
695 lines
34 KiB

## @file
# This file include GenVpd class for fix the Vpd type PCD offset, and PcdEntry for describe
# and process each entry of vpd type PCD.
# Copyright (c) 2010 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
import StringIO
import StringTable as st
import array
import re
from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
from struct import *
import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
import Common.BuildToolError as BuildToolError
_FORMAT_CHAR = {1: 'B',
2: 'H',
4: 'I',
8: 'Q'
## The VPD PCD data structure for store and process each VPD PCD entry.
# This class contain method to format and pack pcd's value.
class PcdEntry:
def __init__(self, PcdCName, SkuId,PcdOffset, PcdSize, PcdValue, Lineno=None, FileName=None, PcdUnpackValue=None,
PcdBinOffset=None, PcdBinSize=None):
self.PcdCName = PcdCName.strip()
self.SkuId = SkuId.strip()
self.PcdOffset = PcdOffset.strip()
self.PcdSize = PcdSize.strip()
self.PcdValue = PcdValue.strip()
self.Lineno = Lineno.strip()
self.FileName = FileName.strip()
self.PcdUnpackValue = PcdUnpackValue
self.PcdBinOffset = PcdBinOffset
self.PcdBinSize = PcdBinSize
if self.PcdValue == '' :
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid PCD format(Name: %s File: %s line: %s) , no Value specified!" % (self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if self.PcdOffset == '' :
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid PCD format(Name: %s File: %s Line: %s) , no Offset specified!" % (self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if self.PcdSize == '' :
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid PCD format(Name: %s File: %s Line: %s), no PcdSize specified!" % (self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
self._GenOffsetValue ()
## Analyze the string value to judge the PCD's datum type euqal to Boolean or not.
# @param ValueString PCD's value
# @param Size PCD's size
# @retval True PCD's datum type is Boolean
# @retval False PCD's datum type is not Boolean.
def _IsBoolean(self, ValueString, Size):
if (Size == "1"):
if ValueString.upper() in ["TRUE", "FALSE"]:
return True
elif ValueString in ["0", "1", "0x0", "0x1", "0x00", "0x01"]:
return True
return False
## Convert the PCD's value from string to integer.
# This function will try to convert the Offset value form string to integer
# for both hexadecimal and decimal.
def _GenOffsetValue(self):
if self.PcdOffset != "*" :
self.PcdBinOffset = int (self.PcdOffset)
self.PcdBinOffset = int(self.PcdOffset, 16)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid offset value %s for PCD %s (File: %s Line: %s)" % (self.PcdOffset, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
## Pack Boolean type VPD PCD's value form string to binary type.
# @param ValueString The boolean type string for pack.
def _PackBooleanValue(self, ValueString):
if ValueString.upper() == "TRUE" or ValueString in ["1", "0x1", "0x01"]:
self.PcdValue = pack(_FORMAT_CHAR[1], 1)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid size or value for PCD %s to pack(File: %s Line: %s)." % (self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
self.PcdValue = pack(_FORMAT_CHAR[1], 0)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid size or value for PCD %s to pack(File: %s Line: %s)." % (self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
## Pack Integer type VPD PCD's value form string to binary type.
# @param ValueString The Integer type string for pack.
def _PackIntValue(self, IntValue, Size):
if Size not in _FORMAT_CHAR.keys():
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid size %d for PCD %s in integer datum size(File: %s Line: %s)." % (Size, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if Size == 1:
if IntValue < 0:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"PCD can't be set to negative value %d for PCD %s in UINT8 datum type(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
elif IntValue >= 0x100:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Too large PCD value %d for datum type UINT8 for PCD %s(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
elif Size == 2:
if IntValue < 0:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"PCD can't be set to negative value %d for PCD %s in UINT16 datum type(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
elif IntValue >= 0x10000:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Too large PCD value %d for datum type UINT16 for PCD %s(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
elif Size == 4:
if IntValue < 0:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"PCD can't be set to negative value %d for PCD %s in UINT32 datum type(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
elif IntValue >= 0x100000000:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Too large PCD value %d for datum type UINT32 for PCD %s(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
elif Size == 8:
if IntValue < 0:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"PCD can't be set to negative value %d for PCD %s in UINT32 datum type(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
elif IntValue >= 0x10000000000000000:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Too large PCD value %d for datum type UINT32 for PCD %s(File: %s Line: %s)." % (IntValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid size %d for PCD %s in integer datum size(File: %s Line: %s)." % (Size, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
self.PcdValue = pack(_FORMAT_CHAR[Size], IntValue)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid size or value for PCD %s to pack(File: %s Line: %s)." % (self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
