
849 lines
33 KiB

## @file
# This file is used to define common parsing related functions used in parsing
# Inf/Dsc/Makefile process
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
# which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
# Import Modules
import os, re
import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
from Common.DataType import *
from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
from Common.String import CleanString, GetSplitValueList, ReplaceMacro
import EotGlobalData
from Common.Misc import sdict
## PreProcess() method
# Pre process a file
# 1. Remove all comments
# 2. Merge multiple lines code to one line
# @param Filename: Name of the file to be parsed
# @param MergeMultipleLines: Switch for if merge multiple lines
# @param LineNo: Default line no
# @return Lines: The file contents after remvoing comments
def PreProcess(Filename, MergeMultipleLines = True, LineNo = -1):
Lines = []
Filename = os.path.normpath(Filename)
if not os.path.isfile(Filename):
EdkLogger.error("Eot", EdkLogger.FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=Filename)
IsFindBlockComment = False
IsFindBlockCode = False
ReservedLine = ''
ReservedLineLength = 0
for Line in open(Filename, 'r'):
Line = Line.strip()
# Remove comment block
if Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_R8_START) > -1:
ReservedLine = GetSplitValueList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_R8_START, 1)[0]
IsFindBlockComment = True
if Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_R8_END) > -1:
Line = ReservedLine + GetSplitValueList(Line, TAB_COMMENT_R8_END, 1)[1]
ReservedLine = ''
IsFindBlockComment = False
if IsFindBlockComment:
# Remove comments at tail and remove spaces again
Line = CleanString(Line)
if Line == '':
if MergeMultipleLines:
# Add multiple lines to one line
if IsFindBlockCode and Line[-1] != TAB_SLASH:
ReservedLine = (ReservedLine + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + Line).strip()
for Index in (0, ReservedLineLength):
ReservedLine = ''
ReservedLineLength = 0
IsFindBlockCode = False
if Line[-1] == TAB_SLASH:
ReservedLine = ReservedLine + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + Line[0:-1].strip()
ReservedLineLength = ReservedLineLength + 1
IsFindBlockCode = True
return Lines
## AddToGlobalMacro() method
# Add a macro to EotGlobalData.gMACRO
# @param Name: Name of the macro
# @param Value: Value of the macro
def AddToGlobalMacro(Name, Value):
Value = ReplaceMacro(Value, EotGlobalData.gMACRO, True)
EotGlobalData.gMACRO[Name] = Value
## AddToSelfMacro() method
# Parse a line of macro definition and add it to a macro set
# @param SelfMacro: The self macro set
# @param Line: The line of a macro definition
# @return Name: Name of macro
# @return Value: Value of macro
def AddToSelfMacro(SelfMacro, Line):
Name, Value = '', ''
List = GetSplitValueList(Line, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
if len(List) == 2:
Name = List[0]
Value = List[1]
Value = ReplaceMacro(Value, EotGlobalData.gMACRO, True)
Value = ReplaceMacro(Value, SelfMacro, True)
SelfMacro[Name] = Value
return (Name, Value)
## GetIncludeListOfFile() method
# Get the include path list for a source file
# 1. Find the source file belongs to which INF file
# 2. Find the inf's package
# 3. Return the include path list of the package
# @param WorkSpace: WORKSPACE path
# @param Filepath: File path
# @param Db: Eot database
# @return IncludeList: A list of include directories
def GetIncludeListOfFile(WorkSpace, Filepath, Db):
IncludeList = []
Filepath = os.path.normpath(Filepath)
SqlCommand = """
select Value1 from Inf where Model = %s and BelongsToFile in(
select distinct B.BelongsToFile from File as A left join Inf as B
where A.ID = B.BelongsToFile and B.Model = %s and (A.Path || '%s' || B.Value1) = '%s')""" \
RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
DecFullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkSpace, Record[0]))
(DecPath, DecName) = os.path.split(DecFullPath)
SqlCommand = """select Value1 from Dec where BelongsToFile =
(select ID from File where FullPath = '%s') and Model = %s""" \
NewRecordSet = Db.TblDec.Exec(SqlCommand)
for NewRecord in NewRecordSet:
IncludePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DecPath, NewRecord[0]))
if IncludePath not in IncludeList:
return IncludeList
## GetTableList() method
# Search table file and find all small tables
# @param FileModelList: Model code for the file list
# @param Table: Table to insert records
# @param Db: Eot database
# @return TableList: A list of tables
def GetTableList(FileModelList, Table, Db):
