#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # auto-cpufreq - core functionality import os import platform as pl import shutil import sys import psutil import distro import time import click import warnings import configparser from math import isclose from pathlib import Path from shutil import which from subprocess import getoutput, call, run, check_output, DEVNULL warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # ToDo: # - re-enable CPU fan speed display and make more generic and not only for thinkpad # - replace get system/CPU load from: psutil.getloadavg() | available in 5.6.2) SCRIPTS_DIR = Path("/usr/local/share/auto-cpufreq/scripts/") # from the highest performance to the lowest ALL_GOVERNORS = ( "performance", "ondemand", "conservative", "schedutil", "userspace", "powersave", ) CPUS = os.cpu_count() # Note: # "load1m" & "cpuload" can't be global vars and to in order to show correct data must be # decraled where their execution takes place # powersave/performance system load thresholds powersave_load_threshold = (75 * CPUS) / 100 performance_load_threshold = (50 * CPUS) / 100 # auto-cpufreq stats file path auto_cpufreq_stats_path = None auto_cpufreq_stats_file = None if os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP": auto_cpufreq_stats_path = Path("/var/snap/auto-cpufreq/current/auto-cpufreq.stats") else: auto_cpufreq_stats_path = Path("/var/run/auto-cpufreq.stats") # daemon check dcheck = getoutput("snapctl get daemon") def file_stats(): global auto_cpufreq_stats_file auto_cpufreq_stats_file = open(auto_cpufreq_stats_path, "w") sys.stdout = auto_cpufreq_stats_file def get_config(config_file=''): if not hasattr(get_config, 'dict'): get_config.dict = dict() config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(config_file) for section in config.sections(): get_config.dict[section] = dict(config.items(section)) return get_config.dict # get distro name dist_name = distro.id() # display running version of auto-cpufreq def app_version(): print("auto-cpufreq version:") # snap package if os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP": print(getoutput("echo Snap: $SNAP_VERSION")) # aur package elif dist_name in ["arch", "manjaro", "garuda"]: aur_pkg_check = call("pacman -Qs auto-cpufreq > /dev/null", shell=True) if aur_pkg_check == 1: print( "Git commit:", check_output(["git", "describe", "--always"]).strip().decode(), ) else: print(getoutput("pacman -Qi auto-cpufreq | grep Version")) else: # source code (auto-cpufreq-installer) try: print( "Git commit:", check_output(["git", "describe", "--always"]).strip().decode(), ) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) pass def app_res_use(): p = psutil.Process() print("auto-cpufreq system resource consumption:") print("cpu usage:", p.cpu_percent(), "%") print("memory use:", round(p.memory_percent(), 2), "%") # set/change state of turbo def turbo(value: bool = None): """ Get and set turbo mode """ p_state = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo") cpufreq = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost") if p_state.exists(): inverse = True f = p_state elif cpufreq.exists(): f = cpufreq inverse = False else: print("Warning: CPU turbo is not available") return False if value is not None: if inverse: value = not value try: f.write_text(str(int(value)) + "\n") except PermissionError: print("Warning: Changing CPU turbo is not supported. Skipping.") return False value = bool(int(f.read_text().strip())) if inverse: value = not value return value # display current state of turbo def get_turbo(): if turbo(): print("Currently turbo boost is: on") else: print("Currently turbo boost is: off") def charging(): """ get charge state: is battery charging or discharging """ power_dir = "/sys/class/power_supply/" computer_type = getoutput("dmidecode --string chassis-type") if computer_type in ["Notebook", "Laptop", "Convertible", "Portable"]: # AC adapter states: 0, 1, unknown ac_info = getoutput(f"grep . {power_dir}A*/online").splitlines() # Battery statuses: Full, Charging, Discharging, Unknown battery_status = getoutput(f"grep . {power_dir}B*/status").splitlines() # if there's one battery charging, or if there's one ac-adapter on-line, ac_state is True ac_state = (all([not "Discharging" in ac for ac in battery_status]) or any(["1" in ac.split(":")[-1] for ac in ac_info])) else: has_battery = psutil.sensors_battery() is not None if has_battery: power_pluggedin = psutil.sensors_battery().power_plugged if power_pluggedin: ac_state = True else: ac_state = False else: ac_state = True # if both ac-adapter and battery states are unknown default to not charging return ac_state def get_avail_gov(): f = Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors") return f.read_text().strip().split(" ") def get_avail_powersave(): """ Iterate over ALL_GOVERNORS in reverse order: from powersave to performance :return: """ for g in ALL_GOVERNORS[::-1]: if g in get_avail_gov(): return g def get_avail_performance(): for g in ALL_GOVERNORS: if g in get_avail_gov(): return g def get_current_gov(): return print( "Currently