#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # auto-cpufreq - core functionality import click, distro, os, platform, psutil, sys from importlib.metadata import metadata, PackageNotFoundError from math import isclose from pathlib import Path from pickle import dump, load from re import search from requests import get, exceptions from shutil import copy from subprocess import call, check_output, DEVNULL, getoutput, run from time import sleep from warnings import filterwarnings from auto_cpufreq.config.config import config from auto_cpufreq.globals import ( ALL_GOVERNORS, AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS, AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS_SORTED, GITHUB, IS_INSTALLED_WITH_AUR, IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP, POWER_SUPPLY_DIR, SNAP_DAEMON_CHECK ) from auto_cpufreq.power_helper import * filterwarnings("ignore") # add path to auto-cpufreq executables for GUI if "PATH" in os.environ: os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + "/usr/local/bin" else: os.environ["PATH"] = "/usr/local/bin" # ToDo: # - replace get system/CPU load from: psutil.getloadavg() | available in 5.6.2) SCRIPTS_DIR = Path("/usr/local/share/auto-cpufreq/scripts/") CPUS = os.cpu_count() # Note: # "load1m" & "cpuload" can't be global vars and to in order to show correct data must be # decraled where their execution takes place # powersave/performance system load thresholds performance_load_threshold = (50 * CPUS) / 100 powersave_load_threshold = (75 * CPUS) / 100 # auto-cpufreq stats file path auto_cpufreq_stats_file = None auto_cpufreq_stats_path = None # track governor override if IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP: auto_cpufreq_stats_path = Path("/var/snap/auto-cpufreq/current/auto-cpufreq.stats") governor_override_state = Path("/var/snap/auto-cpufreq/current/override.pickle") else: auto_cpufreq_stats_path = Path("/var/run/auto-cpufreq.stats") governor_override_state = Path("/opt/auto-cpufreq/override.pickle") def file_stats(): global auto_cpufreq_stats_file auto_cpufreq_stats_file = open(auto_cpufreq_stats_path, "w") sys.stdout = auto_cpufreq_stats_file def get_override(): if os.path.isfile(governor_override_state): with open(governor_override_state, "rb") as store: return load(store) else: return "default" def set_override(override): if override in ["powersave", "performance"]: with open(governor_override_state, "wb") as store: dump(override, store) print(f"Set governor override to {override}") elif override == "reset": if os.path.isfile(governor_override_state): os.remove(governor_override_state) print("Governor override removed") elif override is not None: print("Invalid option.\nUse force=performance, force=powersave, or force=reset") # get distro name try: dist_name = distro.id() except PermissionError: # Current work-around for Pop!_OS where symlink causes permission issues print("[!] Warning: Cannot get distro name") if IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP and os.path.exists("/etc/pop-os/os-release"): print("[!] Snap install on PopOS detected, you must manually run the following" " commands in another terminal:\n") print("[!] Backup the /etc/os-release file:") print("sudo mv /etc/os-release /etc/os-release-backup\n") print("[!] Create hardlink to /etc/os-release:") print("sudo ln /etc/pop-os/os-release /etc/os-release\n") print("[!] Aborting. Restart auto-cpufreq when you created the hardlink") else: print("[!] Check /etc/os-release permissions and make sure it is not a symbolic link") print("[!] Aborting...") sys.exit(1) # display running version of auto-cpufreq def app_version(): print("auto-cpufreq version: ", end="") if IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP: print(getoutput(r"echo \(Snap\) $SNAP_VERSION")) elif IS_INSTALLED_WITH_AUR: print(getoutput("pacman -Qi auto-cpufreq | grep Version")) else: try: print(get_formatted_version()) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) def check_for_update(): # returns True if a new release is available from the GitHub repo # Specify the repository and package name # IT IS IMPORTANT TO THAT IF THE REPOSITORY STRUCTURE IS CHANGED, THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ACCORDINGLY # Fetch the latest release information from GitHub API latest_release_url = GITHUB.replace("github.com", "api.github.com/repos") + "/releases/latest" try: response = get(latest_release_url) if response.status_code == 200: latest_release = response.json() else: message = response.json().get("message") print("Error fetching recent release!") if message is not None and message.startswith("API rate limit exceeded"): print("GitHub Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later within 1 hour or use different network/VPN.") else: print("Unexpected status code:", response.status_code) return False except (exceptions.ConnectionError, exceptions.Timeout, exceptions.RequestException, exceptions.HTTPError): print("Error Connecting to server!") return False latest_version = latest_release.get("tag_name") if latest_version is not None: # Get the current version of auto-cpufreq # Extract version number from the output string output = check_output(['auto-cpufreq', '--version']).decode('utf-8') try: version_line = next((search(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+', line).group() for line in output.split('\n') if line.startswith('auto-cpufreq version')), None) except AttributeError: print("Error Retrieving Current Version!") exit(1) installed_version = "v" + version_line #Check whether the same is installed or not # Compare the latest version with the installed version and perform update if necessary if latest_version == installed_version: print("auto-cpufreq is up to date") return False else: print(f"Updates are available,\nCurrent version: {installed_version}\nLatest version: {latest_version}") print("Note that your previous custom settings might be erased with the following update") return True # Handle the case where "tag_name" key doesn't exist else: print("Malformed Released data!\nReinstall manually or Open an issue on GitHub for help!") def new_update(custom_dir): os.chdir(custom_dir) print(f"Cloning the latest release to {custom_dir}") run(["git", "clone", GITHUB+".git"]) os.chdir("auto-cpufreq") print(f"package cloned to directory {custom_dir}") run(['./auto-cpufreq-installer'], input='i\n', encoding='utf-8') def get_literal_version(package_name): try: package_metadata = metadata(package_name) package_name = package_metadata['Name'] numbered_version, _, git_version = package_metadata['Version'].partition("+") return f"{numbered_version}+{git_version}" # Construct the literal version string except PackageNotFoundError: return f"Package '{package_name}' not found" # return formatted version for a better readability def get_formatted_version(): splitted_version = get_literal_version("auto-cpufreq").split("+") return splitted_version[0] + ("" if len(splitted_version) > 1 else " (git: " + splitted_version[1] + ")") def app_res_use(): p = psutil.Process() print("auto-cpufreq system resource consumption:") print("cpu usage:", p.cpu_percent(), "%") print("memory use:", round(p.memory_percent(), 2), "%") # set/change state of turbo def turbo(value: bool = None): """ Get and set turbo mode """ p_state = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo") cpufreq = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost") amd_pstate = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/amd_pstate/status") if p_state.exists(): inverse = True f = p_state elif cpufreq.exists(): f = cpufreq inverse = False elif amd_pstate.exists(): amd_value = amd_pstate.read_text().strip() if amd_value == "active": print("CPU turbo is controlled by amd-pstate-epp driver") # Basically, no other value should exist. return False else: print("Warning: CPU turbo is not available") return False if value is not None: try: f.write_text(f"{int(value ^ inverse)}\n") except PermissionError: print("Warning: Changing CPU turbo is not supported. Skipping.") return False return bool(int(f.read_text().strip())) ^ inverse def get_turbo(): print("Currently turbo boost is:", "on" if turbo() else "off") def set_turbo(value:bool): print("Setting turbo boost:", "on" if value else "off") turbo(value) # ignore these devices under /sys/class/power_supply/ def get_power_supply_ignore_list(): conf = config.get_config() list = [] if conf.has_section("power_supply_ignore_list"): for i in conf["power_supply_ignore_list"]: list.append(conf["power_supply_ignore_list"][i]) # these are hard coded power supplies that will always be ignored list.append("hidpp_battery") return list def charging(): """ get charge state: is battery charging or discharging """ # sort it so AC is 'always' first power_supplies = sorted(os.listdir(Path(POWER_SUPPLY_DIR))) POWER_SUPPLY_IGNORELIST = get_power_supply_ignore_list() # check if we found power supplies. on a desktop these are not found and we assume we are on a powercable. if len(power_supplies) == 0: return True # nothing found, so nothing to check # we found some power supplies, lets check their state for supply in power_supplies: # Check if supply is in ignore list, if found in ignore list, skip it. if any(item in supply for item in POWER_SUPPLY_IGNORELIST): continue power_supply_type_path = Path(POWER_SUPPLY_DIR + supply + "/type") if not power_supply_type_path.exists(): continue with open(power_supply_type_path) as f: supply_type = f.read()[:-1] if supply_type == "Mains": # we found an AC power_supply_online_path = Path(POWER_SUPPLY_DIR + supply + "/online") if not power_supply_online_path.exists(): continue with open(power_supply_online_path) as f: if int(f.read()[:-1]) == 1: return True # we are definitely charging elif supply_type == "Battery": # we found a battery, check if its being discharged power_supply_status_path = Path(POWER_SUPPLY_DIR + supply + "/status") if not power_supply_status_path.exists(): continue with open(power_supply_status_path) as f: # we found a discharging battery if str(f.read()[:-1]) == "Discharging": return False return True # we cannot determine discharging state, assume we are on powercable def get_current_gov(): return print( "Currently