TableList = []
SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath from File where Model in %s""" % str(FileModelList)
RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
TableName = Table + str(Record[0])
TableList.append([TableName, Record[1]])
return TableList
## GetAllIncludeDir() method
# Find all Include directories
# @param Db: Eot database
# @return IncludeList: A list of include directories
def GetAllIncludeDirs(Db):
IncludeList = []
SqlCommand = """select distinct Value1 from Inf where Model = %s order by Value1""" % MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE
RecordSet = Db.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
return IncludeList
## GetAllIncludeFiles() method
# Find all Include files
# @param Db: Eot database
# @return IncludeFileList: A list of include files
def GetAllIncludeFiles(Db):
IncludeList = GetAllIncludeDirs(Db)
IncludeFileList = []
for Dir in IncludeList:
if os.path.isdir(Dir):
SubDir = os.listdir(Dir)
for Item in SubDir:
if os.path.isfile(Item):
return IncludeFileList
## GetAllSourceFiles() method
# Find all source files
# @param Db: Eot database
# @return SourceFileList: A list of source files
def GetAllSourceFiles(Db):
SourceFileList = []
SqlCommand = """select distinct Value1 from Inf where Model = %s order by Value1""" % MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE
RecordSet = Db.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
return SourceFileList
## GetAllFiles() method
# Find all files, both source files and include files
# @param Db: Eot database
# @return FileList: A list of files
def GetAllFiles(Db):
FileList = []
IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(Db)
SourceFileList = GetAllSourceFiles(Db)
for Item in IncludeFileList:
if os.path.isfile(Item) and Item not in FileList:
for Item in SourceFileList:
if os.path.isfile(Item) and Item not in FileList:
return FileList
## ParseConditionalStatement() method
# Parse conditional statement
# @param Line: One line to be parsed
# @param Macros: A set of all macro
# @param StatusSet: A set of all status
# @retval True: Find keyword of conditional statement
# @retval False: Not find keyword of conditional statement
def ParseConditionalStatement(Line, Macros, StatusSet):
NewLine = Line.upper()
if NewLine.find(TAB_IF_EXIST.upper()) > -1:
IfLine = Line[NewLine.find(TAB_IF_EXIST) + len(TAB_IF_EXIST) + 1:].strip()
IfLine = ReplaceMacro(IfLine, EotGlobalData.gMACRO, True)
IfLine = ReplaceMacro(IfLine, Macros, True)
IfLine = IfLine.replace("\"", '')
IfLine = IfLine.replace("(", '')
IfLine = IfLine.replace(")", '')
Status = os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(IfLine))
return True
if NewLine.find(TAB_IF_DEF.upper()) > -1:
IfLine = Line[NewLine.find(TAB_IF_DEF) + len(TAB_IF_DEF) + 1:].strip()
Status = False
if IfLine in Macros or IfLine in EotGlobalData.gMACRO:
Status = True
return True
if NewLine.find(TAB_IF_N_DEF.upper()) > -1:
IfLine = Line[NewLine.find(TAB_IF_N_DEF) + len(TAB_IF_N_DEF) + 1:].strip()
Status = False
if IfLine not in Macros and IfLine not in EotGlobalData.gMACRO:
Status = True
return True
if NewLine.find(TAB_IF.upper()) > -1:
IfLine = Line[NewLine.find(TAB_IF) + len(TAB_IF) + 1:].strip()
Status = ParseConditionalStatementMacros(IfLine, Macros)
return True
if NewLine.find(TAB_ELSE_IF.upper()) > -1:
IfLine = Line[NewLine.find(TAB_ELSE_IF) + len(TAB_ELSE_IF) + 1:].strip()
Status = ParseConditionalStatementMacros(IfLine, Macros)
return True
if NewLine.find(TAB_ELSE.upper()) > -1:
Status = False
for Item in StatusSet[-1]:
Status = Status or Item
StatusSet[-1].append(not Status)
return True
if NewLine.find(TAB_END_IF.upper()) > -1:
return True
return False
## ParseConditionalStatement() method
# Parse conditional statement with Macros
# @param Line: One line to be parsed
# @param Macros: A set of macros
# @return Line: New line after replacing macros
def ParseConditionalStatementMacros(Line, Macros):
if Line.upper().find('DEFINED(') > -1 or Line.upper().find('EXIST') > -1:
return False
Line = ReplaceMacro(Line, EotGlobalData.gMACRO, True)
Line = ReplaceMacro(Line, Macros, True)
Line = Line.replace("&&", "and")
Line = Line.replace("||", "or")
return eval(Line)
## GetConditionalStatementStatus() method
# 1. Assume the latest status as True
# 2. Pop the top status of status set, previous status
# 3. Compare the latest one and the previous one and get new status
# @param StatusSet: A set of all status
# @return Status: The final status
def GetConditionalStatementStatus(StatusSet):
