
1340 lines
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/** @file
UfsPassThruDxe driver is used to produce EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU protocol interface
for upper layer application to execute UFS-supported SCSI cmds.
Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
// Host Capabilities Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_CAP_OFFSET 0x0000 // Controller Capabilities
#define UFS_HC_VER_OFFSET 0x0008 // Version
#define UFS_HC_DDID_OFFSET 0x0010 // Device ID and Device Class
#define UFS_HC_PMID_OFFSET 0x0014 // Product ID and Manufacturer ID
#define UFS_HC_AHIT_OFFSET 0x0018 // Auto-Hibernate Idle Timer
// Operation and Runtime Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_IS_OFFSET 0x0020 // Interrupt Status
#define UFS_HC_IE_OFFSET 0x0024 // Interrupt Enable
#define UFS_HC_STATUS_OFFSET 0x0030 // Host Controller Status
#define UFS_HC_ENABLE_OFFSET 0x0034 // Host Controller Enable
#define UFS_HC_UECPA_OFFSET 0x0038 // Host UIC Error Code PHY Adapter Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECDL_OFFSET 0x003c // Host UIC Error Code Data Link Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECN_OFFSET 0x0040 // Host UIC Error Code Network Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECT_OFFSET 0x0044 // Host UIC Error Code Transport Layer
#define UFS_HC_UECDME_OFFSET 0x0048 // Host UIC Error Code DME
#define UFS_HC_UTRIACR_OFFSET 0x004c // UTP Transfer Request Interrupt Aggregation Control Register
// UTP Transfer Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UTRLBA_OFFSET 0x0050 // UTP Transfer Request List Base Address
#define UFS_HC_UTRLBAU_OFFSET 0x0054 // UTP Transfer Request List Base Address Upper 32-Bits
#define UFS_HC_UTRLDBR_OFFSET 0x0058 // UTP Transfer Request List Door Bell Register
#define UFS_HC_UTRLCLR_OFFSET 0x005c // UTP Transfer Request List CLear Register
#define UFS_HC_UTRLRSR_OFFSET 0x0060 // UTP Transfer Request Run-Stop Register
// UTP Task Management Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLBA_OFFSET 0x0070 // UTP Task Management Request List Base Address
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLBAU_OFFSET 0x0074 // UTP Task Management Request List Base Address Upper 32-Bits
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLDBR_OFFSET 0x0078 // UTP Task Management Request List Door Bell Register
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLCLR_OFFSET 0x007c // UTP Task Management Request List CLear Register
#define UFS_HC_UTMRLRSR_OFFSET 0x0080 // UTP Task Management Run-Stop Register
// UIC Command Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UIC_CMD_OFFSET 0x0090 // UIC Command Register
#define UFS_HC_UCMD_ARG1_OFFSET 0x0094 // UIC Command Argument 1
#define UFS_HC_UCMD_ARG2_OFFSET 0x0098 // UIC Command Argument 2
#define UFS_HC_UCMD_ARG3_OFFSET 0x009c // UIC Command Argument 3
// UMA Register Offsets
#define UFS_HC_UMA_OFFSET 0x00b0 // Reserved for Unified Memory Extension
#define UFS_HC_HCE_EN BIT0
#define UFS_HC_HCS_DP BIT0
#define UFS_HC_IS_UCCS BIT10
#define UFS_HC_CAP_64ADDR BIT24
#define UFS_HC_CAP_NUTMRS (BIT16 | BIT17 | BIT18)
#define UFS_HC_CAP_NUTRS (BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT2 | BIT3 | BIT4)
// A maximum of length of 256KB is supported by PRDT entry
#define UFS_MAX_DATA_LEN_PER_PRD 0x40000
#define UFS_LUN_0 0x00
#define UFS_LUN_1 0x01
#define UFS_LUN_2 0x02
#define UFS_LUN_3 0x03
#define UFS_LUN_4 0x04
#define UFS_LUN_5 0x05
#define UFS_LUN_6 0x06
#define UFS_LUN_7 0x07
#define UFS_WLUN_UFS_DEV 0xD0
#define UFS_WLUN_BOOT 0xB0
#define UFS_WLUN_RPMB 0xC4
#pragma pack(1)
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.1 Offset 00h: CAP - Controller Capabilities
typedef struct {
UINT8 Nutrs:4; // Number of UTP Transfer Request Slots
UINT8 Rsvd1:4;
UINT8 NoRtt; // Number of outstanding READY TO TRANSFER (RTT) requests supported
UINT8 Nutmrs:3; // Number of UTP Task Management Request Slots
UINT8 Rsvd2:4;
UINT8 AutoHs:1; // Auto-Hibernation Support
UINT8 As64:1; // 64-bit addressing supported
UINT8 Oodds:1; // Out of order data delivery supported
UINT8 UicDmetms:1; // UIC DME_TEST_MODE command supported
UINT8 Ume:1; // Reserved for Unified Memory Extension
