
443 lines
15 KiB

## @file
# Store a Module class object to an INF file.
# Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# Import Modules
from LoadMsa import LoadMsa
from CommonDataClass.ModuleClass import *
from Common.MigrationUtilities import *
## Get the produced library class.
# Return the item of Library Class based on Library .
# @param LibraryClasses A list of library classes the module produces.
# @retval LibraryClassItem A text format library class item.
def GetModuleLibraryClass(LibraryClasses):
ProducedLibraryClasses = []
for LibraryClass in LibraryClasses:
ProducedLibraryClass = LibraryClass.LibraryClass
SupportedModueTypes = " ".join(LibraryClass.SupModuleList)
if SupportedModueTypes != "":
ProducedLibraryClass += "|" + SupportedModueTypes
return "|".join(ProducedLibraryClasses)
## Store Defines section.
# Write [Defines] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Defines section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleDefinesSection(InfFile, Module):
ModuleHeader = Module.Header
DefinesTupleList = []
DefinesTupleList.append(("INF_VERSION", ModuleHeader.InfVersion))
if ModuleHeader.Name != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("BASE_NAME", ModuleHeader.Name))
if ModuleHeader.Guid != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("FILE_GUID", ModuleHeader.Guid))
if ModuleHeader.Version != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("VERSION_STRING", ModuleHeader.Version))
if ModuleHeader.ModuleType != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("MODULE_TYPE", ModuleHeader.ModuleType))
if ModuleHeader.EfiSpecificationVersion != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION", ModuleHeader.EfiSpecificationVersion))
if ModuleHeader.EdkReleaseVersion != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("EDK_RELEASE_VERSION", ModuleHeader.EdkReleaseVersion))
ProducedLibraryClass = GetModuleLibraryClass(ModuleHeader.LibraryClass)
if ProducedLibraryClass != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("LIBRARY_CLASS", ProducedLibraryClass))
if ModuleHeader.MakefileName != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("MAKEFILE_NAME", ModuleHeader.MakeFileName))
if ModuleHeader.PcdIsDriver != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("PCD_DRIVER", "TRUE"))
if len(Module.ExternImages) > 0:
ModuleEntryPoint = Module.ExternImages[0].ModuleEntryPoint
ModuleUnloadImage = Module.ExternImages[0].ModuleUnloadImage
if ModuleEntryPoint != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("ENTRY_POINT", ModuleEntryPoint))
if ModuleUnloadImage != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("UNLOAD_IMAGE", ModuleUnloadImage))
if len(Module.ExternLibraries) > 0:
Constructor = Module.ExternLibraries[0].Constructor
Destructor = Module.ExternLibraries[0].Destructor
if Constructor != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("CONSTRUCTOR", Constructor))
if Destructor != "":
DefinesTupleList.append(("DESTRUCTOR", Destructor))
StoreDefinesSection(InfFile, DefinesTupleList)
## Return a Module Source Item.
# Read the input ModuleSourceFile class object and return one line of Source Item.
# @param ModuleSourceFile An input ModuleSourceFile class object.
# @retval SourceItem A Module Source Item.
def GetModuleSourceItem(ModuleSourceFile):
Source = []
return "|".join(Source).rstrip("|")
## Store Sources section.
# Write [Sources] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Sources section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleSourcesSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("Sources", GetModuleSourceItem, Module.Sources)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Return a Module Binary Item.
# Read the input ModuleBinaryFile class object and return one line of Binary Item.
# @param ModuleBinaryFile An input ModuleBinaryFile class object.
# @retval BinaryItem A Module Binary Item.
def GetModuleBinaryItem(ModuleBinaryFile):
Binary = []
return "|".join(Binary).rstrip("|")
## Store Binaries section.
# Write [Binaries] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Binaries section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleBinariesSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("Binaries", GetModuleBinaryItem, Module.Binaries)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Return a Module Library Class Item.
# Read the input LibraryClass class object and return one line of Library Class Item.
# @param LibraryClass An input LibraryClass class object.
# @retval LibraryClassItem A Module Library Class Item.
def GetModuleLibraryClassItem(LibraryClass):
if "ALWAYS_PRODUCED" in LibraryClass.Usage:
return ""
LibraryClassList = []
return "|".join(LibraryClassList).rstrip("|")
## Store Library Classes section.
# Write [LibraryClasses] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Library Classes section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleLibraryClassesSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("LibraryClasses", GetModuleLibraryClassItem, Module.LibraryClasses)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Return a Module Package Item.
# Read the input PackageDependency class object and return one line of Package Item.
# @param PackageDependency An input PackageDependency class object.
# @retval PackageItem A Module Package Item.
def GetModulePackageItem(PackageDependency):
return PackageDependency.FilePath
## Store Packages section.
# Write [Packages] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Packages section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModulePackagesSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("Packages", GetModulePackageItem, Module.PackageDependencies)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Return a Module Guid C Name Item.
