refactor: remove redundant newlines

This commit is contained in:
ClementTsang 2020-08-13 02:04:53 -04:00
parent e1a7378386
commit 84f63f2f83
5 changed files with 94 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ impl Painter {
// Not required check but it runs only a few times... so whatever ig, prevents me from
// being dumb and leaving a help text section only one line long.
if section.len() > 1 {
.push(Span::styled(section[0], self.colours.table_header_style));

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ impl KillDialog for Painter {
fn get_dd_spans(&self, app_state: &App) -> Option<Text<'_>> {
if let Some(dd_err) = &app_state.dd_err {
return Some(Text::from(Spans::from(format!(
"\nFailure to properly kill the process - {}",
"Failure to properly kill the process - {}",
} else if let Some(to_kill_processes) = app_state.get_to_delete_processes() {
@ -34,19 +34,19 @@ impl KillDialog for Painter {
if app_state.is_grouped(app_state.current_widget.widget_id) {
if to_kill_processes.1.len() != 1 {
"\nKill {} processes with the name \"{}\"?",
"Kill {} processes with the name \"{}\"?",
} else {
"\nKill 1 process with the name \"{}\"?",
"Kill 1 process with the name \"{}\"?",
} else {
"\nKill process \"{}\" with PID {}?",
"Kill process \"{}\" with PID {}?",
to_kill_processes.0, first_pid

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ impl MemBasicWidget for Painter {
let num_bars_ram = calculate_basic_use_bars(ram_use_percentage, bar_length);
let num_bars_swap = calculate_basic_use_bars(swap_use_percentage, bar_length);
let mem_label = format!(
" ".repeat(bar_length - num_bars_ram),

View File

@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ impl NetworkBasicWidget for Painter {
let rx_label = format!("RX: {}\n", &app_state.canvas_data.rx_display);
let rx_label = format!("RX: {}", &app_state.canvas_data.rx_display);
let tx_label = format!("TX: {}", &app_state.canvas_data.tx_display);
let total_rx_label = format!("Total RX: {}\n", &app_state.canvas_data.total_rx_display);
let total_rx_label = format!("Total RX: {}", &app_state.canvas_data.total_rx_display);
let total_tx_label = format!("Total TX: {}", &app_state.canvas_data.total_tx_display);
let net_text = vec![