using:", getoutput("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --governor").strip().split(" ")[0], "governor", ) def cpufreqctl(): """ deploy cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq script """ if not (IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP or os.path.isfile("/usr/local/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq")): copy(SCRIPTS_DIR / "cpufreqctl.sh", "/usr/local/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq") call(["chmod", "a+x", "/usr/local/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq"]) def cpufreqctl_restore(): """ remove cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq script """ if not IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP and os.path.isfile("/usr/local/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq"): os.remove("/usr/local/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq") def footer(l=79): print("\n" + "-" * l + "\n") def deploy_complete_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 17 + " auto-cpufreq daemon installed and running " + "-" * 17 + "\n") print("To view live stats, run:\nauto-cpufreq --stats") print("\nauto-cpufreq makes all decisions automatically, if you would like to") print("configure certain setting to your own liking, please refer to:\nhttps://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq#configuring-auto-cpufreq") print("\nTo disable and remove auto-cpufreq daemon, run:\nsudo auto-cpufreq --remove") footer() def remove_complete_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 25 + " auto-cpufreq daemon removed " + "-" * 25 + "\n") print("auto-cpufreq successfully removed.") footer() def deploy_daemon(): print("\n" + "-" * 21 + " Deploying auto-cpufreq as a daemon " + "-" * 22 + "\n") cpufreqctl() # deploy cpufreqctl script func call bluetooth_disable() # turn off bluetooth on boot auto_cpufreq_stats_path.touch(exist_ok=True) print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq install script") copy(SCRIPTS_DIR / "auto-cpufreq-install.sh", "/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-install") call(["chmod", "a+x", "/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-install"]) print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq remove script") copy(SCRIPTS_DIR / "auto-cpufreq-remove.sh", "/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove") call(["chmod", "a+x", "/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove"]) # output warning if gnome power profile is running gnome_power_detect_install() gnome_power_svc_disable() tuned_svc_disable() tlp_service_detect() # output warning if TLP service is detected call("/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-install", shell=True) def deploy_daemon_performance(): print("\n" + "-" * 21 + " Deploying auto-cpufreq as a daemon (performance) " + "-" * 22 + "\n") # check that performance is in scaling_available_governors if "performance" not in AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS_SORTED: print("\"performance\" governor is unavailable on this system, run:\n" "sudo sudo auto-cpufreq --install\n\n" "to install auto-cpufreq using default \"balanced\" governor.\n") cpufreqctl() # deploy cpufreqctl script func call bluetooth_disable() # turn off bluetooth on boot auto_cpufreq_stats_path.touch(exist_ok=True) print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq install script") copy(SCRIPTS_DIR / "auto-cpufreq-install.sh", "/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-install") print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq remove script") copy(SCRIPTS_DIR / "auto-cpufreq-remove.sh", "/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove") # output warning if gnome power profile is running gnome_power_detect_install() #"gnome_power_svc_disable_performance" is not defined #gnome_power_svc_disable_performance() tlp_service_detect() # output warning if TLP service is detected call("/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-install", shell=True) def remove_daemon(): # check if auto-cpufreq is installed if not os.path.exists("/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove"): print("\nauto-cpufreq daemon is not installed.\n") sys.exit(1) print("\n" + "-" * 21 + " Removing auto-cpufreq daemon " + "-" * 22 + "\n") bluetooth_enable() # turn on bluetooth on boot # output warning if gnome power profile is stopped gnome_power_rm_reminder() gnome_power_svc_enable() tuned_svc_enable() # run auto-cpufreq daemon remove script call("/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove", shell=True) # remove auto-cpufreq-remove os.remove("/usr/local/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove") # delete override pickle if it exists if os.path.exists(governor_override_state): os.remove(governor_override_state) # delete stats file if auto_cpufreq_stats_path.exists(): if auto_cpufreq_stats_file is not None: auto_cpufreq_stats_file.close() auto_cpufreq_stats_path.unlink() cpufreqctl_restore() # restore original cpufrectl script def gov_check(): for gov in AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS: if gov not in ALL_GOVERNORS: print("\n" + "-" * 18 + " Checking for necessary scaling governors " + "-" * 19 + "\n") sys.exit("ERROR:\n\nCouldn't find any of the necessary scaling governors.