file_paths_to_format)}")
for path in plugin_ignored_files:
if path in self._abs_file_paths_to_format:
logging.info(f" File ignored in plugin config file: {path}")
f"{self._package_name} file count after plugin ignore file exclusion: {len(self._abs_file_paths_to_format)}")
if not "SkipGitExclusions" in self._package_config or not self._package_config["SkipGitExclusions"]:
# Remove files ignored by git
f"{self._package_name} file count before git ignore file exclusion: {len(self._abs_file_paths_to_format)}")
ignored_paths = self._get_git_ignored_paths()
self._abs_file_paths_to_format = list(
f"{self._package_name} file count after git ignore file exclusion: {len(self._abs_file_paths_to_format)}")
# Remove files in submodules
f"{self._package_name} file count before submodule exclusion: {len(self._abs_file_paths_to_format)}")
submodule_paths = tuple(self._get_git_submodule_paths())
for path in submodule_paths:
logging.info(f" submodule path: {path}")
self._abs_file_paths_to_format = [
f for f in self._abs_file_paths_to_format if not f.startswith(submodule_paths)]
f"{self._package_name} file count after submodule exclusion: {len(self._abs_file_paths_to_format)}")
# Sort the files for more consistent results
def _initialize_test_case_output_options(self) -> None:
Initializes options that influence test case output.
self._audit_only_mode = False
self._output_file_diffs = True
if "AuditOnly" in self._package_config and self._package_config["AuditOnly"]:
self._audit_only_mode = True
if "OutputFileDiffs" in self._package_config and not self._package_config["OutputFileDiffs"]:
self._output_file_diffs = False
def _log_uncrustify_app_info(self) -> None:
Logs Uncrustify application information.
self._tc.LogStdOut(f"Found Uncrustify at {self._app_path}")
self._tc.LogStdOut(f"Uncrustify version: {self._app_version}")
logging.info(f"Found Uncrustify at {self._app_path}")
logging.info(f"Uncrustify version: {self._app_version}")
def _process_uncrustify_results(self) -> None:
Process the results from Uncrustify.
Determines whether formatting errors are present and logs failures.
formatted_files = [str(path.resolve()) for path in pathlib.Path(
self._formatted_file_error_count = len(formatted_files)
if self._formatted_file_error_count > 0:
logging.error(f'Uncrustify found {self._formatted_file_error_count} files with formatting errors\n')
self._tc.LogStdError(f"Uncrustify found {self._formatted_file_error_count} files with formatting errors:\n")
"Visit the following instructions to learn "
"more about uncrustify setup instructions and CI:"
if self._output_file_diffs:
logging.info("Calculating file diffs. This might take a while...")
for formatted_file in formatted_files:
pre_formatted_file = formatted_file[:-len(UncrustifyCheck.FORMATTED_FILE_EXTENSION)]
logging.error(f"Formatting errors in {os.path.relpath(pre_formatted_file, self._abs_package_path)}")
self._tc.LogStdError(f"Formatting errors in {os.path.relpath(pre_formatted_file, self._abs_package_path)}\n")
if (self._output_file_diffs or
self._file_template_contents is not None or
self._func_template_contents is not None):
with open(formatted_file) as ff:
formatted_file_text = ff.read()
if (self._file_template_contents is not None and
self._file_template_contents in formatted_file_text):
logging.info(f"File header is missing in {os.path.relpath(pre_formatted_file, self._abs_package_path)}")
self._tc.LogStdError(f"File header is missing in {os.path.relpath(pre_formatted_file, self._abs_package_path)}\n")
if (self._func_template_contents is not None and
self._func_template_contents in formatted_file_text):
logging.info(f"A function header is missing in {os.path.relpath(pre_formatted_file, self._abs_package_path)}")
self._tc.LogStdError(f"A function header is missing in {os.path.relpath(pre_formatted_file, self._abs_package_path)}\n")
if self._output_file_diffs:
with open(pre_formatted_file) as pf:
pre_formatted_file_text = pf.read()
for line in difflib.unified_diff(pre_formatted_file_text.split('\n'), formatted_file_text.split('\n'), fromfile=pre_formatted_file, tofile=formatted_file, n=3):
def _remove_tree(self, dir_path: str, ignore_errors: bool = False) -> None:
Helper for removing a directory. Over time there have been
many private implementations of this due to reliability issues in the
shutil implementations. To consolidate on a single function this helper is added.
On error try to change file attributes. Also add retry logic.
This function is temporarily borrowed from edk2toollib.utility_functions
since the version used in edk2 is not recent enough to include the
This function should be replaced by "RemoveTree" when it is available.
- dir_path: Path to directory to remove.
- ignore_errors: Whether to ignore errors during removal
def _remove_readonly(func, path, _):
Private function to attempt to change permissions on file/folder being deleted.
os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)
for _ in range(3): # retry up to 3 times
shutil.rmtree(dir_path, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, onerror=_remove_readonly)
except OSError as err:
logging.warning(f"Failed to fully remove {dir_path}: {err}")
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to remove {dir_path}")
def _run_uncrustify(self) -> None:
Runs Uncrustify for this instance of plugin execution.
logging.info("Executing Uncrustify. This might take a while...")
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
end_time = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
execution_summary = f"Uncrustify executed against {len(self._abs_file_paths_to_format)} files in {self._package_name} in {end_time:.2f} seconds.\n"
if self._app_exit_code != 0 and self._app_exit_code != 1:
raise UncrustifyAppExecutionException(
f"Error {str(self._app_exit_code)} returned from Uncrustify:\n\n{str(self._app_output)}")