diff --git a/docs/content/troubleshooting.md b/docs/content/troubleshooting.md
index 688cbe31..4ffe4b1b 100644
--- a/docs/content/troubleshooting.md
+++ b/docs/content/troubleshooting.md
@@ -46,50 +46,55 @@ Let's say you're installing [Iosevka](https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka). The
4. Here, add a new `String value`, and set the `Name` to a bunch of 0's (e.g. `000` - make sure the name isn't already used), then set the `Data` to the font name (e.g. `Iosevka`).
+The last entry is the new entry for Iosevka
5. Then, open the Command Prompt/PowerShell, and right click on the top bar, and open `Properties`:
6. From here, go to `Font`, and set the font to your new font (e.g. `Iosevka`):
## Why can't I see all my temperature sensors on Windows?
-This is a known issue, and some sensors may require admin privileges to get sensor data.
+This is a [known limitation](./support/official.md#windows), some sensors may require admin privileges to get sensor data.
## Why don't I see dual batteries on Windows reported separately? (e.g. Thinkpads)
-This seems to be some issue with how batteries are being detected on Windows.
+This is a [known limitation](./support/official.md#windows) which seems to be with how batteries are being detected on Windows.
## Why can't I see all my temperature sensors on WSL?
-Due to how WSL works, hosts may not expose their temperature sensors and therefore, temperature sensors might be missing.
+This is a [known limitation](./support/official.md#windows) with WSL. Due to how it works, hosts may not expose their
+temperature sensors and therefore, temperature sensors might be missing.
## Why does WSL2 not match Task Manager?
-Due to how WSL2 works, the two might not match up in terms of reported data.
+This is a [known limitation](./support/official.md#windows) with WSL2. Due to how WSL2 works, the two might not match
+up in terms of reported data.
-## Why can't I see all my processes/process usage on macOS?
+## Why can't I see all my processes/process data on macOS?
-You may have to run the program with elevated privileges - for example:
+This is a [known limitation](./support/official.md#macos), and you may have to run the program with elevated
+privileges to work around it - for example:
sudo btm
-_Please note that you should be certain that you trust any software you grant root privileges._
+**Please note that you should be certain that you trust any software you grant root privileges.**
-There are measures taken to try to maximize the amount of information obtained without elevated privileges, but there may still be some limitations.
+There are measures taken to try to maximize the amount of information obtained without elevated privileges. For example,
+one can modify the instructions found on the [htop wiki](https://github.com/hishamhm/htop/wiki/macOS:-run-without-sudo)
+on how to run htop without sudo for bottom. However **please** understand the potential security risks before doing so!
## My configuration file isn't working
@@ -132,4 +137,12 @@ btm -C path_to_config
## My installation through snap has some widgets that are blank/show no data
-Make sure bottom is given the correct permissions. [Snapcraft](https://snapcraft.io/docs/interface-management) explains how to do so.
+Make sure bottom is given the correct permissions in order to collect data. [Snapcraft](https://snapcraft.io/docs/interface-management)
+explains how to do so, but the TL;DR is:
+sudo snap connect bottom:mount-observe
+sudo snap connect bottom:hardware-observe
+sudo snap connect bottom:system-observe
+sudo snap connect bottom:process-control