#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # ToDo: add description import subprocess import os import sys import time import psutil #import cpuinfo import platform #import distro #import re #from subprocess import call import click # ToDo: # - add uninstall options for daemon # - if live is run check if log exists, if yes instruct further options (how to see or delete) # - add potential throttling fix (set max frequency if load too high?) # - sort out imports # - go thru all other ToDo's # - make shortcut for platform # - fill out every TBU (cli + auto-cpufreq.service file) # - add readme + list need to install all necessary packages # global vars p = psutil s = subprocess tool_run = sys.argv[0] # get turbo boost state cur_turbo = s.getoutput("cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo") # get current scaling governor get_cur_gov = s.getoutput("cpufreqctl --governor") gov_state = get_cur_gov.split()[0] # get battery state bat_state = p.sensors_battery().power_plugged # get CPU utilization as a percentage cpuload = p.cpu_percent(interval=1) # auto-cpufreq log file auto_cpufreq_log_file = "/var/log/auto-cpufreq.log" # deploy auto-cpufreq daemon def deploy(): print("\n" + "-" * 21 + " Deploying auto-cpufreq as a daemon " + "-" * 22 + "\n") # deploy cpufreqctl script (if missing) if os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/cpufreqctl"): pass else: print("* Addding missing \"cpufreqctl\" script") os.system("cp scripts/cpufreqctl.sh /usr/bin/cpufreqctl") # delete /var/log/auto-cpufreq.log if it exists (make sure file gets updated accordingly) if os.path.exists(auto_cpufreq_log_file): os.remove(auto_cpufreq_log_file) print("* Turn off bluetooth on boot") btconf="/etc/bluetooth/main.conf" try: orig_set = "AutoEnable=true" change_set = "AutoEnable=false" with open(btconf, "r+") as f: content = f.read() f.seek(0) f.truncate() f.write(content.replace(orig_set, change_set)) except: print("\nERROR:\nWas unable to turn off bluetooth on boot") print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq as system wide accessible binary") os.system("cp auto-cpufreq.py /usr/bin/auto-cpufreq") print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq daemon deploy script") os.system("cp scripts/auto-cpufreq-daemon.sh /usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-daemon") print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq systemd unit file") os.system("cp scripts/auto-cpufreq.service /lib/systemd/system/auto-cpufreq.service") # run auto-cpufreq daemon deploy script s.call("/usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-daemon", shell=True) print("auto-cpufreq daemon started and will automatically start at boot time.") print("\nTo disable and remove auto-cpufreq daemon, run:\nautocpu-freq --remove") print("\nTo view live auto-cpufreq daemon logs, run:\nauto-cpufreq --log") footer(79) def footer(l): print("\n" + "-" * l + "\n") # check for necessary driver def driver_check(): driver = s.getoutput("cpufreqctl --driver") if driver != "intel_pstate": print("\n" + "-" * 32 + " Driver check " + "-" * 33 + "\n") sys.exit("ERROR:\n\n\"intel_pstate\" CPU Performance Scaling Driver is not enabled.\n") # check for necessary scaling governors def gov_check(): avail_gov = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors" governors=["performance","powersave"] for line in open(avail_gov): for keyword in governors: if keyword in line: pass else: print("\n" + "-" * 18 + " Checking for necessary scaling governors " + "-" * 19 + "\n") sys.exit("ERROR:\n\nCouldn't find any of the necessary scaling governors.\n") # root check func def root_check(): if not os.geteuid() == 0: print("\n" + "-" * 33 + " Root check " + "-" * 34 + "\n") sys.exit("ERROR:\n\nMust be run root for this functionality to work, i.e: \nsudo " + tool_run + "\n") exit(1) # refresh countdown def countdown(s): for remaining in range(s, 0, -1): sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.write("\t\t\t\"auto-cpufreq\" refresh in:{:2d}".format(remaining)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) #sys.stdout.write("\rRefreshing ... \n") # set powersave def set_powersave(): print("Setting to use: powersave") s.run("cpufreqctl --governor --set=powersave", shell=True) #print("Setting turbo boost: off") #s.run("echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo", shell=True) # enable turbo boost set_turbo_powersave() # set performance def set_performance(): print("Setting to use \"performance\" governor") s.run("cpufreqctl --governor --set=performance", shell=True) # enable turbo boost set_turbo() # set turbo def set_turbo(): #print("\n" + "-" * 5 + "\n") # ToDo: duplicate + replace with psutil.getloadavg()? (available in 5.6.2) load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m, "\n") if load1m > 1: print("High load, setting turbo boost: on") s.run("echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo", shell=True) footer(79) elif cpuload > 20: print("High CPU load, setting turbo boost: on") s.run("echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo", shell=True) #print("\n" + "-" * 60 + "\n") footer(79) else: print("Load optimal, setting turbo boost: off") s.run("echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo", shell=True) #print("\n" + "-" * 60 + "\n") footer(79) # set turbo when in powersave def set_turbo_powersave(): #print("\n" + "-" * 5 + "\n") # ToDo: duplicate + replace with psutil.getloadavg()? (available in 5.6.2) load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m, "\n") if load1m > 4: print("High load, setting turbo boost: on") s.run("echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo", shell=True) footer(79) elif cpuload > 50: print("High CPU load, setting turbo boost: on") s.run("echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo", shell=True) #print("\n" + "-" * 60 + "\n") footer(79) else: print("Load optimal, setting turbo boost: off") s.run("echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo", shell=True) #print("\n" + "-" * 60 + "\n") footer(79) # make turbo suggestions def mon_turbo(): print("\n" + "-" * 5 + "\n") # ToDo: duplicate + replace with psutil.getloadavg()? (available in 5.6.2) load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("Total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m, "\n") if load1m > 2: print("High load, suggesting to set turbo boost: on") if cur_turbo == "0": print("Currently turbo boost is: on") else: print("Currently turbo boost is: off") footer(79) elif cpuload > 25: print("High CPU load, suggesting to set turbo boost: on") if cur_turbo == "0": print("Currently turbo boost is: on") else: print("Currently turbo boost is: off") footer(79) else: print("Load optimal, suggesting to set turbo boost: off") if cur_turbo == "0": print("Currently turbo boost is: on") else: print("Currently turbo boost is: off") footer(79) # set cpufreq def set_autofreq(): print("\n" + "-" * 28 + " CPU frequency scaling " + "-" * 28 + "\n") # get battery state bat_state = p.sensors_battery().power_plugged # determine which governor should be used if bat_state == True: print("Battery is: charging") set_performance() elif bat_state == False: print("Battery is: discharging") set_powersave() else: print("Couldn't detrmine battery status. Please report this issue.") # make cpufreq suggestions def mon_autofreq(): print("\n" + "-" * 28 + " CPU frequency scaling " + "-" * 28 + "\n") # get battery state bat_state = p.sensors_battery().power_plugged # determine which governor should be used if bat_state == True: print("Battery is: charging") print("Suggesting use of \"performance\" governor\nCurrently using:", gov_state) elif bat_state == False: print("Battery is: discharging") print("Suggesting use of \"powersave\" governor\nCurrently using:", gov_state) else: print("Couldn't detrmine battery status. Please report this issue.") def sysinfo(): # added as a temp fix for issue: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1650 import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") print("\n" + "-" * 29 + " System information " + "-" * 30 + "\n") # get info about linux distro # ToDo: use or get rid of #fdist = distro.linux_distribution() fdist = platform.linux_distribution() dist = " ".join(x for x in fdist) print("Linux distro: " + dist) print("Linux kernel: " + platform.release()) # get cpu architecture cpu_arch = platform.processor() # get number of cores/logical CPU's cpu_count = p.cpu_count() print("Architecture:", cpu_arch) # get processor with open("/proc/cpuinfo", "r") as f: line = f.readline() while line: if "model name" in line: print("Processor:" + line.split(':')[1].rstrip()) break line = f.readline() print("Cores:", cpu_count) print("\n" + "-" * 30 + " Current CPU states " + "-" * 30 + "\n") # print cpu max frequency max_cpu_freq = p.cpu_freq().max print("CPU max frequency: " + "\n{:.0f}".format(max_cpu_freq) + " MHz\n") # get current cpu frequency per core core_usage = p.cpu_freq(percpu=True) # print current cpu frequency per core print("CPU frequency for each core:\n") core_num = 0 while core_num < cpu_count: print("CPU" + str(core_num) + ": {:.0f}".format(core_usage[core_num].current) + " MHz") core_num += 1 # get number of core temp sensors core_temp_num = p.cpu_count(logical=False) # get hardware temperatures core_temp = p.sensors_temperatures() # print temperature for each physical core print("\nTemperature for each physical core:\n") core_num = 0 while core_num < core_temp_num: print("CPU" + str(core_num) + " temp: {:.0f}".format(core_temp['coretemp'][core_num].current) + "°C") core_num += 1 # ToDo: make more generic and not only for thinkpad # print current fan speed current_fans = p.sensors_fans()['thinkpad'][0].current print("\nCPU fan speed:", current_fans, "RPM") def read_log(): # ToDo: check if daemon is set/log exists # deploy cpufreqctl script (if missing) if os.path.isfile(auto_cpufreq_log_file): # read /var/log/auto-cpufreq.log s.call(["tail", "-n 50", "-f", auto_cpufreq_log_file]) else: print("\n" + "-" * 30 + " auto-cpufreq log " + "-" * 31 + "\n") print("ERROR:\n\nauto-cpufreq log is missing.\nMake sure to run \"python3 auto-cpufreq --daemon\" first\n") # cli @click.command() @click.option("--monitor", is_flag=True, help="TBU") @click.option("--live", is_flag=True, help="TBU") @click.option("--daemon/--remove", default=True, help="TBU") @click.option("--log", is_flag=True, help="TBU") def cli(monitor, live, daemon, log): # print --help by default if no argument is provided when auto-cpufreq is run if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("\n" + "-" * 22 + " auto-cpufreq " + "-" * 23 + "\n") print("auto-cpufreq - TBU") print("\nExample usage: " + tool_run + " --install user") print("\n-----\n") s.call(["python3", "auto-cpufreq.py", "--help"]) print("\n" + "-" * 59 + "\n") else: if monitor: while True: #root_check() driver_check() gov_check() sysinfo() mon_autofreq() mon_turbo() countdown(10) subprocess.call("clear") elif live: while True: root_check() driver_check() gov_check() sysinfo() set_autofreq() countdown(10) subprocess.call("clear") elif log: read_log() elif daemon: root_check() driver_check() gov_check() deploy() if __name__ == '__main__': # while True: cli()