using:", getoutput("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --governor").strip().split(" ")[0], "governor", ) def cpufreqctl(): """ deploy cpufreqctl script """ # detect if running on a SNAP if os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP": pass else: # deploy cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq script if os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/cpufreqctl"): shutil.copy( SCRIPTS_DIR / "cpufreqctl.sh", "/usr/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq" ) else: shutil.copy( SCRIPTS_DIR / "cpufreqctl.sh", "/usr/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq" ) def cpufreqctl_restore(): """ remove cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq script """ # detect if running on a SNAP if os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP": pass else: if os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq"): os.remove("/usr/bin/cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq") def footer(l=79): print("\n" + "-" * l + "\n") def daemon_not_found(): print("\n" + "-" * 32 + " Daemon check " + "-" * 33 + "\n") print( "ERROR:\n\nDaemon not enabled, must run install first, i.e: \nsudo auto-cpufreq --install" ) footer() def deploy_complete_msg(): print( "\n" + "-" * 17 + " auto-cpufreq daemon installed and running " + "-" * 17 + "\n" ) print("To view live stats, run:\nauto-cpufreq --stats") print( "\nTo disable and remove auto-cpufreq daemon, run:\nsudo auto-cpufreq --remove" ) footer() def deprecated_log_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 24 + " auto-cpufreq log file renamed " + "-" * 24 + "\n") print("The --log flag has been renamed to --stats\n") print("To view live stats, run:\nauto-cpufreq --stats") footer() def remove_complete_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 25 + " auto-cpufreq daemon removed " + "-" * 25 + "\n") print("auto-cpufreq successfully removed.") footer() def deploy_daemon(): print("\n" + "-" * 21 + " Deploying auto-cpufreq as a daemon " + "-" * 22 + "\n") # deploy cpufreqctl script func call cpufreqctl() if which("bluetoothctl") is not None: print("* Turn off bluetooth on boot") btconf = Path("/etc/bluetooth/main.conf") try: orig_set = "AutoEnable=true" change_set = "AutoEnable=false" with btconf.open(mode="r+") as f: content = f.read() f.seek(0) f.truncate() f.write(content.replace(orig_set, change_set)) except Exception as e: print(f"\nERROR:\nWas unable to turn off bluetooth on boot\n{repr(e)}") else: print("* Turn off bluetooth on boot [skipping] (package providing bluetooth access is not present)") auto_cpufreq_stats_path.touch(exist_ok=True) print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq install script") shutil.copy( SCRIPTS_DIR / "auto-cpufreq-install.sh", "/usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-install" ) print("\n* Deploy auto-cpufreq remove script") shutil.copy(SCRIPTS_DIR / "auto-cpufreq-remove.sh", "/usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove") call("/usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-install", shell=True) # remove auto-cpufreq daemon def remove(): # check if auto-cpufreq is installed if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove"): print("\nauto-cpufreq daemon is not installed.\n") sys.exit(1) print("\n" + "-" * 21 + " Removing auto-cpufreq daemon " + "-" * 22 + "\n") if which("bluetoothctl") is not None: print("* Turn on bluetooth on boot") btconf = "/etc/bluetooth/main.conf" try: orig_set = "AutoEnable=true" change_set = "AutoEnable=false" with open(btconf, "r+") as f: content = f.read() f.seek(0) f.truncate() f.write(content.replace(change_set, orig_set)) except Exception as e: print(f"\nERROR:\nWas unable to turn on bluetooth on boot\n{repr(e)}") else: print("* Turn on bluetooth on boot [skipping] (package providing bluetooth access is not present)") # enable gnome power profiles gnome_power_enable() # run auto-cpufreq daemon install script call("/usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove", shell=True) # remove auto-cpufreq-remove os.remove("/usr/bin/auto-cpufreq-remove") # delete stats file if auto_cpufreq_stats_path.exists(): if auto_cpufreq_stats_file is not None: auto_cpufreq_stats_file.close() auto_cpufreq_stats_path.unlink() # restore original cpufrectl script cpufreqctl_restore() def gov_check(): for gov in get_avail_gov(): if gov not in ALL_GOVERNORS: print( "\n" + "-" * 18 + " Checking for necessary scaling governors " + "-" * 19 + "\n" ) sys.exit( "ERROR:\n\nCouldn't find any of the necessary scaling governors.