UINT8 Rsvd4:4;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.2 Offset 08h: VER - UFS Version
typedef struct {
UINT8 Vs:4; // Version Suffix
UINT8 Mnr:4; // Minor version number
UINT8 Mjr; // Major version number
UINT16 Rsvd1;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.3 Offset 10h: HCPID - Host Controller Product ID
#define UFS_HC_PID UINT32
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.4 Offset 14h: HCMID - Host Controller Manufacturer ID
#define UFS_HC_MID UINT32
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.2.5 Offset 18h: AHIT - Auto-Hibernate Idle Timer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ahitv:10; // Auto-Hibernate Idle Timer Value
UINT32 Ts:3; // Timer scale
UINT32 Rsvd1:19;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.1 Offset 20h: IS - Interrupt Status
typedef struct {
UINT16 Utrcs:1; // UTP Transfer Request Completion Status
UINT16 Udepri:1; // UIC DME_ENDPOINT_RESET Indication
UINT16 Ue:1; // UIC Error
UINT16 Utms:1; // UIC Test Mode Status
UINT16 Upms:1; // UIC Power Mode Status
UINT16 Uhxs:1; // UIC Hibernate Exit Status
UINT16 Uhes:1; // UIC Hibernate Enter Status
UINT16 Ulls:1; // UIC Link Lost Status
UINT16 Ulss:1; // UIC Link Startup Status
UINT16 Utmrcs:1; // UTP Task Management Request Completion Status
UINT16 Uccs:1; // UIC Command Completion Status
UINT16 Dfes:1; // Device Fatal Error Status
UINT16 Utpes:1; // UTP Error Status
UINT16 Rsvd1:3;
UINT16 Hcfes:1; // Host Controller Fatal Error Status
UINT16 Sbfes:1; // System Bus Fatal Error Status
UINT16 Rsvd2:14;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.2 Offset 24h: IE - Interrupt Enable
typedef struct {
UINT16 Utrce:1; // UTP Transfer Request Completion Enable
UINT16 Udeprie:1; // UIC DME_ENDPOINT_RESET Enable
UINT16 Uee:1; // UIC Error Enable
UINT16 Utmse:1; // UIC Test Mode Status Enable
UINT16 Upmse:1; // UIC Power Mode Status Enable
UINT16 Uhxse:1; // UIC Hibernate Exit Status Enable
UINT16 Uhese:1; // UIC Hibernate Enter Status Enable
UINT16 Ullse:1; // UIC Link Lost Status Enable
UINT16 Ulsse:1; // UIC Link Startup Status Enable
UINT16 Utmrce:1; // UTP Task Management Request Completion Enable
UINT16 Ucce:1; // UIC Command Completion Enable
UINT16 Dfee:1; // Device Fatal Error Enable
UINT16 Utpee:1; // UTP Error Enable
UINT16 Rsvd1:3;
UINT16 Hcfee:1; // Host Controller Fatal Error Enable
UINT16 Sbfee:1; // System Bus Fatal Error Enable
UINT16 Rsvd2:14;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.3 Offset 30h: HCS - Host Controller Status
typedef struct {
UINT8 Dp:1; // Device Present
UINT8 UtrlRdy:1; // UTP Transfer Request List Ready
UINT8 UtmrlRdy:1; // UTP Task Management Request List Ready
UINT8 UcRdy:1; // UIC COMMAND Ready
UINT8 Rsvd1:4;
UINT8 Upmcrs:3; // UIC Power Mode Change Request Status
UINT8 Rsvd2:1; // UIC Hibernate Exit Status Enable
UINT8 Utpec:4; // UTP Error Code
UINT8 TtagUtpE; // Task Tag of UTP error
UINT8 TlunUtpE; // Target LUN of UTP error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.4 Offset 34h: HCE - Host Controller Enable
typedef struct {
UINT32 Hce:1; // Host Controller Enable
UINT32 Rsvd1:31;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.5 Offset 38h: UECPA - Host UIC Error Code PHY Adapter Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec:5; // UIC PHY Adapter Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1:26;
UINT32 Err:1; // UIC PHY Adapter Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.6 Offset 3ch: UECDL - Host UIC Error Code Data Link Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec:15; // UIC Data Link Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1:16;
UINT32 Err:1; // UIC Data Link Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.7 Offset 40h: UECN - Host UIC Error Code Network Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec:3; // UIC Network Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1:28;
UINT32 Err:1; // UIC Network Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.8 Offset 44h: UECT - Host UIC Error Code Transport Layer
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec:7; // UIC Transport Layer Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1:24;
UINT32 Err:1; // UIC Transport Layer Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.9 Offset 48h: UECDME - Host UIC Error Code