\n") def root_check(): if not os.geteuid() == 0: print("\n" + "-" * 33 + " Root check " + "-" * 34 + "\n") print("ERROR:\n\nMust be run root for this functionality to work, i.e: \nsudo " + app_name) footer() exit(1) def countdown(s): # Fix for wrong stats output and "TERM environment variable not set" os.environ["TERM"] = "xterm" print("\t\t\"auto-cpufreq\" is about to refresh ", end = "") # empty log file if size is larger then 10mb if auto_cpufreq_stats_file is not None: log_size = os.path.getsize(auto_cpufreq_stats_path) if log_size >= 1e+7: auto_cpufreq_stats_file.seek(0) auto_cpufreq_stats_file.truncate(0) # auto-refresh counter for remaining in range(s, -1, -1): if remaining <= 3 and remaining >= 0: print(".", end="", flush=True) sleep(s/3) print("\n\t\tExecuted on:", getoutput('date')) # get cpu usage + system load for (last minute) def get_load(): cpuload = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) # get CPU utilization as a percentage load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() # get system/CPU load print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load: {:.2f}".format(load1m)) from auto_cpufreq.modules.system_info import SystemInfo print("Average temp. of all cores: {:.2f} °C \n".format(SystemInfo.avg_temp())) return cpuload, load1m def display_system_load_avg(): print(" (load average: {:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f})".format(*os.getloadavg())) # set minimum and maximum CPU frequencies def set_frequencies(): """ Sets frequencies: - if option is used in auto-cpufreq.conf: use configured value - if option is disabled/no conf file used: set default frequencies Frequency setting is performed only once on power supply change """ power_supply = "charger" if charging() else "battery" # don't do anything if the power supply hasn't changed if ( hasattr(set_frequencies, "prev_power_supply") and power_supply == set_frequencies.prev_power_supply ): return else: set_frequencies.prev_power_supply = power_supply frequency = { "scaling_max_freq": { "cmdargs": "--frequency-max", "minmax": "maximum", }, "scaling_min_freq": { "cmdargs": "--frequency-min", "minmax": "minimum", }, } if not hasattr(set_frequencies, "max_limit"): set_frequencies.max_limit = int(getoutput(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --frequency-max-limit")) if not hasattr(set_frequencies, "min_limit"): set_frequencies.min_limit = int(getoutput(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --frequency-min-limit")) conf = config.get_config() for freq_type in frequency.keys(): value = None if not conf.has_option(power_supply, freq_type): # fetch and use default frequencies if freq_type == "scaling_max_freq": curr_freq = int(getoutput(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --frequency-max")) value = set_frequencies.max_limit else: curr_freq = int(getoutput(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --frequency-min")) value = set_frequencies.min_limit if curr_freq == value: continue try: frequency[freq_type]["value"] = value if value else int(conf[power_supply][freq_type].strip()) except ValueError: print(f"Invalid value for '{freq_type}': {frequency[freq_type]['value']}") exit(1) if not set_frequencies.min_limit <= frequency[freq_type]["value"] <= set_frequencies.max_limit: print( f"Given value for '{freq_type}' is not within the allowed frequencies {set_frequencies.min_limit}-{set_frequencies.max_limit} kHz" ) exit(1) print(f'Setting {frequency[freq_type]["minmax"]} CPU frequency to {round(frequency[freq_type]["value"]/1000)} Mhz') # set the frequency run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq {frequency[freq_type]['cmdargs']} --set={frequency[freq_type]['value']}", shell=True) def set_platform_profile(conf, profile): if conf.has_option(profile, "platform_profile"): if not Path("/sys/firmware/acpi/platform_profile").exists(): print('Not setting Platform Profile (not supported by system)') else: pp = conf[profile]["platform_profile"] print(f'Setting to use: "{pp}" Platform Profile') run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --pp --set={pp}", shell=True) def set_energy_perf_bias(conf, profile): if Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate").exists() is False: print('Not setting EPB (not supported by system)') return epb = "balance_performance" if profile == "charger" else "balance_power" if conf.has_option(profile, "energy_perf_bias"): epb = conf[profile]["energy_perf_bias"] run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epb --set={epb}", shell=True) print(f'Setting to use: "{epb}" EPB') def set_powersave(): conf = config.get_config() gov = conf["battery"]["governor"] if conf.has_option("battery", "governor") else AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS_SORTED[-1] print(f'Setting to use: "{gov}" governor') if get_override() != "default": print("Warning: governor overwritten using `--force` flag.") run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --governor --set={gov}", shell=True) if Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/energy_performance_preference").exists() is False: print('Not setting EPP (not supported by system)') else: dynboost_enabled = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/hwp_dynamic_boost").exists() if dynboost_enabled: dynboost_enabled = bool(int( os.popen("cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/hwp_dynamic_boost").read() )) if dynboost_enabled: print('Not setting EPP (dynamic boosting is enabled)') else: if conf.has_option("battery", "energy_performance_preference"): epp = conf["battery"]["energy_performance_preference"] run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set={epp}", shell=True) print(f'Setting to use: "{epp}" EPP') else: run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set=balance_power", shell=True) print('Setting to use: "balance_power" EPP') set_energy_perf_bias(conf, "battery") set_platform_profile(conf, "battery") set_frequencies() cpuload, load1m= get_load() auto = conf["battery"]["turbo"] if conf.has_option("battery", "turbo") else "auto" if auto == "always": print("Configuration file enforces turbo boost") set_turbo(True) elif auto == "never": print("Configuration file disables turbo boost") set_turbo(False) else: if psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 30.0 or isclose( max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)), 100 ): print("High CPU load", end="") elif load1m > powersave_load_threshold: print("High system load", end="") else: print("Load optimal", end="") display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: set_turbo(True) # high cpu usage trigger else: # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures from auto_cpufreq.modules.system_info import SystemInfo print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") set_turbo(False) footer() def mon_powersave(): cpuload, load1m = get_load() if psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 30.0 or isclose( max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)), 100 ): print("High CPU load", end="") elif load1m > powersave_load_threshold: print("High system load", end="") else: print("Load optimal", end="") display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") # high cpu usage trigger else: # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures from auto_cpufreq.modules.system_info import SystemInfo print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() footer() def set_performance(): conf = config.get_config() gov = conf["charger"]["governor"] if conf.has_option("charger", "governor") else AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS_SORTED[0] print(f'Setting to use: "{gov}" governor') if get_override() != "default": print("Warning: governor overwritten using `--force` flag.") run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --governor --set="+gov, shell=True) if not Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/energy_performance_preference").exists(): print('Not setting EPP (not supported by system)') else: if Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate").exists(): dynboost_enabled = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/hwp_dynamic_boost").exists() if dynboost_enabled: dynboost_enabled = bool(int( os.popen("cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/hwp_dynamic_boost").read() )) if dynboost_enabled: print('Not setting EPP (dynamic boosting is enabled)') else: intel_pstate_status_path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/status" if conf.has_option("charger", "energy_performance_preference"): epp = conf["charger"]["energy_performance_preference"] if Path(intel_pstate_status_path).exists() and open(intel_pstate_status_path, 'r').read().strip() == "active" and epp != "performance" and gov == "performance": print(f'Warning "{epp}" EPP cannot be used in performance governor') print('Overriding EPP to "performance"') epp = "performance" run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set={epp}", shell=True) print(f'Setting to use: "{epp}" EPP') else: if Path(intel_pstate_status_path).exists() and open(intel_pstate_status_path, 'r').read().strip() == "active": run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set=performance", shell=True) print('Setting to use: "performance" EPP') else: run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set=balance_performance", shell=True) print('Setting to use: "balance_performance" EPP') elif Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/amd_pstate").exists(): amd_pstate_status_path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/amd_pstate/status" if conf.has_option("charger", "energy_performance_preference"): epp = conf["charger"]["energy_performance_preference"] if Path(amd_pstate_status_path).exists() and open(amd_pstate_status_path, 'r').read().strip() == "active" and epp != "performance" and gov == "performance": print(f'Warning "{epp} EPP cannot be used in performance governor') print('Overriding EPP to "performance"') epp = "performance" run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set={epp}", shell=True) print(f'Setting