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37.061 C 34.987 40.652 30.472 42.864 25.631 43.272 L 25.631 43.272 Z M 7.058 33.194 L 7.058 33.194 C 6.499 32.154 5.202 31.763 4.162 32.321 L 4.162 32.321 C 3.122 32.88 2.731 34.177 3.29 35.217 L 3.29 35.217 C 5.672 39.645 9.416 43.205 13.959 45.356 L 13.959 45.356 C 15.026 45.866 16.304 45.413 16.811 44.346 L 16.811 44.346 C 17.318 43.279 16.863 41.999 15.796 41.489 L 15.796 41.489 C 12.069 39.726 9.016 36.823 7.058 33.194 L 7.058 33.194 Z M 31.905 11.089 C 28.253 11.131 22.619 12.146 20.858 14.245 L 20.854 14.245 C 19.449 16.288 19.27 24.283 19.635 23.79 C 22.625 19.732 29.794 14.719 34.075 12.704 C 36.386 11.612 34.745 11.056 31.905 11.089 L 31.905 11.089 L 31.905 11.089 Z M 28.379 17.71 C 25.907 17.888 21.56 22.097 22.17 22.072 C 27.226 21.898 30.383 22.187 34.327 23.413 C 34.913 23.595 33.697 18.122 28.379 17.71 L 28.379 17.71 L 28.379 17.71 Z M 25.705 22.091 C 25.574 22.098 25.52 22.132 25.564 22.195 C 28.453 26.345 29.921 29.156 31.033 33.134 C 31.198 33.725 35.134 29.732 32.593 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