typedef struct {
UINT32 Ec:1; // UIC DME Error Code
UINT32 Rsvd1:30;
UINT32 Err:1; // UIC DME Error
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.3.10 Offset 4Ch: UTRIACR - UTP Transfer Request Interrupt Aggregation Control Register
typedef struct {
UINT8 IaToVal; // Interrupt aggregation timeout value
UINT8 IacTh:5; // Interrupt aggregation counter threshold
UINT8 Rsvd1:3;
UINT8 Ctr:1; // Counter and Timer Reset
UINT8 Rsvd2:3;
UINT8 Iasb:1; // Interrupt aggregation status bit
UINT8 Rsvd3:3;
UINT8 IapwEn:1; // Interrupt aggregation parameter write enable
UINT8 Rsvd4:6;
UINT8 IaEn:1; // Interrupt Aggregation Enable/Disable
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.1 Offset 50h: UTRLBA - UTP Transfer Request List Base Address
typedef struct {
UINT32 Rsvd1:10;
UINT32 UtrlBa:22; // UTP Transfer Request List Base Address
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.2 Offset 54h: UTRLBAU - UTP Transfer Request List Base Address Upper 32-bits
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.3 Offset 58h: UTRLDBR - UTP Transfer Request List Door Bell Register
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.4 Offset 5Ch: UTRLCLR - UTP Transfer Request List CLear Register
#if 0
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.4.5 Offset 60h: UTRLRSR - UTP Transfer Request List Run Stop Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtrlRsr:1; // UTP Transfer Request List Run-Stop Register
UINT32 Rsvd1:31;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.1 Offset 70h: UTMRLBA - UTP Task Management Request List Base Address
typedef struct {
UINT32 Rsvd1:10;
UINT32 UtmrlBa:22; // UTP Task Management Request List Base Address
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.2 Offset 74h: UTMRLBAU - UTP Task Management Request List Base Address Upper 32-bits
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.3 Offset 78h: UTMRLDBR - UTP Task Management Request List Door Bell Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtmrlDbr:8; // UTP Task Management Request List Door bell Register
UINT32 Rsvd1:24;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.4 Offset 7Ch: UTMRLCLR - UTP Task Management Request List CLear Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtmrlClr:8; // UTP Task Management List Clear Register
UINT32 Rsvd1:24;
#if 0
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.5.5 Offset 80h: UTMRLRSR - UTP Task Management Request List Run Stop Register
typedef struct {
UINT32 UtmrlRsr:1; // UTP Task Management Request List Run-Stop Register
UINT32 Rsvd1:31;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.1 Offset 90h: UICCMD - UIC Command
typedef struct {
UINT32 CmdOp:8; // Command Opcode
UINT32 Rsvd1:24;
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.2 Offset 94h: UICCMDARG1 - UIC Command Argument 1
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.2 Offset 98h: UICCMDARG2 - UIC Command Argument 2
// UFSHCI 2.0 Spec Section 5.6.2 Offset 9ch: UICCMDARG3 - UIC Command Argument 3
// UIC command opcodes
typedef enum {
UfsUicDmeGet = 0x01,
UfsUicDmeSet = 0x02,
UfsUicDmePeerGet = 0x03,
UfsUicDmePeerSet = 0x04,
UfsUicDmePwrOn = 0x10,
UfsUicDmePwrOff = 0x11,
UfsUicDmeEnable = 0x12,
UfsUicDmeReset = 0x14,
UfsUicDmeEndpointReset = 0x15,
UfsUicDmeLinkStartup = 0x16,
UfsUicDmeHibernateEnter = 0x17,
UfsUicDmeHibernateExit = 0x18,
UfsUicDmeTestMode = 0x1A
// UTP Transfer Request Descriptor
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT32 Rsvd1:24;
UINT32 Int:1; /* Interrupt */
UINT32 Dd:2; /* Data Direction */
UINT32 Rsvd2:1;
UINT32 Ct:4; /* Command Type */
// DW1
UINT32 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT32 Ocs:8; /* Overall Command Status */
UINT32 Rsvd4:24;
// DW3
UINT32 Rsvd5;
// DW4
UINT32 Rsvd6:7;
UINT32 UcdBa:25; /* UTP Command Descriptor Base Address */
// DW5
UINT32 UcdBaU; /* UTP Command Descriptor Base Address Upper 32-bits */
// DW6
UINT16 RuL; /* Response UPIU Length */
UINT16 RuO; /* Response UPIU Offset */
// DW7
UINT16 PrdtL; /* PRDT Length */
UINT16 PrdtO; /* PRDT Offset */
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT32 Rsvd1:2;
UINT32 DbAddr:30; /* Data Base Address */
// DW1
UINT32 DbAddrU; /* Data Base Address Upper 32-bits */
