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27.094 35.264 29.547 35.251 31.525 34.059 C 33.504 32.866 34.666 30.699 34.926 28.086 C 35.046 26.881 34.969 25.585 34.662 24.261 L 34.662 24.261 C 31.631 26.401 27.694 28.224 23.999 29.518 C 23.99 30.891 22.875 32 21.5 32 C 21.366 32 21.235 31.989 21.109 31.964 L 21.109 31.964 L 21.109 31.964 Z M 22.417 43.272 L 22.417 43.272 C 23.591 43.371 24.466 44.407 24.37 45.584 L 24.37 45.584 C 24.273 46.76 23.237 47.635 22.058 47.536 L 22.058 47.536 C 16.148 47.044 10.632 44.331 6.629 39.942 C 2.636 35.553 0.442 29.811 0.496 23.875 C 0.552 17.64 3.088 11.674 7.534 7.297 C 11.99 2.93 18.002 0.504 24.237 0.56 C 30.472 0.616 36.438 3.152 40.815 7.598 C 45.181 12.054 47.608 18.066 47.552 24.301 L 47.552 24.301 C 47.541 25.481 46.574 26.431 45.394 26.42 L 45.394 26.42 C 44.213 26.41 43.263 25.443 43.274 24.262 L 43.274 24.262 C 43.32 19.161 41.333 14.244 37.761 10.597 C 34.179 6.96 29.299 4.884 24.198 4.838 C 19.097 4.792 14.18 6.779 10.533 10.351 C 6.896 13.933 4.82 18.813 4.774 23.914 C 4.73 28.769 6.516 33.47 9.789 37.061 C 13.061 40.652 17.576 42.864 22.417 43.272 L 22.417 43.272 Z M 17.894 29.855 C 17.696 29.578 17.509 29.287 17.328 28.988 C 15.524 26 14.781 22.742 15.055 19.863 C 15.329 16.984 16.639 14.463 18.949 13.07 C 20.104 12.374 21.391 12.031 22.723 12.002 L 22.723 12.002 C 24.054 11.972 25.43 12.256 26.762 12.811 C 29.426 13.92 31.944 16.109 33.729 19.109 C 34.294 20.06 34.753 21.038 35.095 22.021 C 37.218 20.282 38.607 18.436 38.686 16.652 C 38.762 14.932 35.271 14.038 35.271 14.038 C 35.271 13.879 39.978 14.115 40 16.786 C 40.02 19.228 38.236 21.55 35.553 23.608 C 35.968 25.178 36.084 26.732 35.939 28.188 C 35.655 31.046 34.346 33.546 32.051 34.93 C 29.755 36.313 26.936 36.3 24.285 35.209 C 22.325 34.403 20.44 33.012 18.876 31.126 C 16.733 31.682 14.916 31.985 13.727 31.999 C 11.345 32.027 8.328 31.636 8.013 29.184 C 7.785 27.406 10.706 24.559 10.706 24.559 L 10.705 24.559 C 10.705 24.559 8.557 27.303 9.128 28.647 C 9.765 30.146 11.994 30.498 13.595 30.457 C 14.819 30.425 16.289 30.213 17.894 29.855 L 17.894 29.855 L 17.894 29.855 L 17.894 29.855 Z M 40.99 33.194 L 40.99 33.194 C 41.548 32.154 42.846 31.763 43.886 32.321 L 43.886 32.321 C 44.925 32.88 45.316 34.177 44.758 35.217 L 44.758 35.217 C 42.376 39.645 38.632 43.205 34.088 45.356 L 34.088 45.356 C 33.021 45.866 31.743 45.413 31.237 44.346 L 31.237 44.346 C 30.73 43.279 31.185 41.999 32.252 41.489 L 32.252 41.489 C 35.979 39.726 39.032 36.823 40.99 33.194 Z " fill-rule="evenodd" fill="url(#_lgradient_7)"/></svg> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/scalable/mkvtoolnix-gui.svg b/apps/scalable/mkvtoolnix-gui.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..6ab4d36 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/scalable/mkvtoolnix-gui.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +mkvmerge.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apps/scalable/org.bunkus.mkvtoolnix-gui.svg b/apps/scalable/org.bunkus.mkvtoolnix-gui.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..6ab4d36 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/scalable/org.bunkus.mkvtoolnix-gui.svg @@ 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