\n" ) # root check func def root_check(): if not os.geteuid() == 0: print("\n" + "-" * 33 + " Root check " + "-" * 34 + "\n") print( "ERROR:\n\nMust be run root for this functionality to work, i.e: \nsudo auto-cpufreq" ) footer() exit(1) # refresh countdown def countdown(s): # Fix for wrong stats output and "TERM environment variable not set" os.environ["TERM"] = "xterm" for remaining in range(s, 0, -1): sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.write('\t\t\t"auto-cpufreq" refresh in:{:2d}'.format(remaining)) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) if auto_cpufreq_stats_file is not None: auto_cpufreq_stats_file.seek(0) auto_cpufreq_stats_file.truncate(0) # execution timestamp from datetime import datetime now = datetime.now() current_time = now.strftime("%B %d (%A) - %H:%M:%S") print("\n\t\tExecuted on:", current_time) else: run("clear") # get cpu usage + system load for (last minute) def display_load(): # get CPU utilization as a percentage cpuload = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) # get system/CPU load load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m) print("Average temp. of all cores:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", "\n") # set powersave and enable turbo def set_powersave(): gov = get_config() if "battery" in gov: if "governor" in gov["battery"]: gov = gov["battery"]["governor"] else: gov = get_avail_powersave() print(f'Setting to use: "{gov}" governor') run(f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --governor --set={gov}", shell=True) if ( Path( "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/energy_performance_preference" ).exists() and Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/hwp_dynamic_boost").exists() is False ): run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set=balance_power", shell=True) print('Setting to use: "balance_power" EPP') # get CPU utilization as a percentage cpuload = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) # get system/CPU load load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m) print("Average temp. of all cores:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C") # conditions for setting turbo in powersave auto = get_config() if "battery" in auto: if "turbo" in auto["battery"]: auto = auto["battery"]["turbo"] else: auto = "auto" if auto == "always": print("Configuration file enforces turbo boost") print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) elif auto == "never": print("Configuration file disables turbo boost") print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: if psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 30.0 or isclose( max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)), 100 ): print("\nHigh CPU load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 20 and avg_all_core_temp >= 70: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) elif load1m > powersave_load_threshold: print("\nHigh system load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 20 and avg_all_core_temp >= 65: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: print("\nLoad optimal") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 20 and avg_all_core_temp >= 60: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) footer() # make turbo suggestions in powersave def mon_powersave(): # get CPU utilization as a percentage cpuload = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) # get system/CPU load load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m) print("Average temp. of all cores:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C") if psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 30.0 or isclose( max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)), 100 ): print("\nHigh CPU load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 20 and avg_all_core_temp >= 70: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() elif load1m > powersave_load_threshold: print("\nHigh system load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 20 and avg_all_core_temp >= 65: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("\nLoad optimal") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 20 and avg_all_core_temp >= 60: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() footer() # set performance and enable turbo def set_performance(): gov = get_config() if "charger" in gov: if "governor" in gov["charger"]: gov = gov["charger"]["governor"] else: gov = get_avail_performance() print(f'Setting to use: "{gov}" governor') run( f"cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --governor --set={gov}", shell=True, ) if ( Path( "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/energy_performance_preference" ).exists() and Path("/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/hwp_dynamic_boost").exists() is False ): run("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --epp --set=balance_performance", shell=True) print('Setting to use: "balance_performance" EPP') # get CPU utilization as a percentage cpuload = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) # get system/CPU load load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m) print("Average temp. of all cores:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C") auto = get_config() if "charger" in auto: if "turbo" in auto["charger"]: auto = auto["charger"]["turbo"] else: auto = "auto" if auto == "always": print("Configuration file enforces turbo boost") print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) elif auto == "never": print("Configuration file disables turbo boost") print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(True) else: if ( psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 