// DW2
UINT32 Rsvd2;
// DW3
UINT32 DbCount:18; /* Data Byte Count */
UINT32 Rsvd3:14;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.3 - UTP Command UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x01*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 CmdSet:4; /* Command Set Type */
UINT8 Rsvd1:4;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT8 Rsvd4;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd5;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 ExpDataTranLen; /* Expected Data Transfer Length - Big Endian */
// DW4 - DW7
UINT8 Cdb[16];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.4 - UTP Response UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x21*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 CmdSet:4; /* Command Set Type */
UINT8 Rsvd1:4;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 Response; /* Response */
UINT8 Status; /* Status */
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3
UINT32 ResTranCount; /* Residual Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW4 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[16];
// Data Segment - Sense Data
UINT16 SenseDataLen; /* Sense Data Length - Big Endian */
UINT8 SenseData[18]; /* Sense Data */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.5 - UTP Data-Out UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x02*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3
UINT32 DataBufOffset; /* Data Buffer Offset - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 DataTranCount; /* Data Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[12];
// Data Segment - Data to be sent out
//UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be sent out, maximum is 65535 bytes */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.6 - UTP Data-In UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x22*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3
UINT32 DataBufOffset; /* Data Buffer Offset - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 DataTranCount; /* Data Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[12];
// Data Segment - Data to be read
//UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be read, maximum is 65535 bytes */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.7 - UTP Ready-To-Transfer UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x31*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 DataBufOffset; /* Data Buffer Offset - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 DataTranCount; /* Data Transfer Count - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd3[12];
// Data Segment - Data to be read
//UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be read, maximum is 65535 bytes */
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.8 - UTP Task Management Request UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x04*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TskManFunc; /* Task Management Function */
UINT8 Rsvd2[2];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 InputParam1; /* Input Parameter 1 - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 InputParam2; /* Input Parameter 2 - Big Endian */
// DW5
UINT32 InputParam3; /* Input Parameter 3 - Big Endian */
// DW6 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[8];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.9 - UTP Task Management Response UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x24*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[2];
UINT8 Resp; /* Response */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT32 OutputParam1; /* Output Parameter 1 - Big Endian */
// DW4
UINT32 OutputParam2; /* Output Parameter 2 - Big Endian */
// DW5 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[12];
// UTP Task Management Request Descriptor
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT32 Rsvd1:24;
UINT32 Int:1; /* Interrupt */
UINT32 Rsvd2:7;
// DW1
UINT32 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT32 Ocs:8; /* Overall Command Status */
UINT32 Rsvd4:24;
// DW3
UINT32 Rsvd5;
// DW4 - DW11
UTP_TM_REQ_UPIU TmReq; /* Task Management Request UPIU */
// DW12 - DW19
UTP_TM_RESP_UPIU TmResp; /* Task Management Response UPIU */
typedef struct {
