
212 lines
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# This is a default config file for bottom. All of the settings are commented
# out by default; if you wish to change them uncomment and modify as you see
# fit.
# This group of options represents a command-line option. Flags explicitly
# added when running (ie: btm -a) will override this config file if an option
# is also set here.
# Whether to hide the average cpu entry.
#hide_avg_cpu = false
# Whether to use dot markers rather than braille.
#dot_marker = false
# The update rate of the application.
#rate = "1s"
# Whether to put the CPU legend to the left.
#cpu_left_legend = false
# Whether to set CPU% on a process to be based on the total CPU or just current usage.
#current_usage = false
# Whether to set CPU% on a process to be based on the total CPU or per-core CPU% (not divided by the number of cpus).
#unnormalized_cpu = false
# Whether to group processes with the same name together by default.
#group_processes = false
# Whether to make process searching case sensitive by default.
#case_sensitive = false
# Whether to make process searching look for matching the entire word by default.
#whole_word = false
# Whether to make process searching use regex by default.
#regex = false
# The temperature unit. One of the following, defaults to "c" for Celsius:
#temperature_type = "c"
##temperature_type = "k"
##temperature_type = "f"
##temperature_type = "kelvin"
##temperature_type = "fahrenheit"
##temperature_type = "celsius"
# The default time interval (in milliseconds).
#default_time_value = "60s"
# The time delta on each zoom in/out action (in milliseconds).
#time_delta = 15000
# Hides the time scale.
#hide_time = false
# Override layout default widget
#default_widget_type = "proc"
#default_widget_count = 1
# Expand selected widget upon starting the app
#expanded = true
# Use basic mode
#basic = false
# Use the old network legend style
#use_old_network_legend = false
# Remove space in tables
#hide_table_gap = false
# Show the battery widgets
#battery = false
# Disable mouse clicks
#disable_click = false
# Built-in themes. Valid values are "default", "default-light", "gruvbox", "gruvbox-light", "nord", "nord-light"
#color = "default"
# Show memory values in the processes widget as values by default
#process_memory_as_value = false
# Show tree mode by default in the processes widget.
#tree = false
# Shows an indicator in table widgets tracking where in the list you are.
#show_table_scroll_position = false
# Show processes as their commands by default in the process widget.
#process_command = false
# Displays the network widget with binary prefixes.
#network_use_binary_prefix = false
# Displays the network widget using bytes.
#network_use_bytes = false
# Displays the network widget with a log scale.
#network_use_log = false
# Hides advanced options to stop a process on Unix-like systems.
#disable_advanced_kill = false
# Shows GPU(s) memory
#enable_gpu = false
# Shows cache and buffer memory
#enable_cache_memory = false
# How much data is stored at once in terms of time.
#retention = "10m"
# Processes widget configuration
# The columns shown by the process widget. The following columns are supported:
# PID, Name, CPU%, Mem%, R/s, W/s, T.Read, T.Write, User, State, Time, GMem%, GPU%
#columns = ["PID", "Name", "CPU%", "Mem%", "R/s", "W/s", "T.Read", "T.Write", "User", "State", "GMem%", "GPU%"]
# CPU widget configuration
# One of "all" (default), "average"/"avg"
# default = "average"
# Disk widget configuration
#is_list_ignored = true
#list = ["/dev/sda\\d+", "/dev/nvme0n1p2"]
#regex = true
#case_sensitive = false
#whole_word = false
#is_list_ignored = true
#list = ["/mnt/.*", "/boot"]
#regex = true
#case_sensitive = false
#whole_word = false
# Temperature widget configuration
#is_list_ignored = true
#list = ["cpu", "wifi"]
#regex = false
#case_sensitive = false
#whole_word = false
# Network widget configuration
#is_list_ignored = true
#list = ["virbr0.*"]
#regex = true
#case_sensitive = false
#whole_word = false
# These are all the components that support custom theming. Note that colour support
# will depend on terminal support.
#[styles] # Uncomment if you want to use custom styling
# Built-in themes. Valid values are:
# - "default"
# - "default-light"
# - "gruvbox"
# - "gruvbox-light"
# - "nord"
# - "nord-light".
# This will have the lowest precedence if a custom colour palette is set,
# or overridden if the command-line flag for a built-in theme is set.
#theme = "default"
#all_entry_color = "green"
#avg_entry_color = "red"
#cpu_core_colors = ["light magenta", "light yellow", "light cyan", "light green", "light blue", "cyan", "green", "blue"]
#ram_color = "light magenta"
#cache_color = "light red"
#swap_color = "light yellow"
#arc_color = "light cyan"
#gpu_colors = ["light blue", "light red", "cyan", "green", "blue", "red"]
#rx_color = "light magenta"
#tx_color = "light yellow"
#rx_total_color = "light cyan"
#tx_total_color = "light green"
#high_battery_color = "green"
#medium_battery_color = "yellow"
#low_battery_color = "red"
#headers = {color = "light blue", bold = true}
#graph_color = "gray"
#legend_text = {color = "gray"}
#border_color = "gray"
#selected_border_color = "light blue"
#widget_title = {color = "gray"}
#text = {color = "gray"}
#selected_text = {color = "black", bg_color = "light blue"}
#disabled_text = {color = "dark gray"}
# Layout - layouts follow a pattern like this:
# [[row]] represents a row in the application.
# [[row.child]] represents either a widget or a column.
# [[row.child.child]] represents a widget.
# All widgets must have the type value set to one of ["cpu", "mem", "proc", "net", "temp", "disk", "empty"].
# All layout components have a ratio value - if this is not set, then it defaults to 1.
# The default widget layout:
# ratio=30
# [[row.child]]
# type="cpu"
# ratio=40
# [[row.child]]
# ratio=4
# type="mem"
# [[row.child]]
# ratio=3
# [[row.child.child]]
# type="temp"
# [[row.child.child]]
# type="disk"
# ratio=30
# [[row.child]]
# type="net"
# [[row.child]]
# type="proc"
# default=true