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32.292 Z M 28.746 34.958 L 20.749 34.958 C 20.573 34.958 20.429 35.107 20.429 35.292 C 20.429 35.476 20.573 35.625 20.749 35.625 L 28.746 35.625 C 28.923 35.625 29.066 35.476 29.066 35.292 C 29.066 35.107 28.923 34.958 28.746 34.958 L 28.746 34.958 L 28.746 34.958 Z M 28.746 37.625 L 20.749 37.625 C 20.573 37.625 20.429 37.774 20.429 37.958 C 20.429 38.143 20.573 38.292 20.749 38.292 L 28.746 38.292 C 28.923 38.292 29.066 38.143 29.066 37.958 C 29.066 37.774 28.923 37.625 28.746 37.625 L 28.746 37.625 Z M 27.147 24.096 L 30.026 27.096 L 30.533 27.625 L 27.147 27.625 L 27.147 24.096 L 27.147 24.096 Z M 16.911 38.958 L 16.911 21.958 L 29.386 21.958 L 29.386 25.487 L 26.959 22.958 L 17.87 22.958 L 17.87 38.958 L 16.911 38.958 L 16.911 38.958 Z M 18.51 40.625 L 18.51 39.625 L 18.51 23.625 L 26.507 23.625 L 26.507 28.292 L 30.985 28.292 L 30.985 40.625 L 18.51 40.625 L 18.51 40.625 Z M 30.026 26.154 L 30.026 21.292 L 16.271 21.292 L 16.271 39.625 L 17.87 39.625 L 17.87 41.292 L 31.625 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34.958 20.429 35.107 20.429 35.292 C 20.429 35.476 20.573 35.625 20.749 35.625 L 28.746 35.625 C 28.923 35.625 29.066 35.476 29.066 35.292 C 29.066 35.107 28.923 34.958 28.746 34.958 L 28.746 34.958 L 28.746 34.958 Z M 28.746 37.625 L 20.749 37.625 C 20.573 37.625 20.429 37.774 20.429 37.958 C 20.429 38.143 20.573 38.292 20.749 38.292 L 28.746 38.292 C 28.923 38.292 29.066 38.143 29.066 37.958 C 29.066 37.774 28.923 37.625 28.746 37.625 L 28.746 37.625 Z M 27.147 24.096 L 30.026 27.096 L 30.533 27.625 L 27.147 27.625 L 27.147 24.096 L 27.147 24.096 Z M 16.911 38.958 L 16.911 21.958 L 29.386 21.958 L 29.386 25.487 L 26.959 22.958 L 17.87 22.958 L 17.87 38.958 L 16.911 38.958 L 16.911 38.958 Z M 18.51 40.625 L 18.51 39.625 L 18.51 23.625 L 26.507 23.625 L 26.507 28.292 L 30.985 28.292 L 30.985 40.625 L 18.51 40.625 L 18.51 40.625 Z M 30.026 26.154 L 30.026 21.292 L 16.271 21.292 L 16.271 39.625 L 17.87 39.625 L 17.87 41.292 L 31.625 41.292 L 31.625 27.82 L 30.026 26.154 L 30.026 26.154 Z 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