# To-Do List

## Pre-release (bare minimum)

* ~~Get each function working as a POC~~

* ~~Separate each component for readability, finalize project structure~~

* ~~Refreshing - how are we doing that?  Are we allowing individual refresh periods per component?~~

* ~~Write tui display, charting~~


~~* Scrolling in at least processes~~

* Keybindings

## After making public

* Tests

* Mouse + key events conflict?  Make it so that some events don't clog up the loop if they are not valid keys!

* Header should be clear on current sorting direction!

* Scaling in and out (zoom), may need to show zoom levels

* It would be maybe a good idea to see if we can run the process calculation across ALL cpus...?

* ~~Add custom error because it's really messy~~ Done, but need to implement across rest of app!

* Remove any ``unwrap()``, ensure no crashing!  Might have to use this: <https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/panic/fn.catch_unwind.html>

* Scrolling event in lists

* Switching between panels

* Truncate columns if needed for tables

* Refactor everything because it's a mess

* Test for Windows support, mac support, other.  May be doable, depends on sysinfo and how much I know about other OSes probably.

* Efficiency!!!

* Filtering in processes (that is, allow searching)

* Help screen

* Modularity

* Potentially process managing?  Depends on the libraries...