# bottom [](https://travis-ci.com/ClementTsang/rustop) [](https://crates.io/crates/bottom) A top clone, written in Rust. Inspired by both [gtop](https://github.com/aksakalli/gtop) and [gotop](https://github.com/cjbassi/gotop)  *Note that the background you see is not part of the app, that's just because I use a slightly transparent background* ## Installation ### Linux You can install by cloning and using ``cargo build --release``, or download the pre-compiled binary in Releases. Note this needs the nightly toolchain if you are building. ### Windows This is still in development. ### MacOS Currently, I'm unable to test on MacOS, so I'm not sure how well this will work, if at all. I'll try to source MacOS hardware to test this application. ## Usage ### Command line options * ``-h``, ``--help`` to show the help screen and exit (basically has all of the below CLI option info). * ``-a``, ``--avgcpu`` enables showing the average CPU usage on rustop * ``-c``, ``--celsius`` displays the temperature type in Celsius. This is the default. * ``-f``, ``--fahrenheit`` displays the temperature type in Fahrenheit. This is the default. * ``-k``, ``--kelvin`` displays the temperature type in Kelvin. This is the default. * ``-v``, ``--version`` displays the version number and exits. * ``-r <RATE>``, ``--rate <RATE>`` will set the refresh rate in *milliseconds*. Pick a range from 250ms to ``UINT_MAX``. Defaults to 1000ms, and higher values may take more resources due to more frequent polling of data, and may be less accurate in some circumstances. ### Keybinds (some may not be available on certain operating systems) #### General * ``q``, ``Esc``, or ``Ctrl-C`` to quit. * ``Up/k``, ``Down/j``, ``Left/h``, ``Right/l`` to navigate between panels. This currently doesn't have much functionality but will change in the future. #### Processes Panel * ``dd`` to kill the selected process (currently only on Linux) - **I would highly recommend you to be careful using this, lest you accidentally kill the wrong process**. * ``c`` to sort by CPU usage. Sorts in descending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order. * ``m`` to sort by memory usage. Sorts in descending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order. * ``p`` to sort by PID. Sorts in ascending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order. * ``n`` to sort by process name. Sorts in ascending order by default. Press again to reverse sorting order. ### Mouse Actions [* Scrolling either scrolls through the list if the panel is a table (Temperature, Disks, Processes), or zooms in and out if it is a chart.]: <> * Scrolling currently only scrolls through the list if you are on the Processes panel. This will change in the future. ## Regarding Process Use Percentage (on Linux) I cannot guarantee whether they are 100% accurate. I'm using a technique I found online which seems to be a better indicator of process use percentage at the current time, rather than pulling from, say, ``ps`` (which is average CPU usage over the *entire lifespan* of the process). I found the options from the library I used to get other data (heim) to be a bit too inaccurate in my testing. For reference, the formula I am using to calculate CPU process usage is along the lines of: ```rust let idle = idle + iowait; let non_idle = user + nice + system + irq + softirq + steal + guest; let total = idle + non_idle; let prev_total = prev_idle + prev_non_idle; // Both of these values are calculated using the same formula from the previous polling let total_delta : f64 = total - prev_total; let idle_delta : f64 = idle - prev_idle; let final_delta : f64 = total_delta - idle_delta; //... // Get utime and stime from reading /proc/<PID>/stat let after_proc_val = utime + stime; (after_proc_val - before_proc_val) / cpu_usage * 100_f64; //This gives your use percentage. before_proc_val comes from the previous polling ``` Any suggestions on more accurate data is welcome! Note all other fields should be accurate. ## Thanks * As mentioned, this project is very much inspired by both [gotop](https://github.com/cjbassi/gotop) and [gtop](https://github.com/aksakalli/gtop) . * This application was written with the following libraries: * [chrono](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono) * [clap](https://github.com/clap-rs/clap) * [crossterm](https://github.com/TimonPost/crossterm) * [failure](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/failure) * [fern](https://github.com/daboross/fern) * [futures-rs](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/futures-rs) * [futures-timer](https://github.com/rustasync/futures-timer) * [heim](https://github.com/heim-rs/heim) * [log](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/log) * [sysinfo](https://github.com/GuillaumeGomez/sysinfo) * [tokio](https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio) * [tui-rs](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs) (note I used a fork due to some issues I faced, you can find that [here](https://github.com/ClementTsang/tui-rs)) ## Why I was looking to try writing more things in Rust, and I love the gotop tool. And thus, this project was born.