View File

@ -43,112 +43,112 @@ lazy_static! {
// Help text
pub const HELP_CONTENTS_TEXT: [&str; 6] = [
"Press the corresponding numbers to jump to the section, or scroll:\n",
"1 - General\n",
"2 - CPU widget\n",
"3 - Process widget\n",
"4 - Process search widget\n",
"Press the corresponding numbers to jump to the section, or scroll:",
"1 - General",
"2 - CPU widget",
"3 - Process widget",
"4 - Process search widget",
"5 - Battery widget",
pub const GENERAL_HELP_TEXT: [&str; 29] = [
"1 - General\n",
"q, Ctrl-c Quit\n",
"Esc Close dialog windows, search, widgets, or exit expanded mode\n",
"Ctrl-r Reset display and any collected data\n",
"f Freeze/unfreeze updating with new data\n",
"Ctrl-Left, \n",
"Shift-Left, Move widget selection left\n",
"H, A \n",
"Ctrl-Right, \n",
"Shift-Right, Move widget selection right\n",
"L, D \n",
"Ctrl-Up, \n",
"Shift-Up, Move widget selection up\n",
"K, W \n",
"Ctrl-Down, \n",
"Shift-Down, Move widget selection down\n",
"J, S \n",
"Left, h Move left within widget\n",
"Down, j Move down within widget\n",
"Up, k Move up within widget\n",
"Right, l Move right within widget\n",
"? Open help menu\n",
"gg Jump to the first entry\n",
"G Jump to the last entry\n",
"e Expand the currently selected widget\n",
"+ Zoom in on chart (decrease time range)\n",
"- Zoom out on chart (increase time range)\n",
"= Reset zoom\n",
"1 - General",
"q, Ctrl-c Quit",
"Esc Close dialog windows, search, widgets, or exit expanded mode",
"Ctrl-r Reset display and any collected data",
"f Freeze/unfreeze updating with new data",
"Ctrl-Left, ",
"Shift-Left, Move widget selection left",
"H, A ",
"Ctrl-Right, ",
"Shift-Right, Move widget selection right",
"L, D ",
"Ctrl-Up, ",
"Shift-Up, Move widget selection up",
"K, W ",
"Ctrl-Down, ",
"Shift-Down, Move widget selection down",
"J, S ",
"Left, h Move left within widget",
"Down, j Move down within widget",
"Up, k Move up within widget",
"Right, l Move right within widget",
"? Open help menu",
"gg Jump to the first entry",
"G Jump to the last entry",
"e Expand the currently selected widget",
"+ Zoom in on chart (decrease time range)",
"- Zoom out on chart (increase time range)",
"= Reset zoom",
"Mouse scroll Scroll through the tables or zoom in/out of charts by scrolling up/down",
pub const CPU_HELP_TEXT: [&str; 2] = [
"2 - CPU widget\n",
"2 - CPU widget",
"Mouse scroll Scrolling over an CPU core/average shows only that entry on the chart",
pub const PROCESS_HELP_TEXT: [&str; 9] = [
"3 - Process widget\n",
"dd Kill the selected process\n",
"c Sort by CPU usage, press again to reverse sorting order\n",
"m Sort by memory usage, press again to reverse sorting order\n",
"p Sort by PID name, press again to reverse sorting order\n",
"n Sort by process name, press again to reverse sorting order\n",
"Tab Group/un-group processes with the same name\n",
"Ctrl-f, / Open process search widget\n",
"3 - Process widget",
"dd Kill the selected process",
"c Sort by CPU usage, press again to reverse sorting order",
"m Sort by memory usage, press again to reverse sorting order",
"p Sort by PID name, press again to reverse sorting order",
"n Sort by process name, press again to reverse sorting order",
"Tab Group/un-group processes with the same name",
"Ctrl-f, / Open process search widget",
"P Toggle between showing the full path or just the process name",
pub const SEARCH_HELP_TEXT: [&str; 43] = [
"4 - Process search widget\n",
"Tab Toggle between searching for PID and name\n",
"Esc Close the search widget (retains the filter)\n",
"Ctrl-a Skip to the start of the search query\n",
"Ctrl-e Skip to the end of the search query\n",
"Ctrl-u Clear the current search query\n",
"Backspace Delete the character behind the cursor\n",
"Delete Delete the character at the cursor\n",
"Alt-c/F1 Toggle matching case\n",
"Alt-w/F2 Toggle matching the entire word\n",
"Alt-r/F3 Toggle using regex\n",
"Left, Alt-h Move cursor left\n",
"Right, Alt-l Move cursor right\n",
"Search keywords:\n",
"pid ex: pid 825\n",
"cpu ex: cpu > 4.2\n",
"mem ex: mem < 4.2\n",
"read ex: read >= 1 b\n",
"write ex: write <= 1 tb\n",
"tread ex: tread = 1\n",
"twrite ex: twrite = 1\n",
"Comparison operators:\n",
"= ex: cpu = 1\n",
"> ex: cpu > 1\n",
"< ex: cpu < 1\n",
">= ex: cpu >= 1\n",
"<= ex: cpu <= 1\n",
"Logical operators:\n",
"and/&&/<Space> ex: btm and cpu > 1 and mem > 1\n",
"or/|| ex: btm or firefox\n",
"Supported units:\n",
"B ex: read > 1 b\n",
"KB ex: read > 1 kb\n",
"MB ex: read > 1 mb\n",
"TB ex: read > 1 tb\n",
"KiB ex: read > 1 kib\n",
"MiB ex: read > 1 mib\n",
"GiB ex: read > 1 gib\n",
"4 - Process search widget",
"Tab Toggle between searching for PID and name",
"Esc Close the search widget (retains the filter)",
"Ctrl-a Skip to the start of the search query",
"Ctrl-e Skip to the end of the search query",
"Ctrl-u Clear the current search query",
"Backspace Delete the character behind the cursor",
"Delete Delete the character at the cursor",
"Alt-c/F1 Toggle matching case",
"Alt-w/F2 Toggle matching the entire word",
"Alt-r/F3 Toggle using regex",
"Left, Alt-h Move cursor left",
"Right, Alt-l Move cursor right",
"Search keywords:",
"pid ex: pid 825",
"cpu ex: cpu > 4.2",
"mem ex: mem < 4.2",
"read ex: read >= 1 b",
"write ex: write <= 1 tb",
"tread ex: tread = 1",
"twrite ex: twrite = 1",
"Comparison operators:",
"= ex: cpu = 1",
"> ex: cpu > 1",
"< ex: cpu < 1",
">= ex: cpu >= 1",
"<= ex: cpu <= 1",
"Logical operators:",
"and/&&/<Space> ex: btm and cpu > 1 and mem > 1",
"or/|| ex: btm or firefox",
"Supported units:",
"B ex: read > 1 b",
"KB ex: read > 1 kb",
"MB ex: read > 1 mb",
"TB ex: read > 1 tb",
"KiB ex: read > 1 kib",
"MiB ex: read > 1 mib",
"GiB ex: read > 1 gib",
"TiB ex: read > 1 tib",
pub const BATTERY_HELP_TEXT: [&str; 3] = [
"5 - Battery widget\n",
"Left Go to previous battery\n",
"5 - Battery widget",
"Left Go to previous battery",
"Right Go to next battery",