Status = True
for Item in StatusSet:
Status = Status and Item[-1]
return Status
## SearchBelongsToFunction() method
# Search all functions belong to the file
# @param BelongsToFile: File id
# @param StartLine: Start line of search scope
# @param EndLine: End line of search scope
# @return: The found function
def SearchBelongsToFunction(BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine):
SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from Function where BelongsToFile = %s and StartLine <= %s and EndLine >= %s""" %(BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine)
RecordSet = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblFunction.Exec(SqlCommand)
if RecordSet != []:
return RecordSet[0][0], RecordSet[0][1]
return -1, ''
## SearchPpiCallFunction() method
# Search all used PPI calling function 'PeiServicesReInstallPpi' and 'PeiServicesInstallPpi'
# Store the result to database
# @param Identifier: Table id
# @param SourceFileID: Source file id
# @param SourceFileFullPath: Source file full path
# @param ItemMode: Mode of the item
def SearchPpiCallFunction(Identifier, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode):
ItemName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue = '', 'Ppi', '', '', ''
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' and Model = %s)""" \
% (Identifier, 'PeiServicesReInstallPpi', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = -1, ''
Db = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport
RecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
Index = 0
BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine = Record[2], Record[3], Record[4]
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = SearchBelongsToFunction(BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine)
VariableList = Record[0].split(',')
for Variable in VariableList:
Variable = Variable.strip()
# Get index of the variable
if Variable.find('[') > -1:
Index = int(Variable[Variable.find('[') + 1 : Variable.find(']')])
Variable = Variable[:Variable.find('[')]
# Get variable name
if Variable.startswith('&'):
Variable = Variable[1:]
# Get variable value
SqlCommand = """select Value from %s where (Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, Variable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
NewRecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
if NewRecordSet:
NewRecord = NewRecordSet[0][0]
VariableValueList = NewRecord.split('},')
if len(VariableValueList) > Index:
VariableValue = VariableValueList[Index]
NewVariableValueList = VariableValue.split(',')
if len(NewVariableValueList) > 1:
NewVariableValue = NewVariableValueList[1].strip()
if NewVariableValue.startswith('&'):
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, NewVariableValue[1:], GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (ItemType, ItemMode, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, StartLine, NewParameter))
ItemName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue = '', 'Ppi', '', '', ''
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Value like '%%%s%%' and Model = %s)""" \
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = -1, ''
Db = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport
RecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
SqlCommand = """select Value, Name, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from %s
where (Name like '%%%s%%' and Model = %s)""" \
% (Identifier, 'PeiServicesInstallPpi', MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
Db = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport
RecordSet2 = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet + RecordSet2:
if Record == []:
Index = 0
BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine = Record[2], Record[3], Record[4]
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = SearchBelongsToFunction(BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine)
Variable = Record[0].replace('PeiServicesInstallPpi', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('&', '').strip()
Variable = Variable[Variable.find(',') + 1:].strip()
# Get index of the variable
if Variable.find('[') > -1:
Index = int(Variable[Variable.find('[') + 1 : Variable.find(']')])
Variable = Variable[:Variable.find('[')]
# Get variable name
if Variable.startswith('&'):
Variable = Variable[1:]