## Pack VOID* type VPD PCD's value form string to binary type.
# The VOID* type of string divided into 3 sub-type:
# 1: L"String", Unicode type string.
# 2: "String", Ascii type string.
# 3: {bytearray}, only support byte-array.
# @param ValueString The Integer type string for pack.
def _PackPtrValue(self, ValueString, Size):
if ValueString.startswith('L"'):
self._PackUnicode(ValueString, Size)
elif ValueString.startswith('{') and ValueString.endswith('}'):
self._PackByteArray(ValueString, Size)
elif ValueString.startswith('"') and ValueString.endswith('"'):
self._PackString(ValueString, Size)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid VOID* type PCD %s value %s (File: %s Line: %s)" % (self.PcdCName, ValueString, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
## Pack an Ascii PCD value.
# An Ascii string for a PCD should be in format as "".
def _PackString(self, ValueString, Size):
if (Size < 0):
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid parameter Size %s of PCD %s!(File: %s Line: %s)" % (self.PcdBinSize, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if (ValueString == ""):
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid parameter ValueString %s of PCD %s!(File: %s Line: %s)" % (self.PcdUnpackValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if (len(ValueString) < 2):
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "For PCD: %s ,ASCII string %s at least contains two!(File: %s Line: %s)" % (self.PcdCName, self.PcdUnpackValue, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
ValueString = ValueString[1:-1]
if len(ValueString) + 1 > Size:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.RESOURCE_OVERFLOW,
"PCD value string %s is exceed to size %d(File: %s Line: %s)" % (ValueString, Size, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
self.PcdValue = pack('%ds' % Size, ValueString)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid size or value for PCD %s to pack(File: %s Line: %s)." % (self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
## Pack a byte-array PCD value.
# A byte-array for a PCD should be in format as {0x01, 0x02, ...}.
def _PackByteArray(self, ValueString, Size):
if (Size < 0):
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid parameter Size %s of PCD %s!(File: %s Line: %s)" % (self.PcdBinSize, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if (ValueString == ""):
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid parameter ValueString %s of PCD %s!(File: %s Line: %s)" % (self.PcdUnpackValue, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
ValueString = ValueString.strip()
ValueString = ValueString.lstrip('{').strip('}')
ValueList = ValueString.split(',')
ValueList = [item.strip() for item in ValueList]
if len(ValueList) > Size:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.RESOURCE_OVERFLOW,
"The byte array %s is too large for size %d(File: %s Line: %s)" % (ValueString, Size, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
ReturnArray = array.array('B')
for Index in xrange(len(ValueList)):
Value = None
if ValueList[Index].lower().startswith('0x'):
# translate hex value
Value = int(ValueList[Index], 16)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"The value item %s in byte array %s is an invalid HEX value.(File: %s Line: %s)" % \
(ValueList[Index], ValueString, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
# translate decimal value
Value = int(ValueList[Index], 10)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"The value item %s in byte array %s is an invalid DECIMAL value.(File: %s Line: %s)" % \
(ValueList[Index], ValueString, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if Value > 255:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"The value item %s in byte array %s do not in range 0 ~ 0xFF(File: %s Line: %s)" % \
(ValueList[Index], ValueString, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
for Index in xrange(len(ValueList), Size):
self.PcdValue = ReturnArray.tolist()
## Pack a unicode PCD value into byte array.
# A unicode string for a PCD should be in format as L"".
def _PackUnicode(self, UnicodeString, Size):
if (Size < 0):
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid parameter Size %s of PCD %s!(File: %s Line: %s)" % \
(self.PcdBinSize, self.PcdCName, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
if (len(UnicodeString) < 3):
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "For PCD: %s ,ASCII string %s at least contains two!(File: %s Line: %s)" % \
(self.PcdCName, self.PcdUnpackValue, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
UnicodeString = UnicodeString[2:-1]
if (len(UnicodeString) + 1) * 2 > Size:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.RESOURCE_OVERFLOW,
"The size of unicode string %s is too larger for size %s(File: %s Line: %s)" % \
(UnicodeString, Size, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
ReturnArray = array.array('B')
for Value in UnicodeString:
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
"Invalid unicode character %s in unicode string %s(File: %s Line: %s)" % \
(Value, UnicodeString, self.FileName, self.Lineno))
for Index in xrange(len(UnicodeString) * 2, Size):
self.PcdValue = ReturnArray.tolist()
## The class implementing the BPDG VPD PCD offset fix process
# The VPD PCD offset fix process includes:
# 1. Parse the input guided.txt file and store it in the data structure;
# 2. Format the input file data to remove unused lines;
# 3. Fixed offset if needed;
# 4. Generate output file, including and guided.bin file;
class GenVPD :
