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22.23 9.64 C 21.98 9.92 21.76 10.21 21.56 10.52 C 21.36 10.84 21.2 11.17 21.06 11.51 C 20.95 11.77 20.88 12.04 20.84 12.32 L 20.826 12.425 C 21.837 12.148 22.902 12 24 12 C 26.827 12 29.426 12.979 31.478 14.617 L 34.83 14.29 L 35.32 14.27 C 35.36 14.27 35.4 14.27 35.45 14.27 C 36.55 14.29 37.64 14.5 38.66 14.91 C 39.7 15.28 40.66 15.85 41.48 16.59 C 41.49 16.61 41.5 16.62 41.51 16.63 L 43.135 18.186 C 42.187 15.071 40.484 12.204 38.14 9.86 C 35.704 7.424 32.703 5.68 29.446 4.757 Z M 43.993 24.541 L 43.23 23.81 L 38.77 19.54 C 38.33 19.14 37.82 18.84 37.26 18.65 C 36.68 18.42 36.06 18.29 35.44 18.27 L 35.12 18.29 L 34.583 18.341 C 35.487 20.027 36 21.954 36 24 C 36 24.779 35.926 25.542 35.783 26.28 L 35.86 26.47 L 37.74 31.1 C 37.74 31.11 37.75 31.13 37.76 31.14 C 38.13 32.13 38.31 33.18 38.29 34.24 C 38.29 34.91 38.22 35.59 38.08 36.25 C 37.95 36.92 37.73 37.58 37.43 38.19 C 37.42 38.2 37.42 38.21 37.41 38.21 L 36.825 39.35 C 37.963 38.4 38.999 37.321 39.91 36.13 C 42.451 32.784 43.879 28.73 43.993 24.541 Z M 30.486 42.924 L 31.02 41.89 L 33.85 36.4 C 34 36.1 34.1 35.79 34.16 35.47 C 34.25 35.05 34.29 34.62 34.29 34.19 C 34.3 33.64 34.21 33.09 34.02 32.58 L 33.508 31.318 C 31.752 33.596 29.196 35.226 26.262 35.787 L 23.97 38.77 C 23.97 38.77 23.96 38.78 23.96 38.78 C 23.58 39.26 23.15 39.69 22.67 40.06 C 22.2 40.44 21.69 40.77 21.15 41.05 C 20.62 41.33 20.06 41.57 19.48 41.75 C 18.9 41.94 18.31 42.05 17.7 42.09 C 17.69 42.09 17.68 42.09 17.68 42.09 L 15.7 42.202 C 16.699 42.658 17.739 43.033 18.81 43.32 L 18.81 43.32 C 19.875 43.607 20.507 44.705 20.22 45.77 L 20.22 45.77 C 19.933 46.835 18.835 47.467 17.77 47.18 L 17.77 47.18 C 12.67 45.81 8.16 42.79 4.95 38.6 C 1.74 34.41 0 29.28 0 24 C 0 17.64 2.53 11.53 7.03 7.03 C 11.53 2.53 17.64 0 24 0 C 30.36 0 36.47 2.53 40.97 7.03 C 45.47 11.53 48 17.64 48 24 C 48 29.26 46.27 34.37 43.09 38.55 C 39.9 42.73 35.43 45.75 30.36 47.15 L 30.36 47.15 C 29.295 47.443 28.193 46.815 27.9 45.75 L 27.9 45.75 C 27.607 44.685 28.235 43.583 29.3 43.29 L 29.3 43.29 C 29.7 43.18 30.095 43.058 30.486 42.924 Z M 20.097 28.244 L 20.101 23.999 L 20.104 19.754 C 20.105 18.65 20.882 18.203 21.837 18.756 L 25.512 20.881 L 29.186 23.007 C 30.142 23.559 30.141 24.456 29.185 25.007 L 25.507 27.126 L 21.829 29.246 C 20.872 29.797 20.097 29.348 20.097 28.244 L 20.097 28.244 L 20.097 28.244 Z " fill-rule="evenodd" fill="url(#_lgradient_6)"/></svg> \ No newline at end of file