# Get variable value
SqlCommand = """select Value from %s where (Name like '%%%s%%') and Model = %s""" \
% (Identifier, Variable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
NewRecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
if NewRecordSet:
NewRecord = NewRecordSet[0][0]
VariableValueList = NewRecord.split('},')
if len(VariableValueList) > Index:
VariableValue = VariableValueList[Index]
NewVariableValueList = VariableValue.split(',')
if len(NewVariableValueList) > 1:
NewVariableValue = NewVariableValueList[1].strip()
if NewVariableValue.startswith('&'):
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, NewVariableValue[1:], GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (ItemType, ItemMode, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, StartLine, NewParameter))
## SearchPpis() method
# Search all used PPI calling function
# Store the result to database
# @param SqlCommand: SQL command statement
# @param Table: Table id
# @param SourceFileID: Source file id
# @param SourceFileFullPath: Source file full path
# @param ItemMode: Mode of the item
# @param PpiMode: Mode of PPI
def SearchPpi(SqlCommand, Table, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, PpiMode = 1):
ItemName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue = '', 'Ppi', '', '', ''
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = -1, ''
Db = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport
RecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
Parameter = GetPpiParameter(Record[0], PpiMode)
BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine = Record[2], Record[3], Record[4]
# Get BelongsToFunction
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = SearchBelongsToFunction(BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine)
# Default is Not Found
IsFound = False
# For Consumed Ppi
if ItemMode == 'Consumed':
if Parameter.startswith('g'):
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, Parameter, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (ItemType, ItemMode, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, StartLine, Parameter))
# Direct Parameter.Guid
SqlCommand = """select Value from %s where (Name like '%%%s.Guid%%' or Name like '%%%s->Guid%%') and Model = %s""" % (Table, Parameter, Parameter, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION)
NewRecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for NewRecord in NewRecordSet:
GuidName = GetParameterName(NewRecord[0])
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
# Defined Parameter
if not IsFound:
Key = Parameter
if Key.rfind(' ') > -1:
Key = Key[Key.rfind(' ') : ].strip().replace('&', '')
Value = FindKeyValue(EotGlobalData.gDb.TblFile, Table, Key)
List = GetSplitValueList(Value.replace('\n', ''), TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
if len(List) > 1:
GuidName = GetParameterName(List[1])
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
# A list Parameter
if not IsFound:
Start = Parameter.find('[')
End = Parameter.find(']')
if Start > -1 and End > -1 and Start < End:
Index = int(Parameter[Start + 1 : End])
Parameter = Parameter[0 : Start]
SqlCommand = """select Value from %s where Name = '%s' and Model = %s""" % (Table, Parameter, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
NewRecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for NewRecord in NewRecordSet:
NewParameter = GetSplitValueList(NewRecord[0], '}')[Index]
GuidName = GetPpiParameter(NewParameter[NewParameter.find('{') : ])
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
except Exception:
# A External Parameter
if not IsFound:
SqlCommand = """select File.ID from Inf, File
where BelongsToFile = (select BelongsToFile from Inf where Value1 = '%s')
and Inf.Model = %s and Inf.Value1 = File.FullPath and File.Model = %s""" % (SourceFileFullPath, MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, MODEL_FILE_C)
NewRecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for NewRecord in NewRecordSet:
Table = 'Identifier' + str(NewRecord[0])
SqlCommand = """select Value from %s where Name = '%s' and Modifier = 'EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR' and Model = %s""" % (Table, Parameter, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
PpiSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
if PpiSet != []:
GuidName = GetPpiParameter(PpiSet[0][0])
if GuidName != '':
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
if not IsFound:
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (ItemType, ItemMode, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, StartLine, Parameter))
## SearchProtocols() method
# Search all used PROTOCOL calling function
# Store the result to database
# @param SqlCommand: SQL command statement
# @param Table: Table id
# @param SourceFileID: Source file id
# @param SourceFileFullPath: Source file full path
# @param ItemMode: Mode of the item
# @param ProtocolMode: Mode of PROTOCOL
def SearchProtocols(SqlCommand, Table, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemMode, ProtocolMode):
ItemName, ItemType, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue = '', 'Protocol', '', '', ''
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = -1, ''
Db = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport
RecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
Parameter = ''
BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine = Record[2], Record[3], Record[4]
# Get BelongsToFunction
BelongsToFunctionID, BelongsToFunction = SearchBelongsToFunction(BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine)
# Default is Not Found
IsFound = False
if ProtocolMode == 0 or ProtocolMode == 1:
Parameter = GetProtocolParameter(Record[0], ProtocolMode)
if Parameter.startswith('g') or Parameter.endswith('Guid') or Parameter == 'ShellEnvProtocol' or Parameter == 'ShellInterfaceProtocol':
GuidName = GetParameterName(Parameter)
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
if ProtocolMode == 2:
Protocols = GetSplitValueList(Record[0], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
for Protocol in Protocols:
if Protocol.startswith('&') and Protocol.endswith('Guid'):
GuidName = GetParameterName(Protocol)
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
NewValue = FindKeyValue(EotGlobalData.gDb.TblFile, Table, Protocol)
if Protocol != NewValue and NewValue.endswith('Guid'):
GuidName = GetParameterName(NewValue)
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
if not IsFound:
if BelongsToFunction in EotGlobalData.gProducedProtocolLibrary or BelongsToFunction in EotGlobalData.gConsumedProtocolLibrary:
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED_IN_LIBRARY_CALLING.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (ItemType, ItemMode, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, StartLine, Parameter, BelongsToFunction))
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (ItemType, ItemMode, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, StartLine, Parameter))
## SearchFunctionCalling() method
# Search all used PPI/PROTOCOL calling function by library
# Store the result to database
# @param SqlCommand: SQL command statement
# @param Table: Table id
# @param SourceFileID: Source file id
# @param SourceFileFullPath: Source file full path
# @param ItemType: Type of the item, PPI or PROTOCOL
# @param ItemMode: Mode of item
def SearchFunctionCalling(Table, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemType, ItemMode):
LibraryList = sdict()
Db = EotGlobalData.gDb.TblReport
Parameters, ItemName, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction = [], '', '', '', '', ''
if ItemType == 'Protocol' and ItemMode == 'Produced':
LibraryList = EotGlobalData.gProducedProtocolLibrary
elif ItemType == 'Protocol' and ItemMode == 'Consumed':
LibraryList = EotGlobalData.gConsumedProtocolLibrary
elif ItemType == 'Protocol' and ItemMode == 'Callback':
LibraryList = EotGlobalData.gCallbackProtocolLibrary
elif ItemType == 'Ppi' and ItemMode == 'Produced':
LibraryList = EotGlobalData.gProducedPpiLibrary
elif ItemType == 'Ppi' and ItemMode == 'Consumed':
LibraryList = EotGlobalData.gConsumedPpiLibrary
for Library in LibraryList:
Index = LibraryList[Library]
SqlCommand = """select Value, StartLine from %s
where Name like '%%%s%%' and Model = %s""" \
RecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
for Record in RecordSet:
IsFound = False
if Index == -1:
ParameterList = GetSplitValueList(Record[0], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
for Parameter in ParameterList:
Parameters = [GetProtocolParameter(Record[0], Index)]
StartLine = Record[1]
for Parameter in Parameters:
if Parameter.startswith('g') or Parameter.endswith('Guid') or Parameter == 'ShellEnvProtocol' or Parameter == 'ShellInterfaceProtocol':
GuidName = GetParameterName(Parameter)
Db.Insert(-1, '', '', SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue, BelongsToFunction, 0)
IsFound = True
if not IsFound:
