hibernate on low battery (experimental)

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Adnan Hodzic 2020-01-05 17:18:39 +01:00
parent e6bdb42cae
commit c740afba03
1 changed files with 36 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -164,6 +164,42 @@ def set_powersave():
#print("\n" + "-" * 60 + "\n")
# ToDo: function to create swapfile based on available ram
# detect if curent swapfile exists, if yes abort or proceed:
# sudo swapoff /swapfile
# sudo rm /swapfile
# make swap file based on available ram
# fallocate -l 10g /swapfile
# (security) hardening
# sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile
# format swap file as swap space
#sudo mkswap /swapfile
# activate new space file/space:
#sudo swapon /swapfile
# # add permanently (/etc/fstab)
# echo '/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
# apt-get install uswsusp
# get battery capacity
bat_cap = p.sensors_battery().percent
#print("Battery capacity: " + "{:.0f}".format(bat_cap))
# ToDo: in future option if system suspened longer then XY hours
# switch from suspend to hibernate
# hibernate if battery capacity less then:
if bat_cap < 10:
print("Battery low, hibernating ....")
s.run("/usr/sbin/s2disk", shell=True)
# make turbo suggestions in powersave
def mon_powersave():