20.0 or max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)) >= 75 ): print("\nHigh CPU load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif avg_all_core_temp >= 70: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) elif load1m >= performance_load_threshold: print("\nHigh system load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif avg_all_core_temp >= 65: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) else: print("\nLoad optimal") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("setting turbo boost: on") turbo(True) # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif avg_all_core_temp >= 60: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) else: print("setting turbo boost: off") turbo(False) footer() # make turbo suggestions in performance def mon_performance(): # get CPU utilization as a percentage cpuload = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) # get system/CPU load load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() print("\nTotal CPU usage:", cpuload, "%") print("Total system load:", load1m) print("Average temp. of all cores:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C") # get system/CPU load load1m, _, _ = os.getloadavg() if ( psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=False, interval=0.01) >= 20.0 or max(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=0.01)) >= 75 ): print("\nHigh CPU load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 25 and avg_all_core_temp >= 70: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() elif load1m > performance_load_threshold: print("\nHigh system load") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 25 and avg_all_core_temp >= 65: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() else: print("\nLoad optimal") # high cpu usage trigger if cpuload >= 20: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() # set turbo state based on average of all core temperatures elif cpuload <= 25 and avg_all_core_temp >= 60: print( "Optimal total CPU usage:", cpuload, "%, high average core temp:", avg_all_core_temp, "°C", ) print("suggesting to set turbo boost: off") get_turbo() else: print("suggesting to set turbo boost: on") get_turbo() footer() def set_autofreq(): """ set cpufreq governor based if device is charging """ print("\n" + "-" * 28 + " CPU frequency scaling " + "-" * 28 + "\n") # determine which governor should be used if charging(): print("Battery is: charging\n") set_performance() else: print("Battery is: discharging\n") set_powersave() def mon_autofreq(): """ make cpufreq suggestions :return: """ print("\n" + "-" * 28 + " CPU frequency scaling " + "-" * 28 + "\n") # determine which governor should be used if charging(): print("Battery is: charging\n") get_current_gov() print(f'Suggesting use of "{get_avail_performance()}" governor') mon_performance() else: print("Battery is: discharging\n") get_current_gov() print(f'Suggesting use of "{get_avail_powersave()}" governor') mon_powersave() def python_info(): print("Python:", pl.python_version()) print("psutil package:", psutil.__version__) print("platform package:", pl.__version__) print("click package:", click.__version__) # workaround: Module 'distro' has no '__version__' member () (https://github.com/nir0s/distro/issues/265) # print("distro:", distro.__version__) run( "echo \"distro package\" $(pip3 show distro | sed -n -e 's/^.*Version: //p')", shell=True, ) def device_info(): print("Computer type:", getoutput("dmidecode --string chassis-type")) def distro_info(): dist = "UNKNOWN distro" version = "UNKNOWN version" # get distro information in snap env. if os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP": try: with open("/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/etc/os-release", "r") as searchfile: for line in searchfile: if line.startswith("NAME="): dist = line[5:line.find("$")].strip('"') continue elif line.startswith("VERSION="): version = line[8:line.find("$")].strip('"') continue except PermissionError as e: print(repr(e)) pass dist = f"{dist} {version}" else: # get distro information fdist = distro.linux_distribution() dist = " ".join(x for x in fdist) print("Linux distro: " + dist) print("Linux kernel: " + pl.release()) def sysinfo(): """ get system information """ # processor_info model_name = getoutput("egrep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo -m 1").split(":")[-1] print(f"Processor:{model_name}") # get core count total_cpu_count = int(getoutput("nproc --all")) print("Cores:", total_cpu_count) # get architecture cpu_arch = pl.machine() print("Architecture:", cpu_arch) # get driver driver = getoutput("cpufreqctl.auto-cpufreq --driver") print("Driver: " + driver) # get usage and freq info of cpus usage_per_cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1, percpu=True) # psutil current freq not used, gives wrong values with offline cpu's minmax_freq_per_cpu = psutil.cpu_freq(percpu=True) # max and min freqs, psutil reports wrong max/min freqs whith offline cores with percpu=False max_freq = max([freq.max for freq in minmax_freq_per_cpu]) min_freq = min([freq.min for freq in minmax_freq_per_cpu]) print("\n" + "-" * 30 + " Current CPU stats " + "-" * 30 + "\n") print(f"CPU max frequency: {max_freq:.0f} MHz") print(f"CPU min frequency: {min_freq:.0f} MHz\n") # get coreid's and frequencies of online cpus by parsing /proc/cpuinfo coreid_info = getoutput("egrep 'processor|cpu MHz|core id' /proc/cpuinfo").split( "\n" ) cpu_core = dict() freq_per_cpu = [] for i in range(0, len(coreid_info), 3): freq_per_cpu.append(float(coreid_info[i + 1].split(":")[-1])) cpu = int(coreid_info[i].split(":")[-1]) core = int(coreid_info[i + 2].split(":")[-1]) cpu_core[cpu] = core online_cpu_count = len(cpu_core) offline_cpus = [str(cpu) for cpu in range(total_cpu_count) if cpu not in cpu_core] # temperatures core_temp = psutil.sensors_temperatures() temp_per_cpu = [float("nan")] * online_cpu_count try: if "coretemp" in core_temp: # list labels in 'coretemp' core_temp_labels = [temp.label for temp in core_temp["coretemp"]] for i, cpu in enumerate(cpu_core): # get correct index in core_temp core = cpu_core[cpu] cpu_temp_index = core_temp_labels.index(f"Core {core}") temp_per_cpu[i] = core_temp["coretemp"][cpu_temp_index].current elif "k10temp" in core_temp: # https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/hwmon/k10temp temp_per_cpu = [core_temp["k10temp"][0].current] * online_cpu_count elif "zenpower" in core_temp: # https://github.com/AdnanHodzic/auto-cpufreq/issues/145#issuecomment-763294009 temp_per_cpu = [core_temp["zenpower"][0].current] * online_cpu_count elif "acpitz" in core_temp: temp_per_cpu = [core_temp["acpitz"][0].current] * online_cpu_count elif "thinkpad" in core_temp: temp_per_cpu = [core_temp["thinkpad"][0].current] * online_cpu_count except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) pass print("Core\tUsage\tTemperature\tFrequency") for (cpu, usage, freq, temp) in zip( cpu_core, usage_per_cpu, freq_per_cpu, temp_per_cpu ): print(f"CPU{cpu}:\t{usage:>5.1f}% {temp:>3.0f} °C {freq:>5.0f} MHz") if offline_cpus: print(f"\nDisabled CPUs: {','.join(offline_cpus)}") # get average temperature of all cores avg_cores_temp = sum(temp_per_cpu) global avg_all_core_temp avg_all_core_temp = float(avg_cores_temp / online_cpu_count) # print current fan speed | temporarily commented # current_fans = psutil.sensors_fans()['thinkpad'][0].current # print("\nCPU fan speed:", current_fans, "RPM") def no_stats_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 29 + " auto-cpufreq stats " + "-" * 30 + "\n") print( 'ERROR: auto-cpufreq stats are missing.\n\nMake sure to run: "auto-cpufreq --install" first' ) # read stats func def read_stats(): # read stats if os.path.isfile(auto_cpufreq_stats_path): call(["tail", "-n 50", "-f", str(auto_cpufreq_stats_path)], stderr=DEVNULL) else: no_stats_msg() footer() # check if program (argument) is running def is_running(program, argument): # iterate over all process id's found by psutil for pid in psutil.pids(): try: # requests the process information corresponding to each process id proc = psutil.Process(pid) # check if value of program-variable that was used to call the function # matches the name field of the plutil.Process(pid) output if program in proc.name(): # check output of p.name(), output name of program # p.cmdline() - echo the exact command line via which p was called. for arg in proc.cmdline(): if argument in str(arg): return True except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) continue def daemon_running_msg(): print("\n" + "-" * 24 + " auto-cpufreq running " + "-" * 30 + "\n") print( 'ERROR: auto-cpufreq is running in daemon mode.\n\nMake sure to stop the deamon before running with --live or --monitor mode' ) # check if auto-cpufreq --daemon is running def running_daemon(): if is_running("auto-cpufreq", "--daemon"): daemon_running_msg() exit(1) elif os.getenv("PKG_MARKER") == "SNAP" and dcheck == "enabled": daemon_running_msg() exit(1) # disable gnome >= 40 power profiles (live) def gnome_power_disable_live(): gnome_power_stats = call(["systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", "power-profiles-daemon"]) if(gnome_power_stats == 0): print("Disabling GNOME power profiles") call(["systemctl", "stop", "power-profiles-daemon"]) #call(["systemctl", "mask", "power-profiles-daemon"]) else: print("GNOME power already disabled") # disable gnome >= 40 power profiles (install) def gnome_power_disable(): gnome_power_stats = call(["systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", "power-profiles-daemon"]) if(gnome_power_stats == 0): print("Disabling GNOME power profiles") call(["systemctl", "stop", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "disable", "power-profiles-daemon"]) else: print("GNOME power already disabled") # enable gnome >= 40 power profiles (uninstall) def gnome_power_enable(): gnome_power_stats = call(["systemctl", "is-active", "--quiet", "power-profiles-daemon"]) if(gnome_power_stats == 0): print("Enabling GNOME power profiles") call(["systemctl", "start", "power-profiles-daemon"]) call(["systemctl", "enable", "power-profiles-daemon"]) else: print("GNOME power already enabled")