EotGlobalData.gOP_UN_MATCHED.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (ItemType, ItemMode, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, StartLine, Parameter))
## FindProtocols() method
# Find defined protocols
# @param SqlCommand: SQL command statement
# @param Table: Table id
# @param SourceFileID: Source file id
# @param SourceFileFullPath: Source file full path
# @param ItemName: String of protocol definition
# @param ItemType: Type of the item, PPI or PROTOCOL
# @param ItemMode: Mode of item
#def FindProtocols(Db, SqlCommand, Table, SourceFileID, SourceFileFullPath, ItemName, ItemType, ItemMode, GuidName, GuidMacro, GuidValue):
# BelongsToFunction = ''
# RecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
# for Record in RecordSet:
# IsFound = True
# Parameter = GetProtocolParameter(Record[0])
## GetProtocolParameter() method
# Parse string of protocol and find parameters
# @param Parameter: Parameter to be parsed
# @param Index: The index of the parameter
# @return: call common GetParameter
def GetProtocolParameter(Parameter, Index = 1):
return GetParameter(Parameter, Index)
## GetPpiParameter() method
# Parse string of ppi and find parameters
# @param Parameter: Parameter to be parsed
# @param Index: The index of the parameter
# @return: call common GetParameter
def GetPpiParameter(Parameter, Index = 1):
return GetParameter(Parameter, Index)
## GetParameter() method
# Get a parameter by index
# @param Parameter: Parameter to be parsed
# @param Index: The index of the parameter
# @return Parameter: The found parameter
def GetParameter(Parameter, Index = 1):
ParameterList = GetSplitValueList(Parameter, TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
if len(ParameterList) > Index:
Parameter = GetParameterName(ParameterList[Index])
return Parameter
return ''
## GetParameterName() method
# Get a parameter name
# @param Parameter: Parameter to be parsed
# @return: The name of parameter
def GetParameterName(Parameter):
if type(Parameter) == type('') and Parameter.startswith('&'):
return Parameter[1:].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').strip()
return Parameter.strip()
## FindKeyValue() method
# Find key value of a variable
# @param Db: Database to be searched
# @param Table: Table to be searched
# @param Key: The keyword
# @return Value: The value of the the keyword
def FindKeyValue(Db, Table, Key):
SqlCommand = """select Value from %s where Name = '%s' and (Model = %s or Model = %s)""" % (Table, Key, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION)
RecordSet = Db.Exec(SqlCommand)
Value = ''
for Record in RecordSet:
if Record[0] != 'NULL':
Value = FindKeyValue(Db, Table, GetParameterName(Record[0]))
if Value != '':
return Value
return Key
## ParseMapFile() method
# Parse map files to get a dict of 'ModuleName' : {FunName : FunAddress}
# @param Files: A list of map files
# @return AllMaps: An object of all map files
def ParseMapFile(Files):
AllMaps = {}
CurrentModule = ''
CurrentMaps = {}
for File in Files:
Content = open(File, 'r').readlines()
for Line in Content:
Line = CleanString(Line)
# skip empty line
if Line == '':
if Line.find('(') > -1 and Line.find(')') > -1:
if CurrentModule != '' and CurrentMaps != {}:
AllMaps[CurrentModule] = CurrentMaps
CurrentModule = Line[:Line.find('(')]
CurrentMaps = {}
Name = ''
Address = ''
List = Line.split()
Address = List[0]
if List[1] == 'F' or List[1] == 'FS':
Name = List[2]
Name = List[1]
CurrentMaps[Name] = Address
return AllMaps
## ConvertGuid
# Convert a GUID to a GUID with all upper letters
# @param guid: The GUID to be converted
# @param newGuid: The GUID with all upper letters.
def ConvertGuid(guid):
numList = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
newGuid = ''
if guid.startswith('g'):
guid = guid[1:]
for i in guid:
if i.upper() == i and i not in numList:
newGuid = newGuid + ('_' + i)
newGuid = newGuid + i.upper()
if newGuid.startswith('_'):
newGuid = newGuid[1:]
if newGuid.endswith('_'):
newGuid = newGuid[:-1]
return newGuid
## ConvertGuid2() method
# Convert a GUID to a GUID with new string instead of old string
# @param guid: The GUID to be converted
# @param old: Old string to be replaced
# @param new: New string to replace the old one
# @param newGuid: The GUID after replacement
def ConvertGuid2(guid, old, new):
newGuid = ConvertGuid(guid)
newGuid = newGuid.replace(old, new)
return newGuid
# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
# script.
if __name__ == '__main__':