# Contribution Contribution in any way is appreciated, whether it is reporting problems, fixing bugs, implementing features, improving the documentation, etc. ## Opening an issue ### Bug reports When filing a bug report, please use the [bug report template](https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md&title=) and fill in as much as you can. It is _incredibly_ difficult for a maintainer to fix a bug when it cannot be reproduced, and giving as much detail as possible generally helps to make it easier to reproduce the problem! ### Feature requests Please use the [feature request template](https://github.com/ClementTsang/bottom/issues/new?assignees=&labels=feature&template=feature_request.md&title=) and fill it out. Remember to give details about what the feature is along with why you think this suggestion will be useful. ## Pull requests If you want to directly contribute documentation changes or code, follow this! The expected workflow for a pull request is: 1. Fork the project. 2. Make your changes locally. - If you're making a documentation change, you may want to read [this page](https://clementtsang.github.io/bottom/nightly/contribution/documentation/), especially if you're touching mkdocs pages. - If you add a new feature, it'll probably also need documentation changes - again, see [this page](https://clementtsang.github.io/bottom/nightly/contribution/documentation/). 3. Commit and create a pull request to merge into the `master` branch. **Please follow the pull request template**. 4. Wait for the tests to pass. These consist of clippy lints, rustfmt checks, and basic tests. **If you are a first time contributor, skip to the next step for now, as GitHub Actions requires approval to run.** 5. Ask a maintainer to review your pull request. If changes are suggested or any comments are made, they should probably be addressed. Once it looks good, it'll be merged! ## Further reading - For details on contributing to documentation, see [here](https://clementtsang.github.io/bottom/nightly/contribution/documentation/). - For details on packaging and distribution, see [here](https://clementtsang.github.io/bottom/nightly/contribution/packaging-and-distribution/).