## Constructor of DscBuildData
# Initialize object of GenVPD
# @Param InputFileName The filename include the vpd type pcd information
# @param MapFileName The filename of map file that stores vpd type pcd information.
# This file will be generated by the BPDG tool after fix the offset
# and adjust the offset to make the pcd data aligned.
# @param VpdFileName The filename of Vpd file that hold vpd pcd information.
def __init__(self, InputFileName, MapFileName, VpdFileName):
self.InputFileName = InputFileName
self.MapFileName = MapFileName
self.VpdFileName = VpdFileName
self.FileLinesList = []
self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList = []
self.PcdUnknownOffsetList = []
fInputfile = open(InputFileName, "r", 0)
self.FileLinesList = fInputfile.readlines()
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FILE_READ_FAILURE, "File read failed for %s" % InputFileName, None)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, "File open failed for %s" % InputFileName, None)
# Parser the input file which is generated by the build tool. Convert the value of each pcd's
# from string to it's real format. Also remove the useless line in the input file.
def ParserInputFile (self):
count = 0
for line in self.FileLinesList:
# Strip "\r\n" generated by readlines ().
line = line.strip()
line = line.rstrip(os.linesep)
# Skip the comment line
if (not line.startswith("#")) and len(line) > 1 :
# Enhanced for support "|" character in the string.
ValueList = ['', '', '', '','']
ValueRe = re.compile(r'\s*L?\".*\|.*\"\s*$')
PtrValue = ValueRe.findall(line)
ValueUpdateFlag = False
if len(PtrValue) >= 1:
line = re.sub(ValueRe, '', line)
ValueUpdateFlag = True
TokenList = line.split('|')
ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
if ValueUpdateFlag:
ValueList[4] = PtrValue[0]
self.FileLinesList[count] = ValueList
# Store the line number
self.FileLinesList[count].append(str(count + 1))
elif len(line) <= 1 :
# Set the blank line to "None"
self.FileLinesList[count] = None
else :
# Set the comment line to "None"
self.FileLinesList[count] = None
count += 1
# The line count contain usage information
count = 0
# Delete useless lines
while (True) :
try :
if (self.FileLinesList[count] == None) :
else :
count += 1
except :
# After remove the useless line, if there are no data remain in the file line list,
# Report warning messages to user's.
if len(self.FileLinesList) == 0 :
EdkLogger.warn('BPDG', BuildToolError.RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
"There are no VPD type pcds defined in DSC file, Please check it.")
# Process the pcds one by one base on the pcd's value and size
count = 0
for line in self.FileLinesList:
if line != None :
PCD = PcdEntry(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4],line[5], self.InputFileName)
# Strip the space char
PCD.PcdCName = PCD.PcdCName.strip(' ')
PCD.SkuId = PCD.SkuId.strip(' ')
PCD.PcdOffset = PCD.PcdOffset.strip(' ')
PCD.PcdSize = PCD.PcdSize.strip(' ')
PCD.PcdValue = PCD.PcdValue.strip(' ')
PCD.Lineno = PCD.Lineno.strip(' ')
# Store the original pcd value.
# This information will be useful while generate the output map file.
PCD.PcdUnpackValue = str(PCD.PcdValue)
# Translate PCD size string to an integer value.
PackSize = None
PackSize = int(PCD.PcdSize, 10)
PCD.PcdBinSize = PackSize
PackSize = int(PCD.PcdSize, 16)
PCD.PcdBinSize = PackSize
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid PCD size value %s at file: %s line: %s" % (PCD.PcdSize, self.InputFileName, PCD.Lineno))
# If value is Unicode string (e.g. L""), then use 2-byte alignment
# If value is byte array (e.g. {}), then use 8-byte alignment
PCD.PcdOccupySize = PCD.PcdBinSize
if PCD.PcdUnpackValue.startswith("{"):
Alignment = 8
elif PCD.PcdUnpackValue.startswith("L"):
Alignment = 2
Alignment = 1
if PCD.PcdOffset != '*':
if PCD.PcdOccupySize % Alignment != 0:
if PCD.PcdUnpackValue.startswith("{"):
EdkLogger.warn("BPDG", "The offset value of PCD %s is not 8-byte aligned!" %(PCD.PcdCName), File=self.InputFileName)
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, 'The offset value of PCD %s should be %s-byte aligned.' % (PCD.PcdCName, Alignment))
if PCD.PcdOccupySize % Alignment != 0:
PCD.PcdOccupySize = (PCD.PcdOccupySize / Alignment + 1) * Alignment
if PCD._IsBoolean(PCD.PcdValue, PCD.PcdSize):
