# Because choco is a special case and I'm too lazy to make my # packaging script robust enough, so whatever, hard-code time. import hashlib import sys from string import Template import os args = sys.argv deployment_file_path_64 = args[1] version = args[2] nuspec_template = args[3] ps1_template = args[4] generated_nuspec = args[5] generated_ps1 = args[6] generated_ps1_dir = args[7] print("Generating Chocolatey package for:") print(" 64-bit: %s" % deployment_file_path_64) print(" VERSION: %s" % version) print(" NUSPEC TEMPLATE: %s" % nuspec_template) print(" PS1 TEMPLATE: %s" % ps1_template) print(" GENERATED NUSPEC: %s" % generated_nuspec) print(" GENERATED PS1: %s" % generated_ps1) print(" GENERATED PS1 DIR: %s" % generated_ps1_dir) with open(deployment_file_path_64, "rb") as deployment_file_64: hash_64 = hashlib.sha1(deployment_file_64.read()).hexdigest() print("Generated hash for 64-bit program: %s" % str(hash_64)) with open(nuspec_template, "r") as template_file: template = Template(template_file.read()) substitute = template.safe_substitute(version=version) print("\n================== Generated nuspec file ==================\n") print(substitute) print("\n============================================================\n") with open(generated_nuspec, "w") as generated_file: generated_file.write(substitute) os.makedirs(generated_ps1_dir) with open(ps1_template, "r") as template_file: template = Template(template_file.read()) substitute = template.safe_substitute(version=version, hash_64=hash_64) print("\n================== Generated chocolatey-install file ==================\n") print(substitute) print("\n============================================================\n") with open(generated_ps1, "w") as generated_file: generated_file.write(substitute)