# Read the input Guid class object and return one line of Guid C Name Item.
# @param Guid An input Guid class object.
# @retval GuidCNameItem A Module Guid C Name Item.
def GetModuleGuidCNameItem(Guid):
return Guid.GuidCName
return Guid.CName
## Store Protocols section.
# Write [Protocols] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Protocols section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleProtocolsSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("Protocols", GetModuleGuidCNameItem, Module.Protocols)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Store Ppis section.
# Write [Ppis] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Ppis section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModulePpisSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("Ppis", GetModuleGuidCNameItem, Module.Ppis)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Store Guids section.
# Write [Guids] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Guids section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleGuidsSection(InfFile, Module):
Guids = []
Guids += Module.Guids
Guids += Module.Events
Guids += Module.Hobs
Guids += Module.Variables
Guids += Module.SystemTables
Guids += Module.DataHubs
Guids += Module.HiiPackages
Section = GetSection("Guids", GetModuleGuidCNameItem, Guids)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Return a Module Pcd Item.
# Read the input Pcd class object and return one line of Pcd Item.
# @param Pcd An input Pcd class object.
# @retval PcdItem A Module Pcd Item.
def GetModulePcdItem(Pcd):
PcdItem = "%s.%s" % (Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.CName)
if Pcd.DefaultValue != "":
PcdItem = "%s|%s" % (PcdItem, Pcd.DefaultValue)
return PcdItem
## DEC Pcd Section Name dictionary indexed by PCD Item Type.
mInfPcdSectionNameDict = {
"FEATURE_FLAG" : "FeaturePcd",
"FIXED_AT_BUILD" : "FixedPcd",
"DYNAMIC" : "Pcd",
"DYNAMIC_EX" : "PcdEx"
## Store Pcds section.
# Write [(PcdType)] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Pcds section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModulePcdsSection(InfFile, Module):
PcdsDict = {}
for Pcd in Module.PcdCodes:
PcdSectionName = mInfPcdSectionNameDict.get(Pcd.ItemType)
if PcdSectionName:
PcdsDict.setdefault(PcdSectionName, []).append(Pcd)
else:"Unknown Pcd Item Type: %s" % Pcd.ItemType)
Section = ""
for PcdSectionName in PcdsDict:
Pcds = PcdsDict[PcdSectionName]
Section += GetSection(PcdSectionName, GetModulePcdItem, Pcds)
Section += "\n"
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Return a Module Depex Item.
# Read the input Depex class object and return one line of Depex Item.
# @param Depex An input Depex class object.
# @retval DepexItem A Module Depex Item.
def GetModuleDepexItem(Depex):
return Depex.Depex
## Store Depex section.
# Write [Depex] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Depex section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleDepexSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("Depex", GetModuleDepexItem, Module.Depex)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Return a Module Build Option Item.
# Read the input BuildOption class object and return one line of Build Option Item.
# @param BuildOption An input BuildOption class object.
# @retval BuildOptionItem A Module Build Option Item.
def GetModuleBuildOptionItem(BuildOption):
BuildTarget = BuildOption.BuildTarget
if BuildTarget == "":
BuildTarget = "*"
TagName = BuildOption.TagName
if TagName == "":
TagName = "*"
ToolCode = BuildOption.ToolCode
if ToolCode == "":
ToolCode = "*"
Item = "_".join((BuildTarget, TagName, "*", ToolCode, "Flag"))
ToolChainFamily = BuildOption.ToolChainFamily
if ToolChainFamily != "":
Item = "%s:%s" % (ToolChainFamily, Item)
return "%-30s = %s" % (Item, BuildOption.Option)
## Store Build Options section.
# Write [BuildOptions] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the Build Options section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleBuildOptionsSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = GetSection("BuildOption", GetModuleBuildOptionItem, Module.BuildOptions)
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Store User Extensions section.
# Write [UserExtensions] section to the InfFile based on Module class object.
# @param InfFile The output INF file to store the User Extensions section.
# @param Module An input Module class object.
def StoreModuleUserExtensionsSection(InfFile, Module):
Section = "".join(map(GetUserExtensions, Module.UserExtensions))
StoreTextFile(InfFile, Section)
## Store a Module class object to a new INF file.
# Read an input Module class object and save the contents to a new INF file.
# @param INFFileName The output INF file.
# @param Module An input Package class object.
def StoreInf(InfFileName, Module):
InfFile = open(InfFileName, "w+")"Save file to %s" % InfFileName)
StoreHeader(InfFile, Module.Header)
StoreModuleDefinesSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleSourcesSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleBinariesSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModulePackagesSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleLibraryClassesSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleProtocolsSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModulePpisSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleGuidsSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModulePcdsSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleDepexSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleBuildOptionsSection(InfFile, Module)
StoreModuleUserExtensionsSection(InfFile, Module)
if __name__ == '__main__':