to use: "{epp}" EPP') else: if Path(amd_pstate_status_path).exists() and open(amd_pstate_status_path, 'r').read().strip() == "active": run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set=performance", shell=True) print('Setting to use: "performance" EPP') else: run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set=balance_performance", shell=True) print('Setting to use: "balance_performance" EPP') set_energy_perf_bias(conf, "charger") set_platform_profile(conf, "charger") set_frequencies() cpuload, load1m = get_load() auto = conf["charger"]["turbo"] if conf.has_option("charger", "turbo") else "auto" if auto == "always": print("Configuration file enforces turbo boost") set_turbo(True) elif auto == "never": print("Configuration file disables turbo boost") set_turbo(False) else: from auto_cpufreq.modules.system_info import SystemInfo if ( psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 20.0 or max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)) >= 75 ): print("High CPU load", end=""), display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: set_turbo(True) # high cpu usage trigger elif SystemInfo.avg_temp() >= 70: # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") set_turbo(False) else: set_turbo(True) elif load1m >= performance_load_threshold: print("High system load", end=""), display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: set_turbo(True) # high cpu usage trigger elif SystemInfo.avg_temp() >= 65: # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") set_turbo(False) else: set_turbo(True) else: print("Load optimal", end=""), display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: set_turbo(True) # high cpu usage trigger else: # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") set_turbo(False) footer() def mon_performance(): from auto_cpufreq.modules.system_info import SystemInfo cpuload, load1m = get_load() if ( psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 20.0 or max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)) >= 75 ): print("High CPU load", end=""), display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: # high cpu usage trigger print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 25 and SystemInfo.avg_temp() >= 70: print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() elif load1m > performance_load_threshold: print("High system load", end=""), display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: # high cpu usage trigger print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() elif cpuload <= 25 and SystemInfo.avg_temp() >= 65: # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() else: print("Load optimal", end=""), display_system_load_avg() if cpuload >= 20: # high cpu usage trigger print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() elif cpuload <= 25 and SystemInfo.avg_temp() >= 60: # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures print(f"Optimal total CPU usage: {cpuload}%, high average core temp: {SystemInfo.avg_temp()}°C") print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() footer() def set_autofreq(): """ set cpufreq governor based if device is charging """ print("\n" + "-" * 28 + " CPU frequency scaling " + "-" * 28 + "\n") # determine which governor should be used override = get_override() if override == "powersave": set_powersave() elif override == "performance": set_performance() elif charging(): print("Battery is: charging\n") set_performance() else: print("Battery is: discharging\n") set_powersave() def mon_autofreq(): """ make cpufreq suggestions :return: """ print("\n" + "-" * 28 + " CPU frequency scaling " + "-" * 28 + "\n") # determine which governor should be used if charging(): print("Battery is: charging\n") get_current_gov() print(f'Suggesting use of "{AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS_SORTED[0]}" governor') mon_performance() else: print("Battery is: discharging\n") get_current_gov() print(f'Suggesting use of "{AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS_SORTED[-1]}" governor') mon_powersave() def python_info(): print("Python:", platform.python_version()) print("psutil package:", psutil.__version__) print("platform package:", platform.__version__) print("click package:", click.__version__) print("distro package:", distro.__version__) def device_info(): print("Computer type:", getoutput("dmidecode --string chassis-type")) def distro_info(): dist = "UNKNOWN distro" version = "UNKNOWN version" if IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP: try: with open("/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/etc/os-release", "r") as searchfile: for line in searchfile: if line.startswith("NAME="): dist = line[5 : line.find("$")].strip('"') continue elif line.startswith("VERSION="): version = line[8 : line.find("$")].strip('"') continue except PermissionError as e: print(repr(e)) dist = f"{dist} {version}" else: # get distro information fdist = distro.linux_distribution() dist = " ".join(x for x in fdist) print("Linux distro: " + dist) print("Linux kernel: " + platform.release()) def