UINT8 Opcode;
UINT8 DescId;
UINT8 Index;
UINT8 Selector;
UINT16 Rsvd1;
UINT16 Length;
UINT32 Value;
UINT32 Rsvd2;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.10 - UTP Query Request UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x16*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 QueryFunc; /* Query Function */
UINT8 Rsvd3[2];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd4;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3 - 6
UTP_UPIU_TSF Tsf; /* Transaction Specific Fields */
// DW7
UINT8 Rsvd5[4];
// Data Segment - Data to be transferred
//UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be transferred, maximum is 65535 bytes */
typedef enum {
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeNop = 0x00,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdDesc = 0x01,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrDesc = 0x02,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdAttr = 0x03,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeWrAttr = 0x04,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeRdFlag = 0x05,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeSetFlag = 0x06,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeClrFlag = 0x07,
UtpQueryFuncOpcodeTogFlag = 0x08
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.11 - UTP Query Response UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x36*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 QueryFunc; /* Query Function */
UINT8 QueryResp; /* Query Response */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian */
// DW3 - 6
UTP_UPIU_TSF Tsf; /* Transaction Specific Fields */
// DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[4];
// Data Segment - Data to be transferred
//UINT8 Data[]; /* Data to be transferred, maximum is 65535 bytes */
typedef enum {
UfsUtpQueryResponseSuccess = 0x00,
UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotReadable = 0xF6,
UfsUtpQueryResponseParamNotWriteable = 0xF7,
UfsUtpQueryResponseParamAlreadyWritten = 0xF8,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidLen = 0xF9,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidVal = 0xFA,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidSelector = 0xFB,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIndex = 0xFC,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidIdn = 0xFD,
UfsUtpQueryResponseInvalidOpc = 0xFE,
UfsUtpQueryResponseGeneralFailure = 0xFF
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.12 - UTP Reject UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x3F*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Lun;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd1[2];
UINT8 Response; /* Response - 0x01 */
UINT8 Rsvd2;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information - 0x00 */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3
UINT8 HdrSts; /* Basic Header Status */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT8 E2ESts; /* End-to-End Status */
UINT8 Rsvd4;
// DW4 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd5[16];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.13 - UTP NOP OUT UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x00*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2[4];
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[20];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 10.5.14 - UTP NOP IN UPIU
typedef struct {
// DW0
UINT8 TransCode:6; /* Transaction Type - 0x20*/
UINT8 Dd:1;
UINT8 Hd:1;
UINT8 Flags;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 TaskTag; /* Task Tag */
// DW1
UINT8 Rsvd2[2];
UINT8 Resp; /* Response - 0x00 */
UINT8 Rsvd3;
// DW2
UINT8 EhsLen; /* Total EHS Length - 0x00 */
UINT8 DevInfo; /* Device Information - 0x00 */
UINT16 DataSegLen; /* Data Segment Length - Big Endian - 0x0000 */
// DW3 - DW7
UINT8 Rsvd4[20];
// UFS Descriptors
typedef enum {
UfsDeviceDesc = 0x00,
UfsConfigDesc = 0x01,
UfsUnitDesc = 0x02,
UfsInterConnDesc = 0x04,
UfsStringDesc = 0x05,
UfsGeometryDesc = 0x07,
UfsPowerDesc = 0x08
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Device Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 Device;
UINT8 DevClass;
UINT8 DevSubClass;
UINT8 Protocol;
UINT8 NumLun;
UINT8 NumWLun;