self.FileLinesList[count] = PCD
count += 1
# Try to translate value to an integer firstly.
IsInteger = True
PackValue = None
PackValue = int(PCD.PcdValue)
PackValue = int(PCD.PcdValue, 16)
IsInteger = False
if IsInteger:
PCD._PackIntValue(PackValue, PackSize)
PCD._PackPtrValue(PCD.PcdValue, PackSize)
self.FileLinesList[count] = PCD
count += 1
else :
# This function used to create a clean list only contain useful information and reorganized to make it
# easy to be sorted
def FormatFileLine (self) :
for eachPcd in self.FileLinesList :
if eachPcd.PcdOffset != '*' :
# Use pcd's Offset value as key, and pcd's Value as value
else :
# Use pcd's CName as key, and pcd's Size as value
# This function is use to fix the offset value which the not specified in the map file.
# Usually it use the star (meaning any offset) character in the offset field
def FixVpdOffset (self):
# At first, the offset should start at 0
# Sort fixed offset list in order to find out where has free spaces for the pcd's offset
# value is "*" to insert into.
self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.PcdBinOffset, y.PcdBinOffset))
# Sort the un-fixed pcd's offset by it's size.
self.PcdUnknownOffsetList.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.PcdBinSize, y.PcdBinSize))
index =0
for pcd in self.PcdUnknownOffsetList:
index += 1
if pcd.PcdCName == ".".join(("gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid","PcdNvStoreDefaultValueBuffer")):
if index != len(self.PcdUnknownOffsetList):
for i in range(len(self.PcdUnknownOffsetList) - index):
self.PcdUnknownOffsetList[index+i -1 ] , self.PcdUnknownOffsetList[index+i] = self.PcdUnknownOffsetList[index+i] , self.PcdUnknownOffsetList[index+i -1]
# Process all Offset value are "*"
if (len(self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList) == 0) and (len(self.PcdUnknownOffsetList) != 0) :
# The offset start from 0
NowOffset = 0
for Pcd in self.PcdUnknownOffsetList :
Pcd.PcdBinOffset = NowOffset
Pcd.PcdOffset = str(hex(Pcd.PcdBinOffset))
NowOffset += Pcd.PcdOccupySize
self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList = self.PcdUnknownOffsetList
# Check the offset of VPD type pcd's offset start from 0.
if self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList[0].PcdBinOffset != 0 :
EdkLogger.warn("BPDG", "The offset of VPD type pcd should start with 0, please check it.",
# Judge whether the offset in fixed pcd offset list is overlapped or not.
lenOfList = len(self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList)
count = 0
while (count < lenOfList - 1) :
PcdNow = self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList[count]
PcdNext = self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList[count+1]
# Two pcd's offset is same
if PcdNow.PcdBinOffset == PcdNext.PcdBinOffset :
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_GET_FAILURE,
"The offset of %s at line: %s is same with %s at line: %s in file %s" % \
(PcdNow.PcdCName, PcdNow.Lineno, PcdNext.PcdCName, PcdNext.Lineno, PcdNext.FileName),
# Overlapped
if PcdNow.PcdBinOffset + PcdNow.PcdOccupySize > PcdNext.PcdBinOffset :
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_GET_FAILURE,
"The offset of %s at line: %s is overlapped with %s at line: %s in file %s" % \
(PcdNow.PcdCName, PcdNow.Lineno, PcdNext.PcdCName, PcdNext.Lineno, PcdNext.FileName),
# Has free space, raise a warning message
if PcdNow.PcdBinOffset + PcdNow.PcdOccupySize < PcdNext.PcdBinOffset :
EdkLogger.warn("BPDG", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_GET_FAILURE,
"The offsets have free space of between %s at line: %s and %s at line: %s in file %s" % \
(PcdNow.PcdCName, PcdNow.Lineno, PcdNext.PcdCName, PcdNext.Lineno, PcdNext.FileName),
count += 1
LastOffset = self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList[0].PcdBinOffset
FixOffsetSizeListCount = 0
lenOfList = len(self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList)
lenOfUnfixedList = len(self.PcdUnknownOffsetList)
