# * add status as one of the available options # * alert user on snap if detected and how to remove first time live/stats message starts # * if daemon is disabled and auto-cpufreq is removed (snap) remind user to enable it back import os, sys, click from subprocess import getoutput, call, run, check_output, DEVNULL sys.path.append('../') from auto_cpufreq.core import * # app_name var if sys.argv[0] == "power_helper.py": app_name="python3 power_helper.py" else: app_name="auto-cpufreq" def header(): print("\n------------------------- auto-cpufreq: Power helper -------------------------\n") def helper_opts(): print("\nFor full list of options run: python3 power_helper.py --help") # detect if gnome power profile service is running if os.getenv('PKG_MARKER') != "SNAP": if which("systemctl") is not None: try: gnome_power_stats = call(["systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", "power-profiles-daemon"]) except: print("\nUnable to determine init system") print("If this causes any problems, please submit an issue:") print("https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq/issues") # alert in case gnome power profile service is running def gnome_power_detect(): if which("systemctl") is not None: if gnome_power_stats == 0: print("\n----------------------------------- Warning -----------------------------------\n") print("Detected running GNOME Power Profiles daemon service!") print("This daemon might interfere with auto-cpufreq and should be disabled.") print("\nSteps to perform this action using auto-cpufreq: power_helper script:") print("git clone https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq.git") print("cd auto-cpufreq/auto_cpufreq") print("python3 power_helper.py --gnome_power_disable") # automatically disable gnome power profile service in case it's running during install def gnome_power_detect_install(): if which("systemctl") is not None: if gnome_power_stats == 0: print("\n----------------------------------- Warning -----------------------------------\n") print("Detected running GNOME Power Profiles daemon service!") print("This daemon might interfere with auto-cpufreq and has been disabled.\n") print("Disabled daemon is not automatically disabled in \"live\" and \"monitor\" mode and") print("will be enabled after auto-cpufreq is removed.") # notification on snap def gnome_power_detect_snap(): print("\n----------------------------------- Warning -----------------------------------\n") print("Unable to detect state of GNOME Power Profiles daemon service!") print("This daemon might interfere with auto-cpufreq and should be disabled.") print("\nSteps to perform this action using auto-cpufreq: power_helper script:") print("git clone https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq.git") print("cd auto-cpufreq/auto_cpufreq") print("python3 power_helper.py --gnome_power_disable") # disable gnome >= 40 power profiles (live) def gnome_power_disable_live(): if(gnome_power_stats == 0): call(["systemctl", "stop", "power-profiles-daemon"]) # disable gnome >= 40 power profiles (install) def gnome_power_svc_disable(): if which("systemctl") is not None: try: print("\n* Disabling GNOME power profiles") call(["systemctl", "stop", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "disable", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "mask", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "daemon-reload"]) except: print("\nUnable to disable GNOME power profiles") print("If this causes any problems, please submit an issue:") print("https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq/issues") # enable gnome >= 40 power profiles (uninstall) def gnome_power_svc_enable(): if which("systemctl") is not None: try: print("\n* Enabling GNOME power profiles") call(["systemctl", "unmask", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "start", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "enable", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "daemon-reload"]) except: print("\nUnable to enable GNOME power profiles") print("If this causes any problems, please submit an issue:") print("https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq/issues") # gnome power profiles current status def gnome_power_svc_status(): if which("systemctl") is not None: try: print("* GNOME power profiles status") call(["systemctl", "status", "power-profiles-daemon"]) except: print("\nUnable to see GNOME power profiles status") print("If this causes any problems, please submit an issue:") print("https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq/issues") # disable bluetooth on boot def bluetooth_disable(): if os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP": bluetooth_notif_snap() elif which("bluetoothctl") is not None: print("* Turn off bluetooth on boot") btconf = Path("/etc/bluetooth/main.conf") try: orig_set = "AutoEnable=true" change_set = "AutoEnable=false" with btconf.open(mode="r+") as f: content = f.read() f.seek(0) f.truncate() f.write(content.replace(orig_set, change_set)) except Exception as e: print(f"\nERROR:\nWas unable to turn off bluetooth on boot\n{repr(e)}") else: print("* Turn off bluetooth on boot [skipping] (package providing bluetooth access is not present)") # enable bluetooth on boot def bluetooth_enable(): if os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP": bluetooth_on_notif_snap() if which("bluetoothctl") is not None: print("* Turn on bluetooth on boot") btconf = "/etc/bluetooth/main.conf" try: orig_set = "AutoEnable=true" change_set = "AutoEnable=false" with open(btconf, "r+") as f: content = f.read() f.seek(0) f.truncate() f.write(content.replace(change_set, orig_set)) except Exception as e: print(f"\nERROR:\nWas unable to turn on bluetooth on boot\n{repr(e)}") else: print("* Turn on bluetooth on boot [skipping] (package providing bluetooth access is not present)") # turn off bluetooth on snap message def bluetooth_notif_snap(): print("\n* Unable to turn off bluetooth on boot due to Snap package restrictions!") print("\nSteps to perform this action using auto-cpufreq: power_helper script:") print("python3 power_helper.py --bluetooth_boot_off") # turn off bluetooth on snap message def bluetooth_on_notif_snap(): print("\n* Unable to turn on bluetooth on boot due to Snap package restrictions!") print("\nSteps to perform this action using auto-cpufreq: power_helper script:") print("python3 power_helper.py --bluetooth_boot_on") # gnome power removal reminder def gnome_power_rm_reminder(): if which("systemctl") is not None: if gnome_power_stats != 0: print("\n----------------------------------- Warning -----------------------------------\n") print("Detected GNOME Power Profiles daemon service is stopped!") print("This service will now be enabled and started again.") def gnome_power_rm_reminder_snap(): print("\n----------------------------------- Warning -----------------------------------\n") print("Unable to detect state of GNOME Power Profiles daemon service!") print("Now it's recommended to enable this service.") print("\nSteps to perform this action using auto-cpufreq: power_helper script:") print("git clone https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq.git") print("cd auto-cpufreq/auto_cpufreq") print("python3 power_helper.py --gnome_power_enable") def valid_options(): print("--gnome_power_enable\t\tEnable GNOME Power Profiles daemon") print("--gnome_power_disable\t\tDisable GNOME Power Profiles daemon\n") # cli @click.command() @click.option("--gnome_power_enable", is_flag=True, help="Enable GNOME Power profiles service") @click.option("--gnome_power_disable", is_flag=True, help="Disable GNOME Power profiles service") @click.option("--gnome_power_status", is_flag=True, help="Get status of GNOME Power profiles service") @click.option("--bluetooth_boot_on", is_flag=True, help="Turn on Bluetooth on boot") @click.option("--bluetooth_boot_off", is_flag=True, help="Turn off Bluetooth on boot") def main(gnome_power_enable, gnome_power_disable, gnome_power_status, bluetooth_boot_off, bluetooth_boot_on): root_check() if len(sys.argv) == 1: header() print("Unrecognized option!\n\nRun: \"" + app_name + " --help\" for list of available options.") footer() else: if gnome_power_enable: header() root_check() gnome_power_svc_enable() helper_opts() footer() elif gnome_power_disable: header() root_check() gnome_power_svc_disable() helper_opts() footer() elif gnome_power_status: header() root_check() gnome_power_svc_status() helper_opts() footer() elif bluetooth_boot_off: header() root_check() bluetooth_disable() helper_opts() footer() elif bluetooth_boot_on: header() root_check() bluetooth_enable() helper_opts() footer() if __name__ == '__main__': main()