UINT8 BootEn;
UINT8 DescAccessEn;
UINT8 InitPowerMode;
UINT8 HighPriorityLun;
UINT8 SecureRemovalType;
UINT8 SecurityLun;
UINT8 BgOpsTermLat;
UINT8 InitActiveIccLevel;
UINT16 SpecVersion;
UINT16 ManufactureDate;
UINT8 ManufacturerName;
UINT8 ProductName;
UINT8 SerialName;
UINT8 OemId;
UINT16 ManufacturerId;
UINT8 Ud0BaseOffset;
UINT8 Ud0ConfParamLen;
UINT8 DevRttCap;
UINT16 PeriodicRtcUpdate;
UINT8 Rsvd1[17];
UINT8 Rsvd2[16];
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 BootEn;
UINT8 DescAccessEn;
UINT8 InitPowerMode;
UINT8 HighPriorityLun;
UINT8 SecureRemovalType;
UINT8 InitActiveIccLevel;
UINT16 PeriodicRtcUpdate;
UINT8 Rsvd2[5];
typedef struct {
UINT8 LunEn;
UINT8 BootLunId;
UINT8 LunWriteProt;
UINT8 MemType;
UINT32 NumAllocUnits;
UINT8 DataReliability;
UINT8 LogicBlkSize;
UINT8 ProvisionType;
UINT16 CtxCap;
UINT8 Rsvd1[3];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Configuration Descriptor
typedef struct {
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Geometry Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 MediaTech;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT64 TotalRawDevCapacity;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT32 SegSize;
UINT8 AllocUnitSize;
UINT8 MinAddrBlkSize;
UINT8 OptReadBlkSize;
UINT8 OptWriteBlkSize;
UINT8 MaxInBufSize;
UINT8 MaxOutBufSize;
UINT8 RpmbRwSize;
UINT8 Rsvd3;
UINT8 DataOrder;
UINT8 MaxCtxIdNum;
UINT8 SysDataTagUnitSize;
UINT8 SysDataResUnitSize;
UINT8 SupSecRemovalTypes;
UINT16 SupMemTypes;
UINT32 SysCodeMaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 SupCodeCapAdjFac;
UINT32 NonPersMaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 NonPersCapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance1MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance1CapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance2MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance2CapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance3MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance3CapAdjFac;
UINT32 Enhance4MaxNumAllocUnits;
UINT16 Enhance4CapAdjFac;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Unit Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 UnitIdx;
UINT8 LunEn;
UINT8 BootLunId;
UINT8 LunWriteProt;
UINT8 LunQueueDep;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 MemType;
UINT8 DataReliability;
UINT8 LogicBlkSize;
UINT64 LogicBlkCount;
UINT32 EraseBlkSize;
UINT8 ProvisionType;
UINT64 PhyMemResCount;
UINT16 CtxCap;
UINT8 LargeUnitGranularity;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - RPMB Unit Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT8 UnitIdx;
UINT8 LunEn;
UINT8 BootLunId;
UINT8 LunWriteProt;
UINT8 LunQueueDep;
UINT8 Rsvd1;
UINT8 MemType;
UINT8 Rsvd2;
UINT8 LogicBlkSize;
UINT64 LogicBlkCount;
UINT32 EraseBlkSize;
UINT8 ProvisionType;
UINT64 PhyMemResCount;
UINT8 Rsvd3[3];
typedef struct {
UINT16 Value:10;
UINT16 Rsvd1:4;
UINT16 Unit:2;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - Power Parameter Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - InterConnect Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
UINT16 UniProVer;
UINT16 MphyVer;
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section - - String Descriptor
typedef struct {
UINT8 Length;
UINT8 DescType;
CHAR16 Unicode[126];
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 14.2 - Flags
typedef enum {
UfsFlagDevInit = 0x01,
UfsFlagPermWpEn = 0x02,
UfsFlagPowerOnWpEn = 0x03,
UfsFlagBgOpsEn = 0x04,
UfsFlagPurgeEn = 0x06,
UfsFlagPhyResRemoval = 0x08,
UfsFlagBusyRtc = 0x09,
UfsFlagPermDisFwUpdate = 0x0B
// UFS 2.0 Spec Section 14.2 - Attributes
typedef enum {
UfsAttrBootLunEn = 0x00,
UfsAttrCurPowerMode = 0x02,
UfsAttrActiveIccLevel = 0x03,
UfsAttrOutOfOrderDataEn = 0x04,
UfsAttrBgOpStatus = 0x05,
UfsAttrPurgeStatus = 0x06,
UfsAttrMaxDataInSize = 0x07,
UfsAttrMaxDataOutSize = 0x08,
UfsAttrDynCapNeeded = 0x09,
UfsAttrRefClkFreq = 0x0a,
UfsAttrConfigDescLock = 0x0b,
UfsAttrMaxNumOfRtt = 0x0c,
UfsAttrExceptionEvtCtrl = 0x0d,
UfsAttrExceptionEvtSts = 0x0e,
UfsAttrSecondsPassed = 0x0f,
UfsAttrContextConf = 0x10,
UfsAttrCorrPrgBlkNum = 0x11
typedef enum {
UfsNoData = 0,
UfsDataOut = 1,
UfsDataIn = 2,
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