diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 8c25a651..9ddeff40 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 - [#296](https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom/pull/296): Removes an accidental extra comma in one of the headers in the disk widget.
+- [#308](https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom/pull/308): Removes the automatically generated CPU colours method.
 ## [0.4.7] - 2020-08-26
 ### Bug Fixes
diff --git a/src/canvas.rs b/src/canvas.rs
index 7af29f33..9bd4f96d 100644
--- a/src/canvas.rs
+++ b/src/canvas.rs
@@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ impl Painter {
         } else {
-        painter.colours.generate_remaining_cpu_colours();
diff --git a/src/canvas/canvas_colours.rs b/src/canvas/canvas_colours.rs
index a42eb88c..fd8d4eb0 100644
--- a/src/canvas/canvas_colours.rs
+++ b/src/canvas/canvas_colours.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-use crate::{constants::*, options::ConfigColours, utils::error};
+use crate::{options::ConfigColours, utils::error};
 use anyhow::Context;
 use colour_utils::*;
 use tui::style::{Color, Style};
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ impl Default for CanvasColours {
             total_tx_style: Style::default().fg(STANDARD_FOURTH_COLOUR),
             all_colour_style: Style::default().fg(ALL_COLOUR),
             avg_colour_style: Style::default().fg(AVG_COLOUR),
-            cpu_colour_styles: Vec::new(),
+            cpu_colour_styles: colour_utils::get_default_cpu_colours(),
             border_style: Style::default().fg(text_colour),
             highlighted_border_style: Style::default().fg(STANDARD_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR),
             text_style: Style::default().fg(text_colour),
@@ -248,22 +248,13 @@ impl CanvasColours {
     pub fn set_cpu_colours(&mut self, colours: &[String]) -> error::Result<()> {
-        let max_amount = std::cmp::min(colours.len(), NUM_COLOURS);
-        for (itx, colour) in colours.iter().enumerate() {
-            if itx >= max_amount {
-                break;
-            }
-            self.cpu_colour_styles.push(get_style_from_config(colour)?);
-        }
+        self.cpu_colour_styles = colours
+            .iter()
+            .map(|colour| get_style_from_config(colour))
+            .collect::<error::Result<Vec<Style>>>()?;
-    pub fn generate_remaining_cpu_colours(&mut self) {
-        let remaining_num_colours = NUM_COLOURS.saturating_sub(self.cpu_colour_styles.len());
-        self.cpu_colour_styles
-            .extend(gen_n_styles(remaining_num_colours));
-    }
     pub fn set_scroll_entry_text_color(&mut self, colour: &str) -> error::Result<()> {
         self.currently_selected_text_colour = get_colour_from_config(colour)?;
         self.currently_selected_text_style = Style::default()
diff --git a/src/canvas/canvas_colours/colour_utils.rs b/src/canvas/canvas_colours/colour_utils.rs
index d104d483..048f9317 100644
--- a/src/canvas/canvas_colours/colour_utils.rs
+++ b/src/canvas/canvas_colours/colour_utils.rs
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ use std::collections::HashMap;
 use tui::style::{Color, Style};
-use crate::utils::{error, gen_util::*};
+use crate::utils::error;
-const GOLDEN_RATIO: f32 = 0.618_034;
 // Approx, good enough for use (also Clippy gets mad if it's too long)
 pub const STANDARD_FIRST_COLOUR: Color = Color::LightMagenta;
 pub const STANDARD_SECOND_COLOUR: Color = Color::LightYellow;
@@ -41,60 +40,21 @@ lazy_static! {
-/// Generates random colours.  Strategy found from
-/// https://martin.ankerl.com/2009/12/09/how-to-create-random-colors-programmatically/
-pub fn gen_n_styles(num_to_gen: usize) -> Vec<Style> {
-    fn gen_hsv(h: f32) -> f32 {
-        let new_val = h + GOLDEN_RATIO;
-        if new_val > 1.0 {
-            new_val.fract()
-        } else {
-            new_val
-        }
-    }
-    /// This takes in an h, s, and v value of range [0, 1]
-    /// For explanation of what this does, see
-    /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#HSV_to_RGB_alternative
-    fn hsv_to_rgb(hue: f32, saturation: f32, value: f32) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
-        fn hsv_helper(num: u32, hu: f32, sat: f32, val: f32) -> f32 {
-            let k = (num as f32 + hu * 6.0) % 6.0;
-            val - val * sat * float_max(float_min(k, float_min(4.1 - k, 1.1)), 0.0)
-        }
-        (
-            (hsv_helper(5, hue, saturation, value) * 255.0) as u8,
-            (hsv_helper(3, hue, saturation, value) * 255.0) as u8,
-            (hsv_helper(1, hue, saturation, value) * 255.0) as u8,
-        )
-    }
-    // Generate colours
-    // Why do we need so many colours?  Because macOS default terminal
-    // throws a tantrum if you don't give it supported colours, but so
-    // does PowerShell with some colours (Magenta and Yellow)!