sysinfo(): """ get system information """ # processor_info model_name = getoutput("grep -E 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo -m 1").split(":")[-1] print(f"Processor:{model_name}") # get core count total_cpu_count = int(getoutput("nproc")) print("Cores:", total_cpu_count) # get architecture cpu_arch = platform.machine() print("Architecture:", cpu_arch) # get driver driver = getoutput("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --driver") print("Driver: " + driver) # get usage and freq info of cpus usage_per_cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1, percpu=True) # psutil current freq not used, gives wrong values with offline cpu's minmax_freq_per_cpu = psutil.cpu_freq(percpu=True) # max and min freqs, psutil reports wrong max/min freqs with offline cores with percpu=False max_freq = max([freq.max for freq in minmax_freq_per_cpu]) min_freq = min([freq.min for freq in minmax_freq_per_cpu]) print("\n" + "-" * 30 + " Current CPU stats " + "-" * 30 + "\n") print(f"CPU max frequency: {max_freq:.0f} MHz") print(f"CPU min frequency: {min_freq:.0f} MHz\n") # get coreid's and frequencies of online cpus by parsing /proc/cpuinfo coreid_info = getoutput("grep -E 'processor|cpu MHz|core id' /proc/cpuinfo").split("\n") cpu_core = dict() freq_per_cpu = [] for i in range(0, len(coreid_info), 3): # ensure that indices are within the valid range, before accessing the corresponding elements if i + 1 < len(coreid_info): freq_per_cpu.append(float(coreid_info[i + 1].split(":")[-1])) else: continue # handle the case where the index is out of range # ensure that indices are within the valid range, before accessing the corresponding elements cpu = int(coreid_info[i].split(":")[-1]) if i + 2 < len(coreid_info): core = int(coreid_info[i + 2].split(":")[-1]) cpu_core[cpu] = core else: continue # handle the case where the index is out of range online_cpu_count = len(cpu_core) offline_cpus = [str(cpu) for cpu in range(total_cpu_count) if cpu not in cpu_core] # temperatures temp_sensors = psutil.sensors_temperatures() temp_per_cpu = [float("nan")] * online_cpu_count try: # the priority for CPU temp is as follows: coretemp sensor -> sensor with CPU in the label -> acpi -> k10temp if "coretemp" in temp_sensors: # list labels in 'coretemp' core_temp_labels = [temp.label for temp in temp_sensors["coretemp"]] for i, cpu in enumerate(cpu_core): # get correct index in temp_sensors core = cpu_core[cpu] cpu_temp_index = core_temp_labels.index(f"Core {core}") temp_per_cpu[i] = temp_sensors["coretemp"][cpu_temp_index].current else: # iterate over all sensors for sensor in temp_sensors: # iterate over all temperatures in the current sensor for temp in temp_sensors[sensor]: if ('CPU' in temp.label or 'Tctl' in temp.label) and temp.current != 0: temp_per_cpu = [temp.current] * online_cpu_count break else: continue break else: for sensor in ["acpitz", "k10temp", "zenpower"]: if sensor in temp_sensors and temp_sensors[sensor][0].current != 0: temp_per_cpu = [temp_sensors[sensor][0].current] * online_cpu_count break except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) print("Core\tUsage\tTemperature\tFrequency") for (cpu, usage, freq, temp) in zip(cpu_core, usage_per_cpu, freq_per_cpu, temp_per_cpu): print(f"CPU{cpu} {usage:>5.1f}% {temp:>3.0f} °C {freq:>5.0f} MHz") if offline_cpus: print(f"\nDisabled CPUs: {','.join(offline_cpus)}") # print current fan speed current_fans = list(psutil.sensors_fans()) for current_fan in current_fans: print("\nCPU fan speed:", psutil.sensors_fans()[current_fan][0].current, "RPM") def read_stats(): if os.path.isfile(auto_cpufreq_stats_path): call(["tail", "-n 50", "-f", str(auto_cpufreq_stats_path)], stderr=DEVNULL) footer() # check if program (argument) is running def is_running(program, argument): # iterate over all processes found by psutil # and find the one with name and args passed to the function for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: cmd = p.cmdline() except: continue for s in filter(lambda x: program in x, cmd): if argument in cmd: return True def daemon_running_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 24 + " auto-cpufreq running " + "-" * 30 + "\n") print( "ERROR: auto-cpufreq is running in daemon mode.\n\nMake sure to stop the daemon before running with --live or --monitor mode" ) footer() def daemon_not_running_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 24 + " auto-cpufreq not running " + "-" * 30 + "\n") print( "ERROR: auto-cpufreq is not running in daemon mode.\n\nMake sure to run \"sudo auto-cpufreq --install\" first" ) footer() # check if auto-cpufreq --daemon is running def running_daemon_check(): if is_running("auto-cpufreq", "--daemon"): daemon_running_msg() exit(1) elif IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP and SNAP_DAEMON_CHECK == "enabled": daemon_running_msg() exit(1) # check if auto-cpufreq --daemon is not running def not_running_daemon_check(): if not is_running("auto-cpufreq", "--daemon"): daemon_not_running_msg() exit(1) elif IS_INSTALLED_WITH_SNAP and SNAP_DAEMON_CHECK == "disabled": daemon_not_running_msg() exit(1)