# Insert the un-fixed offset pcd's list into fixed offset pcd's list if has free space between those pcds.
while (FixOffsetSizeListCount < lenOfList) :
eachFixedPcd = self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList[FixOffsetSizeListCount]
NowOffset = eachFixedPcd.PcdBinOffset
# Has free space
if LastOffset < NowOffset :
if lenOfUnfixedList != 0 :
countOfUnfixedList = 0
while(countOfUnfixedList < lenOfUnfixedList) :
eachUnfixedPcd = self.PcdUnknownOffsetList[countOfUnfixedList]
needFixPcdSize = eachUnfixedPcd.PcdOccupySize
# Not been fixed
if eachUnfixedPcd.PcdOffset == '*' :
# The offset un-fixed pcd can write into this free space
if needFixPcdSize <= (NowOffset - LastOffset) :
# Change the offset value of un-fixed pcd
eachUnfixedPcd.PcdOffset = str(hex(LastOffset))
eachUnfixedPcd.PcdBinOffset = LastOffset
# Insert this pcd into fixed offset pcd list.
# Delete the item's offset that has been fixed and added into fixed offset list
# After item added, should enlarge the length of fixed pcd offset list
lenOfList += 1
FixOffsetSizeListCount += 1
# Decrease the un-fixed pcd offset list's length
lenOfUnfixedList -= 1
# Modify the last offset value
LastOffset += needFixPcdSize
else :
# It can not insert into those two pcds, need to check still has other space can store it.
LastOffset = NowOffset + self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList[FixOffsetSizeListCount].PcdOccupySize
FixOffsetSizeListCount += 1
# Set the FixOffsetSizeListCount = lenOfList for quit the loop
else :
FixOffsetSizeListCount = lenOfList
# No free space, smoothly connect with previous pcd.
elif LastOffset == NowOffset :
LastOffset = NowOffset + eachFixedPcd.PcdOccupySize
FixOffsetSizeListCount += 1
# Usually it will not enter into this thunk, if so, means it overlapped.
else :
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
"The offset value definition has overlapped at pcd: %s, it's offset is: %s, in file: %s line: %s" % \
(eachFixedPcd.PcdCName, eachFixedPcd.PcdOffset, eachFixedPcd.InputFileName, eachFixedPcd.Lineno),
FixOffsetSizeListCount += 1
# Continue to process the un-fixed offset pcd's list, add this time, just append them behind the fixed pcd's offset list.
lenOfUnfixedList = len(self.PcdUnknownOffsetList)
lenOfList = len(self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList)
while (lenOfUnfixedList > 0) :
# Still has items need to process
# The last pcd instance
LastPcd = self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList[lenOfList-1]
NeedFixPcd = self.PcdUnknownOffsetList[0]
NeedFixPcd.PcdBinOffset = LastPcd.PcdBinOffset + LastPcd.PcdOccupySize
NeedFixPcd.PcdOffset = str(hex(NeedFixPcd.PcdBinOffset))
# Insert this pcd into fixed offset pcd list's tail.
self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList.insert(lenOfList, NeedFixPcd)
# Delete the item's offset that has been fixed and added into fixed offset list
lenOfList += 1
lenOfUnfixedList -= 1
# Write the final data into output files.
def GenerateVpdFile (self, MapFileName, BinFileName):
#Open an VPD file to process
fVpdFile = open(BinFileName, "wb", 0)
# Open failed
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, "File open failed for %s" % self.VpdFileName, None)
try :
fMapFile = open(MapFileName, "w", 0)
# Open failed
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, "File open failed for %s" % self.MapFileName, None)
# Use a instance of StringIO to cache data
fStringIO = StringIO.StringIO('')
# Write the header of map file.
try :
fMapFile.write (st.MAP_FILE_COMMENT_TEMPLATE + "\n")
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, "Write data to file %s failed, please check whether the file been locked or using by other applications." % self.MapFileName, None)
for eachPcd in self.PcdFixedOffsetSizeList :
# write map file
try :
fMapFile.write("%s | %s | %s | %s | %s \n" % (eachPcd.PcdCName, eachPcd.SkuId,eachPcd.PcdOffset, eachPcd.PcdSize,eachPcd.PcdUnpackValue))
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, "Write data to file %s failed, please check whether the file been locked or using by other applications." % self.MapFileName, None)
# Write Vpd binary file (eachPcd.PcdBinOffset)
if isinstance(eachPcd.PcdValue, list):
ValueList = [chr(Item) for Item in eachPcd.PcdValue]
fStringIO.write (eachPcd.PcdValue)
try :
fVpdFile.write (fStringIO.getvalue())
EdkLogger.error("BPDG", BuildToolError.FILE_WRITE_FAILURE, "Write data to file %s failed, please check whether the file been locked or using by other applications." % self.VpdFileName, None)
fStringIO.close ()
fVpdFile.close ()
fMapFile.close ()