-    let mut colour_vec: Vec<Style> = vec![
-        Style::default().fg(STANDARD_FIRST_COLOUR),
-        Style::default().fg(STANDARD_SECOND_COLOUR),
-        Style::default().fg(STANDARD_THIRD_COLOUR),
-        Style::default().fg(STANDARD_FOURTH_COLOUR),
+/// We take basically no chances with this.  If the user wants prettier colours, they can
+/// set it on their own - unfortunately, supported colour detection is kinda a PITA.
+pub fn get_default_cpu_colours() -> Vec<Style> {
+    vec![
+        Style::default().fg(Color::LightMagenta),
+        Style::default().fg(Color::LightYellow),
+        Style::default().fg(Color::LightCyan),
+        Style::default().fg(Color::LightGreen),
-    ];
-    let mut h: f32 = 0.4; // We don't need random colours... right?
-    if num_to_gen - 10 > 0 {
-        for _i in 0..(num_to_gen - 10) {
-            h = gen_hsv(h);
-            let result = hsv_to_rgb(h, 0.5, 0.95);
-            colour_vec.push(Style::default().fg(Color::Rgb(result.0, result.1, result.2)));
-        }
-    }
-    colour_vec
+    ]
 pub fn convert_hex_to_color(hex: &str) -> error::Result<Color> {
diff --git a/src/canvas/widgets/cpu_graph.rs b/src/canvas/widgets/cpu_graph.rs
index e03c9032..571af6ca 100644
--- a/src/canvas/widgets/cpu_graph.rs
+++ b/src/canvas/widgets/cpu_graph.rs
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ impl CpuGraphWidget for Painter {
                     .style(if show_avg_cpu && current_scroll_position == AVG_POSITION {
                     } else {
-                        self.colours.cpu_colour_styles[cpu_widget_state
+                        self.colours.cpu_colour_styles[(cpu_widget_state
                             - 1 // Because of the all position
@@ -225,7 +225,8 @@ impl CpuGraphWidget for Painter {
                             } else {
-                            }) % self.colours.cpu_colour_styles.len()]
+                            }))
+                            % self.colours.cpu_colour_styles.len()]
@@ -375,14 +376,16 @@ impl CpuGraphWidget for Painter {
                             if itx + start_position == AVG_POSITION {
                             } else {
-                                self.colours.cpu_colour_styles[itx + start_position
+                                self.colours.cpu_colour_styles[(itx + start_position
                                     - AVG_POSITION
-                                    - 1 % self.colours.cpu_colour_styles.len()]
+                                    - 1)
+                                    % self.colours.cpu_colour_styles.len()]
                         } else {
-                            self.colours.cpu_colour_styles[itx + start_position
+                            self.colours.cpu_colour_styles[(itx + start_position
                                 - ALL_POSITION
-                                - 1 % self.colours.cpu_colour_styles.len()]
+                                - 1)
+                                % self.colours.cpu_colour_styles.len()]
diff --git a/src/constants.rs b/src/constants.rs
index 0bccec77..1f0c9544 100644
--- a/src/constants.rs
+++ b/src/constants.rs
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ pub const TICK_RATE_IN_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 200;
 // How fast the screen refreshes
 pub const MAX_KEY_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLISECONDS: u64 = 1000;
-// Number of colours to generate for the CPU chart/table
-pub const NUM_COLOURS: usize = 256;
 // Limits for when we should stop showing table gaps/labels (anything less means not shown)
 pub const TABLE_GAP_HEIGHT_LIMIT: u16 = 7;